CHAPTER SIX, busy day

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The next day Ophelia was in costume for her role as Bailey in the movie. She stood outside of the drama club room, reading over the time slot for the movie she had. It seemed like all the scenes she had today were with Mack, all day. That wasn't good. She had to be at rehearsal somehow.

But then she overheard Principal Gutierrez talking to Miss Jenn in the bomb shelter about how he could he cancelling HSM3. But she came up with an idea that was so crazy it just might work.

Ophelia walks over to Quinn with a smile. "Hey, can I ask a quick question?"

"For my leading lady, you get 30 seconds." Quinn replied.

"Is there, like, any way we can shoot the scenes with Mack today?" She asked hopefully.

"Wow. What an exciting idea. Listen, not only is it not your job to set the shooting schedule, but getting it in the can would require a lot of time and a seasoned cast which frankly you are not." Quinn said.

Ophelia's eyes widen and she looks a bit hurt. She didn't know Mack had been standing nearby listening until he joined them. "But Ophelia has been killing it." He comments. "And I think it'd be a relief for the crew if we got ahead of schedule." She glanced at him with a bit of surprise that he defended her. She didn't think he would ever defend her.

"Okay, kids, here's some great advice. 'No' is a complete sentence." Quinn replied. "Thanks."

Ophelia frowns as Quinn turned to her phone. Then she smiles as she thought of an idea to convince Quinn. "I should've known better about asking about that. I'm so sorry." She apologizes. "I just thought that since Maria Jay said that 'Directing is a team sport' in her cover story for 'The Hollywood Reporter', that you would also be like that."

Quinn finally looks up at her, raising her eyebrows. "Maria Jay? That hack that directed 'This Is Where The Money Went?' A faint shadow on my Sundance runner up film, 'Where has the money gone?'"

"Heard she got a Tesla from the cast." Ophelia shrugged.

"I'm hearing awards buzz." Mack chimed in, pretending to be hearing something and Ophelia nodded in agreement, going along with him.

Quinn grabs the microphone. "Okay, listen up, everyone. Change of plans. Today is going to be a marathon because I, Quinn, the director of this film, have decided so by myself." She then walked away.

"I can't believe she actually agreed to that." Ophelia grinned, fist bumping Mack.


"Today, we are attempting to shoot twenty-two pages." Quinn explains. The group was now on set o fthe Miss Darbus lifelike classroom. "IF we make our day we will break the record famously set by the crew of The Reveneant who shot all the forest stuff in an hour because the bear was in heat.

"So," Mack smiles at Ophelia. "You ready to crush it? No prisoners today, just gotta nail that chemistry. That's our only job. As friends." He quickly added.

"Yeah, as friends." Ophelia chuckled and smiled, nodding in agreement.

"Action." Quinn called out.

"Thanks again for agreeing to tutor me, Bailey." Mack recited as Sam, now sitting at a desk as Ophelia walked over to him with a smile.

"Being a member of Menesa isn't just an honor Sam. It's a privilege." Ophelia smiled.

"Okay. Why is it that numbers can come so easily for me, but I can't for the life of me remember when the Battle of 1812 was?" Mack asked, looking at the paper prop in front of him.

Ophelia stood by him, looking at the paper as well then looked at him. "I think you just did." She chuckled.


The next scene had Ophelia and Mack in the hallway, putting up a sign on the wall. Mack was in the basketball uniform as Ophelia was in the cheerleading uniform. Mack was on a ladder, hanging up the sign as Ophelia held the ladder.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Mack asked with raised eyebrows, getting off the ladder.

"East High is a safe space for everyone, Sam." Ophelia responds. "And it's up to us to prove it." She and Mack back up to check out the sign.

"You think this message might change the world?" Mack inquired. The sign read 'all are welcome to play basketball and appear in the show!'

"I don't know." Ophelia recites, turning to face him with a soft smile. "But I know you've changed my world."


The two are now in the set that looked like Miss Darbus classroom, but a blanket fort was made so it looked like they were somewhere else. They both also had a costume change. "So I just put a nine. Which means one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. We just added three children." Mack smiled as they played the board game.

Ophelia laughs. "Sam, three children?" She raises her eyebrows. "Do you really think we're ready for that?"

"Babe, it's you and me, we're Wildcats. How hard can anything be?" Mack smiled. Ophelia smiled back at him, noticing he was glancing at her lips. She saw him leaning in and she followed his lead. Their lips connected and their eyes shut. She could feel his hand cupping her face as he moved his lips against hers. His hands moved down to her waist, pulling her closer. Her hands were cupping his face as their lips moved in sync.

They pulled apart and Ophelia felt a bit dazed. Her eyes fluttered open as Mack did the same. They were both breathing a bit heavy and they looked into each others eyes. They had a lot of chemistry and it was obvious with how they were staring at each other.

"Perfect. Cut." Quinn called out.


"Okay, listen up. I just learned Mack and Ophelia are minors. So legally I have to wrap them in five minutes." Quinn announced.

"We'll be fine." Ophelia reassured with a smile. "We got this. We only have one more scene left."

"One important scene that requires multiple setups to capture the range of admittedly limited character emotions in the script." Quinn explains. "I've done the math. We'll never make it."

"Can we make it a oner?" Ophelia asked. "Like, just use one set up for the whole thing, no stops."

"Boom! I'm always down for a oner. Let's do this!" Mack smiled, earning a smile from Ophelia.

"That is virtually impossible to achieve without a rehearsal. But given what we've done today, sure, let's try it." Quinn shrugs. "Take that, Maria Jay." She grins and chuckles. "Besides how heavy can a Steadicam be?" She then walked away.

Ophelia turned to face Mack with a nervous smile. "You sure you're okay with doing this?"

"Of course. We'll make it work." Mack nodded.

"I think we can do this. We've come so far." Ophelia pointed out. "I think if we just think of it as a slow waltz that could help." He smiled and nodded in response.

"And...Action!" Quinn called out.

"For the past three years, it's been you and me." Ophelia recited, holding hands with Mack as they walked into the Miss Darbus classroom setup.

"And I wouldn't change a thing." Mack grinned while she stepped on the small platform that had the chair Miss Darbus always sat on was at. She giggled as he picked her up and twirled her around before setting her on the floor.

"Not even the homecoming when we were on a break and I danced with that boy, Chester?" She asked as they pulled apart, walking through the classroom across from each other.

"Only made me miss you more." Mack recited.

"What about the time when I missed your regional mathletes final to race in the Olympic trials?" Ophelia questioned as they made their way out of the classroom.

Mack chuckles. "I'm just glad that you won." As they make their way to the hallway again, they take each others hands. "Look, the only thing that scares me is what happens when you walk out of this building."

They stop at one part of the hallway, cameras still aimed at them. 'Hey, I'm not scared. You're my person, Sam. And I'm yours."

"But you're graduating, Bailey." Mack recites and Ophelia pretended to look nervous. And well in reality it wasn't hard for her to be nervous about graduating since she was nervous about it. "And I'm just a junior." They resume walking, now letting go of one hands but keeping hold of the other. "You're gonna go and play at some Pac-12 school, I know you are. What if you forget about your freaky STEM boy back home?" Mack asked.

Ophelia chuckles. "If I ever did that, I think you'd invent a way to quantum teleport wherever I am."

"That's not even a real thing." Mack laughed.

"Hey, I'm just a baller. Just promise you won't forget me either." Ophelia said as they walked up a flight of stairs. "East High is a big place, lots of fish in the sea as they say." They stop at the stairs, Mack leaning on the railing above her.

"And I'm not here to make waves." He smiles softly. "Besides I'm too proud of the fact I get to be Bailey Johnson's boyfriend."

"I'm proud too." Ophelia smiled and her heart raced. Just before they could kiss, Quinn calls out, "Cut!"

Ophelia and Mack pull away, smiling shyly at each other and they walk down the stairs over to Quinn. "Did we get it? Was everything good?" Ophelia asked nervously.

"That is a wrap on Mack and Ophelia for the day." Quinn smiled.

Everyone claps and cheers and Ophelia smiles widely, hugging Mack. "We did it!" She exclaimed.

"We did." Mack smiled, pulling away and looking down at her. He gave her a soft, genuine smile.

"Which felt like nine days." Quinn continues. She smiles at the two teens when they pulled away from the hug. "Nice work."

"Thank you." Ophelia smiles watching as she walked away. She then thanks a crew member who handed her phone to her. "I gotta be honest, there's a reason I wanted to do all the scenes today. And that's because.."

"We're friends." Mack smiled.

"Yes," Ophelia chuckles. "But also if we didn't my school musical would be cancelled." Mack's eyes widen in response. "Yeah, it's surprising and a lot, but..." Her voice trailed off as she recognized someone walking over. "Mom?" She asked in surprise.

Phoebe smiles at her. "Did you really think I would miss your big day?" She asked and Ophelia grinned as she was pulled into a hug.

"I'm glad you're here." She smiled.

"You were amazing." Phoebe tells her. "And so were you, Mack." She told him with a smile. "I'm Ophelia's mother by the way, Phoebe."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Mack smiled shaking her hand she outstretched.

"Would you maybe wanna come over for dinner?" Phoebe asked.

"No, wait, I have HSM3 rehearsals in fifteen minutes," Ophelia cut in. "And I'm sure that Mack is busy..."

"Actually, I'm not busy." Mack admits. "And a home cooked meal sounds kind of fire."

Ophelia frowns. "But miss Jenn said..."

"Hey, you just saved that lady's musical." Mack interrupts with a smile. "I'm sure the others can fill in while you're gone."

"That lady is Miss Jenn." Ophelia corrected, not liking how Mack referred to her. After seeing the look her mom sent her, she inhaled sharply, knowing she didn't have a choice whether or not she wanted to have dinner with him. 


"Yeah, so I was discovered at Chuck E. Cheese when I was only three years old. Being a celebrity has its perks. But its also a big responsibility." Mack spoke that night at dinner. Dinner had been going good so far and Mack was explaining to them how he got discovered for his acting.

"But it's probably really fun, right?" Ophelia smiled.

"Honestly, that's not the goal. Watching you go for it today reminded me that I needed to keep pushing myself to be the very best at all times." Mack admitted.

"So you got it all figured out then?" Ophelia asked.

"Oh, for sure." Mack chuckled. "Sitcom star at ten, comeback role at seventeen. Emmys buzz at nineteen. Oscar disappointment at twenty two. Married at twenty five and twins by thirty. Miss Roberts, could I have some more milk?" He asked, and she smiled pouring more milk in his cup.

"Doesn't sound like there's any room for fun." Ophelia noticed with a small frown.

"Twins are fun." Mack smiled.

"Want anymore steak, Mack?" Phoebe offered.

"Actually I'm stuffed. But I really appreciate you switching out some of those ingredients to go paleo." Mack smiled.

"It's the last I can do. I mean, Ophelia loved you so much as a kid she even slept with a blanket of you on it." Phoebe chuckled.

Ophelia's eyes widen and she blushes. "Mom!" She whined.

"That's adorable." Mack chuckled and smiled teasingly.

"What I'm trying to say is that Mack you're welcome here anytime." Phoebe smiled.

"And I appreciate that." Mack smiled and nodded. "So can I just venmo you guys for dinner or should I have my team reach out?"

"Real teen lesson number two." Ophelia chuckles. "You don't have to pay when people offer you dinner."

Mack looks surprised, but then he smiled and nodded. When his phone buzzed he got it out of his pocket. "Excuse me guys." He then got up and walked away to take the call.

"He's sweet." Phoebe commented, smiling at her daughter.

"He's a great guy." Ophelia nods in agreement. "We're just friends. You know I'm dating Ricky."

"I know, honey." Phoebe nodded.

Soon Mack came back and they continued to chat with him. Unknowingly to the group, Ricky had pulled up to the house. He had been gone the whole day, he needed some advice so he went to the college EJ and Fallon went to so he could talk to EJ. EJ helped him figure out what he needed to do and he really appreciated it.

Ricky was walking up to the house, holding a box heart shaped of chocolates with a smile on his face. However, his smile fell and his shoulders drop in defeat at seeing Mack was inside talking with Ophelia and her mom. He sighed and frowned, turning to walk back to his car.

Inside the house, Ophelia noticed someone outside. It was hard to see since it was raining, but she noticed it was Ricky. She got up quickly and went outside, not bothering to explain ro her mom or Mack and not caring about the pouring rain.

"Ricky!" Ophelia calls out. "Ricky!"

Ricky pauses, not turning to face her. He sighed and slowly turned around, a small, forced smile on his face. "There's nothing going on with me and Mack, I swear." Ophelia admits." I'm your girl."

"I know." Ricky nods. "And you're the only one for me. It's just.." He frowns as he continues. "I respect you wanting your space from what happened last night and I came here to try and fix things, but then I saw him here with you and your mom and I..."

"I know." Ophelia nodded in understanding. "And I'm sorry." She sighs. "My mom came up with this idea, I didn't have any say in it. I'm sorry." She walks over to him slowly, as if she was afraid he would turn and leave again. He doesn't, but his body language tells her that he's still hurt. She frowns and cups his cheek, rubbing his cheek bone with her thumb. "Yes, I had a crush on Mack but emphasis on had. I love you, Ricky. Only you." She then stood on her tiptoes, pressing her lips against his. He didn't hesitate to kiss her back. Her heart fluttered as he placed a hand on the small of her back, pulling her close. The kiss was passionate, full of love, and a little heated. She couldn't help but smile when they pulled away. He had a soft smile on his face as he gazed at her lovingly.

She opened her mouth to say something else, but he cupped her face, crashing his lips against hers. She was caught off guard at first, but then she kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck. They pulled apart to catch their breaths, and Ophelia was surprised when Ricky suddenly scooped her up bridal style. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She gazed up at him with a soft, loving smile, and he was gazing down at her with a smile of his own. The rain was pouring harder now, and yet, they could care less.

"I love you." He murmured, leaning his forehead against hers.

"I love you, too." She whispered, leaning up and kissing him softly.

Ricky smiles and gently places her back on her feet, but still holds her close as he kissed her back. They then pull away from the kiss, but they remain in each other's embrace. "So, we good now?" Ophelia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course we are." Ricky chuckled lightly, earning a smile from her and he leaned in to kiss her again. The couple were too lost with each other to realize that Mack had left the house, feeling a little disappointed but he couldn't help but smile slightly at the scene he had seen. He couldn't deny the fact that the two made an amazing couple, and yes, he did have a crush on Ophelia, but he knew nothing could ever happen and he was okay with that...Okay, well, he will learn to be okay with it. But Ophelia was happy and that's all he wanted. Even if it wasn't with him.

Ophelia and Ricky continued to kiss, the kiss getting heated quickly. She felt him back them up to his car, her back pressed against the cool surface of his car. He broke the kiss to place kisses along her neck, which earned a gasp from her.

"Rick, we should really get inside." Ophelia told him.

He pulls away, giving her a sheepish grin. "Sorry. You're just so irresistible." He murmured.

"I'm not complaining, baby." She smirks, leaning up to kiss his nose which caused him to blush. "But we're both freezing and will probably get sick if we stay out here any longer. Let's go inside."

He nods. "Yeah, we should. Your mom is probably worried."

Ophelia laughs and shakes her head. "Yeah, she probably is."

"Oh, um," Ricky steps back to pick up the box of chocolate he dropped. "These are for you." He said with a sheepish smile. "Hopefully not ruined from when I dropped them and with the rain."

"Hey, I'm sure they're fine." Ophelia reassures him, kissing his cheek and taking the box. "Thank you, Rick. That's very sweet of you."

He blushes and smiles. "Of course. I'm a gentleman, after all."

She laughs and pecks his lips. "Yes, you are."

They walked back inside the house, their fingers laced together and smiles on their faces. Phoebe smiled at the two, relieved to see that everything was alright and that they were back together.

"I'm glad to see things are okay with you two again. You two are my OTP." Phoebe grinned.

"Mom." Ophelia whines, her face turning red. "Please stop trying to learn internet terms. It's embarrassing."

Phoebe grins. "I'm your mother, I'm supposed to embarrass you." She teases. "But in all seriousness, I'm glad things are good with you two."

"Me, too." Ricky agreed, squeezing Ophelia's hand.

"Me, three." Ophelia smiles at him, squeezing his hand back. "What happened with Mack?"

"He had to leave for some reason, but he said he had a great time tonight." Phoebe replies. "Ricky, would you like to stay over? I checked the news and it said the storm should get pretty bad. I don't want you driving in that."

"Yeah, honestly, I would love to stay over." Ricky admitted with a soft smile.

"In the guest room." Phoebe points at him with a stern look. "And if you do hang out in her room, the door stays open, young man."

"Understood, ma'am." Ricky nodded, a light blush covering his cheeks.

"Good." Phoebe smiles and looks at her watch. "I'm gonna head to bed, it's getting late. Goodnight, you two."

"Goodnight, mom." Ophelia smiles, walking further into the house with Ricky while her mom went to her room. "Okay, first, let's change clothes 'cause I'm freezing. Then, we can watch a movie and eat the chocolates you got me."

"Sounds like a plan." Ricky agreed, pecking her lips and following her upstairs.

The couple changed into warm, comfy clothes, Ophelia giving Ricky some clothes to change into. He had left some of his clothes from the last time he stayed before. Ricky took a shower in the guest bathroom while Ophelia took a shower that was attached to her bedroom. After their showers and getting into comfy clothes, they met in her room. They got a movie ready and cuddled up on her bed with the door open of course like her mom had said. Her mom trusted them but also didn't want to take any chances.

Ophelia and Ricky ate the chocolates and watched the movie. Ophelia thought this was the perfect way to end the busy day she had. Cuddling with her boyfriend while watching a movie and eating the chocolates he had bought for her. Everything was right in the world. She was with the guy she loves, and that's all that mattered.

A/N rickelia are so cute !! & kisses in the rain >>>>

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