Part 20

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Karthik felt his heart was going to throb out of his chest as he walked towards the rehearsal hall. He took a deep breathe in and pushed open the door.

Dressed in a loose black frock which reached till her knees naira had just finished her dance and, now stood near the stereo player deciding which song to play next. Since she had almost no intake of food from the morning, she felt weak and slightly dizzy. Then she felt a breeze graze her back as the rehearsal hall’s door opened. Her heartbeat became very fast and then she heard a familiar voice say,

“Finally…..” Karthik almost whispered.

Naira turned around with a gasp and her astonished eyes met with his. She stood where she was , rooted to the spot, her brain not functioning properly. Karthik briskly covered the distance between them.

She pressed back against the stereo table as Karthik left barely half an inch space between them. Naira just stared at him stunned into disbelief. Involuntarily, her lips whispered, “Karthik” as if the name was a part of her breath.

Hearing that Karthik lost the last shred of his control and taking her into his arms he kissed her mouth deeply as if trying to draw some life from her into his own lifeless heart. Naira was shocked to the core. He had never kissed her so possessively before.

Her mind had loads of question. How did her reach here ?!! Why was he here ?!! Had he been searching for her ?!! Why did it take him a year to find her ?!! Had he come back to apologise ?!! Did he want her back in his life ?!! Was she dreaming or was it really happening ?!!

Karthik kissed her until he felt her growing limp in his tight grip. Realizing what he was doing to her he pulled his face away and looked at her streaming eyes with his own wet ones. He had barely said “Naira” when she grew totally limp and fainted in his arms.

He looked shocked at an unconscious Naira in his arms. Great, He hurt her again !!

He shook her gently and patted her cheeks as he called out her name so as to wake her up. She gave no response. He lifted her up in his arms and was able to do so with less effort than he expected. She has almost become weightless. She has lost a lot of weight in the past year he thought.

This was not his Naira, he thought. No colour in her cheeks. So silent and not blabbering like a kid. No curvy and wavy figure. No mischief in her eyes. He had missed her but she has completely changed in this one year.

He carried her outside to the reception area to lay her down on the sofa that was present there. Just as he was about to touch her forehead, he head the creek of the opening of the door.

He heard a gasp and turned around to find his mother in law gaping at him and Naira. She looked completely shocked. She regained her posture and looked at Naira’s sleeping form on the couch.

“What happened to her ?!!” Naira’s mother cried.

“I don’t know. She just fainted. I hurt her again, I guess ” lamented Karthik.

“ She hasn’t been able to eat any food today. She is probably weak due to that. Can you please help me take her to our apartment. Its just across the street.” Naira’s mom spoke, rubbing her daughters hand to bring some life into her.

Karthik just nodded his head. He was quite surprised at the trust she put in him, when she knew what her daughter had gone through just because of him. He also wondered since when do they live in an apartment ?!! Where was Mr. Singhania ?!! How had he allowed his daughter to pursue her dream ?!!

All these thoughts and questions circled Karthik’s mind but he shifted his focus to his life lying there on the couch. She was more important than any of this right now.

Karthik lifted Naira in his arms again. He followed his mother in law as she walked into the building just opposite to the dance academy’s one. They entered into a flat and Naira’s mom showed him to their bedroom. Kartik gently placed Naira on the bed. She had started moving and whimpering in the lift itself. Now she weakly opened her eyes.

Karthik left her side and stood by the door of the room. Naira’s mother went out and brought a glass of milk for her.

“ Naira, please drink some milk. You will feel better.” Her mom said and forwarded the glass of milk towards her mouth. Naira didn’t hesitate this time and gulped the whole glass in a few minutes. She was faminished.

When she finished the milk, she looked around at her surroundings and found herself in her bedroom. How did she reach here ?!! Last she remembers she was in her rehearsal hall.

“ How did I reach here mumma ?!!” Naira asked and as if on cue her eyes travelled to the door of the room. She saw him. Her eyes captured him. So he really was here. Atleast one of her questions was answered.

Naira stared at Karthik. Karthik stared back at Naira. They just kept looking at each other. Trying to calm their incessant craving for each other for the whole year that they had been separated.

“Are you feeling any better now ?!!” Karthik asked, finally breaking the silence.

“Yes. How come you are here ?!!” Naira asked, trying to get answer for one of her earlier questions.

“ I had some work.” Karthik replied honestly.

“Oh..” Naira whispered. So he didn’t come here looking for her. Another answer !!

Understanding that her two kids needed some time alone, Naira’s mumma got up and left the room so as to give them the privacy that they needed. As his mother in law walked out, Karthik came and sat next to Naira at the edge of the bed.

He hesistantly took her hand into his and rubbed his thumb on hers. Naira was soo lost in his eyes that she didn’t deny when he tried to touch her. She still couldn’t believe that he was here, right in front of her. Karthik tried to observe the change in her features.

“ I missed you.” Karthik stated silently, looking deep into her eyes.

“ Me too.” Naira replied softly.

He then started delicately, “ We need to start packing. We can stay at the hotel where I am staying currently and then leave for delhi tomorrow morning.”

Naira looked at him with wide eyes. Has he lost his mind. For a moment she thought that he had changed but no, he was back to his own self. Forcing his decisions on her. Not even bothering to ask her what she wanted. She was noway going to live with him, when he did not even trust her.

Naira suddenly became serious and looked at Karthik who looked very tensed.

“I am not going anywhere. This is my life now. I have to support my mumma as well. How can you come up suddenly and invade into my life like that. Anyway, you did not come here searching for me. It was a business trip. ” Naira stated her stand.

To control the upsurge of emotions and tears, she got up and walked out towards the balcony of her room.

Karthik’s heart sank. Then, he walked out behind her. Karthik went and stood next to Naira who was leaning on the balcony railing. She was crying now, and it pained his heart to see her like that.He was again the reason for her tears. Karthik let her cry for some time.

“Naira, it’s true that this business trip wasn’t intended to search for you. But for the past one year I have been looking for you like crazy. I almost became insane when you left. ” Karthik said breaking the silence.

“I don’t believe you ” Naira Replied.

“You insulted me so much, and distrusted everything I said.You ought to accept the fact that you never trusted me. Our relationship was just the physical attraction that we had for each other. Also I am no more your wife. I have signed the divorce papers.” Naira said further.

“Which landed up all torn in dustbin the day you left me. You are still my legally wedded wife. We are still man and woman, Naira.” cried Karthik.

“Why ?!! What changed your mind ?!! Suddenly, you fell in love with me ?!!” asked Naira wiping her wet face with the back of her sleeve.

“Not suddenly Naira”. Karthik replied.

Then he realized the futility of trying to explain anything to her now as she wouldn’t believe what he said. She wouldn’t believe that he was already in love with her and that he was going to propose her, on the same night when they had that big fight. She wouldn’t believe that it was her father who had manipulated him to believe that she was in love with Rithvik.

Also even if she believed that, it would only hurt her that he had again trusted her father and not her. He didn’t wish to mention about reading her diary as he could not interpret her reaction. She might totally misunderstand him. There was also a possibility that she would think he was trying to pursue her only because he knew she was in love with him.

Now was not the time to explain her his situation. If she knew what he had believed about her, she would never come back to Delhi. She would only be hurt that he would ever think that she was in love with some other man. The misunderstanding about her and rithvik should be kept under wraps for now. That was beneficial for both of them.

Karthik tried to hold her in his arms but Naira just pushed him away. Karthik was taken aback by her action. Anger started to boil inside him and he decided to walk out of the room to control himself.

He walked angrily into the living room and sat down on the couch. Naira’s mom saw his state and asked him to calm down by keeping a hand on his shoulder. Then she went into her bedroom only to see Naira broken down and sobbing sitting on the balcony floor.

Her mumma stood in front of Naira quietly and waited for her to calm down. When Naira had almost cried her heart out, she looked up to see her mumma standing next to her. Naira got up from the floor and wipped her eyes.

“Don’t try to convince me to go back with him. I wont, mumma.” Naira stated.

“ Will you atleast listen to what I want to say ?!!” Her mumma asked.

Naira nodded her head and wiped her tears again.

“ You are angry at him for not trusting you and for humiliating you. But what you fail to notice is the immense love that he has for you, due to wich he misunderstood you. He has come all the way to Udaipur and wants to take you with him. He is so upset Naira, just because you have refused to go with him” Her mumma said calmly.

“ But he doesn’t trust me. Which relationship would last when there’s no trust between two people ?!!” Naira argued.

“ The relationship of love. I have seen love and concern for you in his eyes. And I know that even you love him. You have suffered this whole year, Naira. I don’t want to see you suffering for the rest of your life.” Her mumma said further.

Naira kept quite and stared into the distance ahead of her.

“ I request you. Please give him a chance. Go with him. If he fails you again than come back. I will always be there for you. But atleast you wont live the rest of your life in regret that you didn’t give him a chance to prove his love for you.” Her mumma concluded.

Naira finally relented and nodded her head. She was still in denial but it wouldn’t hurt her to give a chance to the man she loved. She hugged her mumma.

Both of them wipped their tears and walked to the living room where Karthik sat waiting. Karthik stood up when he saw them. His eyes were blood red and it was obvious he had been crying. Naira felt pained when she saw his state.

“I will come to Delhi with you.” Naira simply walked upto him and said.

Karthik let out a heavy breath of relief and turned his face away to hide the emotion on his face. Then he looked at her again and said in a quivering voice “It means a lot to me.”

Naira was shaken by the state she saw him in. Defeated, dejected, and humbled. To her surprise she did not like to see him like this. She had an urge to caress his hair, hug him and kiss him.

“ I want you to come with us as well.” Karthik said moving towards his mother in law.

Naira’s mom stared at him in surprise while Naira looked in befuddlement. When Karthik got no response from any of the two women he quipped in a “Please” quietly.

Naira’s mom saw the earnestness in his eyes and nodded her head. Naira was shocked when her mumma agreed to Karthik’s request. He sure had charmed her mom.

“I need to buy some essentials so I would be going to the nearby store. Naira pack our luggage till then, Karthik will help you.” Ordered Naira’s mother and grabbed her wallet to walk out of the house.

Karthik looked at Naira a little scared that she would refuse to take his help. Naira melted at the look on his face and just started walking towards her bedroom. Karthik followed her. Naira started with essential clothes.

Naira started stuffing her and her mother’s clothes into a suitcase, as Karthik sat by the corner of the bed and watched her. As Naira was removing the clothes from the top most shelf of the cupboard, she lost her balance and fell on the bed. Karthik moved forward to avoid her fall but she ended up falling on top of him. Both of them lay on the bed with Naira being on top of Karthik.

Karthik uncertainly tried to pull her head to his shoulder. Having lost all resolve, she let go and hugged him completely. He caressed the back of her head as she cried silently in his shoulder. Naira had missed this comfort during her several sleepless nights in the last one year. His arms around her provided the love that she needed.

They heard the door bell and realized their position , Naira started to draw away. Karthik got up and moved out of the room to open the door. Naira eyes fell on the bed and she saw Karthik’s wallet fallen on it. She picked up the wallet and was surprised to see a photo of hers inside it.She started to wonder if he was speaking the truth ?!! Was he really in love with her ?!!

Naira’s mom and Karthik entered the room and Naira handed over his wallet to him. With her mother’s help Naira had all their necessities packed inside two bags. The three of them decided to leave for Delhi early in the morning.

Karthik went to his hotel room and settled for the night. He closed his eyes and the events of the day went past the screen of his mind. He winced at her hurt, felt distress at her tears, and then settled upon the image of her lying on him with her face buried in his shoulder and held on to it. With a satisfied sigh, Karthik fell asleep.

Naira lay down next to her mumma and switched off the light switch by the bed. The events of the day went past her closed eyes. Then her mind settled on the moment when she saw her picture in his wallet and with that last image in her mind she fell asleep.

One week Later.

It had been a week since Naira and her mumma had moved to Delhi along with Karthik. Naira had been working from home since the last week. She had instructors who worked for her at her Udaipur dance academy, but then supervision was needed.

She mostly used to stay in her room all day and used Karthik’s study whenever she required computer or printer. She had been staying with her mumma in the bedroom which used to be her’s before she left it a year ago. While Karthik slept in his own room.

Naira observed that the room was just like she had left. Not a single thing was moved from its place. All of her clothes and accessories were in the same place. Only her dairy was missing and she feared if he had found it and read what was written in it.

Naira had become a silent person, completely opposite to the talkative self that she was. On the other hand Karthik had become more jolly and lively as compared to the dull self that he was. It was as if they had some kind of a role reversal.

Karthik had lessened his work load and was home most of the time working from his study intending to spend more time with Naira and convincing her that he truly loved her and trusted her now. Naira also observed all the efforts that he put in to gain her forgiveness, but her hurt was not lessening.

She also observed the efforts he made towards her mother as well. He had been trying to bond with her. Whenever Naira used to enter the kitchen she used to find both of them laughing and cooking something together. She had never seen her mumma so happy before.

She remembered how much she had come to trust and respect him much before she had realized that she was attracted to him and even loved him.How he had broken every belief she had about his character. And he was doing it all over again.

Being nice, soft, and picture of a good understanding person. How long until he did an about turn and started to ill-treat her again ?!! She needed to find out what made him become so brutal towards her ?!! From being kind, supportive, caring why did he go to being a heartless beast ?!! And then he flipped back again. Why ?!! What had the misunderstanding been ?!!

Naira’s head ached with confusion and conflicting ideas. Finally she resolved, that she needed to talk to him and ask him some questions, if she wants this relationship to last.

Her head still ached so she went to the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee. When she saw Karthik there, she did an about turn to go back .

“Naira” Karthik called out.

“Did you need anything ?!!!” He asked her.

“I just needed a cup of coffee . But I will come back later.” Naira said and left while Karthik looked at her leaving.

Naira sat at the dinning table attending her calls when Karthik came there with two large cups. He set one in front of her and sat down with the other cup in his hand in the chair next to her. She nodded and continued with her work. He sat and gazed at her for a while.

After a couple of minutes, he picked up his cup and walked away to his room. Naira felt bad for not addressing him properly. She let go of her breath and followed him to his room.

As she entered into his room, she saw him sitting by the window and sipping his coffee. She went and sat next to him, and stared at him, just like he had done a couple of minutes ago.

“ You have been here for almost a week now. But we haven’t even spoken to each other properly yet. We need to discuss some issues. Ignoring them won’t help. I know I did wrong but then talking would surely sort it out.” Karthik said still looking out of the window.

“ I know. We have a lot of talking to do.” Naira said sternly.

“I know I have made horrible mistakes. Unforgivable maybe. But Naira, I am telling the truth now. I love you like crazy. Which is why I just couldn’t accept the facts that were put in front of me. I am sorry Naira. I deeply am.” Karthik Said almost sobbing now.

Naira could not speak up when she saw his watering eyes. He would cry any moment now and she could not bear to see him in such a defeated state.

“There is a difference between breathing and living. I was alive for the past one year but not living. The life I lead without you was devoid of any happiness. It was just an existence. Naira, people make mistakes. If we love them, and if they love us, we must give them a chance or we might miss out on the best relationships of our lives. Please give US a chance.” Karthik pleaded her now.

A tear escaped her eyes.

“ I have a couple of questions for you that have bothered me. If I ask them will you answer honestly ?!!” Naira asked. Karthik just nodded.

Just as Naira was about to ask her first question, her mumma screamed from downstairs calling both of them for dinner.

“ I’ll ask them tomorrow. Let’s clean up our faces. I don’t want her to know that we have been crying.” Naira said.

Karthik nodded again. Naira went to freshen up in his bathroom. While Karthik sat there with his fingers crossed !!

Naira freshened up and came out of the bathroom. Her eyes still looked puffy and red but at least the tear stains were gone and her face looked fresh. Karthik was sitting on the couch and was just thinking quietly. He was resting both of his elbows on his either thigh and his hands clasped together. He looked very tensed.

Naira felt a stirring in her heart. In that moment she forgave him for all that he had done. In that moment, her love for him became unconditional knowing fully well that tomorrow he might say things that would hurt her again. She knew that when she asked him what misunderstanding about her made his attitude towards her so brutal , his answer might again fill her with pain.

He had obviously believed something very bad about her and he obviously went through hell when he realized how wrong he was.

At that moment, standing in his room and looking at him, she craved to set free the love she had for him. Especially, because of the uncertainty of tomorrow, she felt a desperation to gather as much happiness as possible.

Naira walked up to him and caressed his hair with her right hand. He moved his face more into her hand. Naira sat down beside him on the couch and pulled him towards her. She hugged him tightly expressing that she never wanted to let go off him. They remained in each others arms for quite a while.

Naira then got up to leave, but she turned around and bent down , and kissed him lightly on his forehead, both his eyes, and then very briefly on his lips. She then started to walk away when he held on to her hand unwilling to let her go. Then with a heavy sigh he got up, gathered her in his arms, and kissed her gently on her lips.

Precap : A good night’s sleep and finally the confrontation of the misunderstanding !!! Return of Mr. Singhania again !!!

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