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"Stop!" I said, glaring at both Theo and Noel, who were literally seconds away from ripping each other's head.
"I've told you before, don't fight."

Both of them gave me a sheepish smile and pretended to hug each other.

"Now, I'm going. Noel, don't forget to lock the door and-"

"Don't lose the keys. I know." He sighed making me smile and ruffle his hair before leaving to Janet's home.

The whole time when Kate was trying equations, I was left thinking about yesterday.

A stupid mistake. A very stupid one.

And when I saw Sasha at the class, the first thought was whether Zack mentioned it to her or not.

"Hey," I smiled, slowly settling beside her and was relieved when she beamed, chirping a hello.

I mentally made a note to buy Sasha's present even though I didn't know what to buy.

"What're you thinking Sherlock?" She nudged me after class and I shrugged.

"Nothing much."

"Hmm, it's time you come home for a sleepover again." She said.

I visited them a couple of times after the first sleepover. Once, Scarlett asked me if they should do something, probably because of the drunk man issue. It's only after my assurance she smiled that day. Alex said we could do anything of my choice.

It's like I got a whole new family.

"Are you even listening?" She poked me and I blinked at her. Wasn't she talking about sleepovers?


"I was saying that Tyler is sitting opposite to our usual table. I bet he's sitting there just to stare at you."

I groaned scanning around and saw that almost all the tables were occupied.

"Let him do what he wants to." Sasha pulled me along and we started our lunch.

I could see Tyler watching me. Everyone at his table was chatting and laughing over something, not him I glanced at him for a second to see a small smirk on his lips, looking right at me and I looked away quickly.

"I told Zack about Tyler. That's not a problem right?" She asked casually, stuffing food into her mouth.

"No. Not at all."

Did she mention me saying no to him or just about his miraculous act?

"What did he say?" I asked, just out of curiosity.

"He wasn't that surprised." She shrugged. "He knew it was coming."

He saw it coming? Jake knew it, Sasha knew it, Sophie knew it...

Everyone saw it coming, except me!

Jake's true. I'm stupid. That's the reason.

Thanks to Sasha, ride to work wasn't awkward as I thought. She kept on blabbering, so all we had to do was nod and smile.

I didn't know what I'd say to him if we were alone.

"When are you going to tell him?" Jake nudged me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm not." I shook my head.

"You should." He nodded.

"It's weird."

"Shut up, having a crush on someone isn't weird." He smacked my head, making me sigh.

"No, he likes somebody else. That's weird."

"So? Don't care about it, just say what's in your mind." He shrugged like if it's that simple. "Just think it's an exam and you don't know a single thing. You know you're gonna fail but you'll still write it anyway."


"So you should say it." He finished, nodding.

"Okay, but not soon. I need time." I said quickly before he could ask when and how.

"Perfect." He winked before grabbing my bag and throwing it at me.
"Now come on, let me drop you. I need my beauty sleep."

I chuckled, throwing an arm around him as we walked towards his car.


I'm still a mess. It's been a day since we almost kissed.

More like, since I almost kissed him. I couldn't get that picture out of my mind.

Good that I didn't get to see him alone since then. I would probably look like a complete lunatic then.

Muffled voices of my teacher explaining some important stuff hit me, but not quite sharp enough. I bit my lip every time it crossed my mind.

The faint scent of his aftershave, the closeness... everything rushed into my mind.

It was a product of adrenaline rush and stupidity. I reminded myself before going to literature class.

A frown took over my face when I couldn't see Sasha. I didn't see her in the morning either. I pulled out my phone to call her and saw her text.

I probably missed it because of all the pep talk that I was giving to myself.

Sasha : Not feeling well, won't be coming today.

I sighed seeing it and quickly typed a reply.

What happened? You okay?

Sophie : chill. Not feeling well=lazy as hell.

Well, that's just... great! I normally used to sit with her for lunch.

So after the lit class, I went to the cafeteria, settling at our usual table.
Last year, I had no problem sitting by myself but now, it was weird that I was missing Sasha.

I texted Sophie and started eating when I heard the sound of someone pulling a chair next to me.

Please let it not be Tyler. I don't know what to say to him.

But when I looked up, I wasn't exactly happy either. It was Zack.

I didn't know what to say to him either.

"Hey," he said in a soft voice.

"Hi," I replied with a smile. He sat down at Sasha's usual place and placed his lunch on the table.

"Since Sash isn't here, I thought...
you know, you always sit with her. So, thought I'd give you a company?" He said as if it was a question, as if he wasn't sure I'd want that.

He came here to sit with me when his friends are having fun there, just so I wouldn't be alone?

I can't blame myself for liking this guy, anyone would like him.

He's such a...

Nope. I'm not going to finish that sentence, even in my mind.

"Thanks. But if you want to join them, it's okay. I'm perfectly fine." I smiled, not meeting his eyes much.

"Nah, I'm fine here."

A few minutes of silence and he initiated a conversation,

"How's Noel and Theo?"

"They're good. Started fighting again though." I shrugged.

I was happy they were the topic of conversation. Nothing weird, nothing awkward.

"Hmm. Come home tomorrow." He said, eating and then added quickly. "Birthday."

What did I do? Nod.

"It's not like a party or something, just us and Aaron." He shrugged. "I'll pick up the boys."

"That's great." I smiled, even though my stomach is doing flips for god-knows-what.

I didn't realise I was staring at him until he looked up. But not at me, at someone else.

I followed his gaze to meet those blue eyes.

"Why aren't you there with your loser friends?" Tyler glared, speaking at a low, hard voice.

"Why aren't you?" Zack shot back, annoyed. He shook his head with a pity expression and sighed.

I think he's in my Tyler state now. Too exhausted to argue with a stupid jerk.

"Shut the fuck up. Can't leave her alone, can you?" He clenched his teeth and I glanced at Zack.

He looked up again and frowned back at him. "Can you?"

Tyler closed his eyes, cursing and turned to me.

"You aren't doing what I told you to." He was pissed off.

I don't remember him saying anything. Not that I have to do it.

"Stop hanging out with him and think about it." He bent down and said in a low voice so that only I could hear.

He muttered something more to Zack before leaving and I sat there, looking at Zack.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled as fast as I can. But his reaction surprised me.

He chuckled, "I've told you a million times, stop saying sorry and thanks. It's not your fault that he's a jackass."

God! Does he know how much his laugh made me relax? Probably No. But it did. All my thoughts of him asking me to stop being friends and us being this less chatty for rest of the life was blown away, just by that soft chuckle.

I smiled at him. This time, a fully relaxed, genuine smile. And we almost were back to what we were. We talked about anything and everything, laughing and rolling eyes, smiling and frowning.

And lunch break felt like it was cut short.

"See you after class." He smiled before leaving and I sat there him walk away, with a smile.

Oh god, I've got it bad, haven't I?

Stupid teenage crush.

That night, Jake dropped me off and I slept peacefully after wrapping up Sasha's birthday present.


"It's fine. Zack is coming to get me." I told Jake before grabbing my bag. But when the corners of his mouth tipped up with a smug smile, I added quickly,
"Sasha's birthday."

"Ooohh!" He dragged the word with a smug smile. "Convey my birthday wishes."

"Sure, tell Marissa I said bye." I said, eyeing Marissa, who was busy on phone, probably with her husband.

"Yep. Now go, shoo." He threw a notepad at me, which I successfully dodged.

Within a few minutes, Zack's car appeared and I slid into it.

"Theo and Noel's at home already. It's just you who's left." He said, driving and I gave a nod.

The ride was uncomfortably silent. Zack opened his mouth a couple of times in attempt to say something but closed immediately.

And I was worried once again, if everything was going back to the awkward phase.

"Look who's here," Alex said to Noel and Theo with a smile.

"Welcome home." Scarlett grinned, letting me in and I stepped in to see a huge, beautiful cake.

"Now, now. Let's cut the cake, shall we?" Alex smiled, eyeing the cake and Sasha nudged him.

"At least wish me a happy birthday, you've been swooning over the cake for the last ten minutes."

"Oh dear, I've been wishing you from the morning. Now let's eat the cake." He joked, pulling her closer.

"Hey," Aaron whispered standing behind me.

"Hey! How're you?" I smiled, seeing him.

"All good. You?"

"Never better." I said, smiling at his concerned eyes.

I hope my words assured him that it was okay, that night was not troubling me anymore.

"Happy birthday our little one," Alex whistled as Sasha blew the candles and I heard my boys giggle.

"Eighteen isn't little." She reminded.

"For us, it is." Scarlett kissed her forehead.

"Here you go," Zack threw something at her, which hit right in her face. "Birthday present." He smirked.

"You- idiot." She changed whatever name she was going to call him and ripped the pack open. Her eyebrows rose, a huge grin taking over her face as she saw them.

"That's my favourite yellow!" She yelled, throwing an arm around his neck and pulled him down to hug.

"There are types of yellow?" He frowned, clearly confused and I heard Aaron laughing with me.

But Sasha didn't seem to hear that, she was totally busy drooling over the dress. "Thanks, idiot." She mumbled, getting a smack in return.

"Now, now." She turned to me and Aaron, wiggling her eyebrows. "Your brothers gave me the best gift ever, so no way you guys are going to break it. But go on," she smirked.

My brothers? I looked at Theo and saw him blushing.

Oh, a hug and a kiss, right?

"Jesus, Sash! You don't ask for presents." Zack shook his head.

"I do," she nodded with an evil grin.

"Here you go," Aaron smiled, giving her a wrapped box. "Happy birthday little sister,"

"Uh, I've got a lot of brother figures. Can't you be my friend?" She pouted, opening it.

"Nah, I sorta became your brother. Can't change that." He smiled, watching her. "Uh, I didn't have any idea what you'd like, so..."

"This is beautiful!" She squealed, hugging him tightly.

She was right, it was a beautiful brown designer bag.

"You two went shopping together? It perfectly suits the dress! Thank you so much!"

She was right again! Now that I look, that sparkling brown bag goes well with her yellow dress, like a pair.

I gulped nervously as she turned to me. I was really confused about her present. Because when your friend is someone who can afford anything and have everything, it's a bit difficult to choose what to give. So I thought I'd give her something close to her heart. I just hope it works.

I slowly handed over the pack and watched her as she opened it.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So why not a picture then? Or maybe pictures?

I saw her smile widen with a twinkle in her eyes as she looked at the photo pop-up. I managed to fit everyone important in her life into it.
 The first one was of them four, a happy family. Then, a photo of her and Zack when they were kids, the one I liked the most. Next one in which she's surrounded by Zack's boy gang, Caleb and Liam on either side of her. And then, one of Sasha with her friends back at school. And finally a beautiful photo of her and Mark.

"This is awesome," she whispered hugging me and frowned when she pulled back. "Where are you both?"


"I mean, everyone is in here." She pointed to the pop-up. "Where are you and Aaron? Sophie as well, but since I haven't seen her in person yet..."

I am... happy? Overwhelmed?

"There's always a next birthday." Aaron pinched her nose and she smiled.

"Yeah, next birthday, you guys are giving me a photo of us," she pointed between me and her. "And us," she said, pointing to herself and Aaron.

"Deal." we said together as Scarlett brought the cake.

I saw Noel and Theo stuffing cake into their mouth as if it was a competition. And then, I saw Alex encouraging them.

Oh yeah, it definitely was a competition.

After having a perfect birthday dinner, I said bye to Alex, Scarlett and Aaron and turned to Sasha.

"Don't say bye now. I'm coming to drop you." She said, scooping Theo up.

"Alright." I smiled as we got in.

"Can I take boys out tomorrow?" She asked suddenly and I saw Theo and Noel smile in excitement.

"Yeah, but you don't have to. I'm free tomorrow, so no need to babysit these big boys."

"I'm not talking about babysitting, but how come you are free?" She frowned.

"I don't know why, but they're closing the cafe tomorrow." I shrugged. I wonder why though, they didn't say anything.

"Why? Everything's okay?" Zack, who was silent until then, asked, looking at me through the mirror.

"Yeah, they said it's only for a day." I nodded.

That was my first thought too, I was scared if they were closing. Tyler's dad was an arrogant jerk like him, but he liked to boast about his wealth. So he pays us more than any other places would. It's gonna knock me out if they closed permanently.

"Oh. Anyway, I'm asking to take them out. You know, burgers, sandwiches, chocolates, icecreams..." She smiled.

Oh boy, she's trapping them.

I could feel Theo jump in the seat and I bet he was drooling.

"And yeah, only me and boys. I don't want you hanging out with us." She added.

"That's a mean thing to say," I glared at Theo and Noel, who were trying to giggle silently.

I'm happy to see them take it as a joke. If someone else said the same thing, I'd be seeing an about-to-cry Theo and a frowning Noel.
I remember when Maria's friend said something about me as a joke and how Noel looked like he would bite her anytime.

"Fine then. I'll be at home watching TV, don't call me if they do something wrong." Although I knew I'd be trying to study what I missed in the last few classes, thinking about the very same person who was driving this car.

"There you go," she turned back with excitement.

"See you tomorrow." She waved us.

"Yeah, goodnight."

Zack murmured something to boys and they did a fist bump. He then looked at me and smiled before they drove off.

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