Chapter 5

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The weeks leading up to September were... weird, to say the least.

After getting over the fact that he had a half-brother who was a cyclops (which kind of made sense since Poseidon is father to all cyclopes), Percy agreed to exchange letters with Tyson -his half brother- who gleefully sent a long letter through the owl Annabeth had been using for their correspondence the past year. The letter was written in Ancient Greek, a language Percy was unsurprisingly fluent in, given his heritage. Appreciating that the other boy took his dyslexia into account (a trait most Greek demigods inherited as their mind's were hardwired for Greek and not English), the sea green eyed boy read the letter with a small smile seeing how enthusiastic his "brother" was.

Putting his new relationship with his cyclops half-brother aside, Percy had spent the rest of his holidays lounging around and studying, he had his mind-set on being ahead on all his courses, especially his new electives; arithmancy and runes. His only mission this year was to be on top of all his classes, and he planned to excel. He expected the Granger girl would also be doing this, so to better his progress he even ordered the books in Greek so it would be easier for him to study (and even without doing this Percy knew he'd still be able to top the Gryffindor as Granger, although smart, was far too reliant on the text books and hardly strayed from them).

Percy was after all a Riddle, his father would expect nothing less but top scores in all of his classes.

Another thing his father had expected from him is a way to defend himself against Dementors, as they would be patrolling Hogwarts. Percy searched far and wide in the family library, but was able to find nothing except for the patronus spell.

One problem though, most wizards who performed dark magic were unable to cast it. Dam.

But Percy, someone who was surrounded by dark magic practically all the time, would not let such a small thing stop him, so every night he would sit cross-legged on his bed and delve deep into his mind using occlumency to find a happy enough memory (the only way to trigger the spell) to be able to cast the patronus.

One day, when he was attempting to do the spell again, he focused on particular memories that made him feel.. almost warm inside. There were memories of him and Draco messing about and bantering with each other at the common room. Memories of him, Annabeth and Clarisse on that quest to find the lightning bolt and to save Grover. The memory of playing Capture the Flag at camp and remembering how accepted he felt. How nobody shied away from him or were scared of him as they would in Hogwarts.

"Expecto Patronum!" Percy whispered once again and was amazed at the silvery wisp that shot out of his wand before disappearing again.

Time and time again he attempted the spell, and slowly the wisps developed into something else, something... incredible. It was graceful and magnificent, galloping around the room, silvery shining wings elegant yet powerful.

It was a pegasus. Percy's patronus was a beautiful pegasus.

Percy could only stare in amazement as the glowing winged horse pranced around him, laughing in awe and wonder until the spell wore off. Every day he would practice the spell, and every day the patronus got stronger and would last longer. Percy no longer feared the Dementor's deadly kiss, confident enough in his abilities and his patronus to know that the spell would protect him.

Draco had also finally returned from his family trip to France and they both often spent their times together, testing out new quidditch moves where they practiced to be faster, more agile and where they threw projectiles at each other to avoid. The two friends also talked about Potter.

"Have you heard?" Draco had said one evening with a lazy look.

"Heard what?" Percy drawled as he idly flipped open another page on the book about defensive curses he was reading.

"Apparently, Potter blew up his muggle aunt sky high using magic, and they're not even expelling or punishing him! Honestly, if it was anyone else they wouldn't even have hesitated." Draco says, seemingly annoyed that Potter was going to return for another year of school.

Percy scoffed, "Like they're going to do anything against the so-called 'hero of the wizarding world', I'm sure they think their little golden boy could do no wrong, Draco." he said matter-of-factly.

The other boy smirked,"Too right you are," and they both laughed at how obvious it was who Dumbledore favored the most.

The two young teens also talked about Sirius Black, the prisoner who escaped Azkaban and was now currently on the loose.

"Father says that the reason Black was sent to Azkaban was for betraying the Potters and informing the Dark Lord where they lived, as he was their secret keeper," loudly whispered Draco one evening as he and the dark haired boy sat together in the library of the Riddle Manor as they attempted to study the numerous books surrounding them. Percy later on asked his father about Black and the man merely raised an eyebrow

"Black? Betray the Potters?" the Dark Lord had scoffed, "almost funny how quick people were to believe that particular fact" the way he said fact made Percy believe that there was definitely a second layer to it that he promised himself to discover. Perhaps Black was convicted erroneously? Interesting indeed. However it was not yet interesting enough at the moment for Percy to investigate.

In the meantime Percy was going to train.

Just because he was not currently in camp didn't mean he would let his sword fighting skills go rusty, so Percy has been currently using an empty wide room he deemed his "practice room" to slash and stab on moving dummies his father enchanted for him to be able to fight back (Percy promised himself to soon start learning much more advanced enchantments to be able to do the spell himself). He also often swam in the big indoor swimming pool his father had installed in a wide room with a great sky light that would let in the morning sun. 

The practice made him leaner, faster, more agile and stronger and the results undoubtedly show. Poor Percy doesn't know about all the attention he's going to get from the female population from Hogwarts now (although girls did always seem to like his dark unruly hair, charming sea green eyes and his apparently "mysterious" aura).

The son of Poseidon also tested his powers over water by constantly pushing the boundaries of what he could do and would discover new skills he could use in a fight, he was always strategizing and planning in his head. Percy also often trained his dueling skills and used his unregistered wand to try out new spells and curses that would often leave the dummies either in pieces or blown to smithereens. He was becoming a force to be reckoned with, an heir worthy of both his father's legacy.

When the start of school was only a few days away, the boy started packing his clothes and new books into his trunk. Percy was almost excited for the new school year, he couldn't wait to focus entirely on his studies and quidditch practices and matches. This was also the year were they'd be allowed to go on school field trips to a nearby village, Hogsmeade, a thought that pleased him greatly as he could visit the sweet shop and see all the little stores and cafés in the area where he would probably bring his books and have a nice relaxing evening reading novels in Greek and drink tea and hot chocolate.

And Gryffindor was definitely not going to win the House Cup this year, Percy thought maliciously with purpose, not after the obviously unfair bias Dumbledore showed when awarding Gryffindor extra points so they could win the Cup (his father had even raised an eyebrow in disgust at it when Percy explained the reason to him why Slytherin did not win). Overall he could feel it in his bones that it was going to be a good year.

But of course, the fates laugh at that.

Too bad he doesn't know the shit storm that will soon be coming his way.

The gods, it seemed, do not want one Perseus Achilles Riddle to have a peaceful anything.

Here you go folks! as promised, a much longer chapter compared to the last one.

You're welcome.

So I hope all of you are having a great day and heyheyhey have any of you heard the song Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy? its so dam good ahhhhhhhhhh.

Anyway thank you for reading and I'll probably be back with a new chapter next week. So yeah... see ya I guess,


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