Part 15

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“Oh, my god !! It sprayed on us.” Naira got up and shouted.

“Quick.” He caught her hand and walked her fast to the right side of the forest.

“Where are we going ?!!” She asked still shouting a little in panic.

“To get the disgusting smell off our bodies.” He muttered.

They were now walking into a clearing area where the grass was lighter and the ground was a little wet. There was a huge tree she could make out in the darkness with the help of the moonlight.

She got surprised a lot when the area cleared out completely into a large lake. The moving water was shinning in the darkness in the moonlight. The air was breezy and cool and amazing. He let go off her hand and moved closer to the bank of the lake. Her eyes widened when he didn’t look back but removed his T-shirt off his head slowly. Her cheeks heated up.

“What are you doing ?!!” She asked in a surprised embarrassed voice.

He turned and looked back at her while being completely shirtless and very much toned with the jeans hung low over his hips.

“Getting into the water what else.” He replied looking at her flatly.

She stood rooted to the wet earth in complete freeze out. She blinked twice not to stare at his abs. When she did not move he looked back again at her with an eyebrow raise.

“You coming ?!!” He asked her softly.

Naira moved her head in a vigorous negative.

“No. It looks cold.” She murmured.

He shrugged and moved forward.

“Wuss.” He muttered under his breath.

Naira stiffened and shouted at his back.

“Hey !! I’m not a wuss.” She said in defense.

He only chuckled and splashed into the water.

She sniffed and bile rose up to her throat with the smell on her clothes and face. Oh god, it was disgusting. She was going to die holding her breath forever now. She scowled now helplessly. Fine. Whatever. How cold can the water be anyway.

She moved a step closer to the lake. She jumped when she heard something from behind her in the darkness. That made her move inside the lake. A hiss of breath left her lips feeling the water dampen her clothes. His splashing ended abruptly as he looked at her coming into the water.He swam towards her.

“So finally the wuss got the dare, huh ?!!” He asked with a smirk.

Naira ignored his words. What’s the point in reacting. He was always making fun of her even if she retorted. There wasn’t any point in arguing with him. He tilted his head to the side and smiled a little at her. He got a little closer.

“What happened, my darling wife ?!! Tired already ?!!” He asked her smugly.

She rolled her eyes. She swam a little away. The water was cool and nice. It was flowing against her legs soothingly. They were aching too much because of all the walk she had done since the morning.

“There is no point in arguing with you. You always want to win.” She grumbled sulkily.

He chuckled and it vibrated in the silence quite deliciously. Now he was in a teasing mood. Great.

“What if I want to win. You have to fight back equally. I like you all fiery and sparked up. It makes your eyes go beautifully big and round.” He drawled huskily while looking deep into her eyes.

“So, everything should be according to you then ?!! What if I don’t want to fight with you ?!!” She asked him belligerently.

He grinned wide and his cool minty breath hit her forehead.

“You already are doing it, babe.” He said in a mocking voice.

Naira’s cheeks heated up. She glared daggers at him. Oh, he was intelligent, wasn’t he.

He moved back splashing around. Though the smile on his face was now warm and affectionate.

“Don’t worry. I like you however you are. Fighting or glaring in silence.” He chuckled looking at her red face.

” You are cute in everything and its entertaining.” He concluded softly.

Now she fumed.

“So, I’m just an entertainment then ?!!” She asked stiffly.

He shook his head as if she was impossible. His brown eyes caught her fleeting ones and held them captured in his hypnotic gaze. He smiled.

“No, You just make my boring day a little bright.” He said serenely serious.

Her heart skipped a beat.

“Really ?!!” She blurted out untrustingly.

He got closer and his body glistened. He was a combination of cool yet a hot head but a silent and polished one. He was too through of his moves and every step. Nothing was out of his control. Mostly he was mysterious. He kept his life to himself and never bothered caring to tell her or anyone for that matter.

The distance he put between them it was very calculative. Makes her go all jittery and nervous. Because he knew that they were not for a life time and he wasn’t keeping bets on it or either was any sad. He looked completely normal which rubbed off her wrong. How can he be so cool about their arrangement. Here she was anxious every day of the time that passed quickly and also of the time that was nearing. She didn’t feel good thinking about the future which wouldn’t have him in it. She felt the danger of getting too attached to him. The end result would be her getting hurt.

Nothing better could come out of this arrangement. He would go away unscathed and uncaring. What about her poor heart then ?!! Wouldn’t it break into pieces ?!!

Her focus on the waters shifted when his face came into her vision. He was frowning down at her and his left hand forefinger moved closer to her face and held her chin up to his narrowed speculative gaze.

“What are you thinking so seriously ?!!” He asked gruffly.

Naira blinked back and focused her mind on the touch of his cool finger on her heated skin. She shook her head.

“Nothing.” She replied evasively.

His eyes lost the narrowed look at that and lazy assessment came into his stare. He seems to be thinking something. She was very interested into knowing his thoughts but he stuttered down the look as he caught her staring deep into his eyes. Wow, he was good at this. He can shut out anyone. That was a talent. Shielding the emotions and all. She wondered since how long he was doing this because he seemed so thorough in it.

“Whatever you are thinking, I wonder if I could ever know but I don’t like that you are hiding something from me.” He said quietly while looking down at her lips.

”I don’t like to keep wondering and you make me do that often. Usually it’s the other way around.” He said the last one smiling ruefully.

Naira blinked rapidly three times to get around her mind about his evasive words. He moved closer and she gasped when his arm got around her waist and he pushed her on his chest.

“I don’t like you making me think a lot.” He whispered softly.

“I don’t know what to say.” She mumbled lamely.

He smiled a little and his hand flexed under her t-shirt and on her waist.

“Are you afraid of me ?!!” He asked her sharply.

“No.” She answered immediately in a snap.

His eyes brows raised bemused. Naira squirmed and tried to move out of his hands but he tightened his fingers painfully on her waist.

“There is no point in hiding something from me. I will find out everything soon enough.” Karthik warned her softly shaking her delicate body a little.

He was close enough to feel her racing heart beat. Beautiful as she was her mind though was equally shuttered and closed off from him. He didn’t like it one bit. His mind growled possessively. Her every thought should come to him first before passing into her mind into action. He didn’t trust her.

She would run away at the first glimpse of liberty. What about him then ?!! What would he do without her. He was completely habituated to her pertinent presence in his life. Her soft hesitant enquiring questions and huge brown gorgeous eyes and smile. Her bringing in tea into his study at random times. Her distracting him out of the deep work with her moving around him talking continuously and pointlessly about things that, finally he had to let go of the files and see her smiling at him while she dusted his library . How could he make do of her absence when she leaves as the time comes.

He slid his finger on her plump red lower lip.

“Why do I feel that you always are a little uncomfortable with me ?!!” He murmured huskily.

She was all soft, curvy and warm in the cold water. She blinked twice before replying. Water droplets trickled her eyelashes and moved down her heated cheeks. Her skin glistened porcelain. He stared incessantly at her damp inviting neck.

“Why do you always shutter me out ?!!” She asked him annoyed sweet voice.

He stiffened immediately. His brows furrowed.

“Why do you think like that ?!!” He asked her in a drawl.

“You always do. I don’t know what you are thinking most of the time.” She mumbled sulkily.

“I can ask the same. Do you want to share your thoughts with me ?!!” He enquired instead.

She immediately blushed and her cheeks and neck flushed up. Well, well, well, now he really want to know her thoughts. What could she be thinking that it made her blush so profusely.

“No.” She hisses instantly.

“Well, you got your answer then.” He said flatly.

He heard her mutter continuously something under her breath. The smile warming his face never left his lips.

He was going to keep her forever. Whatever it takes. He was going to risk it. Everything of his. Until she accepted the fact that she was captured forever. He didn’t still know what he felt but he was afraid of the intensity and helplessness of these new feelings and he hopped she had the same for him !!

Naira fumed in silence while being jostled about in a car.

Well, they had finally found the way out of the forest, Eventually, After toiling around all afternoon. When his phone got network, Karthik had called Swayam to the main road to pick them up.

While swayam drove the car, Karthik sat in the front seat, not even glancing back at her, not even to see if she was there or had vaporized into thin air. He seem to not care at all. It stung her pride and hurt a little.

Whatever anyway. She was tired. Hungry. Dirty. Sleepy and in need of a long bath. Her feet were killing and sour. It felt like she was hung over or something. All of her muscles ached and she wondered if there was any place in her body that doesn’t hurt now. Her eyes filled up. She craned her neck side to side and willed her mind. Now was not the time to cry. She can go through a lot more than this.

For hours the car drove and when the dusk set in the forest cleared off to some little houses here and there.Her eyes rounded looking at a clothes store at the far end street.

“Holy crap !! There is a store !!” She shouted and almost dived out of the running car.

She heard a loud grunt and curse from her dear husband.

“At least wait for the car to stop !!” Karthik shouted after her.

She ignored him with a huff and almost tripped over the steps.

“Careful, Babe !!” This time the sharpness in his voice and command in his tone did not fail to fall flat at her ears.

Whatever. She didn’t look back but flew towards the clothes aisle immediately.

Karthik stood there sighing at the counter. A man slid beside looking at the clothes. He gave Karthik a once over.

“Girlfriend ?!!” The man asked.

“Wife.” Karthik sighed and muttered.

”I’m so sorry for you, man.” The man concluded regretfully and went. Karthik just stared at naira who was rummaging through the clothes now.

Naira was all lost in the world of refinery when suddenly her eyes caught a pair of doe eyed stare. She frowned and stiffened to the floor. She looked at the man responsible for such looks all around. Karthik stood there getting all the attention of the women around.

Naira fumed, burned and blistered as she kept staring at a woman who was smiling slyly across her husband. The idiot wasn’t even aware that he was being hit on. Her upper lip curled in a sneer.

The idiot husband of hers.

Great. He was always a walking talking chick magnet. Today, it’s done. She needed to lock him up in a room. That way nobody is going to give him the sly eyes and inviting smiles.

Naira slid her glance back at the woman. She wasn’t even seeing the dresses. It was an act to look at him closely.

Karthik was smiling down at his mobile again. Ugh, he was doing that since an hour. What the heck was in that ?!! Was he chatting with someone ?!! With who ?!! He wouldn’t even smile at a cute bunny, now he was showing his perfect teeth for everyone to see ?!!

She marched to his side and nudged him hard in the ribs with her left elbow.

“What the heck are you smiling about ?!!” She gritted.

He bent forward and gave a howl of a pain. She snorted. He turned his scrunched up face to the side.

“What was that for ?!!” Karthik said through clenched teeth of pain.

“I said what the heck are you smiling about ?!!” Naira asked again in a cold voice.

His scrunched up face turned red and his eyes widened looking at her angry features.

“What ?!!” Karthik asked bewildered.

Naira shook her head, rolled her eyes and straightened.

“Ugh !! just great, I got married to a dumb guy.” She groaned irritated at his confusion.

He straightened and rubbed the place where it hurt still. He glared across at her completely pissed off now. Naira tuned him out with an eye roll and turned around.

“Hey !! You !!” Naira snarled at the woman.

The woman, tall, fair, thin wearing a short pink sleeveless dress paled at her shout. Her eyes caught Naira’s blistering glare. The women pointed her finger to herself.

“Me ?!!” She asked stuttering.

Naira fumed and put her hands over her hips.

“Yeah, you.” Naira said disgusted.

”What are you looking at ?!!” Naira gritted out.

The woman just kept staring at her nervously and she again looked over Naira’s shoulder. Naira’s face cleared and tautened. Naira turned her head to the side and saw Karthik popping his head to the side to look interestingly at the woman.

Really now ?!! He wouldn’t look at his wife to observe and here he was looking at this woman. Naira pushed her hand to the side and hit his shoulder.

“Get behind me.” She ordered Karthik, but before he could reply, Naira turned her head around and moved forward towards the woman. The woman looked deadly frightened now.

“And you, were you looking at my husband, huh ?!!” Naira asked in a hard voice.

“No, I wasn’t.” The woman hastily replied.

“Don’t lie, I saw you giving him the eye. Don’t you have an ounce of shame to hit on a married guy.” Naira whispered threateningly down at the now almost crying woman.

”You know what I’ll do, if you look at my husband again ?!! huh ?!! I’m gonna gauge your eyes out and…” Naira started to say again, but very rudely her body was lifted up in the air as if she was a rag doll and was plunked to the side harshly.

“Haha, now now Babe, that’s enough.” Karthik’s steely voice so light travelled into her ears warningly.

Her chest was moving up and down in too much anger. Her breathing got escalated. She looked around to see the people in the shop were watching the two of them with rounded eyes.

Karthik looked around too embarrassed to the core. He smiled and laughed good naturedly. His left hand went down and he rubbed her head vigorously.

“Stop it.” Naira tried to push at his hand which was spoiling her straight hair.

“She is just crazy. I was taking her to check with the psychiatrist tonight. Seems like I have to move up the appointment right away.” Karthik muttered in explanation still to the displeased looking customers.

They nodded their heads sadly looking at her in understanding and moved about their way minding themselves again. Naira could not just believe what he said.

“Psychiatrist ?!!” Naira started to say but Karthik closed her mouth tight with his right hand.

“Enough of this. Shut up and keep walking.” He glared down at her, as his other hand caught her moving head firmly.

Karthik plucked a few dresses from off the hangers and threw those over her head moving away his hand over her mouth finally. Naira breathed in relief and took the dresses off her head and observed those while walking.

What the hell !!

“These are XL. Why do you think I’m extra size always. Do I look that fat to you ?!!” Naira started screaming again.

While Karthik just shook his head from side to side.

Karthik pushed Naira into the changing room and got in.

“What are you doing ?!!” Naira spluttered as he roughly pushed her to the wall.

Karthik put his right hand over her mouth and her eyes widened when he almost lifted her off the floor while holding his other hand around her waist.

“You don’t embarrass me like that. Ever.” He threatened her.

She tried to talk but his hand almost smothered her breathing. He glared down at her. She nodded her head immediately in fear. He stared into her eyes while narrowing his gaze. He slid his gaze all over her flushed face. His hand around her waist went soft.

“Were you jealous ?!!” He asked.

Her face burnt a little more. She moved her head in a vigorous negative. His left eye brow raised at that.

“Really ?!!” He asked amusedly.

She moved her head again in a vehement negative. A half smile covered his lips. His hand on her mouth slackened but his fingers over her lips lingered burning into her skin. He tilted his head to the side.

“Alright then, I’ll get the number of the woman. She looks real nice. I bet she will be free for dinner tonight.” He said in a lazy drawl, while smiling affably at her.

He turned around to leave. She caught his hand immediately. He froze and turned a little while looking down at her hand. His eyes came back to hers all keen and intense. His face creased into a warm shade. He pulled at her hand and she went crashing into his chest.

“What ?!!” He asked while steadying her.

His hands wound around her waist tightly. She looked up while his breath fell over forehead heatedly. She somehow found her voice from somewhere. Her own voice sounded foreign now to her ears. It was weak and soft nothing at all like how she sounded normally.

“If you go there…then…then” She tried to find something to threaten him with.

”Then, I’ll stop talking to you.” She concluded firmly.

Both of his eyebrows raised at that.

“Oh, no, we don’t want that, do we.” He murmured.

”How am I going to find an entertainment if you stop talking suddenly.” He murmured again and chuckled lightly.

Her eyes narrowed and she beat her left wrist over his chest but he caught her hand in a firm grip and leaned down looking deep into her eyes.

“No, really, I like you getting overly possessive for me.” He smiled intimately and moved closer to her. He kissed her on her cheeks and she propelled out of his arms.

Her heart raced and her face reddened. She looked anywhere but at his face.

“Uh, we are getting late. We should get going now.” She said hastily in a very affected tone.

She finally looked up into his face to see him watching her grimly. Well, he didn’t look happy suddenly.

“Yeah, let’s.” He murmured and she turned around, his hand went over the low of her back and her heart started racing again.

He called for his car from his mobile. He sent Swayam to pick up the punctured car and our luggage and took hold of the car he had brought. The next step was to immediately hit the road. Thankfully, they had on clean clothes now.

They did get in the car but he stayed silent and calm. It was unnerving. He ignored her again but his face spoke of being completely in a deep thought. What was he thinking ?!!

“Alright. That’s it. The silence is getting to me. What’s wrong now ?!!” She let out worriedly.

“What do you want me to say ?!!” He counter asked in a quiet voice.

“Anything other than ignoring me.” She said equally quietly.

He finally looked back at her.

” Why wouldn’t you let me touch you ?!!” He asked her bluntly.

“That’s. That’s not….true..” She replied stutteringly while looking away from his incessant penetrating eyes.

“Then what is it ?!!” He asked her still quietly and patiently.

She hesitated. There were a lot of things that came up to say but he wasn’t someone she would share those with. Except pushing his decision on her he wouldn’t listen to her. He made all the decisions from the start. What was the point to talk. It would be so embarrassing if she said otherwise than what the contract says. To work this relationship. And even more humiliating would be if he laughed it off or walked away in stiff silence. That was a big no. It was the matter of her pride.

“It’s nothing.” She said finally after a second more of thinking.

Then there fell a strained silence. She dared not glance at him again. She sighed and closed her eyes.

She couldn’t decipher their relationship anyway. Were they husband and wife ?!! Were they friends ?!! Were they anything at all. It was quite strange. Feels like two strangers were forced to live together and they are finding ways to get rid of each others company or run away from each other.

The mansion in Delhi was the same, surrounded by thick forest just like the one in Udaipur. He drove along slowly and they reached the porch. He stopped the car but before she could open her mouth he got out without a word. She scowled at his cold attitude. What the hell was up with him ?!!

She was tired and way more drained out to reason with him. She only needed a nice warm bath and equally warm bed now. She could sleep for days. She got out of the car and glanced around. It was cold out here and she rubbed her arms.

She saw him taking out their luggage from the back of the car. She took the holder of her suitcase and tilted her chin up in the air proudly. She silently walked away,with him watching her all the way. She didn’t care neither, she had the energy to contradict him.

She walked stiffly along feeling his gaze burn her back. She didn’t turn to see but her senses told that he was watching her like a hawk watches it’s prey stealthily.

She walked down the corridors and after cursing and muttering a lot of not good things she finally found the bedroom. She took out her shoes and groaned pressing her soles. They ached a lot. She was bone tired and every where it was just so sore. Groaning still she sought through her luggage and took out a towel, night clothes and her bathing foam.

She stared surprised at the bath tub. She opened a tap and instantly warm water started filling the tub. After it was filled half through she poured her strawberry bathing foam. She took a deep breath as the affective smell started permeating around instantly.

The warm bath made her feel human again. She settled on the bed quietly but her mind was a little unsettled. She felt drained but sleep seem to allude her anyway.

What was her importance here ?!! Why was she here anyway ?!! Why had she tagged along with him when she knew it was all just camouflage. Nothing was real. She had been a trade in the deal between two rivals in the business.

She could easily have walked out but dammit now that she signed the papers it wasn’t an easy thought anymore. Each time she thought about this fake marriage her mind winced. They made a mock of the wedding vows. It was so stupid how she fell for his words. That she could have her freedom after the land was under his possession.

She sighed. At least she had her own independence. She wasn’t living off him. She never used the various credit cards he gave her. She had money of her own from her dance workshops that she had conducted all this while.

So, the point was, what was she doing here ?!! She didn’t understand the purpose of living a life which wasn’t a reality but just a contract. She flinched thinking about it. With these swirling thoughts continuing for another half an hour and finally somehow she spiraled into a deep slumber.

Naira woke up to a bright morning. It was breezy. Lovely. Joyful and beautiful morning. She smiled wide at the house keeper ‘Mrs. Shah’, who passed her. She already knew that karthik had left for his office.

Her smile dimmed when her stomach growled suddenly. Yeah, she needed to find the kitchen. A delicate smell of something baking entered into her lungs when she took a deep breath of it. She followed sniffing through the corridor and finally found the kitchen.

She smiled relieved. After the breakfast Naira left for the dance workshop she had searched on the net. After a long time she had gone into working with the beats and music again. It was very healing and lightened her heart immediately of all the worries.

She played the music and her senses immediately recognized her first love. She was teaching a bunch of teenage girls the contemporary form of dance. The slow and soothing music got into her brain and registered its own place giving her the atmost peace and happiness. She danced and she danced until her feet started hurting, and then she danced some more.

Naira was immersed so into it that she forgot the time and place. Until one of her friends in the workshop reminded her of the time. She instantly got everything in her work bag and moved out of the work shop. It was six already and Karthik would be back soon. She got into the car and pumped it on the road.

She reached home and burst into the door excitedly. She got into her room and hurriedly took a bath and wore a different pair of jeans and top. She walked out of the room and moved into the hall and frowned looking around.

She stopped Mrs. Shah.

“Where is Karthik ?!! He didn’t come home yet ?!!!” Naira asked.

“No. He did not come yet.” Mrs. Shah answered.

Why didn’t he come home yet ?!!

Naira walked out of the hall like a deflated balloon. Work. Work. Work. He was busy in Udaipur and he was busy here too. Naira blinked twice before her eyes widened when she saw him walking into the hall by the front door.

He was wearing a grey suit with a black strapped bag around his right shoulder. Her face brightened up. She was just about to say something before he muttered.

“I have a meeting.” Karthik said breathing hard.

“A meeting ?!!” She asked hastily, and walking beside him.

He looked down at her sideways before he flung the bag over the hall sofa.

“Yeah.” He replied curtly.

“But you just got home.” She said irritated when he did not stop in his walk.

“It’s an important meeting.” He replied moving fast up the stairs.

She breathed hard while looking at his disappearing figure. She waited for him to come down and he came down fifteen minutes later wearing another suit and looking all showered and fresh. He did not stop nor he looked at her when he moved past her again. Naira sighed and she followed him nevertheless to the kitchen.

“Is the meeting important ?!!” She asked curiously.

He moved towards the refrigerator and took out some eggs.

“Very.” He replied flatly.

He then broke the eggs into a vessel and beat them. He started cutting onions, tomato and green chilies to add into the omelet . Once the pan kept on the stove was hot enough he spread the mixture on it. He moved back and took out an orange juice carton before taking swig from it. He put the bread slices in the toaster, while he took out the omelet into a plate.

He came across to her holding a steaming plate of omelet and toast. He handed one to her before he had another one.

“Thanks.” She mumbled while eating.

So, this is how he lived. Making his own food. Running to the office. Coming home. Hurrying back. Waking up again. Running to the office. Wow. He had a busy life. But where did she fit in his life ?!!

He came around and moved closer to her and she stared with half a bite of omelet in her mouth.

“Have you been in the work shop ?!!” He asked finally.

“Yes.” She replied, while swallowing down the omelet.

“Good.” He said pleased and moved back.

“When are you coming back home ?!!” She called him back.

“Late.” He said vaguely.

“I will be so bored by myself.” She complained loudly.

He stopped walking and turned around. He looked at her long face and into her almost tear filled eyes. He sighed heavily.

“Do you want to come along ?!!” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

She brightened up immediately.

“Of course.” She replied promptly.

He shook his head.

“But I will be in a meeting.” He said in a dry voice.

“It’s fine. I will just roam around your office.” She said cheerfully.

“It’s not a park for you to roam about. Its my office.” He said flippantly.

“I know.” She said almost joyfully.

He looked across at her annoyed while walking out of the mansion.

“What are you so happy about ?!! We aren’t going to a picnic.” He said irritated.

She got around his car and slid in next to him.

“Can we go to a picnic next week ?!!” She asked eagerly.

He shook his head in negative.

“No.” He said sharply.

She pursed her lips and gave an angry look.

“Why do you always say no to everything ?!!” She asked irritated.

“Because you never stop asking.” He replied smiling at her scowling face.

She frowned trying to understand of what he said.

What ?!!” She asked leaning in.

He stared at her flatly.

“Just put on your seat belt.” He almost barked into her face a little.

She jumped back at his voice.

“Okay. Alright.” She said drawing back.

He started the car while looking at her with narrowed eyes.

After a second of silence she had enough.

“Where is your office ?!!” She asked finally and smiling.

“Somewhere where you shouldn’t be right now.” He replied warily.

“I’ll just sit in a quiet place. Alright.” She said while trying to soothe his worries.

He gave a her look before changing gears and chuckled in wry humor.

“I don’t trust you to sit quiet. It isn’t your forte exactly, is it ?!!” He asked her instead.

She pursed her lips and looked front.

“Fine. I’ll just stay quiet now. Then you’ll believe me.” She said firmly.

He gave her an ironic smile.

“You aren’t keeping quiet now.” He shot back.

She remained silent he kept smiling.

Precap : Karthik’s office !!where is my wallet and car keys!!! Naira's driving skills!! The gift and the biryani!!!

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