CHAPTER TWO, two in a million

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Finally the group makes it to the bomb shelter. "Everyone, take a seat." Miss Jenn instructs. "I'm sorry we had to climb through the bushes."

"It's fine. I think I brought a bush with me though." Ophelia chuckled, picking out leaves from her hair as she walked in.

"You really did." Ricky noticed, chuckling as well and helped picks out some leaves from her hair.

"Ashlyn, I did not know you are allergic to shrubs." Miss Jenn said worriedly, picking out some leaves from Ashlyn's hair when the red head walked by. "Hopefully, whatever this is won't take too long." Miss Jenn sighed as everyone sat down.

Suddenly Corbin walks into the room, smiling and outstretching his hands. Everyone gasps, smiling at him. "Corbin's on the clock." He said and Ophelia couldn't help the grin that formed on her face.

"Mr. Bleu?" Carlos said in surprise and Luca snickered while Ophelia giggled at hearing he said the last name wrong.

Corbin laughs and smiles. "Alright, look, you guys, I'm gonna make this quick."

"Is your helicopter waiting?" Ricky remarked, earning some chuckles from the others.

"You're funny." Corbin chuckles. "It's a private jet. I am aware that the 'Frozen' documentary turned out differently than any of us expected."

"Seb isn't talking to me." Carlos told him.

"Big Red is in Cairo for six months." Ashlyn added.

"My mom's first husband disappeared under mysterious circumstances." Emmy chimed in, earning surprised looks from everyone.

"I hear you. And I think I found a way to make it up to you." Corbin admitted with a smile.

"Not another documentary crew." Ashlyn frowns. "Please."

"No. No, no, no. It's something way better." Corbin said reassuringly. "Allow me to invite some friends to explain. Lucas? Mo? Zac? Vanessa? Ashely?"

"Wait." Ophelia gasps, grabbing onto Ricky's hand out of excitement and disbelief. She watched as the original cast of the 'High School Musical' franchise walked into the room with smiles on their faces. She felt like she was going to pass out from excitement and shock. "Fallon is gonna be so jealous when I tell her about this."

Ricky chuckles and squeezes her hand. "That's what you're thinking about now?"

"One of the many things I'm thinking about." Ophelia replied.

She cheered along with the others as the cast members walked in from the back door. "Hey, Wildcats!" Lucas greeted with a smile as Mo went over to Corbin to hug him. Ashley, Zac, and Vanessa joined them as well along.

Miss Jenn sits back down as Mo starts talking. "So, we want the fourth movie to feel authentic, a little bit more grounded, and absolutely accessible to new generations."

"So, what's the plot of this movie, you ask?" Lucas chimed in.

"We didn't, but I was going to." Ashlyn admitted with a wide smile.

Lucas smiles, pointing at her. "Okay. It is our fifteen year high school reunion." Corbin explains. "My character, Chad, is married to Taylor." He smiles and everyone gasps as he and Mo held hands. "Martha is a world-class choreographer."

"Now, Troy and Gabriella had a lot of ups and downs at first," Zac speaks up, but he smiles as he side hugs Vanessa, who shares a smile with him. "But, of course, everything works out for them."

"Yeah, it wouldn't be the same without Troy and Gabriella being together." Vanessa smiled.

"Ryan is happily partnered." Corbin continued.

"With twins on the way." Lucas added and some of the students awed and even clapped a bit.

"As for our fabulous Sharpay," Ashley speaks up with a smile. "She got married to Peyton and they've been travelling the world as he does photography."

"Wait, hold up, the guy who's in the Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure?" Ophelia gasps excitedly. "Are you telling me Austin Butler is gonna be here?"

"I sure am, girl." Ashley grinned.

"Stop it, I'm gonna faint." Ophelia muttered, the smile never leaving her face as some of the others chuckled and even Ashlyn and Gina playfully started fanning her.

"And the future of the East High Drama Department is on the line." Mo explained.

Miss Jenn furrows her eyebrows. "So it's a horror film?"

Corbin and Mo laughs. "No, not at all, Jessica. The real hook of this movie is that Miss Darbus is retiring." Corbin said. "So the next generation of theater kids is absolutely freaking out."

"Rightfully so." Ophelia nodded. She wouldn't blame them. She would freak out if Miss Jenn would retire.

"So it's a comedy." Ashlyn guessed.

"We need you to be featured extras." Lucas informed the group, causing them all to gasp.

Corbin smiles. "Front and center in every scene with Miss Darbus."

"I mean, what better way to cast a drama class then with real drama students?" Mo asked, gesturing to the group of teens.

"Wait, is Alyson Reed in this movie?" Ashlyn inquires. "Cassie in the 'A Chorus Line' movie." She said after some of the others looked confused. "The original Miss Darbus, you guys."

Everyone nods in realization. "Alyson is in," Corbin chuckles. "A hundred percent. She still has her original costumes."

"Ooh," Mo grins. "And her wigs."

Carlos' eyes widen. "That was a wig. Okay, I'm obsessed with Hollywood."

"Um, excuse me," Kourtney chimes in, raising her hand before lowering it. "If we're going for authenticity here, then I think that Mack and Dani should consult us. The real life kids at East High."

"Ooh, I love the integrity of that." Corbin nodded.

"Me too." Vanessa agreed with a smile.

"Great idea." Mo commented.

"Yeah, great. You can cover Dani. Any volunteers to show Mack around?" Lucas asked.

"Right, like somebody who grew up loving his TV show." Ashlyn nods, pointing at Ophelia with a grin. "I'm sure Ophelia, here, would love to. I mean, she did kiss a cardboard cutout of him every night."

"Wait." Ophelia's eyes widen, smiling shyly. "I'm not the only one. Gina did too!"

Gina gasps, giving a look at her. "Hey!" She playfully glared at her, though her lips quirked up into a smile. Ophelia giggled and stuck her tongue out at her.

Everyone all teased the two girls and Mo smiles. "Perfect. Which one of you two would want to cover Mack?"

"How do we decide it?" Gina asked.

"Rock paper scissors?" Zac suggested.

"Sure, why not." Ophelia chuckled and she and Gina did rock paper scissors. In the end, Ophelia won which didn't make Ricky feel very happy. In fact, he was nervous and starting to feel jealous.

"Great. Ophelia, you are on Mack." Mo smiled at Ophelia.

"Well," Ricky forces a smile. "This is fun."

"Right?" Corbin chuckles. "Rehearsals start this week. Prepare for your entire lives to change. This time for the better." Everyone cheered excitedly, but Ophelia noticed Miss Jenn and Ricky didn't.

"Okay, someone please pinch me." Ophelia grins. "I think I'm dreaming."

"I think I am too." Ricky sighs, still forcing a smile. He had a feeling this wouldn't end well. "At least I hope I am."


Ophelia walked to the dressing room since she was told that's where Mack would be. She stopped in her tracks, her heart skipping a beat at seeing Mack didn't have a shirt on. In fact, he only had boxers on as a tailor was taking his measurements. "Hi." She finally speaks up, smiling shyly. "So sorry. I didn't know when would be a good time to come find you. I was assigned to show you around school. I'm Ophelia, I'm a real student here." She holds her hand out. "Ophelia. I already said that, why did I say that again?" She muttered to herself, earning a chuckle from Mack.

"Nice to meet you, Ophelia." Mack smiles, shaking her hand. "I'm Mack."

"Hi." Ophelia giggles, feeling nervous. Her voice got a little shaky. "Um, and I'm also a bit traumatized." She admitted since she had walked in on his costume fitting.

Mack chuckles. "I'm sure, uh, I'm sorry. Didn't exactly plan on someone walking in. I was just in a costume fitting."

"Oh, I noticed." Ophelia said quickly, her cheeks heating up. "And I mean, not, like, the whole thing." She stammers. "I'm making such a fool of myself...."

"Just a little." Mack teases. "You mind if you turn around?"

She turned around, blushing red as Mack grabbed a flannel and put it on, buttoning it as well. "I gotta ask, do you still keep in touch with the dog?" She managed to say, referring to the golden retriever Spark from the sitcom he was the main character for when he was younger. 

"There were seven of them over the years. They all retired to a farm upstate." Mack replied and Ophelia nodded, getting the hint that they all most likely got old and died.

"Oh." She frowns a little. She always loved the dog, Spark. She had to admit, she was a bit sad that they passed away. "I'm just gonna go and pretend this never happened." She stammered and turned to leave.

"Hey," Mack stops her, turning to face her as he finished buttoning the blue flannel he grabbed. "Um, why don't we hang out later? Just me and you?"

"What?" Ophelia's eyes widen and a shy smile grows on her face. "Me and you? I have a boyfriend." She blurts out. She blushes and mentally slapped herself. That was not the first impression she wanted to give him. "I don't mean that like you were coming on to me. Not that I would have a problem with that because wow you're hot."

She facepalms, groaning. "I'm not saying you're not attractive. You're not unattractive. I'm attracted to you." She cringes, her heart racing as her face heats up. "Wait, not attracted to you. I mean, I'm not not attracted to you." She sighed, closing her eyes. She felt so stupid.

Mack couldn't help but chuckle. He found her nervousness and rambling cute. "I'll take that as a yes."

Ophelia slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him, giving a nervous nod. "Y-Yeah. Yeah. That'd be great."

"Cool." Mack smiles. "I'll follow you on Insta."

"Right." Ophelia smiles, nodding. "Insta, yeah. I'm a big fan of Insta. I love Insta." She cringed. Why was she talking about Instagram? She needed to get out of there and stop embarrassing herself. 

 "Okay, um, I'm gonna go. I'm sorry for, um, barging in."

"It's fine." Mack assures her with a chuckle. "I'll see you later."

"See you." Ophelia grinned and waved at him awkwardly. She turned and left the dressing room. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she sighed and shook her head, facepalming again.

"You did not just meet him shirtless." Ashlyn teases, making her jump and let out a yelp. "You're welcome."

"Ashlyn, are you trying to kill me?!" Ophelia exclaims, clutching her chest as she took a deep breath. "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to hear your nervous rambling." Ashlyn replies, laughing. "That was the cutest thing."

Ophelia sighs and shakes her head, feeling embarrassed. "I made such a fool of myself."

"No, you didn't." Ashlyn reassures her, linking her arm with Ophelia as they walk down the hall together. "It's just a little crush. It's nothing serious."

"Yeah." Ophelia nods. "Nothing serious."

"You are not cheating on Ricky." Ashlyn states. "I can tell you are getting worried about it."

"I'm not. I promise." Ophelia said and sighs. "I guess it's just the fact I've been crushing on Mack for a long time and now he's here. It's hard to get rid of a childhood crush like that. I'm sure it's not a big deal. Nothing will happen."

"Right." Ashlyn agrees. "Nothing will happen."

Ophelia nodded, but the thing was, she had a feeling that something might. And that something would not be good.


Meanwhile, Ricky was trying not to freak out. Ricky had a bad feeling about Ophelia being Mack's guide. He couldn't help the jealousy and fear building up inside of him. He couldn't stand the thought of losing Ophelia. He was scared that her crush would turn into more than a crush and she would break up with him to be with Mack. It scared him and made him anxious. He really didn't want to lose her. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

"Why did it have to be her?" Ricky sighed, staring at his locker, lost in his thoughts.

"Who's the her?" Luca inquired curiously, walking over to him.

Ricky jumps, startled by his sudden presence. "Jeez, Luca, give me a warning next time."

"Sorry." Luca apologizes, smiling sheepishly. "What's wrong? Who's her?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"Ophelia." Ricky replies, turning to face him and lean against his locker. "I'm worried that this little celebrity crush she has on Mack might turn into something more." 

"What makes you think it would?" Luca questions, furrowing his eyebrows. "It's not like Ophelia would cheat on you."

"Yeah, I know, but..." Ricky trails off. "I'm just afraid that he'll make a move on her. And that she'll return the feelings."

"I don't think she will." Luca assures him. "It's just a crush, dude. You know Ophelia loves you. And she would never cheat on you."

"I know." Ricky nods. "But it doesn't stop me from being jealous."

"It's understandable." Luca replies. "I mean, I was jealous when I heard Gina had a crush on him and kissed his cardboard cutout she has in her room. Still am a little jealous." He admits. "But she reassured me it's just a silly celebrity crush she has and nothing will change." He smiles. "You should just talk to Ophelia about it."

"I would." Ricky said, looking nervous. "But I'm too afraid to hear what she would say."

"You need to trust her, Ricky." Luca points out. "She's a loyal person. And you know her better than anyone. She won't hurt you."

"I know. I do trust her. I trust her a lot. I guess I'm just paranoid." Ricky mumbles, shrugging. "It's just...Ophelia is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I would hate to lose her."

"I understand. I know how you feel." Luca nods in understanding. "If you lose her, it'll feel like you're losing yourself."

"Exactly." Ricky agrees. He raises his eyebrows. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Luca inquired, looking confused.

"You and Gina. How do you do it?" Ricky asks with a sigh. "You guys are so happy and in love and seem to not have any problems. You guys are literally relationship goals."

Luca laughs and shakes his head. "Thanks, but there's no secret to it, Ricky. It's all about trust and communication, in my opinion. Talk to Ophelia. Communication is key in any relationship."

"Yeah, you're right." Ricky smiles a little. "I'll talk to her. Thanks, man."

"Anytime, Ricky." Luca nodded and smiled. 


After school, Ophelia was walking out the front doors of the school when she got a notification from Instagram. She couldn't help the smile on her face after seeing Mack was now following her and she had a message from him.

She clicked the message, her heart skipping a beat.

Hey, Ophelia! It was nice meeting you today. :) If you're not busy, I was wondering if you'd like to meet at this cute cafe i went to recently called Honeybee Cafe. :)

She quickly texted him back.

I'm not busy! Sounds fun! What time should we meet up?

How about now? I'm already there. :)

Okay! I'll be there soon, I'll text you when I'm there.

Ophelia covered her mouth to stop the excited squeal she wanted to let out. "Hey, baby." Ricky's voice startles her to the point where she dropped her phone. He chuckles and picks it up, handing it to her. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay." Ophelia assures him, smiling. "Hey, you." She pecks his lips. He smiles, wrapping his arms around her waist in response. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to see you before I head home." Ricky replied with a smile.

"Awe, aren't you sweet?" Ophelia grinned and pecked his lips again.

"I try." Ricky admitted.

"I gotta go. I'm meeting someone." Ophelia suddenly said after checking the time on her phone. 

"Oh." Ricky frowns a little, a bit upset their moment had to end so quickly. "Who are you meeting?"

"Mack." Ophelia answers. She smiles. "He wanted to meet up to get to know each other since we'll be working closely with each other." She shrugs. "And since he never been here before, I'll probably show him around town."

"Okay." Ricky replies, looking a bit disappointed. He knew he needed to talk to her about this now. "Hey, Lia."

"Yeah?" Ophelia asked.

"Can we talk?" Ricky inquired hopefully.

"Can it wait?" Ophelia replies, glancing at her phone and seeing the time. "I really don't want to be late. I'll see you tomorrow, babe." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling away. She grabbed and turned around to walk away. Ricky sighed and watched her walk off. He felt a bit hurt and worried.

"She doesn't want to be late." Ashlyn said, walking over to him. "Hey, don't worry." Ashlyn assures him, putting her hand on his shoulder. "It's nothing. Did you talk to her about how you're paranoid about this?" She asked.

"How did you know that I was being paranoid?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"It's a little obvious." Ashlyn admits. "Well, to everyone else who's not Ophelia."

"I tried, but I didn't get the chance." Ricky sighs. "She's meeting him right now."

"And it's nothing." Ashlyn smiles reassuringly. "It's a celebrity crush, Ricky. Just talk to her."

"Yeah, I will." Ricky nods. "Thanks, Ash."

"Anytime, Ricky." Ashlyn smiled.


Ophelia ran to the café, stopping to catch her breath and smooth her hair. She walked inside and saw Mack at a table, waiting for her. He looked up and saw her, a smile appearing on his face.

"Hi." Ophelia greeted, returning the smile.

"Hey, you." Mack grinned.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting." Ophelia said, sitting down in the chair across from him.

"Not at all. I literally just got here a few seconds ago before you showed up." He admits. "You're not late. You're right on time."

Ophelia blushes, laughing nervously. "Good."

"I ordered drinks." Mack tells her with a small smile. "Hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all." Ophelia shakes her head. "What'd you order?"

"Two iced coffees." He replies and he looks a bit nervous. "Is that okay?" He points over at the counter, moving to get up. "If not, I can order something else."

"No, that's perfect." Ophelia assured him, waving a hand and he smiled, sitting back down.


"Hey, what's your number?" He asked, pulling out his phone.

Ophelia's eyes widen and she felt like her heart stopped. "My number?" She squeaked.

"Yeah, I think it'd be cool to stay in contact." He replies, smiling. "Maybe we can hang out again sometime."

"Right." Ophelia nods, laughing a bit nervously. "Of course." She told him her number and he put it into his phone, smiling.

"Perfect. Thank you." He said.

"Anytime." She replied.

"I'll see you later, I had fun hanging out with you today." Mack admitted, smiling at her.

"Yeah, same here." Ophelia waved at him and they both walked separate ways. Ophelia walked home with a smile on her face the whole time.


(ophelia's outfit for the rest of the chapter)

When she got home, she changed into more comfortable clothes and then checked her phone, seeing a notification from Instagram. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open when she was tagged in a post by Mack.

She clicked the notification and couldn't help but stare at the picture in awe.

It was a picture of her. When they were talking at the café. It looked like it was taken when she wasn't looking and was taking a drink of the iced coffee. And she looked happy.

He had tagged her and captioned the photo.

Had so much fun with @Ophelia_Roberts today! Thanks for showing me around town. :)

The comment section was already blowing up. Ophelia decided to just scroll through them for a bit.

Who's the girl?

She looks hot

Wish she were my girl

Is that his girlfriend or just a friend?

<Isn't he dating that girl from tiktok, dani?

<yeah, thats what i thought

Why do they look cute together?

Literally so jealous

I wish I had his arm wrapped around me like that

Ophelia blushed and looked at the comments and laughed. Some of the comments were very amusing and the others were funny and weird.

"Hey, you're home." Her mom greeted her, walking over to her from the living room.

"Yup." Ophelia nodded, putting her phone in the back pocket of her jeans.

"I see you had fun today." Phoebe teased her.

Ophelia blushes. "I assume you saw the picture Mack posted of me?"

"Sure did." Phoebe nods. "How was it spending time with your childhood crush?" She teased.

"Mom." Ophelia whined.

Phoebe laughs. "So, how was it?"

"It was really fun." Ophelia answered.

"I bet." Phoebe smirked.

"Stop." Ophelia rolls her eyes, but she was smiling and she shoved her mom to the side playfully. "You know I have a boyfriend. It's nothing like that with me and Mack."

"Okay, okay. I'm just teasing." Phoebe chuckled.

"It was nice getting to know him and show him around the town." Ophelia admits. "I had a lot of fun."

"That's great, honey. I'm gonna start on dinner." Phoebe smiled, kissing her daughter's forehead before going to the kitchen.


After dinner and went it was around time for bed, Ophelia was sitting on her bed with her keyboard in front of her. She didn't know what gotten into her, but lately she wanted to write a song. So she had been playing around and came up with something. Something that would go great with the back track Ricky had sent her earlier.

Speaking of Ricky, she jumped when she heard a knock on the window. She quickly stood up and went over to the window, pulling the curtain back to see her boyfriend.

"Hey, baby." Ophelia greeted him, opening the window for him to come in.

"Hey, sweetheart." Ricky smiled, climbing inside.

"What are you doing here?" Ophelia asked him, not remembering them planning for him to come over that night.

"I wanted to see you." Ricky replied with a soft smile that made her heart skip a beat.

"Aww." Ophelia looks at him fondly and kisses his cheek. "Hey, perfect timing. Just finished coming up with lyrics and I think it'd be perfect to go along with the backing track you made. Wanna put the two together and see how it sounds?"

"Actually, babe, I have to tell you something." Ricky said, sitting down on the bed.

"Okay, what is it?" Ophelia inquired, sitting down beside him.

Ricky takes a deep breath before admitting, "I'm worried."

"You're worried?" Ophelia repeats, furrowing her eyebrows. "Why are you worried?"

"I'm worried that you'll replace me." Ricky blurts out, looking away.

"Replace you?" Ophelia frowns. "With who?"

"Mack." He replied.

"Mack? Why would I replace you with Mack?" Ophelia asks with a frown. "Just because I'm showing him around and becoming friends with him doesn't mean I could ever replace you with him. You're not replaceable."

"Really?" Ricky asked, smiling.

"Yes, really." Ophelia smiles and cups his cheek, pecking his lips. "I would never replace you. I know I had this childhood crush thing on Mack, but that's all it is. What I have for you is different. You're the only one who's had my heart and the only one who will ever have it. Got it?"

"Got it." Ricky smiles and pecks her lips. "I love you."

"You wanna put the backing track and lyrics together now?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Ophelia smiled as well, grabbing her notebook. She then grabbed her phone, finding the AirDrop he sent her of the back track he made before she pressed play on it.

"Planets align, suddenly I'm alive." She sang, showing him the notebook so he knew what lyric he needed to sing.

"Eyes full of stars, guide me to where you are." Ricky read off, his heart fluttering as he read the lyrics.

"Pinch me if I'm asleep," Ophelia starts off the next lyric first, followed by Ricky harmonizing with her. "'Cause this feels like it's a dream."

"We're like two in a million, can't even begin to find where I found you. What are the chances that there'll be this magic when we touch."

As Ricky sang an ad lib, Ophelia sings the main line. "(Oh) We've got something special, on another level.

"Like it's just me and you in the room." They both glance at each other with soft smiles as they sing this part. "Because something so brilliant is meant for just two in a million. Two in a million. Oh, oh, yeah."

While Ophelia sang, Ricky sang 'yeah' at the same time drawing out the word to sing it longer. "We're like two in a million, can't even begin to find," Then Ricky joins her for the next part. "Where I found you. What are the chances that there'll be this magic when we touch."



"We've got something.

"We've got something."

"On another level."

"No, it's not nothing."

"Like it's just me and you in the room."


"Because something so brilliant is meant for just two in a million. Because something so brilliant is meant for just two in a million."


"Two in a million."


As the song ended, they're both staring at each other fondly with soft smiles on their faces and their face red. "It's perfect." Ricky commented, causing her smile to widen.

"I was thinking the same thing." Ophelia admitted, glancing down at his lips before they both leaned in. She was happy he liked the lyrics because she believed every word. She believed they had something special that's meant for two in a million.

A/N ooh got a little complicated there with ophelia & ricky for a hot minute. loving ophelia's & mack's friendship tbh. but i love ophelia & ricky even more, they're so adorable. also hoped y'all liked how i added zac, vanessa & ashley there as well. it just didn't feel right for them not being there in my opinion so since i could do anything i wanted i decided to add them in 

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