Part 17

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Her arms folded on the dinning table and her head bent over it, that’s how Karthik found her when he entered the kitchen. He could hear her snoring lightly. Boy, she must be damm tired. Yet there she was waiting for him.

He now felt really bad for doing that to her. But then because of all the time that he had spent in Udaipur had caused this big blunder at his office. He wanted to spend time with her but the work load was not permitting him to do so.

Today while going to office, he had seen this store where various dance related accessories and props were put on sale. He had gotten out of the car and entered the store. After rummaging through the store for about 15 mins he had finally found what he could gift her. The pair of shinning golden ghungroos were perfect for her. He knew it would mean a lot to her and had a personal touch to it as well.

He had bought it and had the bag gift wrapped and delivered to her workshop. He could already imagine the smile that would have formed on her face after she had opened the gift wrapper. He didn’t know why but he couldn’t resist himself from doing such little things for her.

He had realized his feeling for her long back. He couldn’t think of a particular incident but when he had gone to Singhania mansion to bring her back, when her father had almost kidnapped her, that was what fueled up his feelings for her. He wanted her to be his. Forever.

But at the same time he knew he had wronged with her by forcing her for this marriage. He wanted her to have her share of happiness and the opportunity to achieve her dreams which she had been denied for way too long. The guilt in his heart for hurting her was overpowering the love he has for her.

Wait a minute !! LOVE ?!!!

His heart was beating fast and fluttering as he started deciphering his feelings. He looked down at her form which was now totally comfortably sleeping on the dinning chair. Was he in love with her ?!!

YES !! His heart shouted. He just sighed. He was way too much tired with all the work at office and now due to this sudden realization of his feelings. He needed sleep desperately now.

But before he could move her and himself to the bedroom, he looked down at the table and his fists curled. He looked across at the spread of the food and his heart speared a little. He could drag her down and settle her ruffled feathers. Pull her into his lap and kiss away her tears and pain. She was all over his mind leaving a print of her in his thoughts. Making him think constantly. Worrying about her. Entangling him with her.

Never was his plan to include her in his life. But, he was foolish enough to believe her father that she was involved in the deceit. She wasn’t. She was sweet. Beautiful. Strong willed. Everything that he needed and made him happy.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and the deliciousness of the food entered into his lungs. His right eyebrow raised impressed and he peered into the flavored rice bowl. Biryani !!

He slid the bowl closer and helped himself half of it since he was too hungry. But he wondered at her cooking skills. He frowned down at the plate with rice suspiciously. It smelled delicious but did it taste as good as it looked ?!!

He sighed heavily. He looked heavenwards. Maybe this was his punishment for hurting her. Without cringing much he pushed the spoonful of the rice into his mouth. Both of his eyebrows raised. It was good. Too good. He soon forgot everything and gorged on the food in front. Well, she did great and he felt contended finally.

After finishing the dinner he walked towards her sleeping form and picked her up in his arms and moved towards the right of the front hall. He finally reached towards the bedroom and he stood stupefied at the door. But after some time he moved inside and slid her sleeping form on the bed.

He took off his shoes and slid down beside her on the bed and his fingers moved over her tresses and scalp unconsciously soothing her back into the peaceful sleep. She sighed and rolled towards his side and he froze.

She pulled him down completely by almost toppling over his body and he was locked by her legs around his. He took in a sharp intake of breath when her head burrowed into his chest while her hand surrounded around his waist tightly.

Great. He shook his head and closed his eyes while feeling her cold body warm up over his. Her gentle breathing trickled over his chest warmly. His hand hesitated before he placed it around her waist more firmly and pushed her into his body more. He was tired and he had little energy left to go upstairs, to his bedroom.

She felt nice, warm and soft against his chest. He had been working for the whole week without a break and he had no time for himself or for her. He took a deep breath of her recently shampooed hair and a deep calm settled over his mind and he fell back into a deep slumber instantly.

Karthik got out of the sleep frowning. He opened his eyes and blinked twice at the sunrays peeking through the curtains and falling right over his face. He grunted and tried to flip over his front but a heavy weight over his left arm made it hard to even slid away a little. He frowned some more and looked down.

His narrowed over the splay of long dark hair all over his chest. He frowned and his fingers flexed on the softest of the silk. He stiffened as awareness shot through his body of her sprawled on top of him. His eyes moved over the wall clock and he straightened on the bed.

Damn. He was late for work. He tried to get up but his whole left side started to ache. He scowled down into her face which was almost burrowed into his chest. Did she gain weight or what ?!!

He moved her away gently on the bed and turned her over the front. She burrowed inside the sheets curling herself into a ball. He shook his head and groaned heavily while his left arm became stone. He rubbed it and got up glaring at her. He moved towards the windows and pulled the curtains and the sun light flooded in completely.

He got his revenge when she groaned. Good. He grinned and took his shoes and walked out of the room. He grimly walked up to his room and showered. He made way to the kitchen and made himself a little breakfast and also for her, and covered it.

He got into her room and looked around and his eyes fell on the bed. He sighed looking at her sleeping figure. Impossible. He shook his head and smiled. It had been an hour since he woke and still she was sleeping like a log there.

He got everything that he needed for his work and left for office. He was already late by two hours and couldn’t wait for her to get up. But before moving out of the house, he took a piece of To-stick notes and stuck it on the fridge door. He removed his pen from his blazer’s pocket and scribbled.

“Thanks for the Biryani J, Babe.
Love, K”

Naira woke late in the afternoon with feeling relaxed and unsettled at the same time. She glanced down on the bed and her forehead folded. Was it her dream ?!! She had felt as if he was there with her all night.

She snapped out of the question quietly hastily. She got ready for her workshop but it was too late. She thought of not going and instead decided to stay at home. She got into the kitchen to make herself a sandwich at least. She walked towards the counter and stiffened when she found a plate filled with food. She stood there frowning down at it.

Where had he been ?!! He came home late and went early in the mornings. That too without meeting her or seeing her. Soo much work ?!! It wont be good for his health she thought. She sat down at the table and ate all that he had cooked for her. He really was an amazing cook. As she was done eating she got up to take out a bottle of water from the fridge, when her eyes fell on the note stuck on the fridge.

It was his handwriting. Her fingers hovered over the word “LOVE” and a sly smile crept on her face. She knew she was blushing hard by now. The little things he did for her meant a lot to her and obviously added fire to the feelings that were developing in her heart for him.

He always made breakfast for her. He always cuddled her in the night so as to keep her nightmares at bay. He had even called her mumma to know what she liked and disliked to eat. He made coffee for her in the exact same way that she preferred to have. He often gifted her things that were way too personal, and never had anyone bothered to get for her. He made sure that there was always a car and a driver to pick her up and drive her to the workshop. He made sure that her workshop was taken care of and looked after. The most important thing was he provided her the comfort, support, happiness and love that was missing in her life for all these years.

She had come to love all of these things of his. Yup, she was falling in love with him day by day and she was very much enjoying this feeling. She had a silent hope that he felt the same way for her. But then it was just hope that she had….

In the evening when Naira walked into her room, she froze suddenly in her tracks. Her eyes stayed glued to the bed. There was a packet of something. She frowned at it for quite a while. She hesitated but she pulled the cover of it. She found the note first.

“ We are going out tonight, Wear this for tonight’s dinner – K”

She looked down at the long dark blue off shoulder dress. She gasped at the richness of the color and the softness of the fabric. It was figure hugging and beautiful. There was thought behind every thing that her husband sent her. It was as if he put all his feelings in every gift that he bought for her.

The question that circled in her mind – Was this a date ?!!

She was unsure of it. His schedule had been too busy to make out time from it and take her out for dinner on a date. She knew it was impossible. But then it didn’t matter what it was, what mattered that he would be there with her for the whole night. They would get to spend time together and she was happy with this thought itself. Didn’t matter if it was a date or a party by one of his associates.

She looked at the clock and walked towards the bathroom finally to get ready. After a really long bath she changed into the gown. She arranged her hair over her head into a loose flower bun. A sigh escaped her lips looking at the dress that fit perfectly to her body.

She applied a little make up. Specially focusing over her eyes because the dress needed some drama and the smoky shade of the mascara matched well with the color of the dress.

A pair of platinum earrings and she was done with the things. She put one and while doing it her eyes rounded in alert at the door as it moved opened abruptly. She saw in the mirror that he was walking into the room. She was struck dumb suddenly when her eyes moved over his attire in the glass mirror.

As Karthik entered into the room, he noticed that the door was not locked. He had intended to knock on it but a slight push had led it to open. He was surprised that she never locked the door. This act of hers showed how much she trusted him. How much sure she was that no matter what but he wont hurt her or misuse the trust that she put in him.

He was all dressed up looking all sharp in a blue suit. His hair was all gelled back. Naira drew up her shoulders. So she was right indeed. Seems like it was some big business dinner. Well no date for her tonight.

He walked a little front and he froze suddenly when his eyes fell over her back. She stared entranced at him. She tried to turn around but her eyes drew down to his hands. There was this deep maroon velvet jewellery box caught firmly by his long tanned fingers. She looked up into his face in the mirror and suddenly her eyes went weariness in his gaze. Like he was too tired.

The silence remained mutual. He came forward and she kept looking at him coming towards her in slow saunter of steps. He stood behind her and caught her gaze finally over the mirror. She maintained his eyes on hers quite placidly. His eyes moved over her back and she stiffened and remained unmoved. Was something stuck there ?!!

He bend down and kept the box on the table beside the mirror all the while holding her gaze. He pulled himself up and suddenly moved closer to her. Naira moved a step front . He moved a step closer again and she was locked to the mirror with face front. He was looking down again and she stiffened instantly as his fingers moved over her bare back. Her eyes widened when touched the zipper of the dress. Crap. She forgot to zip it from the back.

A low inaudible breath escaped her lips as his warm fingers touched her spine from below. Goosebumps rose up her flesh but he wasn’t looking at her. His dark head was bent and his eyes were sharply focused over the business at hand. Which he seem to deal with a lot of attention. He suddenly bent down and kissed her at the end of her back.

He pulled up the zipper by an inch and then again kissed her there. This act of kissing her, zipping the chain by an inch then again kissing then zipping continued till he reached the end point of the zipper. All the while he kissed her and zipped the chain she held on to the dressing table’s end tightly. Her hormones were going all crazy when both his hands or his lips touched her spine.

He zipped up the dress and buttoned it at the top. Her face burned while his fingers lingered on her lower back. She kept looking down and waited quite a while for him to move back. Since his heat and strength penetrated her mind and body and irked her more. She jumped as something cold circled around her neck and her eyes flew towards the mirror. Her gaze clashed with the glittering sharp shine of the clean cut diamonds.

Her wide eyes moved up fast and they met his eyes. She looked down at the delicate blue diamonds that formed the beautiful dancing peacock pendant. The peacock that dangled from her neck was just too beautiful. Looking at it she felt that he wanted to convey something to her.

“Its Beautiful. Thank you.” She said smiling down at the peacock pendant.

“It’s you when you dance.” He said softly looking down into her eyes.

And as if on cue naira blushed deep red. Karthik touched her shoulders and turned her around to face him. He held her by her waist and pulled her closer to his body. She was still looking down. He held her chin between his forefingers and moved her face up to look into his eyes. As soon as their eyes meet, Karthik felt as if something rushed into his blood veins.

He closed the distance between them and kissed her on her lips. He had kissed her many times before, but he wanted to make this kiss a special. He wanted to pour all his heart into this kiss. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him. How much he loved her.

Yes, He would propose her tonight after the dinner. He would tell her that his world has now started revolving around her. That she meant a lot to him. And that he would never imagine a moment without her.

He moved back still with his eyes on her.

“Ten minutes.” He muttered, and walked away.

Naira turned around and steadied her breath. She felt loved suddenly. It was as if he wanted to convey something to her through the kiss. But she couldn’t decipher what !!

She set her hair right and did her make up. She walked out of the mansion and towards the car. He was leaned back over the front looking at the sky. She wondered, what was wrong with him ?!! He never was so lost or affected. Something was going on in his mind and she needed to know what was it exactly ?!!

She walked around the car . He straightened and opened the door for her to sit in. She observed that this was the first time ever that he had done something so much like a true gentleman. She sat in and he closed the door.

He sat in next to her and held her hand in his. He entwined their fingers and rubbed her wrist with his thumb. She felt butterflies in her stomach and it confirmed that this night was going to be one hell of a night that both of them would never forget.

Precap : You make me Crazier !!The return of Mr.Singhania!!! The Fallout!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spoiler alert:
                           A big twist

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