CHAPTER SEVEN, trust the process

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Today Ophelia and her cast mates in the movie would be filming the rest of the movie. And finally they were done.

"And that's a wrap on 'High School Musical 4'!" Quinn announced. Everyone cheered and clapped immediately.

Ophelia smiled widely as she walked down the hall, thanking the crew members and congratulating everyone. She was so happy the movie was done. While she had to admit she loved acting and being on the movie, she's glad to go back to her normal life.

"Ophelia!" A familiar voice calls out to her and she grins when she heard Vanessa Hudgens call out to her. Over the time of working on the movie, she had become close with all the original cast members but she was closest with Vanessa and Zac. Yes, she still couldn't believe she was on first name basis with these famous actors and actresses. "Ophelia, you were amazing!" She gushed and pulled her in a hug.

"Thank you!" Ophelia smiles widely, hugging the actress. "So we're you as always!"

"Hey, there's our new young super star in the making." Zac teased as he walked over to the two.

"Oh please, I wouldn't call me that." Ophelia chuckled, her face heating up. She doesn't know how she got to the point where she could talk to him without passing out. She still pinches herself to this day to make sure she's not dreaming.

"You were fantastic, Ophelia." Zac smiled at her, hugging her.

"Thanks." Ophelia smiled and hugged him back.

"We're proud of you, kid." Zac told her as they pulled away.

"That means a lot, thank you." Ophelia smiled widely. "I gotta be honest, I'm gonna miss you guys."

"Hey, its not like the end of the world. We can still stay in touch." Vanessa reassured her with a smile and Zac nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right. Thanks guys." Ophelia smiled.

"No problem. See ya, kid." Zac waved at her and the two started walking away.

"Oh wait! Vanessa!" Ophelia called out, causing the woman to turn and look at her.

"What's up, honey?" She asked.

"Um, could I ask you something?"

"Of course." Vanessa nodded.

"How did you know you were ready you wanted to be a star?" She nervously asks, fidgeting with her hands. "I know now at the end of the movie is a bad time to ask this, but.."

"But you're worried if its what you really want or not." Vanessa finished her sentence and Ophelia nodded.

"It's not a bad question, Ophelia. Trust me. And to answer your question, I guess I've always been a performer. I love acting and singing. It just felt right when I first started acting and singing." Vanessa smiled.

"Yeah. That makes sense." Ophelia nodded.

"Listen, its okay to feel this way. And it's okay if you're not sure." Vanessa reassures her, walking back towards her and grabbing her hands, holding them. "Don't rush into a decision. Take your time and think it through. It's a big choice."

"Yeah. Thank you, Nessie." Ophelia smiled softly.

"Anytime, O. You know how to reach me." Vanessa smiled.

Ophelia nodded in response with a small smile. She appreciated Vanessa's advice. While she was happy the movie wad over and she could go to her normal life, it was glamorous being a movie star for awhile and she did kinda like it. But it was so chaotic and she barely had time to do anything fun or even just take a break. It was stressful and a lot of pressure. But maybe, just maybe, she could handle the stress and pressure. Maybe it would be worth it.

She then noticed Bart walking by and he was on live. He even gestured her to come over. She excused herself from Zac and Vanessa to walk over to Bart. "What's up, wildcats? We have just wrapped up 'High School Musical 4'. I'm here with our leading lady, Ophelia Roberts. Now, technically, Disney won't let me say any spoilers, but Ophelia was incredible in this film as a Mesna level cheerleader who convinces Miss Darbus not to retire in the last five minutes of the film. What!"

Ophelia laughs. "Oh yeah. I think the writers did a good job at making the ending a plot twist."

"Absolutely." Bart agrees. "So, the big question everybody wants to know, Ophelia. Do you think you have what it takes to become a star? Is this gonna be the beginning of a career?"

"Uh.." Ophelia's eyes widened. She wasn't expecting him to ask her that. But before she could answer, Mack appeared out of nowhere, pulling her away.

"Excuse us." Mack muttered, pushing past Bart and taking her away.

"Mack, what the heck? That was rude." Ophelia scoffed.

"I'm sorry, but I'm trying to save you from yourself. I saw the way you were looking at Vanessa. And that little interview Bart was doing. Please, tell me you're not thinking about this, Ophelia." Mack begged.

"Thinking about what?" She questioned, looking at him with confusion.

"Staying on as a star. Being a big name." Mack stated.

"Is that so bad?" Ophelia asked, crossing her arms.

"I didn't say it was bad. But this isn't you, O. You're not the type to be flashy. You don't care about being the center of attention." Mack reminded her.

"I know that. But maybe I want to change." Ophelia shrugged.

"Why? You don't have to change." Mack frowned.

"I know that. But it's not bad to try something new." Ophelia admitted.

"What if something goes wrong?" Mack questions. "What if the whole thing blows up and you're left in the dust?"

"Why do you think that'll happen?" She frowned, her heart dropping.

"It's what usually happens." Mack's face softens and he sighs. "Its just the way it works sometimes. If you're famous, then something will go wrong."

"Not all the time." Ophelia argues. "Look, I'm not gonna let that stuff stop me. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Maybe it's a risk I'm willing to take...I haven't decided yet. Oh gosh, I haven't even decided about college and early admissions are over." She muttered, running her hands over her face. She had completely forgot about college and had been focusing on the movie. Her grades weren't the best since she had been focusing on the movie. 

Mack frowns, noticing that she was beginning to spiral and panic. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ophelia, breathe." He gently instructed. She looked up at him, nodding and taking a deep breath.

"I'm fine." She mumbled, her hands shaking slightly.

"Ophelia." Mack tried again, his eyes full of concern.

"No, really, I'm fine. I'm fine." She repeats, running her fingers through her hair. "I'm fine."

"Really? 'Cause you're shaking and you look like you could use a hug." Mack said softly, looking at her with concern.

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind if someone gave me a hug right now." She murmured, looking down at the ground.

He pulls her in for a hug, resting his head on top of hers and rubbing her back. "Breathe, Ophelia. It's going to be okay." She wraps her arms around him, hugging him back and sighing. "Listen, I know you have a lot of pressure and it's a big decision, but please think it through. If you choose this, I know you're going to be so amazing at being an actress. And if you don't choose to be an actress, then that's okay and I'll still support you. I just don't want you to do anything you'll regret."

"I know, I know. I won't. Thank you, Mack." Ophelia said, pulling away from him and giving him a small smile.

"Anytime, O." Mack smiled softly.

"Sorry, I don't mean to leave so suddenly, but I do have somewhere I need to be. Thank you again for calming me down. I really needed it." Ophelia admitted. She explained and pulled away. He nodded understandingly and smiled. After they said their goodbyes, she continued walking down the hallway, but Alyson stopped her.

"Darling!" She smiles, taking her hands. "You were absolutely radiant. All through the movie. Dare I say it, a star is born!"

Ophelia blushes. "Aw, stop. That's nice of you to say, thank you."

"No, darling. I mean it. And you have so much potential. So many great roles to play. I'm sure everyone would love to work with you." Alyson complimented.

"Thank you, really." Ophelia smiled softly. She appreciated everything that Alyson said. 

"Just promise me, that once you're a big star, you'll always remember your dear old friend, Alyson." She joked.

Ophelia laughed. "How could I ever forget a legend like you?" She smiled.

Alyson hugged her. "Thank you, dear."

"Anytime." Ophelia smiled.

The two then pulled away and Ophelia bid her farewell, walking down the hallway. She smiled widely, her eyes lighting up when Ricky walked over to her with a bright smile. "Hey, there's my beautiful and talented girlfriend." He grinned, pecking her lips.

She giggles. "Hi, my handsome and talented boyfriend."

"You were incredible. Just like you always are. But you really outdid yourself this time." Ricky smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her close.

"Thank you, honey." She blushes. "You were amazing as well."

"Thanks, baby." He smiled softly and pecked her lips.

She smiles and wraps her arm around his waist. "So, um," she said nervously. "You sure you were cool with that kiss Mack and I had to do at the end of the reunion song?"

"Of course, I was." He nods. "It was just part of the scene. Nothing more."

"I know. I was just worried you'd be upset." She admitted, looking down as she chewed on her bottom lip. As he stopped walking, causing her to stop as well, he cupped her chin and made her look up at him.

"Hey, stop worrying. Okay?" He said, brushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "You know I trust you, babe. You would never do anything to hurt me."

"Yeah, you're right." She nodded, smiling a little.

"Of course I'm right." He smirks, causing her to laugh. "And, yes, I will always get a bit jealous seeing you kissing another guy, but it was just acting. But then I remember I'm lucky enough to be your boyfriend and get to kiss you all the time." He looks at her fondly. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

"Aww, honey." She blushes and pecks his lips. "You're too sweet. And I'm the luckiest girl in the world." She said softly, her heart skipping a beat. Butterflies swarm in Ricky's stomach as he smiled shyly at her. He then leaned in, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. He smiled into the kiss as she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and smiling into the kiss as well. His hands moved down to her hips, resting them there.

When they pulled away, Ophelia couldn't help but laugh when Ricky tried to chase her lips. She places her finger on his lips, stopping him and making him pout. "You're so cute when you pout." She said, pinching his cheek, which only made him pout more. "Come on, we got a play to rehearse." She said and pecked his lips before taking his hand and walking away with him. He groaned and sighed, but smiled nonetheless as he followed her. She really was the love of his life.

Nearby stood Carlos, Ashlyn, Gina, Luca, and Kourtney looking concerned.

"Oh no." Carlos mumbled, his eyes widening.

"We didn't tell them the musical is cancelled did we?" Luca frowned. He thought they did, but now seeing the couple look so excited about the play made him realize they forgot to tell them.

"I'm afraid they're gonna have to learn the hard way." Gina sighed.

Ophelia and Ricky laugh as they enter the bomb shelter while talking and holding hands. They stop in their tracks when they saw it was empty. Miss Jenn was there, packing her things.

Ophelia's heart drops, a frown forming on her lips and Ricky's grip on her hand tightens. "What's going on?" Ricky asked hesitantly. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer.

Miss Jenn turns around, a sad expression on her face. "I guess we would have to have this conversation eventually. Much like my mother's problematic Twitter account 'High School Musical 3'is cancelled. The drama club is on pause."

"On pause?" Ricky asks. "What does that even mean?"

"No one showed up yesterday for the act one run through. Except Emmy." Miss Jenn explains. "But I'm starting to think she's the ghost of a small Victorian child." She admitted.

Ophelia looks down, blinking to try and stop the tears from forming. "So, you're canceling the show just because we missed one rehearsal?" Ricky asked sadly.

"Half the cast has been missing half the rehearsals, Ricky." Miss Jenn replies softly. "Principal Gutierrez made the decision. It's final. We are not allowed to have this club anymore."

Ophelia's eyes widen and she felt like everything is ruined. Her heart raced, and she felt her breath start to quicken. Tears filled her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away. "This can't be happening.." She whispered more to herself. She felt Ricky squeeze her hand to comfort her and she appreciated it. She squeezed his hand back in response.

"It's okay." Miss Jenn said softly. "You guys have so much to celebrate. You just wrapped a movie. And this..." She glances around the room. "All of this was just a high school musical. And today you move on to bigger things."

Ophelia and Ricky moved closer to each other to comfort each other, and they looked down. Ophelia sniffled and rested her head on Ricky's shoulder, and he kissed her head, resting his head on hers.

Soon the other drama kids entered the room. "Okay, what happened?" Ashlyn asked.

"Who died?" Kourtney worriedly inquired.

"And will there be an estate sale?" Carlos questioned.

"Technically a human didn't die." Miss Jenn clarified.

"You texted us 'there's been a death.'" Maddox pointed out.

"There has been. The drama club." Ricky explained and everyone immediately started talking over each other worriedly.

Ophelia stayed quiet and sighed, keeping her head leaned on his shoulder. He had lifted her head off hers, but kept his arm around her shoulders, his thumb rubbing her arm.

"This is why I kept texting you guys that the musical is cancelled." Emmy spoke up, earning confused looks.

"All I got are these symbols." Carlos showed her the text he got from her.

"That's because I write encrypted." Emmy admitted.

"You scare me and surprise me." Luca mumbled.

"You guys, our drama department is about to go extinct because none of you except for Emmy showed up for rehearsals yesterday." Ricky chimed in.

Kourtney scoffs. "Excuse me? You weren't here either."

"I had an existential crisis about my future." Ricky admitted.

"Okay, well, I in Georgia weighing out my options." Kourtney defended herself.

Ashlyn raises her hand. "And i was making a very confusing phone call."

"I was incredibly busy being betrayed." Carlos confessed.

"Wait. Big Red told me the kiss was an accident." Ashlyn told him.

"Wait," Ophelia furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"You didn't know?" Ashlyn asks in surprise. "Big Red is the one who Seb hooked up with."

Ophelia's eyes widen, staring at the red head in surprise as she lifted her head off Ricky's shoulder. "Wait, really?"

"I thought you broke up with him because you were so traumatized." Carlos said to Ashlyn, looking confused.

"No, we actually had the most chill break up of all times." Ashlyn admits with a smile. "We went to Walgreens after. We both needed Lactide pills."

"Wait." Maddox speaks up, eyebrows raising. "So you're single again?" She asks and Ophelia noticed she sounded hopeful. Then she quickly said. "And Emmy you're single too. And Jet. Miss Jenn. Just naming all the single people."

"I got your text about something being dead." Mr. Mazzara speaks up, walking into the room. He tilts his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows. "You look alive."

"I am. Kind of." Miss Jenn shrugs. "So, is it true?" She frowned, glancing at Mr. Mazzara.

"It is." Mr. Mazzara replies after a moment of being silent. "Principal Gutierrez gave your funding to my department, and yes I have already spent the money on laptops for the local orphanage."

Maddox smiles and chuckles, thinking that was a lie. But then her eyes widen in realization. "Oh, you weren't kidding."

"He's never kidding, dear." Miss Jenn told her.

"Okay, so what's the big deal if we don't have that money?" Gina questioned.

"Gina, honey, it means we don't have the budget to make costumes or build sets. 'High School Musical 3' is a complicated 2008 period piece."

"Why don't we buy Obama yard signs and print out articles about the recession?" Ricky suggested. Everyone started talking over each other as they agreed with Ricky.

"Wildcats, Wildcats," Miss Jenn calls out, clapping her hands to get their attention and they all grew quiet. "If there's two things I've learned during my many years in the theater, it's knowing when to enter and when to exit. Today we do the latter."

Everyone stares at her with sad expressions and they were all quiet, but then Emmy spoke up. "Um..." She sniffles, wiping away her tears. "Would you guys, um, excuse me?" She then walked out of the room.

"I made a child cry today." Miss Jenn frowned.

"Last summer changed her life." Gina speaks up. "She literally left homeschool to be here with all of her new big brothers and sisters."

"Her biggest dream was to sing at East High." Ashlyn chimed in with a smile.

"It was also her biggest fear." Jet adds. "She, yeah, told me that." He smiled a little.

Everyone started to talk quietly over each other about what they could do to make this not be over for the next generation. "Okay, well, you aren't gonna get very far in life if you go around being afraid all the time." Kourtney spoke up, raising her voice which got everyone's attention.

"Then why do you look like you're about to cry?" Ricky asked.

"I'm just saying, if you live your life in fear, there's gonna be a lot of stuff to be afraid of." Kourtney responded.

"Mmm." Ashlyn hums in response. "It sounds like the exact opposite of where you were last year."

"Okay, we are not gonna go t here." Kourtney warned, her voice shaky as she sat down at one of the desks.

Ricky raises his hand, looking confused yet curious. "Not gonna go where?"

"Ashlyn, it's just a stupid story." Kourtney told the red head.

"If all of this is truly over...I mean, just let me be sentimental for, like, one minute, Kourt." Ashlyn said softly, putting a comforting hand on Kourtney's shoulder.

"Yeah. Yeah, tell us a story, Ash." Maddox smiled.

"Wow, I haven't thought about this in so long. It was the first day of school. Miss Jenn had just announced she was directing 'High School Musical'." Ashlyn went on to explain how she had went to a classroom, she thought was empty to eat lunch there, but Kourtney was there, creating outfit designs. She said how they both convinced each other to try out to be in the show with Kourtney in the crew and Ashlyn in the play.

"I never knew that." Miss Jenn spoke up softly after Ashlyn finished telling the story.

"I guess I sort of forgot." Kourtney admitted, getting up to hug Ashlyn, who now sat by Gina on the piano bench.

"Shout out to Mr. Mazzara, who let me miss the first day of Robotics Club to audition for the musical." Ashlyn added, smiling at the teacher, who looked surprise. Mr. Mazzara smiled and then turned to leave, stopping when Miss Jenn spoke to him.

"Benjamin, you're still here." She smiled at him.

"I was. And now I am not." Mr. Mazzara said and turned to leave.

"Wait. You're a Six Below Zero fan?" Jet questioned with a smile after noticing a sticker on Mr. Mazzara's laptop.

"What?" Mr. Mazzara asks with confusion and then glances at his laptop Jet pointed at. "Oh, no. It's nothing." He quickly spoke.

"You have a Six Below Zero sticker on your laptop, bro." Jet grinned.

"You're grimacing. You look like an emoji." Miss Jenn notices and Jet laughs. "Well, now, I'm sentimental about our first terrible meeting." Miss Jenn smiled.

"Look," Mr. Mazzara walks back over to the group. "I was not exactly in a good place on the first day of school last year." He said how he had been watching a Six Below Zero video before Miss Jenn walked in.

"You were in a boy band? I'm shaking." Carlos voiced, looking surprise yet excited.

"I knew I recognized you." Jet realizes. "I went through this obscure boy-band phase in middle school."

"He did. It was weird." Maddox commented.

"You guys were really big in Warsaw." Jet continued.

"It was the entire country of Poland. But yes, I was briefly part of a male singing institution. They referred to me simply as 'Benny'. I was the funky one until they kicked me out for pulling focus. They had one number one single called 'New Zealand' which was a song about how great of a time they had without me in New Zealand." Ophelia frowns, feeling bad for what he had to go through. "Jennifer, I'm sorry for how I spoke to you that day. And ensuing days." Mr. Mazzara apologizes. "You gave these universally strange children a space to be themselves. I wish there were more people like you in the world."

Miss Jenn looks surprised, but then she smiles softly and steps towards him. "I forgive you, Benny."

"Okay, I love all of this sentimental stuff, but don't we have a musical to save?" Ophelia spoke up with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm with Ophelia." Maddox agreed.

"Same." Ricky chimes in. "Love a good boy band sob story, but come on, Mr. Funky One. Don't get us sidetracked."

"Sidetracked? This is the most shocking day of my life since..." Carlos' voice trailed off as he glanced over at Miss Jenn.

She smiles at him. "Carlos, you have my blessing."

Carlos sighs. "I thought sophomore year was going to be boring and predictable, like a straight person's Tiktok feed."

"Oh." Maddox shudders. "Ooh, I literally just shuddered."

Carlos explained how he had been told by getting a note in his locker to go to Miss Jenn after he had gotten hurt in gym and how Miss Jenn kept her safe.

"And that was the day you named me." Miss Jenn smiled softly, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.

"And that was the day you saved me." Carlos told her and he smiled as they hugged.

"Hi, Sebbie." Ophelia smiled when she noticed the familiar blonde walk into the room. It looked like Seb was on a mission though and he didn't reply back to her. He kept walking over to Carlos, who rolled his eyes at seeing him.

"Oh, great. Are you here to kiss everyone?"

"Carlos." Miss Jenn scolded.

"I can't take this anymore. Sit down, Carlos." Seb tells him and Carlos reluctantly does. "For months, I've been channeling my guilt into latte art. I'm probably the only person who's drawn four thousand cows on a cappuccino. But every time I stare at a cow, I think about you."

Carlos stares at him with confusion. "Because I embody a cow? You've interrupted an emotional climax here and we're done."

"No. When I showed up three hours late to homecoming after my cow passed away, you were there for me. And I know I haven't been there for you. But, look, when I was making one of my final lattes at Crafty, I overheard the most incredible duet between Lucas Grabeel as Ryan and Scott Huang as his partner, who never really got a name according to the script."

"Yeah, it's really weird." Ophelia agrees. "I don't understand why."

"I want to sing this song to you today, to my Ryan." Seb admits. He glances at Miss Jenn with a smile. "Miss Jenn is the one who encouraged me."

"You did what?" Carlos asked with surprise, glancing at the drama club teacher.

"Give him a chance, Carlos." Miss Jenn replied.

"Maddox even tracked down the sheet music." Seb added.

"To be fair, Emmy helped me." Maddox confessed.

"That girl scares me." Carlos mumbles. "Seb, you have to move on."

"But I can't. You're the greatest person I've ever dated." Seb informed him.

"Seb, I'm the only person you've ever dated." Carlos reminded him.

Seb shakes his head. "That's actually not true." Everyone gasps at that. "I was once in a serious relationship." Luca and Gina gasp at that. "With a woman." Seb added, causing Carlos to gasp.

"Natalie Bagley was your girlfriend?" Luca gasped.

"And you were on the wrestling team?" Ophelia added, eyes widening. She had no idea that Seb was on the wrestling team before and she definitely didn't know he dated a girl.

"We made out a lot and spent the rest of our time together fantasy-casting the 'Wicked' movie." Seb explained.

"But where is Natalie?" Kourtney inquired.

"North High. She made it less evil." Seb replied.

"You left Natalie Bagley for me?" Carlos questioned, looking surprised.

"I would leave anyone for you. And now, I've said my piece." Seb answered.

"No. No." Ricky pulls away from Ophelia, walking over to the blonde-haired boy as he points at him. "You're playing the song. He's playing the d**n song, Carlos. Come on." Ophelia was a bit surprise by his reaction, but she smiles and thought it was sweet he convinced Seb to play. He even pulled out the piano bench for Seb to sit on. Ricky walked back over to Ophelia, who smiled at him and wrapped her arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. He smiled at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and kissing the top of her head.

The song Seb sang was beautiful and Carlos even joined in on singing after Maddox gave him the music sheet. At the end they made up and Ophelia was glad they were back together. Everyone cheered for the couple at the end of the song.

"There is so much I didn't know about you." Carlos smiled.

"Sometimes people put me in a box." Seb replied.

Gina chuckles at that, causing everyone to look at her. "Oh, I'm sorry, was that out loud?" She grimaced, glancing at Luca, who was looking at her with a small smile.

"Yeah, babe, it was." Lucas responded.

"I guess I also know what it's like to be put in a box." Gina admitted.

"Oh, thank God." Carlos sighs in relief. "Take the spotlight off us for a second."

Seb's eyes lit up. "Us?"

"I..." Carlos started, looking nervous.

"I love you too." Seb replied with a smile.

"Okay, when I started at East High, I know I may have come off a little on edge." Gina started.

Kourtney laughs. Then she looks apologetic after realizing that was out loud. "I'm sorry. Was that out loud?"

Gina chuckles. "Let's just say things were complicated." 

A/N we're getting close to the end of this book which makes me so sad :(

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