Chapter 8

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Okay so if anybody is confused I accidentally uploaded the wrong version of the chapter (the last one was unedited and less complete) so here's the correct one.  (2/25/18).

Aside from the... unsettling encounter with the dementors earlier, the rest of the train ride to Hogwarts was uneventful, to say the least. Everyone slowly felt the warmth creep back to the atmosphere and with it came some sense of control that seemed to have been lost in those shrewd moments.

When they finally arrived, Draco overheard from a worried looking Neville Longbottom that Potter had apparently fainted at the sight of the feared guards of Azkaban. This of course led to the blonde laughing and teasing the furiously red faced Potter who very much looked like he'd rather punch Percy's friend to Hades and back. Sufficient to say Percy was amused.

Amusing or not, however, he put a stop to Draco's sarcastic comments with a look and the sea-green eyed boy led his group of friends and a lumbering Crabbe and Goyle (who were more like bodyguards than friends) towards the thestral drawn carriages. He nodded slightly at the bowing creatures (his godly father was after all, the creator of all horses). It was good no one else seemed to be able to see them, bowing horses might be tricky to explain. After settling into an empty carriage Percy observed the scenery in silence, appreciating the beautiful sight Hogwarts made as they started their way towards the school. It was a delightful autumn afternoon in the Scottish fields. His friends remained quiet through most of the trip, though the comfortable silence that enveloped them was shattered when the intimidating and magnificent castle came into view.

Even after two years the school never ceased to amaze him. With the castle's tall spires and the incredible architecture and history, he couldn't help but think that Annabeth would love to see the legendary wizardry school and explore its many halls and rooms. Not even Dumbledore himself know all of its secrets. When the carriage finally stopped, Percy got out from the carriage and smoothed down the Slytherin robes he changed into back in the train, smiling slightly because he had come to learn that Slytherin suited him very well. At first, Percy simply thought that he got sorted there purely because of his lineage, but throughout his quests and adventures he grew into a natural leader, one that inspired those around him to be loyal to him, to fight for him. He had his fair amount of cunning as well, paired with a sharp tongue that often got him out of trouble (or into some, depends). He smiled that smile of his, looking every bit the Heir of Slytherin.

In fact, he was leading most of the third years, and it had little to do with the fact that he had arrived first. He walked with his usual swagger, with the subtle certainty of someone who knew a many things. Percy wondered if his fellow demigods would follow him into battle. He wondered if he would need them to what with the prophecy and such. He led his classmates through the open gates of the school and through the halls of Hogwarts and before long they were in the Great Hall.

Sitting down with a content sigh at the table by the green-and-silver banners, Percy looked around with a hidden smirk, it was certainly good to be back. But then he turned and saw Dumbledore and scowled slightly, remembering why his second year was so difficult. You won't get me this year you old coot, nor the next year or the next because the son of the Dark Lord was taking fucking break bitches.

Anyway.. back to more.. important things, like for instance Percy's rumbling stomach. Sadly his hunger had to be pushed aside for a while as the sorting ceremony was currently underway and a bunch of terrified first years were getting sorted into their new houses. Eyes keenly roaming the hundreds of students in the hall, Percy squinted slightly at the Gryffindors table and realized that a certain someone was absent. What a dam shocker.

"Is it just me or Potter missing?" Daphne murmured, flicking her eyes away from the Gryffindor table and shifting her attention back to the sorting.

"McGonagall is not here either, probably off fussing over golden boy because he fainted in the train when he saw dementors" Percy dryly commented, smirking slightly when other Slytherins in the table snickered at hearing that.

By the end of the long-ass sorting ceremony, Dumbledore began his speech and Percy noted that Potter and his friend Granger had ducked into the Great Hall, the latter looked as if she was embarrassed by something. Dumbledore then went on about the dementors and told the student body to not give the creatures any reason to harm them and wasn't that just comforting. He valiantly restrained himself from face-palming.

Oh and there were two new professors, one was Hagrid who had been appointed as the new Care of Magical Creatures professor and the second was a man Percy knew not. The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was a tall lanky man called Remus Lupin who had brown hair and eyes. His clothes were slightly creased and looked as if he just recently slept in them. The curious thing was that Snape looked.. unhappy when the new professor was announced, usually this would cause not much concern because it was no secret that Snape wanted the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, but the man was sneering slightly at Lupin and to anybody who looked closely it was obvious that the dislike came from a much more personal level. This, of course, did not go by unnoticed by Percy.

How interesting.

Percy filed that information away to analyze at a later date and prayed vehemently to the gods for everyone to get on with it so the feast could begin, and nearly shouted in relief (he was that hungry, okay) when heaps of food magically appeared in the table.

(He then took a drumstick and sneakily wrapped it with a napkin underneath the table to pocket so he can burn it as an offering to the gods because hey it's his first day and he should honor his father for blessings and all that good stuff).

When dinner ended the Slytherins all trudged down to the dungeons, content with food. Percy sighed in relief when he finally got to slump onto his bed and let Phobos slither out of his place around the boy's forearm and wander around the room. Quickly, taking a refreshing shower and changing into a pair of blue flannel pajamas, Percy organized his belongings for a while before he tucked himself into bed and fell into a deep peaceful sleep imagining the things he would do and the mischief he and Draco could accomplish this year without any other distractions in his way.

Here's another chapter folks, hope you liked it and thanks for reading as usual.

I've been a bit busy and will get a bit more busier soon so I probably won't be able to update for awhile which sucks but yeah. Sorry if this chapter wasn't really good, it was a bit rushed (school is slowly killing me).

Anyway, I've watched black panther and holy shit it was good (Shuri got me dead).

So yeah that's all really, hope you're all having a good day~


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