CHAPTER FOUR, celebration dinner

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Ophelia was anxiously waiting in the hallway now with the rest of the theater kids after Carlos posted the cast list. She stood by Fallon and Luca away from the crowd that had gathered around the cast list.

"I'm too nervous to go look." Ophelia covers her eyes with her hand, turning away. "Somebody go look for me please and break the news to me gently."

"On it." Fallon responded, making her way through the crowd while Luca stayed beside Ophelia to encourage and comfort her.

"O, you have nothing to worry about." Luca puts a hand on Ophelia's shoulder, smiling encouragingly at her. "You did amazing and you're definitely going to get Belle."

Ophelia lowers her hand, looking at him with a nervous gaze. "I have everything to worry about. Did you not see Lily in the auditions? She's, like, a literal Disney Princess. And guess what?" Her lips forms into a frown as she gestures to herself. "I'm not."

Luca frowns, hating the way she thought about herself. Before he could scold her for thinking that way about herself, Fallon's voice is heard exclaiming Ophelia's name excitedly over and over again. "Ophelia! Ophelia! Ophelia!" Fallon ran over to her two best friends, practically jumping up and down with excitement once she stood in front of them.

Ophelia and Luca look over at Fallon with amusement. "Fallon! Fallon! Fallon!" Luca speaks in the same tone Fallon uses but more in a mocking way, earning a small glare from the light brunette-haired girl. He speaks in his normal voice when he asks, "What's up?"

"Ophelia got Belle!" Fallon grins at Ophelia. She flips her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "I got one of the Silly Girls, and I'm gonna kill it." She looks at Luca with a grin. "And Luca, you got Cogsworth!"

"Yes!" Luca cheers, fist bumping the air. "He's the one I was trying out for."

Ophelia's eyes widen and her mouth forms into an 'o' shape. "I got Belle?"

Fallon grins at her. "Yes, you did!" 

"I got the female lead?" Ophelia asks in disbelief. Fallon once again nods at her in response. After starting to realize Fallon wasn't lying, Ophelia starts to grow excited about this. "Are you serious?" Ophelia questioned, excitement lacing her voice.

Fallon puts her hands on her hips, looking at Ophelia with furrowed eyebrows. "Girl, why would I lie about this?"

Ophelia tilts her head to the side as she thinks and nods, her lips forming into a grin. "Yeah, good point." She grins. "I can't believe I got Belle!" She started jumping up and down with Fallon excitedly.

Luca grins at Ophelia and jumps up and down along with his friends. "I told you you'd get the female lead!"


Ophelia stops jumping up and down along with her friends, turning in the direction she heard Ricky's voice. She smiles widely at seeing him grinning at her as he rushes over to her. "We both got the lead roles!" 

Ophelia's eyes widen. "Wait, seriously?" Ricky nods in response and smiles excitedly. "Rick, that's awesome!" Ophelia said. She was thrilled to know that the male lead was one of her best friends. She does know that it might make things awkward between them since they have to play each other's love interests in the play, but she's not going to worry about that now. 

Ricky wraps his arms around her in a hug, picking her up and spinning her around with a grin on his face. Ophelia wrapped her arms back around him, laughing when she was spun around.

From her place by the crowd, Lily watches the two teens with a glare on her face and walks down the hallway. "Lily," She stops when Miss Jenn calls out to her. "You've got an incredible voice, but around here, we don't laugh at people who put themselves out there even if they look a little silly. In fact, we cheer for them. And we defintely don't laugh at people who mess up. We encourage them to continue." 

After Miss Jenn walks away, Lily rolled her eyes and walked down the hallway. 


Later that night, the main cast of 'Beauty and the Beast' were at Slicers for a celebration dinner. Everyone had got the roles that they wanted. Ophelia and Ricky were the leads, Ashlyn was Madam Wardrobe, Big Red was LeFou, Carlos was Lumiere, EJ was Gaston, Fallon was one of the Silly Girls, Gina was Babette, Kourtney was Mrs. Potts, and Seb was Chip. 

Ricky had got up from the booth he was sitting at to call Nini and tell her the good news. Nini was on vocal rest, but she was too excited to stay on vocal rest after she heard the news her boyfriend got the male lead. 

"Is that Nini?" Kourtney asked after hearing Nini's voice.

Ricky turns to face the phone to everyone, letting everyone see Nini and vice versa. Everyone smiles and greets her. "Nini!"

"You guys!" Nini smiles widely. "Hi!"

Big Red's mom walks over to the booths with two trays of pizza. "Pizza tonight for the world's best kiddos!" Everyone smiles at her and thanked her. Ashlyn stands up to help set down one of the trays as Big Red's mom sets down the other tray at the booth consisting of Carlos, Seb, Big Red, Gina and Luca. "Don't forget to tip your waitress."

Big Red chuckles lightly and whines, "Mom!" Pointing at her son, his mom smiles. "You love me, and you know it." She walked away as Ricky's phone was handed to Kourtney. Ricky sat down next to Ophelia who sat between him and EJ at a booth and across the three sat Kourtney, Ashlyn and Fallon. Kourtney stood up to walk off to the side while talked with Nini.

Ashlyn starts passing out pizza to the table she sits at and the pizza was passed out at the other table the theater kids were sitting at. "Nini!" Carlos called out to Nini and Kourtney passed him the phone and sat down.

"You are lookin' at Latinx Lumiere!" Carlos smirked and he turns the phone so everyone at his table is in the frame. The other four teens at the table all smiled and waved at Nini. 

"Cogsworth here!" Luca grinned.

Big Red smiles. "And Lefou!" 

"And Chip!" Seb chimed in.

Ashlyn turns around to lean on the back of the booth she's sitting at, smiling at Nini. "And Madam Wardrobe!"

Fallon turns around to face Nini with a smile. "And one of the Silly Girls! Oh, also," She points at EJ, who waves at Nini." EJ's Gaston!"

"And Babette zee feather duster!" Gina spoke in an accent with a grin on her face.

Carlos looks at her with an amused smile. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"A French accent." Gina replied as if it was obvious.

Luca looks at her with surprise. "Wait, that was supposed to be a French accent?" Gina sends him an expression that read 'duh'. Luca sheepishly smiles, glancing back at the others at the table. "That was supposed to be a French accent, guys." Gina rolled her eyes and playfully hit his shoulder, earning a chuckle from the brunette-haired boy.

 "Okay, my turn!" Ophelia says to Carlos, making grabby hands towards the phone. The phone is passed over to the booth she's at and to her. "Nini!" She greets, smiling at the brunette-haired girl. "I miss you!"

"Ophelia!" Nini smiles back at her. "I miss you too!"

"So, Neenz, tell us all the cool things that are happening at the fancy school you're at and please make us jealous." Ophelia grinned. 

"Oh, um," Nini's smile falls off her face and she looks nervous for a few moments which confused Ophelia. "Nothing nearly as exciting as what's going on with you! I heard from Ricky you got Belle." She grins. "O, I am so so so proud of you! Congrats, Ophelia."

Ophelia smiles from ear to ear, paying too much attention to Nini to miss the fond smile Ricky was looking at her with. "Thank you, that means a lot! I'm, like, beyond nervous about it though and I'm not for sure if I was right for-"

"Nuh-uh, stop right there," Nini interrupts her. She points at the dark-skinned girl with a stern expression on her face. "O, of course you get Belle. You're gonna be amazing. Miss Jenn chose you as Belle for a reason and that's because you are super talented and beautiful. Don't make me come back there and knock some sense into you 'cause I will do it."

Ophelia looks at her with a bit of surprise, not expecting for Nini to say that stuff to her. "Wow, u-um, thank you, Neenz." She smiles softly. "Really. You have no idea how much that means to me."

Nini's stern expression turns to a happy one. "You're welcome, Ophelia. You're gonna be amazing as Belle!"

"Once again, thank you, Nini." Ophelia smiles. She shakes her head. "Okay, I gotta tell you, so there was this one girl who auditioned who literally looked like a Disney princess. Like, I'm jealous of how much of a Disney princess she looked like and not only that," She scoffs. "She sounded like a Disney princess."

"Yeah." Gina turns to face the other at the booth behind her. "I think I saw a bird land on her finger while she was singing."

Everyone laughs at Gina's comment. "Wait, wait." EJ faces Ophelia with wide eyes. "Since I'm Gaston, I'm basically gonna have to pretend that I'm in love with you."

"Ew, gross." Ophelia commented, her face turning to a disgusted expression. She chuckled along with the others at the table when EJ pretended to look offended. She glances at Fallon, who sat across from her, with a smirk. "Let's talk about the fact that Fallon will have to pretend she's in love with you." She smiles teasingly at the girl across from her, who sends her a glare and her face was a light pink color. "But that shouldn't be that hard for her."

Fallon nervously laughs when EJ glanced at her with confusion and curiosity. "I have no idea what she's talking about. She's crazy." A nervous smile tugs on her lips. "Let's talk about literally anything else, please." Ophelia hands Ricky's phone back to him as Fallon notices Big Red's mom walking back over with two trays of cupcakes with 'Beauty and the Beast' characters on top of the cupcakes. "Like, oh look, cupcakes!" Fallon exclaimed, pointing at the cupcakes and she relieved Big Red's mom spoke before anyone else could. She just wanted the subject to change from her crush on EJ to literally anything else.

"Before you get dessert, mom gets a picture." Big Red's mom tells the main cast, setting down the cupcake trays at the booth her son is at. "That's the rule."

"Mom!" Big Red whined again.

"That's the rule, alright?" Big Red's mom gets her phone out and everyone scoots together so everyone can fit in the picture. Ricky had made sure Nini was included in the picture as well which Ophelia thought was sweet of him. "Got you all! And..." After taking the picture, Big Red's mom smiles and says, "It's cute!" Everyone smiled and thanked her for the cupcakes before she walked back to the kitchen.

Ricky ends the call with Nini while the cupcakes were handed out to everyone with their respective characters on top. Ophelia smiled at the Belle figurine on her cupcake. She couldn't believe she was actually going to play the female lead. And Belle of all female leads. Belle was one of her favorite Disney princesses which made her getting the part even better.

Ophelia glances at Ricky with a grin, raising her cupcake up, gesturing for him to clink their cupcakes together as if they were cups. "We're gonna be the best leads ever."

Ricky grins back at her, clinking his cupcake that had a Beast figurine on top against her cupcake. "Oh, yeah. That's obvious."

A/N sorry for this chapter being kinda short! i did change up the roles since ophelia got the female lead instead of ashlyn & i made it where ashlyn got madam wardrobe cause i couldnt believe they didnt cast madam wardrobe or cogsworth but anyway i left kourtney with mrs potts cause she did amazing at that & i didnt wanna change that. but ophelia & ricky are so cute, i love them so much

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