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Jaehyun enjoyed his week very well. Even if he was just able to be with Taeyong for a day, it made his week. He was glad that he got the guts to ask the designer to go out that holiday. They even played some games there and won a few things to go home with. Just to show off, he even won a shooting game to give Taeyong a stuff toy. They seemed to be pretty happy that day.

Because of that, Jaehyun came to the pub late and arrived when his whole gang is already tipsy from all the bottles of alcohol they had. He just had a bottle of beer before they went and go home. They even had to tease Jaehyun about ditching them for someone else.

Well, they weren't lying.

Coming into work, Jaehyun came in early since he needs to be somewhere else today for another shoot. He still went in for Taeyong. He was just about to go to the elevator but he overheard two people talking nearby. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but they were talking about the designer.

"I don't get it why director had to invite that designer here," they said, "Have you seen his collections? They're weird!"

"Really? I haven't."

"Look at them! These aren't even on trend. I thought he makes good clothing. Turns out, he's one of those tryhards again."

"Maybe you just don't like them, but they are a bit weird."

"He's even a snob. He doesn't smile or greet anyone! He's a rude one, I bet. Like, he should just go back to Paris. He's more appreciated there."

"He's a big deal for a reason. He's quite famous in France."

"Then let him stay there! He's better off keeping his trend there. He doesn't deserve to be in this indus--"

"Excuse me."

Jaehyun had to cut their conversation there. He smiled at both employees of the company. But honestly, he was raging. Blood boiling from the inside. He shouldn't have interfered but he couldn't help his instinct. He didn't have to hear it early in the morning and here he is, wanting to kick these out of the building. He can do it if he wants to.

"You're talking about...who?"

Both looked at the model, intimidated. They felt threatened.

"What? You suddenly forgot how to speak?"


The said male stopped and looked behind him to see Taeyong. The designer smiled at him and signaled him to come closer. Jaehyun left both of them with a stare before he went to the boy. Taeyong held his wrist and pulled him into the elevator. They stood inside when the boy pressed the button to the work room floor.

"You look angry," Taeyong commented.

Jaehyun hummed, "Well..."

"You don't have to fight or lecture them. You looked like you were about to create a crime scene."

"They were talking shit on you! How wouldn't I?!"

The boy looked at him, frowning, "But you shouldn't do anything. You're a public figure."

"Then I'll just let them? They think clothing is an easy way for a living? They just can't say things like that to you..."

As much as Taeyong appreciates how Jaehyun defends him, he doesn't want to drag him down into the hate. Of course, he wants to protect him from harm too. He doesn't have to do this.

"Thank you but you didn't have to confront them," the designer said.

"I just wanted to tell them to stop judging you."

"But that's when you prove them, right? You prove them wrong. I get hate at Paris too. Different words, but same ideas. But you don't see me affected."

The model crossed his arms, "But still, it isn't nice. You're here for a reason. The director chose you because you're good."

Taeyong hummed, "I'm surprised you're the one getting mad at this."

"I don't like people judging others."

You're too good to be judged.

"Cool down."

As soon as Jaehyun saw Taeyong smiling, his anger melted. He swore, this guy is his weakness. Just his small laugh or smirk, he'll just forget about everything. He suddenly had a short-term memory loss whenever Taeyong's around. His mind just got distracted by the butterflies inside.

"Here's your drink, by the way," Jaehyun said when they got off the elevator.

The boy received it, "Thanks. Good thing you bought a smoothie."

"Well, I knew this would happen."

Taeyong chuckled as he pushes the door of the work room. He placed his tote bag down nearby and Jaehyun sat on a chair while he went to turn all the lights. The man just watched him, striding around the room, while he drinks his smoothie. He was staring at him though, while Taeyong measures a few fabrics.

Randomly, he would always think about the feeling of hugging the boy or just even having romantic feelings with him. Like, if he's ever attracted to men. Jaehyun would probably happy. It's even an understatement, perhaps. He would be the happiest person alive then. How would it feel to have Taeyong as a partner?

Jaehyun's just honestly attracted to Taeyong.

"You're able to cool down now?"

The man nodded, sipping on his drink, "Yeah...Sorry about that."

Taeyong walked towards him with a bunch of cutouts, smiling a bit at him, "It's alright. You got worked out though because of me."

"You want to know why?"

The boy hummed, "I didn't know there's a reason behind it. Why?"

I like you too much.

"I'm a big fan of you, remember?" Jaehyun chuckled, "I don't like anyone talking shit on my idol."

Taeyong widely smiled, "Wow, I suddenly got a bodyguard."

"Of course. Anything to keep you safe."

The boy doesn't know what was going on but his stomach's filled with butterflies right now.

A/N: this story will be finished by sunday :D

Love lots ♥

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