Chapter 33

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For the first time since Perseus met the daughter of Zeus, Thalia looked unsure of herself. 

In her hesitance, she gripped her spear, an expression of stunned disbelief on her face. Riddle knew how enticing the offer of power can be, how seductive and dangerous. And the power Dr. Thorn was offering was a great one. 

But they did not loose a member of their quest to a giant man killing machine for her to give it all up now, and they certainly did not run away and outwit skeleton warriors, a minor god (long story made short, it involved Nereus and dressing up as a homeless person which is something he never wants to think about ever again thank you very much), and a giant boar for it all to end like this. 

No, the son of Poseidon won't let that happen and he won't let Thalia kill the Ophiotaurus. Apparently, the baby cow serpent-like creature that the teen had saved back in camp had the power to bring down Olympus when killed. The manticore was saying some bullshit about how it was clear that Thalia was meant to be the one to do it, that she could take the power herself. It seems like Luke was offering his old friend an olive branch, to fight with him as he wages war against the gods. Perseus knows that the daughter of Zeus was turning 16 in two days which means she would become the prophecy child. Castellan obviously knew this, if Kronos had Thalia on his side it would be all over. Knowing the danger they were all in, Riddle, Grover, and Nightshade was quick to act to get them all out of this clusterfuck.  

There was no time to think, no time to wonder how the manticore and his men found them so quickly after Hoover Dam. It was one action after the next which was becoming more and more of the norm for Perseus who has always appreciated having calm control of the situation which he clearly did not have now. The only reason they got out of the previous mess was the two winged statues Zeus brought to life which he wouldn't have done so if Thalia was not there with them. And now? Of all the people they had to rely on it was Dionysus. 

Relying on powerful fickle beings who can change their minds in a second did absolutely nothing for his stress. 

"My lord, we need your help" Perseus asked as humbly as he could, fighting to keep the panic down as Thorn and his lackeys got closer. The iris message showed the god looking through his fridge in a leopard print jogging suit. Mr. D looked up with a sigh, looking almost bored. 

"Since you did ask so nicely" and with a snap the soldiers that followed Thorn became insane and the monster himself was ensnared by grape vines that suddenly sprouted around where he was standing and slithered up his body. Suffice to say, the manticore simply stopped moving shortly after that. 

The show of power made Riddle all the more aware of how helpless they were against the gods, even ones who seemed to not care like Mr. D. It would do well to stay on their good sides. 

"Thank you" Perseus even bowed a little, which gained him a snort from Thalia, who had finally gotten a hold of herself again after the mind fuck of dealing with Luke and his promises, and a thankful nod from Nightshade who definitely did not wish to deal with the god of wine herself.  

Dionysus raised an eyebrow in amusement "It would've been a shame if the only respectful brat in this wretched place died." 

Sure, he'll take it.  

The god of wine ended the Iris Message after leaving behind some cryptic words about where they should go next. Zoe seemed to understand however and her complexion quickly became pale. The lieutenant had to take a deep breath to calm herself. 

"We go to the garden of my sisters. I must go home."

And so they went. 

They fucking went. 

I'm starting to question why I call these updates chapters when they're basically just pages akdhakdhg I might change that in the next book but whelp too late now. I think I can wrap up the whole Percy Jackson story line soon and go back to the HP one in a couple of chapters. Also the next update is already in the works so don't worry! It won't take too long. 

THings have been... crazy. 

I'm sorry it took awhile to update! With everything going on I just had to take some time away from writing to get used to online school and stuff. Hope everyone is doing okay! How is the situation like for you guys? How are you spending your time at home? 

Anyway, stay safe and healthy :) 


Song recs: 

- Caravan Palace/ Black Betty

- Spencer Sutherland/ Help

- Will Jay/ Married to the Music

- Declan McKenna/ Why Do You Feel So Down

- Anything by Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox

if you got any songs you wanna share I'd love to hear them ! 

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