13: Safe at last.

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Name: Jamie
Location: Rapid City, outskirts
Time: 2200

This foot, then that foot. This foot, that foot. “We’ve arrived.” I nearly frowned as Mark’s voice shattered my pattern. “Wait here.” Then the words registered and my adrenaline was spiked. I was surprised my body was still capable of it, but suddenly my hands were shaking with nervousness.

Please, God, let this be a safe place. If this place turned out to be another trap, I just might cry. I thought a moment. Nope, there was a guy with me. I wouldn’t cry. I smiled as my sarcastic mood returned. Welcome back, old pal. I shook my head at myself. I am way too tired. Hope I don’t do anything embarrassing.

The door opened and Mark spoke a few words, which I couldn’t hear, then turned and gestured for me to come.

I stepped out of the bush cautiously, scanning the yard as I approached the house. The door was opened and we quickly stepped in as the owner, an older lady, closed and locked it behind us.

I lowered my bag to the floor, feeling relief as the weight came off my shoulders, literally.

I sat on a bench that was in the small entrance and pulled my shoes off my feet, glad to be free of the hot and sweaty things. I frowned as I spotted a new hole in one. Great, now I’d have to replace them… After two more holes.

I glanced around, standing. The house was small, but comfy. “Mark, you should’ve told me you were bringing a girl home!” The lady joked, playfully smacking his arm. I like her already.

“I’m Jamie.” I offered a hand, which she brushed aside, hugging me instead.

“I’m Mandy.” She said, releasing me. She studied me, shaking her head. “You poor dear, you look like you’ve been walking for weeks. Didn’t Mark at least offer a piggy-back ride?” Her joking tone edged in again as she needled Mark relentlessly. He rolled his eyes, going through his bag for a change of clothes.

“Come, I’ll show you to the spare bedroom where you can freshen up.” She said, turning to me once again. I smiled gratefully, grabbing my bag and following her up the stairs…

Fifteen minutes later I wandered out of the room, pausing in indecision. Should I bring my bag down so it’s in easy reach?

Mark appeared down the hall, coming from what I suspected was a second bathroom. He paused, noticing my dilemma. “Come on, I’ll show you the secret room where we’ll stay the night.” He waited while I grabbed my bag, then led me downstairs to a second spare bedroom. He felt the wall, finding the secret panel and pulled it aside, revealing an opening in the false wall.

We climbed through and I glanced around. There was nothing inside, no bed, nothing. He watched my confusement, finally smiling. “It’s a double secret room.” He explained, finding another panel, this one on the floor. “It scans fingerprints. If the print doesn’t match, it does nothing.” He touched a knot in the wood board, and a second panel opened. I glanced in.

There was a ladder descending into an underground bunker. I climbed in, finding that Mark had already tossed his bag in. I selected a bunk and plopped my bag onto it, then climbed back out to where he was waiting. “Thanks.”

He just nodded, leading the way out and closing the panel again. “Now, we’d better go to the dining room, I suspect we will find a feast waiting for us.”

He was right, the table was piled high with food of many varieties. About halfway through the meal, Mandy returned, carrying a laptop.

Mark peeked over her shoulder at the screen as she sat and smiled. “Truth Seeker released another one?” He asked. She nodded, sliding it over so they could all read.

I shoved another carrot into my mouth to hide the smile tugging at my mouth. I’d had to learn early to hide my amusement while others at the safehouses read my writings. They never knew they were sitting next to the author, and it was better that way.

It was a long article, written to encourage fellow believers. The subject was heaven, the most motivating thing you could think of. I had included quite a few verses, but largely, I was dreaming with my readers about heaven.

At the time I had been smiling as I wrote, but right now, the feeling was bittersweet, mixed with the sadness of how many had died and how many more would die…

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