CHAPTER FIVE, valentine's day

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After Ophelia had told Eric the good news about her getting the female lead in the play, he was beyond happy for her and proud of her. The two of them even shared their first kiss which was a moment neither one will never forget. But today is Valentine's Day and finally Ophelia wasn't single. This was her first Valentine's Day where she could spend it with her boyfriend and so of course she was excited about that. She and Eric had planned on going on a date that night and give each other their Valetine's Day gifts. 

Unlike Ophelia, Fallon hated Valentine's Day because it was another painful reminder that she's single. She didn't even bother to try to look like she tried today because that's how much she hated this holiday. She had on an East High hoodie, black sweatpants, tennis shoes and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun. For her makeup she only went with foundation and nothing else.

Fallon was taking being single on Valentine's Day hard, but it seemed like not as hard as EJ was. Fallon was surprised to see EJ wearing all black today. It's understandable though considering the fact this was his first Valentine's Day being single. Fallon had talked with EJ before practice to make sure he was okay since she was concerned about him. He admitted it was weird being single on this holiday, but he said that he should be fine and that she shouldn't worry about him (although he did appreciate it and thought it was cute she cared about him enough to worry about him). 

Today Ophelia decided to wear a white tank top that reached just above her belly button with a pink jacket over it, blue jeans, and grey converse. She wore the necklace that Eric had gotten her for Christmas, and she had braided her hair the night before and put her hair up into a high ponytail today. For her makeup she went with makeup that matched her outfit.

Currently, Ophelia sat on the risers besides Ricky, talking about the waltz scene they were getting ready to do. It was defintely going to be weird playing each other's love interests when they're best friends and he has a girlfriend. But she's positive they can be professional about it and that it won't be awkward, well...She hoped that they could be professional about it and that it won't be awkward.

Since this practice only included the main cast, Fallon wasn't there which left EJ to sit by himself. Luca was standing by his girlfriend (the fact that he can call Gina his girlfriend always brought a smile to his face) by the risers, talking about the play. 

"Okay, people!" Carlos exclaims, gaining everyone's attention and stands in front of everyone. The conversation in the room dies down when he spoke and everyone turned to face him. "The title song of 'Beauty and the Beast' is the centerpiece of our own. Written at the height of Ashman and Menken's powers and it's their most romantic ballad since 'Suddenly, Seymour'. As a reminder," Carlos points at Ophelia and then Ricky. "Belle is finally falling for the Beast," The two best friends share a smile with each other. "And it's not because of Stockholm syndrome, y'all. Love is love."

"Ricky and O, it's time to review the waltz." Gina explains, smiling at the two best friends. She looks at Seb as the two best friends got up from the risers. "Let's take it way under tempo."

Kourtney walks away from her place from standing by the piano to stand in front of it since she was Mrs.Potts for the play and she would be singing this song. To say she was nervous was an understatement of the year. Ophelia and Ricky got into dancing position while Seb plays the piano. "Tale as old as time."

Ophelia grew confused with why Kourtney was making the song sound a little sad and a little slower than what it was supposed to be, but she didn't question it and tried to waltz along to the tempo Kourtney was singing and Ricky tried his best to follow along. She then grew concerned upon noticing Ricky staring down at his feet the whole time and counting to help him stay in pace. "Rick," She speaks softly, gaining his attention. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Ricky smiles apologetically at her. "Sorry. Super tired."

Ophelia sympathetically smiles at him and nods. "Okay, but maybe try to use both your feet?" It was getting difficult because of the fact he wasn't using both of his feet and plus she was kinda getting annoyed that he wasn't doing it the right way. She understood that he was tired, but waltzing is not as hard as they're making it look like. 

"Mmm-hmm." Ricky hummed in response, trying to use both of his feet this time.

It was obvious Kourtney was nervous by the way she was singing quietly and staring at the ceiling. "Barely even friends."

Things became a bit better, but Ricky did end up tripping over his feet a few times. He had apologized right after he did that, and Ophelia assured him it was fine and that he was doing a good job which made him feel better about it because he didn't think he was doing good.

"Kourtney, honey," Miss Jenn calls out after she got Seb to stop playing and the two best friends had stopped dancing when she spoke. "I know we aren't up to show tempo, but sing out, and make sure to really look at Belle and the Beast during the song. Remember, what Mrs. Potts is observing is a miracle." She points at Ophelia. "Belle is the most beautiful girl in the land, and the Beast," She smiles apologetically at Ricky. "I'm sorry, Ricky, beastly."

Miss Jenn looks at Ashlyn with a small smile. "Maybe close your eyes and imagine the full scene in makeup and wardrobe." She glances at the four teens up front. "Ready?"

"Actually," Ophelia speaks up, stepping away from Ricky as she smiles nervously at Miss Jenn. She missed the concern look on Ricky's face. "Would it be alright if I could be excused for a few minutes?"

Miss Jenn nods, looking at her with concern. "Everything okay, honey?"

"Yeah, of course." Ophelia faked a smile and she quickly walked out to the hallway, ignoring the concerned looks her friends shared with each other.

-ˏˋ Ophelia now stands in the hallway, sighing as she faces the camera. "Wanna know what's dumb? The fact that I feel like I'm not good enough to be Belle." Her eyes start to get teary the more she continues and her breath was getting shaky. "But Belle's look, her look is iconic. And guess what?" She gestures to herself. "I look nothing like her." She crosses her arms, shrugging her shoulders. "As much as I hate to admit it, maybe Lily was right. Maybe I should've just auditioned to be a background character or not be in the play at all."ˎˊ-

"You better take all of that back right now." 

Ophelia turns around with wide eyes upon hearing Ricky's voice. "R-Ricky! Um," She uncrosses her arms, wiping the tears from her eyes while Ricky walks over to her with a stern look on his face. "How much did you hear?"

"I heard enough." Ricky replies, standing in front of her. His face softens and he looks at her with a frown. "Lia, why would you think about yourself that way? You're literally perfect for this role."

Ophelia scoffs, shaking her head and crosses her arms. "I don't think that's true, but whatever."

"No, it's not," Ricky mimics her scoff and her movements. "Whatever." Him doing that earns an eye roll from Ophelia which he ignored, and he uncrosses his arms, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Lia, look at me." Ophelia sighs, but she does as she told. He hated seeing the tears in her eyes and it was his mission to make her smile now. "The fact that this is your first time auditioning and Miss Jenn thought that you were good enough to pull off Belle is a huge compliment. Don't listen to what anyone says about you not being perfect to be Belle, including yourself."

Ophelia's lips curl up into a smile. Because of the fact she had such an amazing best friend who would do anything to cheer her up warmed her heart. Ricky's smile widens upon seeing her smile. His mission was a success. "We're gonna be the best Beauty and the Beast there ever was, okay?" Ophelia nods, sniffling as she wipes the tear that had fallen down her face. Ricky points at her, playfully being stern but he was being serious. "And I'm not doing this without you so if you quit then I quit."

"You're the best, Ricky." Ophelia spoke, uncrossing his arms and wrapping her arms around him in a hug. She buried her head in the crook of his neck and she couldn't stop the tears from continuing to flow. Most of it was happy tears because she just couldn't believe she had someone amazing like Ricky in her life and most of it was sad tears since she was still overwhelmed with being discouraged about being Belle.

Ricky smiles softly and immediately hugs her back. He rubs her back up and down in hopes to sooth her when he heard her sniffling again. The bell had rung a few moments ago, but neither one made any movement to leave. Students just walked around them or past them. Luca had brought out Ophelia's backpack and set it by the door of the bomb shelter and Big Red had done the same with Ricky's backpack. The drama kids were confused and concerned about what was going on with Ophelia, but they all knew Ricky could handle it so they didn't bother to interrupt them when they left the bomb shelter.

Ricky noticed Eric walking in their direction and Eric sent him a questioning glance upon seeing his girlfriend crying. Ricky shook his head and smiled reassuringly at him to let him know that Ophelia was going to be alright. Ricky gestured for him to come over and when the blonde was standing by them, Ricky gently unwrapped Ophelia's arms from himself and turned her to hug her boyfriend. 

Ophelia wasn't fazed as she was switched to hug someone else and so she wrapped her arms around Eric's waist, resting her head on his chest. Eric was confused as to what had happened with Ophelia that made her upset, but he was thankful for Ricky being there to comfort Ophelia when he couldn't be there. He had already wrapped his arms around Ophelia's waist and he kissed the top of Ophelia's head, earning a smile from her.

Ricky grabbed his backpack from by the door to the bomb shelter after he noticed it was there and smiled slightly as he glanced at the couple. Although he was jealous because he wished he could see Nini in person and hug her. he then walked down the hallway to his locker.


After Ophelia explained to Eric why she was upset, Eric went on a rant as to why she was beyond perfect to be Belle in the play. Ophelia was defintely a flustered and smiling mess during his rant and she had to kiss him to get him to shut up. Now she was walking down the hallway with Ashlyn and Gina, and the other two girls were reassuring Ophelia it was okay that she had trouble with waltzing.

"Come on, waltzing is hard, trust me." Gina said. "You've got two legs but the song's in three." She scoffs, shaking her head. "That's madness."

Ophelia chuckles, pointing at her in a sign of agreement. "Yes, that's true. But that's not why I left." She stops at Ashlyn's locker, that's where the three of them were heading, along with the red-haired girl and Gina. She sighs sadly, standing next to Gina while Ashlyn stands in front of her locker. "I guess I just don't feel like a natural Belle yet." She shrugs. "I mean, we've all seen the movie. She's..."

"A cartoon." Gina interrupts her. She smiles at Ophelia. "And you're her everything. This is gonna be huge, O. You're gonna be representing African American people and little African American girls who come see the play and see you as Belle are gonna see that they can be whatever they want to be no matter what they're race is." 

Ophelia smiles brightly at her and the fact that she knew Gina was right about what she said warmed her heart. "Thanks, Gina. You're literally so sweet." She playfully nudges her. "And now I wanna give you a Valentine too."

Gina chuckles softly and playfully nudges her back. "No, I've actually got a pretty good one coming." 

Ophelia exchanges a look with Ashlyn and they both look at Gina, silently urging her to tell them who it's from. "I mean, it's from my mom," Gina explains and shrugs. She smiles. "But you know, love is love."

Ophelia furrows her eyebrows. "Wait, Luca isn't giving you a Valentine gift?"

"I actually haven't seen him all day beside practice." Gina admits. She frowns. "It almost feels like he's been avoiding me."

A confused look forms on Ophelia's face and she tilts her head to the side. "Luca would never do that." She shakes her head. "I'll have to talk to him later." She smiles reassuringly at her. "I'm sure that it's all a misunderstanding."

Gina smiles slightly and nods. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Ashlyn chuckles softly and opens her locker. She screams when she saw Big Red in her locker and she quickly backs up. Gina and Ophelia watch with shock and they back up as well as heart confetti fall out of the locker along with Big Red. "What is happening?" Ashlyn questioned.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Big Red apologized.

"Um, was this the surprise?" Ashlyn asks, glancing at her locker then back at Big Red with wide eyes. "Because, surprise."

"Yeah, no, uh, it kinda got ruined." Big Red explains. He points at Ashlyn. "My fault. Just come by the pizza place later, okay?" He smiles. "Trust me. It's gonna be amazing."

Ashlyn looks at him with confusion but still smiles and nods. "Okay. Um..." She turns around, watching him run down the hallway. She steps closer to her locker and sniffs it. She glances at her friends with a frown. "All my stuff smells like Throb."


Ophelia talked with Luca after school and he explained he had kind of been avoiding Gina because he was really nervous about today and he was planning a special Valentine's Day date and he didn't want anything to go wrong. Plus he wanted it to be a surprise and he knew that if he spent anymore time with her he would tell her the surprise. 

Ophelia found out the next day that Luca had made a blanket fort in the living room at his house with fairy lights hung up, he had some of Gina's favorite snacks and movies laid out and he had gotten her some new dancing shoes she had been wanting that were kind of expensive.  To say that Gina was surprise someone would go out of their way to do all of this and plan a sweet blanket fort movie marathon date for her was an understatement. She still wondered how she got so lucky with Luca. Like Gina loved her gift she got, Luca loved his gift he got from her as well, Gina had got Luca a new song journal and some new guitar pics that were supposed to be the best ones to use and so he was for sure going to use them the next time he was playing his guitar.

Later that night Eric picked Ophelia up and took her on a date to her favorite restaurant and to end the date they went to the park to stargaze since she loved stargazing. Eric had given her the hoodie that she loved to wear of his and a heart charm to go on her necklace. Ophelia, of course, loved her gifts and she planned on wearing that orange hoodie (orange was Eric's favorite color) all the time.

The single friend of the trio known as Ophelia, Luca, and Fallon, planned on binging the show Friends and eating a bowl of ice cream in her pjs, but Fallon's plans were changed when EJ had shown up at her house and invited her for a late-night ride. How could she say no to that? She defintely said yes and they spent most of the night (until midnight) driving around, singing songs at the top of their lungs and getting McDonalds at one point. 

It was safe to say for everyone that this was a great Valentine's Day.

A/N i want a ricky in my life :( also if any of you watch friends, i kind of made a friends reference with ross, rachel & chandler when ricky sees eric & ricky gives ophelia to eric like in friends during the episode the one with two parties in season 2 how chandler was comforting rachel & when ross came by chandler gives her to ross !

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