Chapter 6

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On the day Percy was to leave for Hogwarts, he reminisced on his summer break with a small pleased smile.

He had spent the past two months training and studying to his heart's content, lounging around and relaxing when he had nothing else to do. When August rolled in and his birthday came about, Percy celebrated happily with Draco and their other friends, opening the gifts he received with a grin and a satisfied look (plus there was also blue cake, which is always a win in Percy's book). He had also sent more letters to Tyson (his newly discovered half brother who hey also happens to be a cyclops, yeah, big surprise there) who was surprisingly really easy to talk to. He had grown a liking to the other boy and he was quite excited to see how it would be when they met in real life.

Making sure he got everything he needed packed already, Percy finally closed his trunk at last with a sigh of a relief, absentmindedly tracing the engraving of a snake wrapped around a trident (a design he was rather proud of) upon the black leather of the case and his initials beneath it, P. A. R. Hearing the sound of a house elf apparating into his room Percy turned and raised an eyebrow at Eli, signaling for her to speak.

"Young Master Riddle! Your father warns you that if you are not ready in 10 minutes the train might as well just leave you." Eli exclaimed before popping out of his room again to do her other important house elf duties.

Groaning, the thirteen year old stood up to stretch and went to his huge bathroom to take a quick shower and quickly dried himself using the powers of Poseidon. Ah, hydrokinesis, always handy, the demigod thought. Pulling on the clothes he picked out earlier (a pair of beige pants, a blue button up and his dragon hide boots) he stared at himself on the large full body mirror leaning on the wall by his desk and made last minute adjustments. Rolling up the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbow he took his wand between his teeth and strapped on his wand holster to his thigh.

Massster.. what'ss with all the fusss? Are we returning to Hogwartsss already? Phobos hissed lazily as he lounged on top of a rock charmed to be always warm. Percy hummed as he busied around the room, checking his belongings for the last time. Stopping by where the snake was, Percy offered his arm absentmindedly as he dug through his desk drawers looking for a set of spare quills he was sure he left there yesterday -yesss and I sssuggest you make yourself comfortable- the boy spoke back in parseltongue with a small victorious smirk as he finally found the missing quills.

Phobos slithered up the offered arm and loosely settled around Percy's arm and shoulders. Will we sssee the blonde dragon again, masster? Laughing slightly at the fact that the snake called Draco "the blonde dragon" (Percy was never going to stop teasing Draco about that) he replied yes

"Oh! I almost forgot," he exclaimed, before waving a hand towards the snake coiled around his arm and watching with a smirk as Phobos hissed, annoyed that he would have to be under the guise of a harmless python again for the rest of the year. The snake hated the fact that he wouldn't be as lethal as usual, something Percy often made fun of.

Finally pleased that he got everything ready, he shrugged on a simple heavy black cloak to hide his wand holster from view then levitated his trunk with a simple flick of his wrist (having mastered simple spells nonverbally without the use of a wand) and walked out of his room, not, however, before casting a final glance. Percy closed the door with a wistful sigh and began his way towards the living area where his father was waiting to side apparate them to Platform 9 and 3/4.

Get ready fuckers, because Perseus Riddle is returning to Hogwarts.

Ahhhhhh I'm sorry for the short chapter but to make up for it I wrote TWO short chapters so yeah.. I hope you enjoy I guess? aghhhh I'm so dead this week, I got a test coming up and I haven't even started to study yet (seriously pray for me).

Anyway thanks for reading, the other short chapter will be up soon so keep on a look out for that.


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