Part 21

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Lying in his bed, Karthik kept going over the events of the day. Sleep was far from his eyes. Eventually, he sat up leaning against the headboard and wondered what to do . Then he heard his room’s door open. Surprised he looked and saw her standing there , looking at him nervously.

“I am unable to sleep. Can I sit with you for some time ?!! ” asked Naira. Karthik nodded his head.

Naira walked over to the left side of the bed and sat down at the edge. Then slowly she put her feet up and leaned against the headboard and sat adjacent to Karthik without touching him. They sat like that for a while, quietly.

“Thanks.” Karthik said, breaking the silence.

“For what ?!!” asked Naira.

“ For giving US a second chance.” Karthik said looking deeply into her eyes.

“Because I love you.” Naira stated.

Karthik stopped breathing for a moment. He was afraid to move, to speak, or even to breathe for the fear of breaking this spell because the atmosphere felt magical and unreal.

“It’s no secret that I love you. I realized it before I left, before you brought the divorce papers, before the night of misunderstanding. The uncertainty of what comes next is scaring me too so I wanted you to know it today because no matter what I decide tomorrow, this fact will not change.” Naira said softly.

Karthik hadn’t thought he was capable of loving her anymore than he already did but he fell in love with her a little more in that moment. And he knew that if she stayed, she would keep making him do the same till his last breath.

He turned to her and simply said, “We have a hard day tomorrow. Let’s sleep”

Saying that , he lay down and outstretched his left hand. Naira lay down on her right side facing him and rested her head in the nook of his shoulder and chest . She raised her free hand, put it across his chest, and hugged him lightly. Both turned their faces to look at each other.

Karthik touched her cheek with his right hand and caressed it for a few seconds. Then, together, they moved forward and kissed each other deeply.

Karthik woke up feeling completely rested. It took him a second to remember the reason behind his happy state. He looked around but his Reason was nowhere to be seen. Where was she ?!! Where had she disappeared ?!!

He then saw her walk into his room, all showered and changed into a new pair of clothes. She came and sat down on his bed.

He sat down next to her. Then he held both her hands in his and looked down at them.

“Let’s get it over with. I want to tell you why I became so rude to you after that night.” He said.

She nodded at him looking afraid. Karthik let go of her hands and ran his right palm through his hair and then rubbed it nervously over his mouth. Then with his hands clasped and resting over his knees he started.

“That night after our dance and the fall out with your father, you excused yourself and so I sat at the bar. Your father came upto me and said some nasty stuff about you having buried you claws deep into me. That’s when Rithvik entered the hall and your dad addressed him as his Ex son in law. I asked him what he meant. He started telling me that you and Rithvik were Childhood sweethearts and that both of you wanted to marry each other and I came up in between. I didn’t believe him at first but then you went upto him and hugged him. You were all talking and laughing with him and it made me feel left out. I thought it was all real and that was the only reason why you would push me away whenever I tried to come close. I know I was an idiot to believe your father again when he had lied to me before. But I was all caught up in this emotional blunder. I am soo sorry, Naira” Karthik ended his long reasoning.

Suddenly Karthik realized that he had heard no response, protest, or questions from her. He turned to look at her and found her sitting like a stone, her face drenched in tears. Karthik felt as if a knife had been twisted in his chest.

Afraid to touch her, he whispered “Naira, please forgive me”

“Why didn’t you come and ask me ?!!!”she asked quietly.

“ Well I wanted to but then we had this big fight that night. I was all messed up in my head. The divorce papers were already ready and I played this gamble with you. I thought you wouldn’t sign them but then you did and I thought that you really loved Rithvik. I had signed on the papers way back, even before our marriage as it was how I had planned the contract to be. But then you happened and changed everything. I never wanted to divorce you, Naira.” Karthik said and swallowed back his tears.

Naira wept quietly without making a single sobbing sound. Karthik felt like a man whose breath was gradually leaving him.

“ What if tomorrow my dad or someone else comes up and says another nasty thing about me, which would drive you crazy. You would again believe them and not trust me.Then what ?!!” she asked him softly.

Karthik was completely broken by now. He just covered his face with his hands and cried. He felt like life was being sucked out of him.

“How do I convince her to trust me with her future after what I have done with her in the past.” he thought.

“ This time I will have you and I will not be that frustrated idiot also I have learnt my lessons well. And the past one year has taught me two unforgettable lessons. To never doubt you and that I cannot live without you. I will always trust you and if any doubt ever raises again, you will be the first person I’ll come to. I only have words to convince you. No hard evidence. But I beg you to take a chance on me. To take a chance on us.” Karthik said desperately.

Having said that, he took a deep breath and looked at her. She was still weeping. She raised her hand at instances to wipe her tears. Karthik hated himself in that moment. He wanted to hold her but was scared of what her reaction would be.

“Please forgive me. I love you. I cant live without you. I promise I will always trust you.” Karthik said again.

Finally Naira stopped crying and said calmly, “I need to think. I need to get away from you and think about this. I promise I will come back. But for now, I need some space. I still love you Karthik.” She added sadly.

Then she got up, unlocked the door, and walked out of the room.

Karthik sat in his room for about an hour after Naira had left. He flinched when he heard some sound from downstairs. He hurried on the stairs and reached the living room.

What he saw sent him into a murderous rage. Standing right inside the door was Mr. Singhania with an evil smile playing on his lips. He saw Naira’s mom lying near his feet begging him for something. Karthik moved forward to understand what was happening exactly.

“ Get away. You both have brought shame on me. Wasn’t it enough when she wanted to dance and you supported her. But now you have the guts to come all the way down here and not even inform me.” Mr. Singhania shouted and kicked Naira’s mother off his feet.

The site itself boiled anger inside Karthik’s body and without any warning he walked up to Mr.Singhania, took him by his collar,and slapped him hard. And then he couldn’t stop slapping him.

Not getting a chance to hit back Karthik who seemed to have been possessed by the devil, Mr. Singhania started to shout, “Stop it. What are you doing !!”

“How dare you hit her !!” thundered Karthik.

Naira’s mother had almost got up from the floor. She held onto Karthik’s hand and tried to pull him away. But all her efforts seem to go in vain as both the men were ready to kill each other. She finally tugged at Karthik’s hand with all her strength and separated both of them.

Karthik and Mr. Singhania panted for breath but then straightened themselves up quickly.

“ What do you want now ?!! Havent you already ruined my life by all your lying.” Karthik accused the old man standing in front of him.

Mr. Singhania just smirked. Watching this conflict between both of them Naira’s mother seemed to be amiss of something.

“What are you talking about, Karthik ?!!” Naira’s mother asked her son in law.

Karthik told her everything from the starting. About how her father had accused Naira being involved with him in betraying Karthik. How he had almost kidnapped Naira from his house and abused her physically when he had got to know ofvtheir marraige. Of how he had lied about Naira and Rithvik and destroyed Karthik’s belief on Naira.

Infuriated Naira’s mom shook Mr. Singhania by his collar and asked, “Why did you do it ?!! Why did you lie about Naira ?!! She is your Daughter. How can you even think of spoiling her life ?!!”

Mr. Singhania laughed a malicious laugh and said, “I never considered her my daughter. I wanted a son. A heir. Who could take over my business and my family name forward. She is a curse to me. I don’t even care if she lives or dies. She has just brought disgrace and shame to me through all her dancing ambitions.”

Naira’s mom was shocked. She couldn’t believe that her husband hated their daughter to this extent. Karthik was stunned to hear that as well. He realized that the old man standing in front of him had no good intentions. He had wronged with him before and he intended to hurt him again. Karthik thought it would be better if he had some help to deal with Mr. Singhania.

He removed his cell phone from the back pocket and messaged Swayam to come to the mansion with the security team. Karthik made sure that his actions don’t come in the View of Mr. Singhania.

Naira’s mother walked over to her husband and with all the agony that had developed inside her due to his talk, she exerted it physically and slapped him hard across his face. Mr.Singhania looked like someone had pulled the rug from under his feet. Karthik stood rooted to the spot looking at this fierce form of his mother in law.

Mr. Singhania’s palms tightened into fists.

Mr. Singhania narrowed his eyes at his wife and slowly said, “How dare you !!”

All the while Karthik stared constantly at him, grasping his every action.

Mr. Singhania snapped and flew into a rage. He suddenly put his hand into his blazer pocket and removed a pistol. Karthik’s eyes snapped wide when he saw the deadly weapon. Mr. Singhania had an evil smile on and pointed the gunpoint towards Naira’s mother.

Karthik looked at his mother in law shivering in fear as she looked at her husband. Karthik was now praying that Swayam reaches sooner with the security team. He knew that no matter what happens someone was going to be hurt today….

It was almost evening when Naira reached back to the mansion. She had done all her thinking and had decided what she wanted from her life now. But as she reached the gate of the mansion, she saw two police vans and an ambulance there.

There were thousands of Questions running in her mind. What had happened here ?!!

A couple minutes later two policemen walked out with a handcuffed man between them. As Naira craned her neck she realized that it was none other than her father. What was he doing here ?!! In Delhi ?!!

Mr. Singhania saw Naira and snickered at her with spite. The policemen made him climb into one of the police vans and both the vans drove off.

Then two men dressed in white, brought out a stretcher and Naira recognized the clothes Karthik had been wearing that afternoon.

“No !!” she screeched.

She rushed to the stretcher and saw Karthik lying on it. His white shirt was drenched in blood. He looked pale but his eyes were open. He saw her and smiled at her as if convincing her that he was ohkay and there was no need of worrying. Naira started to sob bitterly.

The boys carrying the stretcher asked her to move aside. They started to take Karthik inside the ambulance. Naira tried to follow but they stopped her.

One of them explained,” He has been shot and needs to be operated immediately. I am sorry but you cant accompany us in the amubulance. You can follow us in your car.” Saying that, the man in white got in the ambulance.

Naira ran into the house to grab the keys of the car. As she entered the house she saw her mother lying on the floor of the living room and crying heavily. She went and sat next to her mother, when she noticed that her forehead had a bleeding wound. As Naira’s mother looked up and saw her daughter, she pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

“Whats wrong mumma ?!! Why has Karthik being shot ?!! What was dad doing here ?!! Is he the one behind Karthik’s condition ?!!” Naira asked her calmly, looking at her mother’s already broken state.

“ We should get going to the hospital. I will explain you everything on the way.” Naira’s mom answered and pulled Naira out of the house.

As Naira and her mother were about to get out of the mansion. Swayam interrupted them, “ I will take you to him, mam”. Naira just nodded at him and smiled thankfully.

As swayam drove them to the hospital. Naira’s mom explained her about the fight that took place between Karthik and Mr. Singhania while she was not at home. After she had slapped her husband, Mr. Singhania had pointed the gunpoint towards her. He had pulled the trigger and was about to shoot when Karthik dived through and pushed her out of focus.

The bullet hit Karthik in his abdomen while Naira’s mother’s head hit the table. As a shocked Mr. Singhania looked on, he was caught by the security team that had entered moments before with Swayam on cue.

Grasping the seriousness of the situation, Swayam had called the police and the ambulance. While Naira’s mother had reached out to her son in law who had saved her life and cradled his injured form in her lap. He was unconscious by that time.

As Naira’s mother told her the details of the incident that had taken place back at the house, Naira’s eyes watered continuously. She couldn’t believe that Karthik had risked his life to save her mother. In that moment, she fell more in love with him.

Precap : The beginning of a happily ever after !! Because their challenges never fail to assume!!! One month later!!perps for engagement!!! Jealousy!!

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