Exclusive Interview With Daniel, Kayden and Jax

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HI GUYS. I was told that this was no longer available anymore on The Wattpad Block Party anthology that I used to be apart of so I'm now posting it here! This was dated sometime before Perfect Redemption was properly finished and certainly before Perfect Christmas 2.0

The Perfect Series Boys: Exclusive Interview With Daniel, Kayden and Jax

Author's Note:

Hello! Claudia over here from claudiaoverhere on Wattpad (See what I did there?) For those of you who don't know me, I'm the author of the Perfect series — Perfect Illusion, Perfect Addiction and Perfect Redemption. I'm 17 years old and I'm a professional bathroom singer as well a major book junkie.

I hope you guys are having a good time with the Wattpad Block Party! Thank you Kelly for inviting me to take part in this event! I was thinking long and hard about what to do for my piece and then I thought "hey, it would be so much fun to host an interview with my guy characters!"

And here we are. Hope you guys enjoy!

Love, Claudia.

Warning: This interview contains spoilers for both Perfect Illusion, Perfect Addiction and Perfect Redemption. And similar to my other works, this interview also contains strong language and explicit content. Please read at your own risk.


Claudia (the author) as the Interviewer

Jax as Jax

Kayden as Kayden

Daniel as Daniel

(Camera starts rolling. Boys are cued in)

Me: Hello, boys.

Kayden: Hi.

Daniel: (grins) Hey, Claudia. (leans forward to kiss me on my cheek)

Me: (giggles) Please, boys. Sit down. Get comfortable.

Daniel: Thanks. (plops unto the couch beside me)

(Kayden is about to sit down when Jax comes sauntering in. Kayden glares at him)

Kayden: What the fuck is he doing here?

Me: Oh, Jax? He's getting interviewed too.

Jax: Sup, Killer. Miss me?

Kayden: (seethes at me) You didn't say he was going to be in this interview.

Me: I thought you knew. He's one third of the Perfect series boys.

Kayden: No he's not. He's not included in our gang. Tell her, Daniel.

Daniel: (lifts his hands up in surrender) I'm not getting into this fight. You're on your own, bro.

Jax: (looks at Kayden then back at me) What the fuck is his problem?

Kayden: My problem? (glowers at Jax) My problem is that you freaking cheated on Sienna with her sister! And you almost killed her!

Jax: Hey, now! In my defense, I almost killed her because you ended up throwing that fight! That last punch was supposed to be for you, not her! I would never hurt her.

Kayden: But you did. You fucked her sister.

Jax: But I'm not like that anymore! I've changed! Go on, Claudia. Tell him. Tell him the god awful path I had to go through to get my redemption.

Me: I would but that would include spoilers. I'll pass him a copy of Perfect Redemption on his way out. (turns to the camera and smiles) If you haven't read it yet, link is in the description box below.

Kayden: (rolls his eyes) I'm not doing this damn interview with this fucker over here. He's done some pretty fucked up shit.

Jax: Come on! It was two months ago! Get over it!

Daniel: Ladies, please settle down.

Me: Daniel's right. Not about you guys being ladies. But about the part where ya'll need to calm down. Kayden, you have to do the interview whether you want it or not. You can't back out now; you'll be disappointing all of your fans. You're everyone's favorite character.

Kayden: (blinks dumbly) I am?

Jax: He is? (looking utterly baffled and offended) Fuck, how is that even possible? I mean... look at him! And then look at me! He's nothing compared to me!

Daniel: Hey, come on now! How come I'm not the fan favorite? I'm pretty hot too! Girls drop their panties when they see me!

Me: (rolls eyes) Can you guys like not fight about this.

Jax: This is so not fair. I demand you recount the votes again—

Me: What? No way—

Daniel: Yeah, what Jax said. It's just not possible. Maybe you forgot to count for me

Kayden: You guys are being ridiculous! Why the hell is it hard to believe that I'm the fan favourite—

Jax: Because you're so ugly!

Kayden: (gasps) You take that back, fucker!

Me: Shut up! Please! I'm running out of time and I really need to get on with this interview. Can you guys settle this later?

Jax: (cracks his knuckles to get ready for a fight) No.

Me: (smacks the back of Jax's head) Stop it. You don't want me to call Blaire do you? Because we both know what she'll do to you if she finds out that you're not behaving.

Jax: (squeaks) Please don't call her.

Me: I won't if you would just behave like a civilized person instead of a barbarian and answer my question.

Jax: (seethes) Fine.

Me: Good. Because you're up first.

Jax: Damn it.

Me: (sighs) Can you at least be a little bit enthusiastic about this?

Jax: But—but—but—(Looks at me, then lets out a noise of aggravation) Fine. I'll try.

Me: Good. (reads the cue card) Okay, first question: So what are the little things you love about Blaire?

Jax: Well... I guess I love that she's a complete badass on the outside, but on the inside, she's kind, really nice and caring. And the fact that only I get to see that side of her is another plus. Oh, and also she makes killer sandwiches.

Daniel: Whoa. Really?

Jax: Yeah. You should come over to my place one day. I'll try to convince her to make you one. (Glares at Kayden) I would invite you too but you're a fucking asshole.

Kayden: (growls) Bite me, Deadbeat.

Me: Alright, alright. Calm down. Next question: What would you say to people who expect the worst from you?

Jax: I'd tell them: "Whatever you must be thinking about me, you're probably right."

Me: I'll vouch for that.

Kayden: Me too.

Me: Last question for Jax: We all know that you have feelings for Blaire, but what if she wasn't keen on engaging in sexual intercourse? Would you understand and still love her the same or would you hop unto the next girl?

Jax: What? You mean... Blaire withholding sex from me? Willingly?

Me: Yeah. That's what I said.

Jax: (snorts) That would never happen. Blaire and I have sex regularly.

Daniel: We really didn't need to know that.

Me: No, but really, what if she wasn't keen on having sex—

Jax: But she is. She likes sex as much as I do.

Kayden: (sighs out of frustration) We know that, dumbass. But it's a what if scenario. Just answer the damn question.

Jax: Fine. If she did try to withhold sex—which is really, really unlikely, but I supposed if she did—it won't matter to me. Sex isn't everything to me. It is a huge part, but it isn't everything. And I don't care if Blaire decides that she doesn't want to have sex with me. She is my entire world regardless. And I can't walk away from her. Never. So... I guess I'll just have to deal with blue balls by myself.

Daniel: Try cold showers. It works wonders. Just ask this guy over here. (Points to Kayden, who rolls his eyes out of irritation).

Me: It's true. Kayden's kind of the king of cold showers. Sienna leaves him with blue balls all the time.

Daniel: (pats on Kayden's back) Man, that's gotta be tough. Sorry, bro.

Kayden: Shut up.

Me: Since you're being rude, Kayden, you'll go last. (Shifts to face Daniel) So, moving unto Daniel, first question: What was your first impression of Alex?

Daniel: When I first saw Alex in that restaurant, I thought that she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her smile—god, her smile is so pretty. I'd do anything just to see her smile at me.

Me: Awwww, that's so sweet!

Jax: Not as sweet as Blaire when she smiles—

Me: Oh, shut up, Jackson. It's not your time to shine anymore. Move on back, bro. (Turns to Daniel) Anyways, Daniel, was it easy to just let go of the wealth when you got emancipated from your father?

Daniel: Definitely not. I'm not going to deny that I grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth. I've always had everything that I ever wanted. So it's not easy letting go of that aspect of my life. I'm used to just getting what I want. But now, I have to work hard for it. And that ain't easy. But as much as that sucks, I wouldn't have it any other way. To me, having the chance to love Alex is much more important than being rich.

Me: Gahhhh, you're so romantic, Daniel! You were always my favorite!

Daniel: Thank you.

Jax: I'm really offended, Claudia.

Me: Don't worry, Jax. You can be my side hoe. (Looks at Daniel) Okay, last question: How many kids do you think you'll have with Alex?

Daniel: Claudia, I'm only twenty. I can't be thinking about kids right now. Plus, I don't think I'm financially stable right now to support kids.

Me: I know, but in the future, how many kids do you think you'll have?

Daniel: (chuckles) It's funny: Alex and I were discussing this the other day. We disagreed about it—of course, what's new? Anyways, I told her I wanted a lot of kids but she said she only wanted one. Naturally she got the last word—of course, what's new? She told me that her vagina probably can't handle more than one baby because us Kerringtons have such huge heads.

(Both Kayden and Jax burst out laughing)

Me: Awwww, poor Alex.

Kayden: (Examines Daniel's head) It's true though. You do have a huge head.

Daniel: Oh, shut up. You do too.

Kayden: No, I don't.

Daniel: (scoffs) Whatever. It doesn't really matter anyway. I don't suppose you and Sienna would want to have any kids anyway.

Kayden: Actually we—

Me: Don't say anything! It would include spoilers!

Kayden: Fine.

Me: Moving on to our last Perfect boy: Kayden. I have a ton of questions for you but I'm only going to pick a few since we're lacking of time. (flips through cue cards) Ah, here's a good one: What was your time apart from Sienna after the fight like?

Kayden: Well, I guess you guys know this already, but after the fight, I fled to LA—

Jax: I stayed in LA for the summer too.

Kayden: I don't care. (deadpans) Anyway, my uncle and cousin Riley live there and they agreed to let me stay for a couple of months—you know, so that I can get my shit back together. In return, I agreed to help out in their car repair shop. It didn't pay much, but it did pay. But I was absolutely miserable for the most part. There was so much so much guilt inside of me that I couldn't get rid of.

Me: Oh, that's so sad.

Kayden: Yeah, I guess. I missed Sienna so much but I kept trying to convince myself that it would be better if I was no longer part of her life. But I still kept loving her nonetheless. I had been like that for a little over two months until Riley convinced me I was being an idiot and told me that if I love her, I would have to fight for her. And she's right. And till this day, I'm still fighting.

Me: That's good. You're no longer running away from your problems. I'm really proud of you, Kayden.

Kayden: Yeah, I'm proud of me too.

Jax: Ugrh. You two nauseate me.

Me: Ignore him. Next question: Do you prefer bedroom or shower sex?

Kayden: (casts a shit-eating grin) Shower sex.

Jax: As much as I hate you, I totally agree with you on that one.

Daniel: What the fuck. Why? You could slip and fall! And your fingers get pruned and shit. That's not fun. The bed is much better. You can do all sorts of stuff on it and you don't have to worry about not being comfortable.

Kayden: But shower sex is sexy. You get all wet and stuff. And with water dripping down your girl's body...

Me: Alright, alright. Enough. I'm sure our audience would very much prefer to skip out on the details. Last question for you, Kayden: When do you think you're going to propose?

Kayden: (chuckles) I don't know. I guess I should ask you, Claudia. After all, you're the author.

Me: That's true. But I'm asking for your opinion.

Kayden: I don't know... it's too soon right now. I'd love to marry Sienna. I know she's the girl for me. But our lives are quite hectic now, especially with college and the gym. I've brought the subject up to Sienna a couple of times and she too agrees that marriage wouldn't be wise right now. Maybe in a couple of years. But I'd like to really surprise her when I pop the question though.

Daniel: You can always ask me for advice. That's my area of expertise.

Kayden: Thanks, bro. I'll call you when I decide to do it.

Me: Alright. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I have a couple of questions for all of you before we end this interview, is that alright?

Jax: Do we even have a choice?

Me: No, not really. (Flips through cue cards again) Okay. The following questions are directed to all three of you. The first one is: Which body part of your girlfriends do you love most?

Daniel: I like Alex's eyes.

Kayden: I like Sienna's lips.

Jax: And I'm in love with Blaire's tits. (Daniel, Kayden and I look at Jax weirdly) What? Is that a bad thing?

Me: I guess Jax will always be Jax. (mutters to myself) Next question: What do you hate most about your girls?

(All three of them stare at me weirdly)

Kayden: I'd rather not answer that question.

Jax: Me too.

Daniel: Same here.

Kayden: We don't want to get killed by our girlfriends for saying the wrong thing.

Jax: I'm not going to upset Blaire. She will literally have my balls for dinner.

Me: But—

All: No.

Me: Fine. (Mutters swear words under my breath) You guys are so weird.

All: You created us!

Me: That's also true. (sighs) Last question: In a life and death situation, which one of the other two boys would you choose to kiss?

Kayden: That's such a weird question. What if I don't want to kiss either of them?

Me: But you have to. Otherwise you'll die.

Kayden: Then, I'd rather die.

Me: Come on. That's no fun. Just pick one.

Kayden: Fine. (Looks at both Jax and Daniel then sighs) I guess I'll kiss Daniel.

Daniel: I got you, bro. I'd totally kiss you too.

Jax: Why does nobody want to kiss me?

Me: That's not true! I would gladly volunteer—

Jax: (Ignores me) Am I like not kiss-worthy or something? I am a pretty good kisser, you know—

Kayden: Knowing you, if one of us tried to kiss you, you'd try to have sex with us.

Jax: Don't flatter yourself, Killer. The most I'll do with you is go to second base. I'm not the least bit interested in that little thing that you pack in your pants. What is it that Sienna called it again? Kayden junior?

Kayden: How fucking dare you.

Daniel: Oh boy.

Me: Okay, now boys, settle down—

Kayden: It's Kayden senior! Senior!

Jax: (snickers) It must be really old and wrinkly then. Do I need to get it a walking stick? Some Viagra?

Kayden: Fuck you.

Jax: (Slaps his own butt then flips Kayden off) You wish you could!

Me: Boys, can't you guys just be nice to each other for once?

Jax & Kayden: No!

Daniel: I can't wait to tell this to Alex. She's gonna laugh her ass off.

Kayden: (growls) Glad we could humor you. (says sarcastically)

Daniel: Thanks. It was very much appreciated.

Me: (sighs) I guess that finally concludes today's interview.

Kayden: Thank god. (takes out earpiece and gives it to the stage crew) I'm out of here.

Jax: Me too.

Me: Before the both of you leave, can you guys just hug it out?

Jax: What? Fuck no. That's too weird.

Me: But it would show that you guys will be willing to be friends!

Jax & Kayden: We're never going to be friends! (exits)

(I frown)

Daniel: It's okay, Claudia. You can always write for them to become friends.

Me: Oh yeah. That's actually not a bad idea...

Daniel: Meanwhile, you want to get some pancakes? My treat.

Me: That's so nice of you! (smiles and kisses Daniel on the cheek) Like I said, you were always my favorite Perfect boy...

(both Daniel and I exit)

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