Chapter 18

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The Friday before winter break officially started Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia took an 8 hour drive from New York to Bar Harbor, Maine.

After welcoming the son of Poseidon back, Grover had immediately went back to the boarding school where the two demigods they were suppose to bring back to camp were in, the satyr was now currently waiting for them to arrive. Sleet and snow followed their journey, the thought of the quest ahead made the three quiet during the ride. Their driver, Argus, didn't speak much either, but then again, he never did much talking.

Looking around the window-tinted SUV, Percy's gaze swept passed a thoughtful looking Annabeth looking out the window and stopped momentarily by Thalia Grace, the dark haired daughter of Zeus was sitting upfront besides the many eyed driver and had headphones on listening to loud music. With nothing else to do Percy settled back into his seat and let out a sigh.

After abruptly leaving the Poseidon cabin, Annabeth had soon returned to the room with Thalia in tow and briefly introduced the daughter of Zeus and the son of Poseidon to each other. The two had immediately sized the other up, Percy was the first to break the silence with a smirk and a mocking bow.

"You may call me Percy. The pleasure is all mine, Thalia Grace," he had said, offering a handshake which the other girl took with a grin.

"A true gentleman and a Brit, nice to finally meet you. Annabeth here has been talking about you for ages," the blonde daughter of Athena glared and smacked her friend in the arm, Thalia had simply laughed and turned to Percy with a glint in her eyes.

"I'm looking forward for our little quest, Riddle" The girl was smirking.

The sea green eyed boy merely raised an eyebrow, "Indeed," he murmured "I too can't wait to see how you do, daughter of Zeus".

Since then an almost competitive but friendly tension had enveloped the two, Annabeth knew that in the end they would either be great friends or would end up at each other's throats.

For the sake of others and for themselves she hopes that the former came true.

By the time the group arrived at Westover Hall Academy it was already starting to get dark. Stepping out of the van Percy pulled his coat tighter around himself as the cold winds bit at his skin, carefully, he examined his surroundings. The school stood on a cliff overlooking a forest on one side and the ocean on another. The big building before them hardly looked like a friendly environment for students to study in, if anything the teen thought that the person who designed it was probably a fan of those typical evil castles in muggle fairy tales with its black stone walls, high towers and giant dark wooden double doors.

How ominous, he thought sarcastically.

"Damn look at this place, it looks downright evil, as if school wasn't already shitty enough," Thalia muttered as she too looked around "huh" the girl said as she turned to the only boy of the group with an appraising eye. "You should be able to blend in just fine Riddle, you look like you can be some evil fairy tale prince." Percy snorted. He was wearing slim black jeans, a dark blue button up and a black double breasted overcoat with his snake pendant hanging around his neck. With his piercing sea green eyes, regal features and cold expression Annabeth couldn't help but agree with a slight chuckle.

"We'd better get going though, Grover is waiting inside." the daughter of Athena interrupted the banter before Percy could even retort.

"I wonder what made him call out the distress call in the first place." Thalia mused as they made their way towards the entrance.

"We should tread carefully," Looking up at Westover Hall's dark towers Percy felt himself tensing slightly, "Nothing good, I'm sure." he responded and the young wizard followed his allies to the giant oak doors which let them inside with a swirl of snow.

The first thing that came to mind was what's up with the decorations?

The place, although big, was obviously no match to the size of Hogwarts and at least the four founders had some taste. The walls here were lined with weapons from antique guns to battle axes and- was that a spear? There were even battle flags hung and Percy scoffed distastefully, he knew it was a military school but this was a bit much.

Instinctively, the young wizard reached down to where his hidden wand holster was, concealed and strapped on his thigh. He also made sure Riptide (in its pen form) was safely tucked into his coat pocket where it would be easily accessible. In the corner of his eyes he could see Thalia rubbing a silver bracelet which the boy assumed was some sort of magical weapon or item. The two demigods were clearly thinking the same thing, a fight was looming in the horizon and they had to be prepared.

The door slammed shut behind the group, making them jump slightly, a feeling of unease started to grow in Percy's stomach. Music was playing somewhere down the hall and they decided to follow the sound after stashing away their bags behind a pillar, not long after however footsteps could be heard going their way.

A man and a woman, both with short gray hair and black military-style uniforms, walked stiffly towards them. "Well?" the woman demanded with a stony expression. "What are you doing here?"

Before the other two could do or say anything, Percy straightened his posture and stepped forwards with a charming smile, "We were just on our way to the dance, Madam." he said smoothly, nodding slightly with feigned respect.

"Visitors are not allowed!" The male teacher, who was tall and hawkish with mismatched blue and brown eyes, snapped angrily at them with a french accent "You shall be ejected!"

Thalia was about to step forwards and was raising her hand to do something before Percy shot her a look and smiled again at the two teachers.

"Oh?" He says and then lets his legilimency training take over, his mind magics going through the two muggle's unprotected minds and quickly but methodically fabricating new memories. As he did this, something in the already existing memories of the male teacher caught his attention.

Doctor Thorn huh?... we'll see about that.

"Don't you remember us? We go to school here, I'm Percy. These two are Annabeth and Thalia" Percy gestured as he introduced them. Blinking, the women -who he found out was called Ms.Gottschalk as he was digging around her mind- seemed to be processing the false memories that were planted by the young wizard and nodded.

"Right. What are you three doing away from the gymnasium?" the man -the supposed Doctor Thorn- narrowed his eyes which only added to Percy's growing suspicions.

Before anybody could say anything however loud footsteps came closer and a voice rang out "You made it!" and Grover stopped short, breathless and worry clear in his gaze as he saw who the three were talking to. Doctor Thorn narrowed his eyes further, disdain clear in his words "What do you mean Mr. Underwood? These students live here, do they not?"

Grover nodded fervently. "O-of course Doctor Thorn! I-I meant that they made it before the punch ran out! It's really great.."

Ms. Gottschalk waved them off, "Yes, yes, it's wonderful, now run along and don't leave the gymnasium again." After the two teachers left after a round of "Yes sirs/ma'am" Percy, Annabeth, Thalia and Grover immediately started walking towards the gym where a dance was being apparently held.

As he walked away Percy could feel a gaze at his back from one of the teachers and resisted the urge to look.

"What was that?" Thalia asked lowly as they walked next to each other. "You weren't using the mist, whatever you did was different."

The son of Poseidon shrugged, "I'm not sure how much Annabeth told you about me, she mentioned I had certain magical abilities, yes?" Thalia nodded, "What I just did was a form of mind magics that allow me to plant false memories and see within a person's mind." Thalia frowned, the conversation turned quiet as a thoughtful expression came across her face.

"That was close!" Grover exclaimed after they were sure the teachers were nowhere near.

"So these two demigods?" Annabeth queried "a brother and a sister, one ten the other twelve. Parentage unknown but they're both strong, we're running out of time so we need to do this fast"

"Any monsters?" Thalia asked, cracking her hands.

"One" Grover responded solemnly

"Let me guess: Doctor Thorn?" Percy mused loudly, his satyr friend shot him a surprised look.

"How did you know?"

"Ah, I don't know, seemed like a bit of a prick," he joked, earning a reprimanding glare from Annabeth.

"Seriously," she asked.

The dark haired teen relented and told the group of what he saw as he was digging around Thorn's mind.

"It was strange, I could see some things but it was almost blurred, like he has some sort of protective field which wouldn't have been possible if he was a regular mortal. I managed to plant in a few memories though so it should confuse him for a while."

Annabeth released a sigh of relief at that. "It'll buy us some time, but not a lot. At least we know who the monster is. We'll have to be very careful going further in this quest." they all nodded and prepared themselves as they neared the gym.

"So these demigods are in the dance, huh?" Thalia asked Grover who nodded, Percy put on his best charming smile and smoothed down his coat, looking immaculately lethal.

"Then let's dance," he said before pushing open the doors and entering the room. Someone might've swooned.

Well would you look at that, an update and it hasn't even been a month. HighLY IMpreSsive IsN't it.

Annd just because I feel like doing it here's a song recommendation: Day6 - Shoot Me (the video should be up there somewhere), its a really good song and the video is so cool!


Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter! Tell me what you think as usual :) have a good day folks,


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