Part 16

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They both reached his office which was wide and big. He kept giving her side glances. She gave him a look before she followed him inside. It was really a big office. He walked into a new aisle where he stopped suddenly.

“You sit here quitely alright.” He said a little pensively.

She sighed. Why was he so afraid ?!! What was he so afraid of ?!!

A strain covered his forehead. He looked down into her face frowning.

“You don’t run down or walk about into walls and hurt yourself, alright ?!!” He said again sounding weirdly worriedly.

“I’m not a kid.” She said staring flatly into his eyes.

He looked down at his watch.

“I’m getting late. You just be careful.” He said distractedly before walking away in big long strides.

She opened her mouth to call him but he had already walked away into another corridor. What the hell ?!! Did he think she really was a kid ?!! She shook her head bemused at his worry.

Sighing heavily she looked around. He was too busy always. At least in Udaipur he used to work in the study and she had been in the habit of being in his company always. Here she didn’t know at all that he was this much into being a workaholic. How was she going to spend the evenings now.

She walked along in the corridor of where he disappeared of into.

Karthik was too engrossed in the meeting. The large hall was filled with the board members and they were talking about the profit and losses of the business. It was a very important thing to do right now but he was too distracted suddenly which he never was.

He sighed and looked sideways before he straightened and the most important thing was standing right there near at the large glass window which was covered by the pull down. How did he forget her there ?!!

He looked around to see if anyone was watching but mostly the meeting was too busy to look anywhere else. She seem to not know what was going on inside because she was too busy making fish faces and pouts to the window.

He almost laughed but he cleared his throat instead while four or five questioning glances slid across at his side. He maintained a poker face but he cannot help glancing back at her now dancing figure.

Great. Wasn’t she aware of her surroundings. She seem to think it was only a mirror. He should have reprimanded her more for sitting quietly in one place. He can’t help looking back at her. She was too cute to be ignored.

He shook his head firmly and slid his gaze back to the presentation going on. After a while he glanced back at her to find her looking at the mirror. He took the glass of water and had a sip of it observing her.

She started staring at the mirror and he froze suddenly when she removed her coat and looked at herself up and down not so happily. Her hands went over the top she was wearing. He spat out the water coughing a little. He excused himself and got up. It was enough of a view.

He walked towards the window and pulled up the drawers. Her eyes widened looking at his flat eyes and then she looked towards the people present in the hall before a panic set in. A deep blush covered her face and she flustered up. She set right her hair and put on the coat and started coughing heavily.

She avoided his eyes and ran off into the corridor. He started chuckling and later laughed a little hard before the presentation stopped and each of the men sat there, looked at him as if he had gone crazy standing there laughing at the window.

He sobered up and moved towards the chair. After a while he got engrossed again deeply. An hour later the meeting still went on with his employees becoming wary by each passing hour. It was finished later after the last presentation.

Karthik got up and tried to crane his neck side to side. He was very tired and it was very late. He walked out of the hall and kept wondering about something. What was it ?!! He shook his head and reached out of the building. He walked up to his car and almost got in before his eyes widened.

Oh, shit.

He hurried inside searching for her and moved up and down through the elevator but he found her no where else. A slow dread curled up his spine and he ran around his office frantically in search of her. He walked back where he left her and pulled at his hair as weird desperation affected his mind.

He remembered her smiling unassumingly innocent face and a slow worry crippled his mind. His shoulders sagged as he sat down on the lobby couch. He covered his face with his hands and leaned his elbows on his legs.

He heard foot step sounds. He followed his gaze up and looked into her smiling face. Anger rose up high in him, looking at her smile.

He got up fast and held her arms hard and hurting and he saw her smile fall off and a wince replace it. He did not care.

”When I told you to sit in one place. You god damn are supposed sit in one place !!!” He almost shouted.

He saw her eyes fill up and redden and she struggled to get out of his hold.

“I was doing the same thing.” She said teary eyed.

”You only left me for hours.” She complained like a baby.

He gulped hard looking at her tears and his hold loosened. He looked down at her skin reddening because of his hold. He closed his eyes and moved back regretting already for shouting into her face.

“I said I will be in a meeting, didn’t I.” He murmured now gruffly.

She rubbed her arms and he felt guilty that he hurt her.

“You could have ended the meeting.” She said now very quietly.

He felt even more a jerk for looking at her unsmiling face. He sighed.

“Fine. What do you want me to do ?!!” He asked her warily.

Her face brightened up immediately.

“Dinner. I’m hungry.” She said smiling again.

He shook his head.

“No. I’m really tired.” He said irritated now.

She glowered at his face and murmured something under her breath.

“Fine.Let’s do dinner !!” He said sighing.

Naira sighed with him all silent and grim sitting beside her in the car. What was his problem ?!! He was the one who left her there in that humongous office of his and expected her to sit quietly.

What was she a child ?!! He thought so. It felt as if he was baby sitting her. But the lost look on his face while he scolded her really had been disturbing. It wasn’t like she would actually leave him there and run away or hurt herself.

“Why are you so silent ?!!” She asked in a low voice, because she couldn’t bear it.

“What do you want me to say ?!!” He counter asked.

She thought of many of the things that she could ask him. She settled for a simple one.

“Why were you so worried just now ?!!” She asked curiously.

“I shouldn’t have been worried ?!!” He asked instead.

She blinked into the side of his face. Wow, a question to a question. He was good at this.

Well, he was very worried. Did she feel good about that ?!! The butterflies in her stomach answered that. She was happy but she wasn’t either. The look of his face really watered her eyes. She did not like it one bit. He was good all grim and in control. The sad and desperate anguish on his face hurt her too much.

“I don’t know.” She answered finally.

The car stopped suddenly and she grabbed his arm to steady herself. She scowled at him and looked front to see that he had stopped at a posh looking restaurant. Looking at it she suddenly set herself going all conscious.

“I’m not dressed for a fancy dinner.” She snapped at him.

She was in blue jeans and a top with a jacket on. Her hair pulled up in a pony tail. She looked like going to college than entering into a plush restaurant. He though looked too rich and very much suitable for the place. His eyes settled on her and he gave a once over with raised eyebrows.

“You look fine.” He drawled unaffected.

”And anyway who is going to look at you.” He concluded derisively.

Her cheeks fumed red and she gave him a glare. It hurt suddenly. Oh his attitude.

“I’m not coming with you.” She said firmly.

He shrugged.

“Better. I’ll have dinner by myself. Peacefully.” He grinned and got out of the car.

She wanted to slap his arrogant face but she stopped herself before that. Her hands itched for it. Her stomach growled and she looked forlornly at the restaurant. Minutes ticked by and she sat there in anger. The hunger got the better of her and she shrugged carelessly. Whatever. Who had she to impress. Let people think whatever they want to.

With that confident thought, she got out of the car and hurried fast to reach him. He was already at the sliding doors of the restaurant.

“Wait !!” She panted breathlessly.

He looked sideways at her when she reached him.

“What ?!!” He asked.

”I thought you weren’t dressed appropriate for the restaurant.” He asked her with a raised eyebrow.

She gave him a pointed look.

“I am now.” She replied in a cold snap.

He shook his head and smiled when she walked front.

They reached a corner and Naira settled herself in a chair opposite to his. The place was somber and quiet with many of people having silent and cozy dinner. The lights were pretty dim and it looked all romantic. Wow. His choice was good.

He kept staring at her all the while she looked around in fascination. It was very unnerving to have his eyes on her and only her. He wasn’t looking elsewhere.

“What ?!!” She asked after a while of his staring at her.

Blush rose all over her skin. He just shook his head without much replying.

The waiter came hurriedly towards their table.

“Your order, Sir, mam ?!!” The man asked meekly.

Naira took hold of the menu and looked over it.

“Butter chicken and Plain rice.” She murmured closing the menu.

”And red velvet pastery with raspberries on it.” She concluded smiling.

Karthik looked on amused at her while she ordered all that.

“And for Sir…” The waiter started to ask but Naira cut him off.

”Only plain water for sir.” She said slowly.

“What ?!!” Her husband almost barked, while all the humor left his face. And the waiter looked confused.

”He is just not hungry.” Naira dismissed him before the waiter cleared his throat and went off writing the order.

“I’m hungry.” Karthik said tightly, while calmly narrowing his eyes at her.

“Oh, really.” She said worriedly.

”I didn’t know. That’s sad.” She concluded smiling wide.

He stared at her flatly.

“You think you don’t order my dinner and I would just watch you eat yours ?!!” He drawled scornfully.

She smiled smugly and nodded her head.

“Of course, you are going to watch me eat.” She said cheerily.

”You don’t have a choice since you don’t have a credit card to pay.” She concluded with a delicious giggle.

He froze. Straightened. And checked his coat and also the pant pockets. She bit her lip to not laugh hard. This was so good. He deserved it . His eyes narrowed at her.

“What did you do ?!!” He asked dangerously.

Her eyes widened at his anger.

“Me ?!!” She pointed at herself innocently.

”What did I do. You are the one who left the wallet in the car.” She said mischievously

He stared at her and then he shook his head remembering. He almost got up but she stopped him.

“Where are you going when you don’t even have your car keys ?!!” She asked now thoroughly amused at his expense.

“Give me the keys.” He said through gritted teeth.

She looked around and leaned on the table.

“Don’t create a scene or the people are going to throw you out.” She whispered almost grinning.

He leaned back and watched her with murder in his eyes.

The order came to the table after five minutes of them looking into each others eyes in a battle of wills. Well, he made her wait all day long and also in his office. He left her all alone and did not even have the courtesy to take her home first to change when he made a decision to come to this posh restaurant. What did he expect from her ?!!

She happily tucked in while he watched her all through it.

“What ?!!” She asked carelessly while pushing a spoonful of food in her mouth.

He straightened suddenly and smiled coolly. She blinked bemused at his sudden change in mood. Her mind cautioned and she grew very alert.

“What ?!!” She asked again suspiciously, with the spoon half way to her mouth.

He looked deep in her eyes and then slid his gaze all over her face.

“Why did you want to come along with me to my office ?!!” He asked.

Her cheeks flushed profusely. He leaned closer to her face on the table and caught her spoon held hand. She blinked as his minty breath fell over her lips when he took the bite of the chicken. Her heart beat raced as his thumb finger slid over her wrist vein slowly.

He spooned the rice and curry and again leaned closer to her lips before his lips closed over the spoon. He leaned back and used the paper napkin to dab his mouth. His eyebrows raised quizzically at her silence.

“I asked you something.” He said bemusedly.

“I just did.” She replied.

“Do you have any other answer than ‘I just did’ and ‘I just don’t’ ?!!” He asked her wryly.

He leaned in and she saw that he took her spoon held hand and polished off the food. Her appetite left altogether while he moved closer to her face. His breath warmed her skin.

His thumb finger suddenly swiped at the corner of her lips and she stared wide into his eyes.

“If you want to spend time with me, you just have to say it.” He whispered softly.

“Why would I say that ?!!” She snapped looking anywhere else but at him.

She looked back at him after setting her face right . He nodded his head.

“Alright. Don’t expect anything from me then.” He said drawing back over his chair.

She frowned.

“What do you mean ?!!” She asked worrying a little.

He did not look at her but polished off the cake she had ordered. She scowled. She remained hungry here and he deliberately ate her dinner.

She got off the chair and moved around him and made a sullen walk to the door. She made way and treaded outside in blistering anger. He got around beside her near the parking lot.

“Keys.” He said plainly, while sliding his hand towards her.

She gave him a side glare and pushed her chin in the air.

“I don’t have them.” She replied flatly.

He sighed.

“Stop being a kid.” He said exasperated with her finally.

“Don’t you understand that I don’t have them.” She shot back loudly.

His jaw set and he looked around consciously.

“Don’t be silly.” He snapped.

”Give me the keys.” He said warningly walking towards her.

She moved back and brightened up suddenly.

“Can I drive the car ?!!” She asked energetically and looked at the shiny red Audi.

She loved his car. It was so happening and cool. He stared at her.

“No.” He bit out.

Her shoulders shrugged and the smile on her face wiped away. He always said no to her. Always a no. Why did she tag along with him. ?!!

“Fine.” She replied in a small voice, and turned around.

She sounded like a deflated balloon

“Alright.” He complied sighing.

She turned around instantly.

“Really ?!!” She asked with wide eyes.

He looked at her gravely.

“Only if you drive it good.” He warned her sharply.

“Of course.” She said instead smilingly.

He stared at her suspiciously and apprehensively.

“I’m going to regret this bad.” He muttered under his breath.

She ignored that and walked happily to the car.

Naira stared at the steering wheel so excitedly. He sat beside her shaking his head in regret already. She could laugh looking at the expression of his face but she bit her lower lip and tamed it. She had already taken advantage of his sudden softness towards her. It was fun to watch him struggle like that.

She took in a deep breath and started the car and as it purred on the road Naira just felt it course through her veins.

“Oh, my god. It’s drives so smooth !!!” She cried out while taking a turn of the steering wheel.

Her hands flexed on it feeling empowered already. He shook his head and grinned at her gleeful excitement.

“Careful.” He warned her softly.

She smiled wide while looking front but a mischievous streak entered into her mind while looking at him sit all stiff and pensively.

Slowly and slowly she increased the speed and watched him tense up instantly.

“Slow down.” He said warningly again, but this time getting really alert.

She ignored him and enjoyed the ride while the road disappeared fast under the wheels.

“I said slow down.” He gritted again.

“Oh, my god, but it rides so awesome !!!” She shouted back happily.

Just as she thought to pump it up a police car got behind theirs. Naira’s eyes widened.

“Stop the car.” He snapped at her sharply.

Both of her eyebrows raised up at that.

“Why ?!! We could just drive off fast.” She said shrugging her shoulders and sounding very light.

“Have you had a criminal record before ?!!” He asked her in disbelief.

She giggled now happily.

“Stop the car, Naira !!” He thundered.

She stopped the car immediately. He closed his eyes when she did that. The car behind theirs stopped too and the police officer got out of it. Naira gulped worried. Now she really messed up everything.

The officer walked towards the window and she panicked. The officer beat at the glass window and Naira panicked for real now. Her mind went frantic. She slid down the glass window hastily and looked up at the face of a forty something year old man.

“License.” The policeman barked curtly.

Naira jumped at his voice. Now she really was going to jail. She did not carry the driving license with her. It was in her car but not in this one. She looked across at her husband for help but he just ignored her and stared front.

Karthik was taking revenge on her now. She worked up her mind and an idea struck brightening her mood. She looked at the officer and started fake crying.

“I’m so sorry, officer, I don’t have the license. My husband here made me drive the car when I told him not to make me break the laws.” She cried hard.

“What ?!!” Karthik asked with raised surprised voice suddenly.

The officer looked at her crying face and then at his face and moved back from the car.

“Sir, can you come out.” The policeman ordered suddenly.

Naira smiled inside and looked across at Karthik winking. Karthik just stared hard at her murderously.

“I’m going to kill you for this.” Karthik muttered darkly at her and slid out of the car.

Naira got out too to watch the fun.

“License.” The officer said again to him.

Then he took the officer beside and talked for a long time. Seeming and trying to convince him a lot. She blinked when her husband moved back while the officer moved to his car.

Ten minutes later they stood beside each other watching a truck tow his Audi. She watched with wide eyes as the car was dragged over the road while the officer saw through the proceedings of it.

She gulped hard. Karthik was so going to kill her. She never thought that the officer would do this. She thought that with a fine and a warning he would leave but not take away his car.

She dreaded to look at Karthik. He stood beside her frozen to the ground with his hands folded over his chest and his coat hung over his right hand. He was looking at his car being dragged over the road. She felt really bad. She did not mean that to happen.

“I’m so sorry. I did not know that he would tow your car like that.” She said wincingly, before she moved back a safe distance from his side.

“You are sorry ?!!” Karthik asked dangerously low.

She flinched back and nodded her head. He turned around and faced her and came towards her slowly. Naira moved back a few steps before she turned around screeching. His face was very scary when angry.

“Oh, my god !! He is going to kill me !!” She shouted and took a run for an escape.

“Hey !! Come back here you little devil!” He shouted after her.

Karthik looked around furtively and consciously. He got stares and curses flung at him for making a girl run and cry.

“She is my wife.” He said smiling sheepishly.

She made him too furious. Irritated. Annoyed. Out of control and desperate with anger. This was worse than being with a five year old kid. He looked around to see a few women giving him a dirty look.

Now people will think that he was a psycho and a domestic abuser.

After they came back to the mansion, he completely avoided her. He had glared across at her when they got into another of his cars that he called for. Naira cringed at what she did. His dear car. She had it dragged away. She never wanted to do that. She felt bad for him.

She tried to talk to him but he just pushed away from her and never spoke a word or even glanced at her while the car drove to the mansion. She wouldn’t talk to her if she was in his place. While they got inside the house, he just walked away without a word to her. She closed her eyes and sighed.

There. She goes and ruins everything. Now he was going to avoid her again. It was really hard to bring him back to actually conversing with her and again it all went back to square one. Naira dragged her feet sullenly back to her room. She looked around the emptiness of it .

It was strange to be in a place where she was married but yet was single. She slid down on the bed already feeling tired and sad. She stared up at the ceiling and wondered. Try and might she could but it was never going to be anything at all between them. He was far off and beyond her reach. She always did something or the other that makes him angry and pissed off at her.

She waited in the morning and looked around the kitchen. He wasn’t there too. She had to hurry to workshop though. She glanced down at her phone after she was done with her contemporary and hip- hop batch. No messages or calls. It really rubbed off her wrong. Was he soo angry at her ?!!

Naira was fed up when she found none of the messages till afternoon. In the evening when she entered into her work shop a bag of something packed in a gift wrap caught her eyes. She had just been to the washroom for 5 mins. While going out she did not see anything on the counter.

She hurried towards it and tore off the gift wrap. The bag contained an all new pair of “Gungroos”. She gulped hard while looking at it.

Before she had shopped for herself and nobody did it for her. It dawned a profound affect over her mind that someone did it for her. And that someone was her husband. She looked at the card and the sign on it.

“For you” – K.

It was all that was written on it. And it was all that she needed. Her eyes started to sting. It wasn’t a bracelet or a necklace. It wasn’t diamonds or gold. It wasn’t as simple as rose. It was something very personal and something which meant the world to her. Her dream.

She stayed surprised and reveling with emotions over the counter. It was strange to see someone care about what did she for a living. Which was almost her life. Something ruffled thudded in her chest. Nobody did it for her. And he made the gesture really sweet. She frowned though. Now she didn’t know his mood swings. He wasn’t talking to her but communicating like this.

She didn’t know what to make of him. His silence said one thing and the things he did staying silent was another. She looked down at the Ghungroos with a small smile playing at her lips. Well, if anything she was just extremely pleased today. She was just happy.

With that delightful beam she spiritedly drove back home. For the first time in days a flicker of hope colored her heart and it felt finally good after days of anxiousness.

She reached home with that happy spring in the step. But that dimmed away and so did her smile when she found Karthik nowhere. She sighed going back into her room with drooped disappointed shoulders. She took a bath and had a little snack around six. Her eyes moved over the stairs and then at the door. She sat down on the couch and watched some television. Still he did not come home from work.

She was bored and completely off again. Well, that was the reason why she tagged along with him yesterday. It was too hard to get away from him.

Then an idea got to her for returning his sweet gift. She could cook something for him. He always made breakfast for her anyway. There’s always an extra plate in the kitchen for her. She shrugged at the strangeness of it. He communicated with little things rather than talking. He would be tired coming back home. What better thing would be but to give him a surprise by cooking for him.

She got up excited with the thought again. She squared her shoulders bravely. Of course, she could cook. It wasn’t a big deal. Her mind thought defensively. She took a deep breath and entered into the kitchen.

Biryani. Yes. That’s right. Her shoulders drooped again and she stared sullenly at the counter. She sighed. Time to call her mumma.

Naira dialled her number and waited for it to ring. She put her shoulder as support to the mobile while she moved about taking out groceries required for the dish.

It connected and her mother’s delicate voice travelled into her ears through her phone.

“You are calling me at this hour. Is everything fine Naira?!!” Her mother asked worried.

Naira rolled her eyes. It was like her mumma was worried everytime alltime. She felt like being a child again.

“It’s nothing mom. I just called you to ask about this recipe.” Naira said in a little embarrassed voice.

“You are cooking ?!!” Her mumma asked blankly.

”Since when ?!!” Her mumma asked again.

Naira sighed. Okay. Maybe, she had made quite accidents in the kitchen. It doesn’t mean that she was bad at it. Right ?!!

“Since now.” Naira retorted, while looking critically at a cauliflower.

“Who has been cooking since you got married ?!!” Her mumma asked sounding annoyed.

“Karthik does the cooking. Most of the time.” Naira cringed and answered.

Her mumma gasped horrified just by the idea of it.

“How can you allow that. Naira, you are utterly impossible.” Her mumma reprimanded.

“Come on, mumma, it’s just cooking.” Naira shrugged.

Naira heard an exasperated sigh and she closed her eyes. Now comes the lecture.

“My poor son-in-law. I don’t know how he is bearing you. I used to get anxious if you walked out of the house. Wondering about what mess awaits. Now, Karthik has taken all my worry. Bless the kid. I’m so much relieved now.” Her mumma went on muttering and scolding Naira.

Naira’s jaw settled and she waited for her mother to finish ranting on her. She scowled now fiercely.

“Mumma !! Seriously now. Who’s side are you on !!!” Naira cried out angrily.

“Alright. Don’t be angry now.” Her mumma said in a soothing tone.

“Are you going to tell me the recipe or not ?!!” Naira asked irritated.

“Fine. Are you noting down then ?!!” Her mumma asked her quietly in a calm tone.

Naira shook her head and put the phone down on the counter and put the call on speaker mode.

“No. I’ll follow you through.” She replied while looking down at the veggies cryptically.

“I should be calling a fire engine to your place after you finish cooking.” Her mumma muttered under her breath.

And Naira put her hands over her hips.

“Very funny mamma.” Naira glared at the phone.

There was a small chuckle from her mumma’s side.

“Do I need to cut the veggies now ?!!” Naira asked while biting down at her lower lip.

“Of course you have to cut the veggies. Before that you wash them thoroughly. You know that right ?!!” Her mumma asked suspiciously.

Naira rolled her eyes.

“Of course.” Naira mumbled instead of arguing.

“What do you plan on making by the way ?!!” Her mumma asked finally.

Naira smiled fully now.

“Biryani.” Naira answered brightly.

Her mumma just sighed.

“Make sure you don’t burn anything or yourself.” Her mumma cautioned her dryly.

“Alright.” Naira replied meekly.

For two hours Naira struggled around the kitchen. Sweating and panting she made her mumma almost have a heart attack. She cut the call finally and looked at the dish she made with pride swelling up in her heart.

She removed the apron sighing. She walked into her room and took a long shower to get off the smell of the kitchen. She finally felt a little better and walked back towards the front hall. It was almost twelve. Where was he ?!!

She walked towards the dinning hall and sat down on the chair. Few minutes later her eyes drooped and her head rested on the table. Just like that she dozed off.

Precap : Karthik’s love realisation !!
Naira's love realization!!!!The peacock!!!

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