Tony's P.O.V

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I woke up hearing an announcement, "-----MEETING IN THE WAR ROOM!!" Uhhhh, why do we have to do this so early in the morning when we could be sleeping. Annoyed, I get off my bed and go put on my 3-piece suit to wear and start to the war room. When I get there everyone is already there. Of course everyone is there before me. As I take my seat, Fury starts to say something, " We have a potential terrorist alert, and I want you guys to take this one." " Why?" I moan. "Well, this kid has blow up----" "KID??" Fury sighs and says, "This is no ordinary kid he's blow up a lot of monuments and has been seen in every state, and also has been spotted in Greece and Rome." "So what's this kid's name?" Cap asks. "Perseus Achilles Jackson." "WHAT??" Thor yells. "Well that's is his name. Wait do you know him?" "Yes. There are legends of him on Asgard." "But do know him personally?" "No need we know everything about him." "Can you tell us?" "No." "WHAT?" Fury screamed. "I have swore an oath to keep it a secret." "Okay, but when he tells us his stuff you make sure its true. Okay?" "Okay." Then Thor skipped out of the room. SKIPPED? What the heck is making him go crazy? Well, I guess I should go then. As I walked out of the room I saw Fury looking at the kid's file. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Well the last picture we have of him is when he was 12 now he's 18 so how could he have hid from S.H.E.I.L.D for so long?" "Heh, how do we know unless we ask him?" "Okay just go get with the rest of the team." "Okay." 

When we got there we saw this mansion that was bigger than the White House itself! I saw the boy in the graveyard next to the joint, weeping in front of a headstone. That's when Thor decided to speak. " Oh no." he said simply. "What?" "Nothing" He started crying and weeping when the kid whipped his head around and drew a sword. A SWORD!!! "Uh, guys the kid has a sword!" They all turned to see his sword in the sunlight. "Kid, we just want to talk, okay?" I tell him. "Why is blondie there crying?" He asks. "We don't know." "Well you're on my property so leave or face me." "Like we're afraid of you." I say. He jumps at us and attacks . . .


PS: I can be worse than Rick Riordian.

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