Killer Kisses- Kayden & Sienna

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OMG I don't know why this had been accidentally UNPUBLISHED but here it is ;) Hope you guys enjoy!

 I can't wait to show Kayden what I have on right now.

Or to be more specific, what I don't have on.

Tendrils of exhilaration coil around me as I wait in anticipation for him to come back home. I haven't exactly been in the best of shape these couple of months, but I'm hoping that Kayden is willing to overlook that. He and I haven't been very... active these few weeks, and I hate his reasons behind it.

 Absolutely hate it.

I clutch the robe tighter around my body and lay on his bed—correction, our bed—as I count down the minutes until he comes back home.

Home. It's never really been a home without Kayden in it. After we had gotten back together, it took us quite a while to get where we are today. We were still struggling to solve what little issues we had.

      Sometimes, it isn't easy letting go of my anger. And sometimes, Kayden still gets lost in his past. But we have hope. I believe that Kayden and I can get through this. We wouldn't be who we are today without each other—and I make sure I thank him everyday for that.

I'm also grateful and proud of him that he hasn't bolted again like what he did last time. It's been almost a year since we got back together and he's still fighting for this. For us. Especially now more than ever.

He did keep his promise by saying that he was going to do everything he can to make this work. He did exactly what he said on the night of Brent and Evans's wedding reception—he quit fighting and he was going to focus on his studies. Right now, he's doing exceptionally well in his classes and I've never been more proud. I had been so inspired by him that I switched my majors. Now, I'm specializing in martial arts therapy.

It's a much better thing to do than history. I would miss stealing notes from Brent and making corny jokes with him but it's all for the best. I needed to do what I really wanted to do.

      I want to help people overcome their rage and devastation. I want to show them that fighting isn't all about getting aggressive and punching the shit out of someone. I want to show them that they don't have to thrive on their anger to get what they want. I want to help them to let go and show them what the true meaning of what it's like to be happy.

Because that's what I am now. Happy. I'm truly content with my life right now. Okay, scratch that. I'm mostly content with my life right now. I'm a little bit nervous of what's to come—because of a little incident that happened a few months ago.

I'd rather not talk about it now. I glance at the clock instead, watching the minutes tick by. Excitement crawls into my body as I hear the door rattle from outside.

He's here.

He takes a while to fiddle with the doorknob, but when he's finally through the door, I hear his footsteps in the living room. I place my legs on the floor and stand up, waiting to greet him. When he enters our room and sees me, he smiles.

"Hey, Lucky." He kisses me quickly on the lips.

"Hi," I say, grinning wildly. His eyes travel down from my face down to my body, then to my legs. When he finally realizes what I'm wearing, his eyebrows lift in confusion.

"What's this-?" Kayden takes a step back to take in my full form. "Is that—is that my robe?"

I nod quickly and gave him a small twirl. "My class ended early today and I decided to clean out your closet. Guess what I found."

He stares at it in wonder. I know he can't help it—it brings back a lot of memories. I vaguely remembered putting it on for him during the knockouts. Back then, we were still unsure of our feelings for each other. I smile at the thought of it. I can't believe that was a year ago. Time passed by so quickly.

The robe is gorgeous. The word behind—Killer—had faded a little bit, but it's still beautiful nonetheless. It's red laced with gold on the sleeves—that was a slight addition I had made before the finals. Kayden slides his hand around my waist and drags his other hand down on the front, inhaling deeply as his fingers dance over the silky material.

"It's beautiful," he says, his voice cry. His grey eyes meet mine again and he smiles. "You're beautiful in it."

"Thank you," I murmur. I take his hand and curl his fingers around the red sash, the only thing keeping the robe together. "Want to see what's underneath?"

A mischievous gleam appears in Kayden's eyes as my words settle upon him. I challenge him with my stare and he accepts. He tugs on the sash and it drops to the ground. The robe immediately loosens and Kayden groans when he sees what the robe had been hiding all this while.

"Fuck," he swears. "Perfection, Sienna. You are perfection."

"I love you," I murmur.

"I love you too." He says, grinning. "You are going to be the death of me, I just know it."

I step closer towards him and cup his cheek, then pull his face downwards so I can kiss him. Our lips mold together with ease, teasing, tugging and pulling. He grasps my waist with his strong hands and tightens his hold on me as he continues to tease me with his kisses. He pulls away from my lips and makes his way down to my neck, jaw, then collarbone, leaving a trail of scorching hot kisses along the way. I moan and clutch unto his shirt, wanting him to do much more.

"Please... Kayden," I murmur.

      My knees are going weak. I need to make love to Kayden. Now. My body's demands are to strong. Damn the hormones. I want to attack this man in front of me. I want to ride him so badly and never come out of this room until we're both satisfied. I want to fuck him like my life depended on it. Because right now, it does.

      I feel like I'm going to die if I don't have him inside me within the next few minutes.

      "I want you. Right now," I tell him.

I pull his mouth back to mine and devour his lips. Our tongues our twisting, folding, entwining. I don't stop kissing him even when I'm ripping his shirt off his body. The buttons fall off one-by-one, bouncing against the floor. I don't care that I've ruined his shirt. I want to ruin him. Right now. I want to ruin his lips and his body and and his love.

"Sienna..." His voice trails off. There is a hint of indecision there. His body wants this but his mind is telling him no.

I help him undo the zipper of his pants. He lets me tug the pants down but he steps out of it unwillingly, his brain still trying to process what is happening. I take a step back to admire every single inch of him. It doesn't help that he decided to go commando today. My eyes travel down to the part where I want most, and I lick my lips. He's already really hard from the looks of it. I step forward grasp him with my hand to tease him but his body immediately freezes and he recoils from me.

"Sienna," he says as a warning. "I told you that—"

"I don't care," I shake my head. "Please, Kayden. You withholding sex from me isn't fair."

"I'm trying..." Kayden takes a deep breath. "I don't want to hurt you. The—"

"The doctor said it's okay," I sigh out of frustration. "Now, please, kiss me."

He still looks unsure of what I do. I don't let him decide, though. I make the decision for him because I know he wants this just as much as I do, perhaps even more. Instinctively, my hand wraps around him, grasping his cock, torturing him with pumps. His head falls backwards as he lets me give him sweat pleasure.

"Oh, fuck." He mutters. "Fuck, Lucky. I... I... shit. It feels amazing."

My other hand pulls him towards me again so that I can kiss every inch of his face—his jaw, his cheek, his collarbone, his neck. I tug on his lips with my teeth and he groans sexily, a sound which I greatly appreciate. My hand keeps moving, faster, harder, and from the foreign sounds he's making, I know he's enjoying this too much.

His body starts to tremble and I know he's close. My hand goes faster, but his hand reaches down to clamp on my wrist.

"Stop." He demands. "I don't want to... just yet."

"Shut up, Kayden. And let me do this for you." I say, exasperated.

"I don't..." He is struck by indecision again. "I want to make love to you. I want to cum. Inside you."

I nod and I let him take the lead. I'm about to shrug the robe off my body when he stops me. "Don't. I want you. From behind. With the robe on."

Fuck. I love it when Kayden takes charge sometimes. It's usually me that has to literally beg him to have sex with me, so this is a nice change.

He guides me to the edge of the bed. He tells me to place my hands down on the mattress and I oblige him, feeling really excited for what's about to happen next. He lifts the robe from my butt and pushes it off my back so it falls on one side. I lift my butt up higher, eager and ready for him. His fingers caress my skin, making tiny and torturing circles around my back.

"I love your body, Lucky." He drawls.

"I guess you're... Lucky to have my body." I snicker at him. I can't see his face right now but I know he rolled his eyes at my comment.

"I will never hear the end of you and your puns," he says. He bends forward and I feel him press against me. He's not even inside yet and I'm already hyperventilating. He pushes the hair off and tugs it aside so he can press a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you," I say, tilting my face so my lips can meet with his briefly.

"I love you," he murmurs. "I don't know if I should do this. Are you sure you want it?"

"Kayden, I'm so sex deprived right now. You haven't fucked me in three weeks. I need you inside me right now."

"I know... I want this too. So much that I'm coming out of my fucking skin," Kayden mutters. "But I... I don't want to hurt you." His hand slides down so that it's above my belly. His touch is so affectionate, so caring, and it's at that moment that I realize how fortunate I am to have someone who cares for me the way he does.

"You won't." I shake my head. "Please, Kayden. I'm so horny right now. My hormones are going crazy. Either you fuck me right now, or you kill me. I really hope you make the right choice."

He chuckles, his breath hot against my ear. I feel his erection probing at my entrance, the tip of his cock slicked with my wetness. I bite my lip to prevent me from moaning because I don't want to show him how such a minute action has me on the verge of spiraling to euphoria.

"You want this, Lucky?" He presses against me again and I lose all sense of control. I nod, my body trembling.

"Yes. Yes. Please, Kayden. I want you."

"I love you," he says before he plunges into me.

I immediately cry out from the wonderful sensation as he continues to thrust into me. I'm falling, flying, running off my own axis, heading straight into oblivion. I'm dizzy, mad, with this feeling, this beautiful beautiful feeling as Kayden makes love to me from behind.

      The grunts that escapes his throat turns me on so much that I'm moving with him—just as he's pulling back, I push towards him, and it repeats, over and over again.

"Oh, fuck you feel so good. So perfect," Kayden groans.

"Kayden!" I cry out. "Ohmygod."

      His hands are moving everywhere—so fast that I don't even know where they are. They're crossing my skin, teasing my back, sliding over my belly, cupping my aching breasts. His fingers toy with my nipples and kissing me everywhere and whispering sweet affections inside my ear I can't breathe because this is anything and everything and I want to get lost with him, in him forever.

"Harder, Kayden. Harder." I'm panting so hard that I can feel my breath escaping out of my mouth. Kayden does exactly what I say and thrusts into me, harder, faster, pumping his cock inside of me. I grip the sheets, clawing at them like some kind of deranged animal as he gives me all I ever wanted and more.

Waiting three weeks for dirty sex was so fucking worth it.

"Cum with me, Lucky." Kayden pants. 

Kayden's movements become more wild and uncontrollable. I join him, pushing and pulling, until instead of whispering his name I'm yelling it from the top of my lungs and I don't care if the neighbors can hear us I don't care because the entire world explodes and there's stars and colors everywhere.

"Oh, fuck!" Kayden screams as he reaches his climax, his cock continues plunging into me.

      He grips my hips hard and spills inside me, his sexy groans singing in my ears. I take everything he gives me, joining in his cries as well. When the feeling subsides, my knees immediately give out on me and I crumble to the ground because that is most possibly the best sex I've ever had with Kayden.

"Shit," Kayden mutters as he catches me with his arms, his eyes now filled with so much worry. "Shit, Lucky, are you okay? Did I hurt you? I knew I shouldn't have done that—"

"No," I shake my head. "That was... perfect. You didn't hurt me. I'm just... whoa."

He chuckles weakly. "I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry," I press a hand against his chest.

"I can't..." He shakes his head. "I'm afraid that I'll hurt the baby."

He places a hand on the slight bump on my belly. I watch as his hand cups it like it's protective of it. "You know why I've been withholding sex. I don't want to accidentally hurt you. It's the last thing I want to be doing."

"I know," I nod. "I know, Kayden. But... I love you. And I know you aren't going to hurt me. I trust you. Completely. With all my heart."

He smiles a little, his lips curving upwards. "Let me help you up."

He slides a hand over my legs and uses his other to support my back. Then, he stands up and lays me down on our bed. I help him slide the sheets over us as he crawls in beside me, looping his arms around me so I'm cocooned. He kisses my forehead and sighs.

"That was the best sex we've ever had," I say. "Really."

"I agree," he laughs slightly. "I never knew you liked it rough."

"Oh, I do," I nod. "But I also like the slow ones. The passionate ones that we usually do. But this is a nice change of pace."

He grins mischievously and I already know that he's already planning our next session. He pulls the blankets aside so it's only covering my legs and he leans down to press a lingering kiss on my growing belly.

"I'm going to love this baby with everything I got, Lucky," he says with affirmation. "You can count on that."

I watch at awe as he stares at my belly in wonder. He usually does this before we're about to go to bed and I let him because I find it really fascinating that he finds it fascinating. He makes sure he thanks me everyday for the little person growing inside of me. I love the fact that he's more excited about this baby than I am.

The baby wasn't exactly a planned thing—one broken condom and then it was there. Inside of me. I didn't even know the first thing about babies and it scared the living shit out of me that I now had one growing inside of me and I was supposed to take care of one. I wasn't ready to be a mother and I wasn't sure if Kayden wanted it at all.

So when I told him that I was pregnant, I expected him to pack up his bags and leave. But he didn't. His whole face lit up like fireworks and he was twirling me, laughing with tears of happiness streaming down his face. His joy brought me joy—because I realized that the baby I was carrying was the product of our love and I was going to do everything I can to keep it. Everything.

"Thank you for this, Sienna," he kisses my belly again. "Thank you."

"Why thank me? It was your sperm that made her anyway," I laugh.

"Her?" He asks. "It's a girl?"

"It's too early to know but... I have a good feeling about it. Call it mother's intuition."

"Nah, I think it's a boy." Kayden shakes his head. "A little Kayden junior."

"Aw man. I can't un-see that. Now if we ever have a boy, I'll just be thinking of your dick."

"You know you love my dick, Lucky." He winks at me.

Oh, yeah. I totally do.

"I love your dick. And I love you," I pull me forward so his face is leveled with mine. "And I'm happy with you. For the first time in a long while... I'm actually happy."

"Good. Because one day, I'm going to put a ring on that finger and you can never leave me." Kayden points to my hand.

I laugh, nodding. The prospect of marrying Kayden sounds perfect. But that chapter in our lives is still far away. We still have a long way to go. Right now, we need to put all our focus on this baby.

"We can do this, Kayden. I believe we can." I murmur.

"We can," he holds up his pinkie finger.

"We can." And I link his finger with mine.


A/N: I'm no longer a SMUT virgin. HAHAH. I have brought dishonor to my family for writing this. I guess this is like my gift to all you KAYNA fans who desperately wanted a scene like this.

KAYNA's having a baby! YAY! 

Anyways, you should probably stay tuned for more. Maybe there will be DALEX or BREVANS fluff coming up soon. I'm still not sure yet. I'm still having my exams and working on Perfect Redemption (Jax's story) so it's been pretty hectic for me. So patience, my Dia-Hards.

Peace out.

Love, Claudia.

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