CHAPTER ONE, first day of senior year

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The fact that the first day of senior year was tomorrow was still a surprise to Ophelia. She couldn't believe how fast the summer has gone by. Ophelia was curled up on the couch in her house next to her boyfriend, Ricky. Senior year started for them tomorrow, tonight was the last day of summer. She smiled as she felt his hand trace up and down her arm mindlessly. They recently got together this summer, and after the documentary got out she was relieved that they didn't have to hide their relationship anymore.

She leans into him with a small frown. "I wish this summer could have lasted forever." She let out a soft sigh.

He looks at her and smiles softly. "But then we'd be missing out on senior year! Think about it, only one year left. We will be off to college and never look back."

"I guess you're right." She responded. She knew he was right, but she was still nervous and excited about senior year. Ricky put his arm around her and pulled her in closer, kissing her head. 

"Hey, by the way," Ricky speaks up, breaking the comfortable silence. "I wanted to AirDrop you something."

"Oh?" Ophelia said, raising her eyebrows and looking at him curiously.

"It's just a melody right now, but I couldn't get it out of my head. And it reminded me of you." Ricky admitted.

"Well, aren't you the cutest." Ophelia teases, ignoring how butterflies swarmed in her stomach as she kissed his cheek. "I'm assuming it's 'cause you can't get me out of your head?"

Ricky smiles at her, his face turning a bit red. "Exactly. You know me so well." Ophelia giggles and nods in agreement. "But it could be a song. It could be nothing. I just thought maybe we could write this one together."

"Really?" Ophelia asks, her smile widening. "You wanna write a song together?"

"Of course." Ricky says, smiling softly at her. "We're a team. Right?"

"Yeah." Ophelia agrees, leaning in and kissing him. "We're a team."

Then suddenly the moment was ruined by footsteps walking down the stairs.

"Bowen," Phoebe, Ophelia's mom, speaks up as she walks into the living room. "It's a school night. Time to leave."

"Mom." Ophelia whines. "Five more minutes?"

Phoebe smiles in amusement and shakes her head. "No more minutes. Bowen-"

"Out, I got it." Ricky interrupts with a chuckle and reluctantly pulled away from Ophelia, but not before he kissed her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow, babe. Night."

Ophelia smiles softly, her heart fluttering. "Good night." She watched as her boyfriend left, closing the door behind him. Once he was gone she let out a dreamy sigh and still had a wide smile on her face. She couldn't stop smiling.

Phoebe laughs at her expression as she took a seat beside her daughter. "I'm so glad you two are finally dating. I thought it would never happen."

Ophelia nods, "Yeah," She agrees with a smile. "But it was worth the wait."

"I'm happy for you, O." Phoebe smiles at her daughter. "He's good for you. I can tell he cares a lot about you, well, that's obvious 'cause he always had but it's different now." Ophelia nods in agreement with the smile never leaving her face. "Now, come on, time for bed."

"Fine..." Ophelia whined playfully, earning a chuckle and a playful shove from her mom. She playfully shoved her mom back and stood up, heading to her room. She got ready for bed, climbing under the covers and getting comfortable. As she was falling asleep, her phone buzzed.

She grabs her phone, checking it. It was a text from Ricky. She smiled and opened the text.

Hey, babe, are you awake?

i'm awake. whats up, rick?

wanted to tell you i love you again.

Ophelia smiled, her cheeks heating up a bit as she read the text.

i love you too, ricky. night <3

good night, ophelia <3

With that, she set her phone aside on her nightstand again, the wide smile on her face never leaving. 


The next morning Ophelia was awoken by her phone ringing. She groaned and blindly reached for her phone.

"Hello?" She answered, her voice hoarse.

"Good morning, beautiful." Ricky greeted.

Ophelia's eyes open, her cheeks flushing and her heart fluttered at the fact he called her beautiful. "Morning, babe. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept great. How about you? You sound like you just woke up." He teased.

"Oh, shut up." She mumbles. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to hear your voice. Can't a boyfriend call his girlfriend without a reason?" He asked.

"Mmm. Sometimes there's often a reason when it comes to you." She replied in a teasing voice, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she sat up in bed.

"You caught me." He laughs. "I'm calling because I wanted to know if you wanted to ride to school together. I can pick you up and we can go to school together."

"Hmmm," She pretends to think and she smiles. "How can I say no to a handsome man offering to drive me to school? I'd love to."

"I knew I was irresistible." Ricky teased.

"Oh, shush." Ophelia rolled her eyes and giggled.

"I'll pick you up in twenty, sweetheart." Ricky responded.

"Perfect, see you then, Rick. I love you." Ophelia told him and just saying it made her heart skip a beat. It felt so great to be able to say that now.

"I love you too, O."

They hung up and Ophelia yawned and got up, going through her closet and pulling out her clothes for the day. She got ready for school and did her hair and make up. When she was done, she grabbed her bag and went downstairs.

"Hey, mom." She greeted her mother, who was finishing making breakfast.

"Hey, honey." Phoebe smiled at her, setting a plate of eggs and bacon for Ophelia at the kitchen island Ophelia sat at. 

"Thanks." Ophelia responds, beginning to eat. "Oh, by the way, Ricky's coming to pick me up and take me to school."

"That's sweet of him." Phoebe hums in response, eating a piece of bacon she had picked up. "Guessing he'll drop you off at home too?"

"Yeah, probably. I'll let you know if plans change." Ophelia reassured her with a smile.

"Alright." Phoebe nods and continues to eat before she grabbed her purse. "I have to go to work, have a good day at school." Phoebe smiles and gives her a quick hug. "Love you."

"Love you too, mom." Ophelia smiled and kept eating as her mom left for work.

After she was done, she grabbed her backpack and headed outside. Ophelia sat on the front porch, waiting for Ricky to arrive.

It didn't take long for him to pull up in his car. She smiled and stood up, walking over to his car. She climbed into the passenger seat and leaned over to to give him a quick kiss.

"Hey, baby." She greeted him.

"Hi, gorgeous." He grins, pecking her cheek. "You look amazing today."

Ophelia smiles fondly at him, her heart fluttering at his words. "Thanks, Rick. You don't look bad yourself."

"You ready for today?" Ricky asked while he started to drive off.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Are you?" She glanced at him, looking up at him.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Ricky repeats with a small laugh and she giggles along with him. He sides glances at her. "It'll be fun." As he kept driving, his hand found hers and intertwines their hands together. "And with you by my side, nothing could stop us."

Ophelia feels her face heat up and felt butterflies in her stomach. "You're so cheesy."

Ricky laugh, winking at her. "You love it."

"Yeah, I do." Ophelia admitted with a soft smile. 

Soon, they arrived at school and Ophelia could feel her nerves grow. Ophelia grabbed her bag, getting out of the car.

"Ready?" Ricky asked, locking his car and then putting the keys into his pocket.

"Ready." Ophelia closed the door to the passenger side, meeting Ricky around the car and smiling as he intertwined their hands together and kissed her cheek.

Together, they headed into East High to start their last first day of high school. The school was bustling with activity, students were excitedly chatting about the new year.

"It's gonna be so weird not having Fallon here." Ophelia frowned. Fallon is her best friend and next door neighbor, but she started college this year along with EJ since the couple is a year older than her and Ricky. Fallon and EJ decided to go to the same school so they could stay together. They promised they'd come home often, and stay in contact as much as they could, but she was still really going to miss them.

"I know, but hey," Ricky speaks up, stopping in the hallway and squeezing her hand, causing her to look at him. "It's just one more year and then we'll be out of here and going to college ourselves." He smiled at her and she returned it.

"You're right." She nods. "Plus we still have each other."

"Always." He grinned, giving her a quick peck on the lips and earning a smile from her.

"Well, I'm glad you're both excited. Cause this is the year of the seniors!" A voice spoke up and they turned around, seeing a familiar blonde standing there.

"Kourtney! Rocking the pink by the way." Ophelia grinned at seeing Kourtney walk over to the group with Carlos following her. Ophelia let go of Ricky's hand to hug Kourtney.

"Hey, girl." Kourtney smiles and gave her a side hug. "This year will be great for us seniors."

"You keep forgetting I'm a junior." Carlos pointed out.

"Me too." Gina chimed in.

"Still can't believe I'm a senior." Luca muttered to himself.

"Yeah, yeah. Minor details." Kourtney brushed them off with a wave of her hand and a smile on her face.

"We'll have a great year. All of us." Ophelia spoke with a smile.

"Definitely." Everyone agreed and the group walked through the hallway, chatting and laughing.


Ophelia walked in the bomb shelter where the theater kids were meant to meet up early this morning for some big announcement Miss Jenn had planned. A welcome back sign was on the wall and Miss Jenn greeted the kids warmly as they all walked in one by one Ophelia and Ricky sat by each other on the risers, still holding hands. 

"And Seb is apparently not coming today." Carlos sighs. "And he's officially turning this into a feud which, actually, respect from a reality show plotline perspective. But, come on!"

"Wait," Ophelia turns her attention away from Ricky to Carlos with concern. "Something is going on with you and Seb?"

"Yeah, he won't reply back to me or talk to me after the documentary was out." Carlos replied with a frown.

"I know how you feel, Carlos." Ashlyn agrees. "I keep expecting Big Red to pop out of my locker with confetti. Change is hard."

"Yeah, but change can also be beautiful." Gina chimed in. Ophelia nodded in agreement. She agreed since changed happen with her and Ricky and it turned out to be something beautiful. They once were best friends, but now they're a couple in love with each other.

"Okay, so I know we've got our big pep rally coming up in a little bit." Miss Jenn speaks up, gaining everyone's attention. "But I wanted to grab you kids early for a special sneak preview of our show." Everyone immediately started talking to each other excitedly, all wondering what this year's musical would be. Miss Jenn waves her hand to get everyone's attention and everyone grew quiet. "Wait, where's Ricky?"

"What a surprise." Carlos throws his arms up in frustration. "Richard Bowen's runnin' late."

Ophelia chuckles. "Somethings never change, I guess." 

Everyone began talking amongst themselves when Ophelia noticed Emmy sitting nearby. She was surprised seeing her, she didn't expect to see her, but she was happy to know an old friend from camp had transferred to this school. Over the summer she had gotten close with Emmy and formed a close friends Ship with her.

"Sorry!" Ricky apologizes, rushing into the room. "Hello. I was in the bathroom thinking about senior pranks."

"Too much information." Miss Jenn said, gesturing for him to come in the room.

Ricky then got on the risers, sitting besides Ophelia and intertwining their hands together. She smiled at him as Miss Jenn cleared her throat and spoke again.

"Wildcats. This year, a special factor went into my decision about the musical. Some people may think they know you now that they've seen you on TV, but they don't know the real yous. Not really. And I want this show to be a safe space for you, where you can all sparkle and nothing is going to outshine you. And so, my babies..." She pulled a black sheet off an easel and everyone gasped but then was confused at seeing it read 'High School Musical'.

"Again?" Luca asked, raising his eyebrows. He along with the others were expecting something different. 

"Now, Carlos!" Miss Jenn whispered.

Carlos' eyes widen and he quickly got up, placing something on the board. "'High School Musicale'?" Gina said in confusion. 

After seeing the mistake, Carlos flips what looked like an 'e' and showed that it really was the number 3. Ophelia gasps excitedly, her eyes widening. She loved 'High School Musical 3'. It was her favorite of the series. Ricky knew this and squeezed her hand, grinning at her as she glanced at him with an excited smile. Everyone started talking over each other excitedly about the play.

As the bell rang, Miss Jenn gets everyone attention again. "Auditions are friday, and I have not pre-cast this. So, come with your hearts full and your minds open."


Everyone now were gathered outside, sitting on the stands at the football stadium for the pep rally. Once again, Ricky and Ophelia sat by each other and talked as they all waited for the Principal to talk.

Soon Principal Gutierrez walks on stage. "Good morning. Good morning. Alright, listen up. Listen up, everybody, settle down. It's hard to believe it's the start of another year here at East High."

"Let's go, seniors!" Ricky cheered, raising his hands in the air. Ophelia giggled at his enthusiasm and rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" Kourtney squealed, clapping and cheering along with other seniors.

"This year we have a special announcement. Ooh." Principal Gutierrez said. "Somethin' that's gonna impact all of us that are still here at East. So, I want you to welcome, and I'm obligated to say this phrase, the OG Coach Bolton."

"Stop it, right now." Luca's eyes widen in disbelief and excitement, squeezing Gina's hand. Gina chuckled and smiled at him in amusement.

"Wait," Ophelia gasps excitedly as the one and only Bart Johnson walks through the curtains and on stage. "This is actually happening."

"Hey!" Bart greeted, outstretching his arms and smiling at the students, who all cheered and applauded for him.

"Ash, look up." Gina grinned, putting her arm on Ashlyn, who had been texting Maddox. Ophelia found out that she and Maddox had been texting back and forth and giving relationship advice with each other. Ashlyn looked up from her phone, gasping and her eyes widened.

Ricky leans over to Miss Jenn to whisper, "Did you know about this?" Miss Jenn shook her hand in response.

"My name's Bart Johnson." Bart speaks while the cheering died down. "But many of you know me as Coach Bolton from the 'High School Musical' franchise. Can I get a drum roll, please? Thank you."

Everyone does a drum roll on their laps until Bart spoke again. "Folks, we're gettin' the whole gang back together to make 'High School Musical 4" The Reunion', a movie that's gonna shoot right here in East High." 

Everyone had stopped the drum roll as he talked and they all cheered and applauded after hearing this news. Ophelia couldn't believe it. Another movie would be made in the 'High School Musical' franchise and it would be shooting at the school. That meant there was a possibility she could meet some of the actors other than Corbin. If she met Zac Efron or Vanessa Hudgens she knows for a fact she would probably faint.

"Wait, we're still gonna do 'High School Musical 3', right?" Ricky asked Miss Jenn.

"Why wouldn't we? This movie has nothing to do with us." Miss Jenn replied.

"Please join me in welcoming the new stars of the franchise." Bart continues. "You know him from his hit cancelled sitcom, Mark and Spark, and you know her from her viral TikTok videos that have taken America and parts of Latin America by storm, it's America's favorite couple, it's Mack and Dani." 

Ophelia gasps, eyes widening as Mack and Dani walked past the curtain on stage and, of course, cheers and applause filled the air for them. She couldn't believe it. "I have to be dreaming. That's the only explanation." She muttered earning a chuckle from Ricky. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm freaking out!" Gina said excitedly. "Mark and Spark is my comfort show." 

Luca raises his eyebrows at hearing that. "Really?"

"I literally had a cardboard cutout of Mack in my room growing up." Gina confesses. "And I would kiss it every night before bed." Luca couldn't help the frown on his face and the pang of jealousy he felt.

"Wait," Ophelia glances over at her with a smile. "You too?" 

"You had one too?" Gina gasps and smiles at her. "So glad I'm not the only one."

"I literally watched Mark and Spark all the time growing up. Gotta admit, sometimes I still do when I'm feeling down." Ophelia admitted.

"Wait, so that's what that cardboard cutout was?" Ricky realized, remembering seeing the cardboard cutout of Mack in her room when they were little kids.

"Yep." Ophelia chuckled with a sheepish smile.

"Well, I gave up after season one, but he's adorable." Ashlyn grinned as she giggled along wtih Ophelia and Gina.

"I never saw it." Ricky chimes in. "I've never seen that program."

"I did and I hate to admit that it's good." Luca muttered. 

"I guess I should say something." Mack speaks up. "For seven years, I grew up in front of a lot of you on Mark and Spark, where my talking dog Spark taught me valuable lessons, from friendship to food. And, yes, I am talking about episodes 617 where Spark taught me to cook spaghetti al dente."

"Al dente!" Gina blurted out the same time Mack said it and smiled shyly after realizing what she did and some chuckles filled the air.

Mack chuckles and Dani smiles, pointing up at Gina. "I see someone has watched every episode. I appreciate that. And, um, in my role in this new movie, I will play the co-caption of both East High's basketball team and the drama club." Everyone cheers in response. "Is it woke? Is it throwback? What if it's both? What if it's 'High School Musical 4'?" Everyone cheers once more. "Well, guess what? It is." The cheers grew louder and some students even stood up. 

Mack then steps back, letting Dani step up to the mic. "Thank you for your kind words baby. I am so honored to be here and to be making my acting debut in the franchise that launched so many careers, and also Bart Johnson."

Some cheers filled the air and Bart grins, fist bumping the air. "Yes. Yes."

"So the tea is, she lip-syncs and can't actually sing live." Carlos told his friends.

"Okay, we're on teh same side of TikTok because I saw the same exact thing." Emmy admitted, earning a surprised and impressed look from Carlos and Kourtney.

"And for all of my haters who say I can't actually sing live," Dani adds. She takes the mic off the mic stand. "I just wanted to say this." Mack takes the mic stand out of the way and moves off to the side of the stage. "Lookin forward from center stage to graduation day time to get the future started. What we leave, what we take with us no matter what it's somethin' we're a part of. We learned to fly, together, side by side, I just hope the rest of my life will feel as good as my high school musical."

As Dani continued, a girl walked on stage playing electric guitar along to the song and soon everyone started clapping along to the beat. "Who says we have to let it go? It's the best part we've ever known, step into the future, but hold on to high school musical. Let's celebrate where we come from. Altogether, makes it better. Memories, they last forever. I want the rest of my life to feel just like a high school musical. Yeah, yeah, yeah."


Ophelia is now walking down the hallway, her hand intertwined with Ricky's as they follow Miss Jenn and the rest of the theater kids to the bomb shelter. "Follow me and keep your energy contained. I'm told we have a special visitor meeting us in the rehearsal room." Miss Jenn explained. Ophelia raised her eyebrows at that and shared a curious look with Ricky, both wondering who the special visitor was.

Kourtney gasps, looking nervous yet excited. "If it's Dani, somebody stop me from saying something stupid."

"If it's Mack, somebody stop me if I flirt with him." Carlos chimed in.

The group stopped at the corner they would have to turn before they got to the bomb shelter only to find out it was blocked. There was a security guard there and police tape blocked off the hall. "Excuse me, hi." Miss Jenn greets. "My students and I need to get back to our rehearsal room."

"No can do. This hall has been rented out by Homecoming to pre-light for a scene." The security guard replied.

Ashlyn furrows her eyebrows. "But homecoming isn't for, like, a month."

The security guard gestures with his arms for the group to lean in. "Between us, Homecoming is the secret code name for 'High School Musical 4'."

Some of the teens excitedly screamed, but they all either looked shocked or excited. Ophelia was one of the ones who looked excited. She knew that they would be filming in the school, she just didn't expect it would be near or even in the bomb shelter, but she probably should've assumed that.

Miss Jenn gestures for him to lean forward. "Between us, you should not be a security guard."

A/N rickelia is so cute omg 

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