Chapter 34

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Tonight. They had to free Lady Artemis and Annabeth tonight. Tomorrow was the winter solstice, if they missed it the Olympian Council would be over and that was their due date.

They needed a car, they needed a plan, and they needed a way to send the Ophitaurus back to camp.  The beast clearly had the ability to appear in different bodies of water, which explained how he had gotten all the way to San Fransisco, but didn't know the way back to Long Island. Grover volunteered himself to separate with the group and lead the Ophitaurus to camp where Chiron can help get him to Olympus. 

To ensure safe passage, Perseus had to sacrifice the Nemean Lion coat he had taken as a spoil of battle to his father. It was a shame to get rid of the legendary fur coat and it was a great advantage to have over his opponents but this was not the time to be selfish about those sorts of things and they had to move quickly.

So, one problem down dozens more to go. 

Their transportation problem was solved by Thalia who came up with a solution Perseus did not expect. Annabeth's father, a professor Chase, was living in the city and would most likely let them use his car if he knew that his daughter's life was being threatened. When they actually visited the man, Riddle didn't know what to expect as he had heard many things from Annabeth about her home life. Also, he didn't know what to expect from a... normal muggle family. 

He let Thalia and Zoe take the reins this time, staying in the background with a charming smile and polite attitude. Muggles were not his forte after all. In fact, the house they arrived in was so... normal, so devoid of magic and mythical things he honestly was a little taken aback. Professor Chase himself seemed a nice enough man who was a scholar at heart which most likely explained how he had gotten the attention of a goddess. His wife and Annabeth's step mom also seemed okay? Perseus wonders why his friend was so against coming back to her family. 

But that wasn't important right now, what's important is saving the goddess of the wild and Annabeth before the sun sets, and they only had an hour before that happens. Easy.

Professor Chase immediately let them take his car when he hears their story and with a promise that Percy will reassure Annabeth that she still had a home with her family, the three of them finally went to the Dragon's lair. 

He won't bore you with the details, Ladon was the most terrifying dragon he has ever seen and no dragon, no beast from the wizarding world would ever compare. For one thing, this dragon was immortal and had a hundred heads. The smell of Ladon's breath was eye watering and was like the worst smelling potions multiplied by thousands. Somehow, they managed to avoid immediate death and made it to the mountain to began their way towards the summit where they will face more possible immediate death. 

Something that Zoe and Thalia quickly noticed was that the ruins that they now see at the top of the mountain were the ruins of Mount Othyrs. What he can remember from his studies was that Mount Othyrs was the fortress of the Titans during the first war. According to the huntress, it wasn't suppose to be in this mountain at all. Apparently, Othyrs moved the same way Olympus did, always existing at the edge of civilisation. It was worrying for them all that it appeared in this specific location where Atlas held the sky. 

Or once did anyway. 

Once they reached their destination, replacing the titan was Artemis in chains, her silver dress torn and her entire body straining against the literal weight of the world. Atlas, or the General as they now know, was there waiting to greet them with Luke by his side and the golden sarcophagus of Kronos flanked by dozens of dracanae. The son of the Dark Lord narrowed his eyes as he sees Annabeth cuffed and gagged, standing besides Luke with his blade on her throat. The daughter of Athena seemed largely unharmed besides the few scrapes and bruises and a single strand of gray hair.  

She had held the sky, that was how they had baited Artemis. It was a miracle it didn't kill her but Percy has always known that his wise girl was strong. Now though, her expression had a note of warning to them and even without using his legilimency he knew that the girl was trying to tell them to run. 

But they had come all this way, they were not going to turn back now. Not when they were so close. 

When Zoe revealed that Atlas was her father Perseus was not all that surprise because really, it was getting pretty obvious. Luke seemed to not have given up trying to sway Thalia to his side, the son of Hermes almost seemed desperate which was strange but what was stranger was his choice of words. 

It's my last chance.

 He'll use the other way if you don't agree.

That doesn't sound ominous at all. 

Still, Luke didn't give up. He tried to convince Thalia that with Annabeth the three of them could be together again, fighting side by side like the old days. 

"Look Thalia, we are not weak" the blonde pointed to the ocean. Panic rose in all of them when they saw the army of monsters marching up the mountain. There were hundreds of them, they couldn't possibly out fight them all. It was now or never. 

It was painful for Thalia to see her friend like this but in the end it wasn't a hard decision for the spiky haired girl to make. 

That wasn't the Luke she knew anymore. 

And so the three of them charged against the Titan and the son of Hermes. 

Atlas was a stronger foe than any the son of the Dark Lord has ever faced. His magic felt like simple tricks and his sword was like lead in his hands. It seems like beating Ares during his quest in finding the lightning bolt was coming to bite him in the arse. What did the God of war say again? That he'll pay? Is this what he meant?  His sword felt like it was failing him and he cursed himself for having such bad luck and for not being more wary. 

At one point, Atlas's javelin tossed him aside like a rag doll and Perseus fell close to where Artemis was chained. In a split second, he observed the situation and knew there was only one thing to do. 

He himself had to bear the weight of the sky. 

As Zoe distracted her father with a wave of arrows, all aimed at the chinks in the Titan's armour, Riddle took Riptide and used the blade to release Artemis of her chains. Ignoring her warnings and her protests, the demiwizard took a deep breath and strengthened his mental shields before kneeling besides the goddess and sharing her burden. 

The pain was like nothing he's ever felt. No words can describe it, no cut, no bruise, no spell would ever come close. It was heavier than anything he's ever lifted and he was being crushed under the weight. 

Then Artemis slipped out and Perseus held the sky alone. 

He nearly blacked out, the pain was so overwhelming. It was worse than being hit with the most powerful crucio. It felt like his body was being lit alight with fiendfyre, a flame that was endless and its heat immense. With his mouth open in a silent scream Riddle withdrew into his own self and found a measure of solace in his magic. It tried to heal him, offered him strength and perseverance. 

It wasn't much but it was enough.  

It was enough for him to breathe, to think of all he's accomplished and lost. If he died here then how was he suppose to continue his purpose and serve his father? If he died here how will he return home? If he died here, what will Bianca's death mean? Was all the sacrifice and pain and struggle for naught? He hadn't come all the way to rescue Annabeth and Artemis to die in this gods forsaken mountain. 

So he bore under the weight and endured long enough to see Nightshade flying towards the rocks, long enough for Artemis to trick Atlas back into continuing his eternal duty. When the titan slammed into Perseus, he didn't resist and let momentum do its job in letting him roll away to safety. 

With the immediate danger gone and knowing he's not going to be of much use in his current state, the boy took a second to shakily grab his shrunken bag, which he had stuffed inside his pockets for safe keeping, and returned it to its original size so that he could look for the healing potion he made sure to keep a stock of. The potion wasn't as effective as nectar or ambrosia but it did a good enough job in healing what it could. He then returned his attention to Thalia's fight with Luke who seemed more desperate as time went on. 

The results weren't surprising, with Atlas defeated Castellan was frazzled and he had already seemed so terrified of something from the beginning so his focus was off. The daughter of Zeus won and in the end she kicked her once close friend off the cliff and into his presumed death. As Annabeth screamed and rushed towards the edge with Thalia, Perseus found that he felt nothing for Luke. The son of Hermes had chosen his side and although he did not begrudge him for that, he of all people should understand what it was like being the "bad guy" after all, at the end of the day it was either them or him. 

The next few minutes flew in a pain filled haze. Zoe was fatally injured, in a surprising twist the monsters that were coming closer were gunned down by Annabeth's father who flew some sort of muggle battle plane. Artemis summoned her chariot, which Riddle didn't even have the time to appreciate, and they all piled in to make their daring escape. 

It was done, the quest was almost finished. He was going home soon.

They won. 

But it certainly didn't feel like it. 

As promised! I updated faster this time whoooo

Gonna be inactive for at least two weeks maybe? I've got semester exams coming soon so I have to focus on that for awhile. Anyway, have a nice day folks :) 


Song recs: 

- Black Champagne / PREACHERVAN

- Cemetery / COIN

- Death of Me / New Politics

- Turtleneck Boy/ Spilt Milk Society 

- Hope World / j-hope

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