Percy's POV

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My father, Poseidon, Athena, and my fiancé Annabeth stood next to me. My friends lay in the dirt behind me with their godly parent's. Now here's who each one of them are, Jason, son Jupiter,  Piper, daughter of Aphrodite,  Leo, son of Hephaestus, Hazel, daughter of Pluto, and Frank, son of Mars. Followed by the rest of the Olympians gods and goddesses. 

"You can't defeat me puny demi-gods! I'm Gaea of the Earth! To destroy me you would have to destroy the Earth itself!" Gaea said while cackled. As Gaea spoke, Annabeth leapt at the Earth primordial while she was looking at me, unfortunately Gaea noticed and slapped Annabeth out of the air and into the nearest column which collapsed on her. I looked at Annabeth, she looked at me, we knew only one of us was going to get out of here alive. As I started to run to Gaea I realized that the ground was moving beneath my feet. ANNABETH! I jumped around to watch her fall into a crevice in the ground that quickly snapped shut. All while Athena is screaming bloody-murder. I turned to face Gaea, who now was smirking as she had killed my fiancé. So with that I screamed with such power that Gaea's smirk turned quickly in to a surprised and confused face. That's when the attack happened. The ground began to quake so violently that even my own father the god of earthquakes couldn't top it. Then there were the lightning bolts that pelted Gaea with such power that they shamed Zeus's Master Bolt. Then the hurricane surrounding her made her trapped to the point where she couldn't move. Then I jumped onto her and did a slice and . . . BAM!! Her head drops to the ground so does her body.

I then looked at the others who were being treated by Apollo so I teleported to the battle between the two camps. They were starting to charge when I screamed, "STOP!!" In that moment both camps both stopped at the same time and dropped their weapons. "GAEA IS DEAD!!" Both camps cheered at the time. "BUT ANNABETH IS GONE AS WELL!!" This evoked a lot of crying from both camps. "Stop! Stop do not listen to the -----" Octavian got cut off from me putting him in a chokehold. "Your going to Olympus" I whispered in his ear. Then I teleported outside the Empire State Building. "Lets go." I said, quickly moving him inside. "Hey, Tom!" I said as soon as I saw him. Tom is the person who has the key to Olympus or as I like to call him the protector of Olympus. "So why are you here today?" He asks. "Well I've got to get this guy in with the gods." I reply. He quietly gives me the key and goes back to reading his book. When we step out of the elevator Octavian gasps. "Did the Athena girl make all of this stuff?" "Yes." "Mphhhh" "What" I finally ask at the entrance into the throne room. "Well that Minerva girl didn't do that good of a job, but its okay." I then start to wrestle him when I finally pin him in the throne room. "No one says anything about Annabeth but for that she did a wonderful job on Olympus, and that's she's beautiful because of her father and her mother okay?" He nodded slowly. When I got back on my feet all the god where staring at me then I yelled, "SAME GOES TO ALL OF YOU!" Everyone flinched except Athena and Poseidon and Aphrodite who were all sharing the same smirk. "What?" I ask. "Nothing." They all say at the same time.

Now it was time of Octavian's trial. Apollo did some magic and then all the things he had that was from Apollo or Camp Jupiter came out and then Apollo said something in Ancient Greek saying that he finally is disowning him until he is nothing but a human skin and then he told him a couple things the finally teleported him out of Olympus. Now the gods say they have a surprise for me at the beach. So I teleported to there and found a 15 story house which was a little bigger than the White House. It had 4 statues out side. The statues consisted of me, Annabeth, my dad, and Athena. When I went inside I realized something that I could have figured out in months. That I would be staying for awhile.



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