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I was completely zoned out in math class. Again.

I thought about what Zack said at the movie and then sat still as I analysed it.

That shit is happening right now!

As he said, guy likes a girl, asks her out and she likes someone else!
The guy is Tyler, the girl is me and someone else is Zack!

Oh god! Why am I thinking about it right now?

Well, anyway Zack was right and I was wrong. It did create a distance between me and Tyler. Not that we were buddies or anything, but still...
We lost the tiny connection we had.

"Eve," someone tapped my shoulder and I tilted my head to see Cassy chuckling. "Aren't you coming? Let's go home. Bell rang."

I smiled at her nodding while I groaned inside.

I shouldn't be thinking about these things in a class like a freaking teenager!

Well, I am one. But I think taking care of an entire family made me a bit more mature. But, deep down, I'm still a teenager who's allowed to worry about stupid crushes and boys, aren't I?

Until my next birthday, I reminded myself and stood up, heading out.

I smiled at Sasha, waving at me as she stood beside her car. My gaze shifted to Zack, who was leaning onto the hood of their car, with crossed arms. A posture he's always in, a posture that I like a lot.

He smiled at me before letting me in.
"Coffee, Sash?" He asked stopping at the cafe and she grinned.

"Of course."

"Get out then." He said, earning a smack from her and we three got out.

"Mar, little git is her-" Jake stopped quickly as he saw I wasn't alone. "I meant hello." He gave them a tight smile, making me snort.

"This is Sasha and this is, well you know who it is." I said to both and they smiled.

"Oh, finally! So, this is Sasha." Jake nodded with a smile and stuck out his hands to shake.

"Yup, I thought you knew me. I've seen you a couple of times here." She said and he frowned immediately.

"You were here? I never saw you." He turned to me. "Or this brat didn't introduce you to me."

"Yeah, right. Brat. It's her brother standing next to her." I whispered, only for him to hear.

"I know that. It's not like I'm flirting." He nudged me and I winked at Marissa.

Jake happily took their orders, so I just sat there. And while Sasha went for table hunt, Zack stood back at the counter.

"Tonight is okay with you?" He asked and for a second I was confused. But then, realised that he was talking about Sasha's dress.


"Cool. So we'll go after your work? I'll drop you tonight." He said glancing at Jake and I nodded.

"Okay, I'll tell Jake." I nodded and he smiled once again before joining Sasha.

I sat there, watching them chat and laugh over something. My smile went wider when Jake joined them and they both laughed at Sasha for some weird reason.

"Bye Eve, bye Jake." Sasha waved before getting out, "Bye Marissa,"

Marissa looked surprised. "She knows everyone." I said and she smiled.

Zack gave us a nod and smile. I guess it's because he'll be returning soon.

"I love your friends." Jake sang, resting his head on my shoulder and legs on Marissa's lap.

If Tyler's dad happens to see this, he'll probably shout at us about host manners till his throat gives up.

"She has a boyfriend."

"Oh god! How many times I've to tell you? I'm not hitting on her." He gritted his teeth.

"She has a boyfriend" He mimicked me and then glared, "Just so you know, I have a girlfriend too."

We both chuckled at him as he continued to mock and tease me. We never get bored when he's with us. It has been always like that and will be.

"Want me to drop you?" Jake asked as the clock struck eight.


"Oh, your crush is coming to get you." He smirked and I stood still.


"Your crush. Oh, Come on. I know you better than anyone. It's him and I know it." He chuckled.

Is it that obvious? Or was he that smart?

"Don't speak a word." I said before he opened his mouth and he laughed.

"Sure, baby girl. Going for a playdate?"

There he goes. I'm gonna get back all the things I said to him, right?
Of course, he'd never miss a chance at that.

"Shut up, Jakey wakey." I heard him growl and laugh as I stepped out. And in a few minutes, Zack was there.

"Ready for some shopping?" He asked as he opened the door.

"Ready." I smiled, getting in.

"Shopping after dinner or dinner after shopping?"

A silent growl in my stomach made me choose the first option.

"I'm afraid actually. She takes hours and hours to buy one single scarf, I don't know why." He said while we were having dinner.

"Let's hope she'll like what we buy."

"Yeah, the chances are very low. But still." He chuckled.

The silence only lasted for seconds before we started talking about something else. And finally, when we finished the dinner, I somehow convinced him to split the bill.

Once we entered the mall, we both were really really confused. There were a lot of lovely dresses. It was hard to choose from.

"This is..."

"Not easy?" He completed the sentence for me and I nodded. "Yeah, thought so. But let's try."

He pulled me into a corner where a lot of clothes were placed neatly and we searched for a perfect one.

"Try for yellow." He called out moving opposite to me and I smiled to myself, knowing that it's her favourite colour.

A few minutes later, a gang of girls, who I assume are highschool students, rushed in. There were almost eight of them and it was fun to watch them frantically search for a dress.

Just as I smiled at them and turned, a red dress caught my eye. It was beautiful with a slit on the left that would show off her tall, perfect legs.

I'll ask Zack's opinion.

So, after a minute full of scanning the area for him, I finally found him with scrunched up nose, looking at the yellow dress in his hands.

But what caught my attention was the girl standing behind Zack. She was gesturing something to her friend and then, they both were staring at him with a smile.

They were assessing him, head to toe. And that idiot was completely oblivious to it. Can't they see he's a bit older than them?

Oh my god. I'm not jealous.

I turned away from them and saw that the rest of their girl gang were still busy searching.

Good. I don't have to see eight girls staring and swooning over the only guy in the room.

Especially when I have a tiny crush on that only guy.

After a few more seconds of convincing myself to not care, I turned back to have a look at them again.

And God, that girl would latch onto him anytime.

"Zack?" I shouldn't have called.

"Yeah?" He asked, coming to me.

I thought they'd be disappointed but they were excited as I saw them mouthing his name to eachother.

Oh, great. Now they know his name.

I'm stupid.

"Huh?" He asked again as he stood beside me.

"This one?" I showed him the red dress I had and he smiled.

"Yeah... This would look good on her although I'm not sure if this cut here is necessary. But I need yellow too." He took it from my hand and with a soft chuckle, I joined him in the search of a yellow one.

"We'll be down," I heard those girls shout and the rest of them nodded, busy running around, searching.

I wonder what's so important that they're running around for a dress as if it's their last chance in winning an Olympic medal.

"Hey!" The girl next to me said as if she heard my thoughts and I turned to her.

"Could you please help me? Since you're searching too, can you please tell me if you see a lilac colour dress?" She asked with a smile and I nodded slowly.

"Thank you so much!" She squealed, turning to the other one.

"Are you in a hurry?" I asked, simply out of curiosity.

"Yeah," she sighed, taking out a navy blue one. "Our friend has a date in an hour, that too with a quarterback. She was stupid enough to not tell us until now, but what are friends for?" She shrugged and a grin took over my curious face. "Lilac looks great on her, so we're trying to find one."

"I'll tell you if I find one." I said as she ran around to grab her friend. I watched them amusingly as they checked if the colour would match her.

"Are you swooning over girls, partner?"

I was startled by Zack's voice, which was way too close to me.

"What? No. I was watching them rush. And I found your yellow." I turned back, showing a beautiful off-shoulder yellow dress.

"Yes! That's beautiful." He said, smiling at the dress and somehow a smile made its way onto my face, just by watching him.

"I can't think how many hours she would've spent to buy this." He sighed. "I think I should go shopping for her."

"I think so too." I smiled wider as he said that.

I guess one of those girls ran behind him or something, because suddenly Zack stumbled a bit forward and I was squashed in between him and the wall.

We were literally too close, his face only inches away from mine. And then, I did a mistake. Or maybe two. Because I looked into those eyes.
They were intense and he wasn't smiling anymore. Neither was I. 

I felt the rise and fall of each breath. That unnamed feeling, which now I know why, came back and I was conscious of everything but at the same time unconscious to everything else.

Any slight movement and our lips would touch. I stopped myself from leaning closer. But when I glanced at his soft brown eyes again, I couldn't.
Unknowingly, I raised my chin and leaned in a bit.

At that very exact moment, his phone chose to ring. Just when my lips were literally an inch apart from his.

We both jerked back, my head hitting the wall in the process. He stepped back, not meeting my eyes and turned back.

I closed my eyes, cursing myself.

"What's up Rose?" He asked into the phone and I swear if I had a knife, I'd have stabbed myself a fair few times.

Of course! Rose!

I guess it's her sixth sense that she put into use. I banged my head slightly into the wall before slipping out.

I don't know what I did. I'm going to blame it purely on adrenaline. And I don't know what he thought either. So, I just joined the girls while he talked to her.

"Got the lilac one?" I asked her without a bit of mind involvement.

"Yeah, see." She showed me a dress and I smiled.

"It's beautiful."

"Right? See, told ya, you'll be pretty as hell. Now come, we almost forgot makeup." She nudged her friend.

"Umm, we fixed these both, right?" I heard Zack's voice behind me and I gulped before turning.

"Yeah, those." I nodded, looking at the clothes.

"We should leave now. It was nice meeting you." The girl shook my hands and I smiled at her.

"Bye Zack." Two of them chimed before leaving and Zack's face turned into a confused one.

I laughed silently turning from him as he looked confusingly at them. But didn't show it since I was too embarrassed because of the little kiss-no-kiss thing.

"Shall we leave?" He asked, coming to me and I gave him a nod, only meeting his eyes for a second.

The ride to home was silent. Really silent.

The rain was pouring and I chose to watch it as he drove. And finally, when we reached home, he turned to me.

"Uh... see you tomorrow?" He asked and I smiled at him.

"Yeah. Good night, Zack."

When he smiled at me like everything was normal, I was more than relieved.

At least no awkwardness.

I opened the door and walked in absentmindedly.


"Hey," I smiled throwing my bag.

"Eve, are you okay, dear?" I heard Maria's voice and turned quickly.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Why didn't you go home today?" Normally she leaves just before I'm home.

"Oh... because you didn't call me when you left from work?" She frowned with a confused smile and I grimaced.

Not to mention a mental facepalm.

"Right. I just... I forgot. I was a bit busy." I turned back and Maria gave me a towel.


"Are you really okay?" She asked again and I shook my head.

"Of course, why?"

"Your cheeks are a bit flushed and something about you is off. Are you sure you aren't coming down with something?"


"I'm okay Maria. I'm alright. I just forgot to call you, I'm sorry I made you-"

"No, child. Don't. What if I stayed a few more minutes? That's totally fine."

"Thanks, Maria." I smiled as she left worried about me.

Oh God, help me!

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