12: Not Again!

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Name: Mark
Location: Rapid City, outskirts
Time: 1830

“Here’s some supplies.” The guy in the passenger’s seat said, handing them a small sack. Mark shoved it into his backpack.

Supplies meant they expected trouble, the kind of trouble that would prevent this car from taking them the full distance.

“Talk to me, what’s the situation?” Mark clung to the door handle as the car turned sharply.

“The police know someone of high interest was living in the farmhouse basement. Your plane was the only one to take off in the last three days, they suspect the escape’ was on it. They shot it, now they’re looking for it.” The passenger informed, turning up the radio. He realized immediately that they had tapped into the police scanner.

He glanced at Jamie, studying her. So this was the legendary Truth Seeker, the one who had a habit of making the most dangerous news public. Her articles always held a lot of information, usually revealing the governments deepest, darkest secrets. She was out to shake peoples faith in their government.

Watching her now, he suddenly understood why it seemed like nothing slowed her writing. She was reading a book on world religions and cults, highlighter in hand. He snorted. She was as crazy as reporters; working on a story while she was in the middle of one.

“-plane found crashed in a field, nobody onboard-” The voice went on to give coordinates, but Mark was already moving on to the next thing, checking his gun a third time.

Jamie glanced up as they took another hard turn, raising her highlighter off the page quickly to avoid scribbling. She squinted, apparently just realizing how dark it was getting, and put the cap on her highlighter. She put the book away and rubbed her eyes, yawning.

The driver suddenly turned down the scanner. “We’re going to have to send you out on foot, there’s a roadblock coming up and no way to avoid it.” He said apologetically.

“Here’s a map, this is where we are now. You remember safehouse four?” The passenger asked, twisting around. Mark nodded, accepting the map. He glanced at Jamie, who already had her hand on her bag, ready to go.

The car pulled over. “Avoid safehouses two and five, they’ve been found out.” The guy warned.

“Got it. See y’all around.” He replied, grabbing his bag and climbing out. He waited as Jamie hurried around the car, then led the way into the bushes. Once they were out of sight, he paused, studying the map.

“So how long have you been doing this?” Mark paused, looking up in surprise. Jamie had been mostly silent, but now she was studying him, figuring him out.

“Three years, since sharing the Gospel became illegal.” He replied, deciding on a direction and shoving the map into his pocket. He led the way once more, carefully studying the ground in front of them as they walked.

“What’re you watching for?” She was observant. He felt a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, but refused to let it show.

“Animal traps.”

“Let me guess, you’ve stepped on them before.”


“Ouch.” Her tone was dull, catching his attention. He glanced at her, noting the way she focused entirely on walking. She was going to burn out soon. They still had a mile to go before it was safe enough to rest a bit.

He pulled a couple bottles of fruit juice from his bag, glad it felt cold to the touch. He held it out to her, waving it under her nose. She slowly blinked and accepted, forcing a smile. The sugar would help, he hoped…

“So, you’re the Truth Seeker.”

“That’s right.” She said, nodding as she screwed the bottle cap back on. She glanced up at him, then laughed. “Surprised?”

He just nodded, to her amusement, and turned his attention back to the trail, remembering the animal trap.

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