Part 22

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Naira and her mumma sat outside the operating room, quiet and tensed. They waited for another hour or so when the doctor came out of the operating room and informed them that Karthik was out of danger now and completely fine. The doctor also informed them that Karthik would have to stay in the hospital for a day or two since his wounds were fresh.

Soon Karthik was taken to another room. Naira followed the suite. He was still unconscious. Naira’s mumma went to the hospital cafeteria to get something to eat for them.

Naira sat on the side of Karthik’s bed, holding his hand, and looking at him sleeping. A few minutes later, Karthik stirred and opened his eyes to see the person he loved the most, his Naira !!

Naira stared at Karthik.

“I know that I am an eye candy but that doesn’t mean you keep staring at me like that.” he said.

Naira still kept staring at him.

“Whats your decision Babe ?!!” He asked her further.

“You saved my mom.” Naira whispered.

“That should not influence you decision. I want you to forgive me whole heartedly and not because I did a favour on you or anything else. I want you to WANT this relationship and not be forced into it.” Karthik replied.

“It didn’t.” She said.

“I had decided before I reached home today. I cant stay without you. I love you too much to stay angry at you. You mean the world to me and I know that there are going to be hardships ahead of us as well, infact there would be many of them but I wouldn’t mind facing them if your are there by my side.” Naira said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“I love you.” He said and grinned.

Naira bent forward, carefully avoiding touching his wound, and kissed him deeply pouring her entire soul into that kiss. Both of them were fully happy and contended. This was their second innings. A new start towards their happily ever after…..

The rest of the day was spent by Naira running around the hospital getting food, medicines and prescriptions for her husband. She was dog tired by the end of the day. Naira had convinced her mumma that she would take proper care of her son in law, only then had she agreed to go home that afternoon.

After both of them were done with their dinner, Naira was keeping away the plates. She readjusted the pillows on Karthik’s bed so that he would lie down. She made his bed ready for him to sleep and moved towards the sofa, in the corner of the room to settle herself down, when Karthik caught hold of her hand.

“ Where are you going ?!! Sleep with me.” Karthik said and moved over to the left side of the bed to make space for her.

“No way. Your wound is still fresh and I might hurt you in my sleep.”she said and frowned.

“You can never hurt me, babe. Infact you are the remedy to my every pain.” He said and pulled on a puppy dog face.

Karthik could comprehend that Naira was metling due to his huge eyes and sad pout and thus he lifted up the blankets, inviting her in with him.

“Come on, I have missed this for more than a year now.” He said again, faking sadness.

“Fine. I give up.” She exclaimed and kicked off her shoes. She gingerly climbed in next to him and rested her head on his chest avoiding his wound. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair, inhaling the same strawberry scent that had lingered in his soul since forever now.

She gently placed her hand over his heart feeling its beating under her palm. She was lulled into sleep as her breathing slowed down. She was after all sleeping peacefully after a long time. She knew for sure that she wouldn’t have any nightmares. She was in her favourite place in the world finally. She let out a sigh and let the deep slumber take over her.

Karthik stared at her as she feel asleep. He was so glad that she had finally forgiven him. But he also had a resolve now that he wouldn’t ever hurt her again and also never distrust her. He would always protect her and try his best to keep her happy.

He looked down at her as she stirred in her sleep and drew closer to him. She snuggled herself more into his arms. A slow smile appeared on his face as she did that.

Ohhh….. he was in love. Truly, Madly and Deeply in love !!

One month later…

Naira woke up with a start. She gazed around the room unfocusedly, then stared at the clock. 9 ‘o’ clock. She heard her mumma shouting and many servants running around the house.

“ Why is Mumma so active today ?!!” Naira whimpered to herself as she got out of her bed.

She was at her home in Udaipur, who’s ownership was transferred under her mumma’s name since Mr. Singhania was taken into police custody for what he did. He wouldn’t be out of there anytime soon, Karthik had made sure of that.

Naira heard Anika’s voice as well, screeching. Naira winced at the harshness in her voice as she ordered something to a servant. Anika was her younger cousin sister. She had come over to her house for the wedding preparations. Yeah, when they had gotten back from the hospital, and settled into their house, Karthik had stuck up with the idea of getting married to her again with all the rituals, that they had missed out in their first wedding.

Naira’s mumma had been only too happy to oblige her son in law’s wish. So here they were in Udaipur now to get married with all the rituals and traditions. Karthik had been staying at his dad’s mansion in Udaipur while Naira stayed at her house with her mother.

“What the hell is wrong with you all ?!! Cant I atleast sleep peacefully ?!!” Naira shouted and moved out of her bedroom.

She went downstairs still half asleep and saw the hall flooded with items. She called out to her mumma and anika. They couldn’t hear her because of all the ruckuss that had been created.

“ Mumma !! Anika !!” Naira now shouted at the top of her voice.

They turned towards her and smiled.

“You are up, dii !!” Anika said.

“I had to. You both were screaming your lungs out. But what the hell are you both doing ?!!” Naira asked.

They looked at her stupefied.

“ What ?!! Do I have a pimple ?!!” Naira asked horrified and touching her face to feel it.

“ TODAY IS YOUR ENGAGEMENT !!!” Naira’s mumma stated, shaking her head at her daughters unbelievable behavior. While anika just laughed.

Naira’s eyes opened wide. She had completely forgotten.

“ She’s going to freak out now.” Anika said observing Naira’s expression.

“ Ohh no !! How can I forget it. Why didn’t you both wake me up earlier ?!! Oh my God” Naira said in a higher tone than her usual one.

She began pacing the room in tension, biting her fingernails. Naira’s mom and Anika rolled their eyes, looked at each other and sat down on the sofa, letting Naira rant on. Finally, Naira stopped pacing and looked at her mother and sister with surprise.

“ How are you sitting here calmly ?!! Why are you both not worried ?!! We have so much left to do.” Naira said loudly, almost shouting.

Anika got up and smiled.

“ You’ve been pacing this room for about 15 minutes now, dii. You have done the worrying for all three of us. And why on Earth should we worry ?!! Is there a need to worry ?!! It is only your engagement, not your wedding. You are going to come back here only.” Anika stated the fact and tried to calm down her elder sister.

Naira stared at her blankly. While Naira’s mom chuckling left the room to oversee the preparations.

“Here I am, awake at 9:30 getting ready for an engagement that’s supposed to take place at 6 in the evening. And over there, I am sure my dear husband must be sleeping and snoring peacefully. Let him wake up and call me. “ Naira muttered on as Anika started counting the things that they were supposed to gift to the Goenka’s in the night.


Karthik slept in his bed, snoring loudly and peacefully, when it suddenly rained a cloud on him. He stared down at his soaking shirt and face and then glanced up to see Om, Rudra, Soumya and Ishana smiling evilly and triumphantly at him.

“ What the hell ?!! Is this the best way you could think of waking me up ?!!” Karthik asked glaring at the four of them.

“ Come on !! Today is your engagement. We had to wake you up. And we tried everything, But you were dead to the world. Now, stop glaring and get ready.” Ishana looked at him with puppy dog eyes and Karthik’s expression softened.

She was his most favorite among the four. She was his business associate, they were partners in the banking firm that his company owned. She was street smart and that’s what karthik adored about her.

Om was her husband. He was an engineer by profession and owned the most reputable construction firm in the country. Karthik had met him and gotten close with him during the associate dinners where he had accompanied his wife, Ishana.

Rudra and Soumya were his neighbors. They lived next to his villa in Delhi. They were this really cute and adorable couple that Naira had insisted on calling them to the wedding. Karthik also really liked their company. They had been very helpful with all the wedding preparations and he was only glad to have them with him. Also Karthik felt left out since he had no family and thus he was trying to gather as many “Ladkewallas” as possible.

“Ohkay fine !! I am up. Now all of you go out. Let me freshen up and then I will come down myself.” Karthik said to the four of them.

“Hurry up, bro. We have lots of stuff to do. You even have to try out your sherwani for the evening.” Om said as he handed Karthik his toothbrush and towel.

“ Go take a bath and come down soon. Naksh chacha and Keerti Chachi are waiting for you.” Rudra added in and pushed Karthik into the bathroom. The four of them then dispersed in different directions to look out for the arrangements of the engagement.

Karthik went inside the washroom. After washing his face, he gazed at the mirror. He was getting married again, to the girl he loved the most. He wondered what was Naira doing at the current moment.

He took a bath and came outside looking all fresh and alert. Then he picked up his cell phone from the night stand and dialed her number.

“ Good Morning, Babe.” Karthik piped in all excited.

“ What do you want Karthik ?!! I am a bit busy at the moment. Cant do romance.” Naira said quite irritated.

“Is this the way you talk to your husband ?!! And anyway why are you being rude to me ?!! What have I done that’s made you so upset ?!!” Karthik asked defending himself.

“Yes, when you have to try out 20 outfits and get your makeup done for more than 5 times so that it looks perfect, then this is the exact way to talk to your husband.” Naira answered back more angrily than before.

“ But whats my fault in this ?!!” Karthik asked her, now getting worried that she was actually hell angry at him.

“Really ?!! Who wanted to have a destination wedding, huh ?!! With all the rituals. Do you even know how hectic it is for a girl to dress up for every function. Weren’t we already married. What was the need to do all this ?!!” Naira asked in her same agitated tone.

“ I am sorry, babe. I just thought that you would want this.” Karthik replied sheepishly.

“ You know what, Forget it. I don’t want to talk to you. Bye.” Naira stated.

“What ?!! You’re not going to talk to me ?!!” Karthik asked shocked to the core.

“Yes !! I’m not going to talk to you, Until I don’t feel angry anymore.” Naira said flatly.

“You’re kidding right ?!!” He asked again.

“Nope.” She answered shortly.

“ But today is our engagement. How can you not talk to me on our engagement ?!!” he counter questioned her.

“ What’s our engagement got to do with this ?!! You put the ring on my finger and I’ll put a ring on yours. Why do we need to talk for that ?!!” she answered.

Karthik began to laugh. He tired to make her mood lighter. Naira was just confused when she heard him laugh on the other end of the phone.

“Why are you laughing ?!! Have you gone mad ?!!” Naira asked more irritated with his behavior.

“I was just thinking that Naira Singhania might do many things, But staying quiet is not one of them. By the end of this evening, You will talk to me. I will make sure you do.” Karthik stated confidently.

“You’re welcome to try.” She said as a slow smile played on her lips.

“Challenge accepted !!” he said in the same confident tone.

“Bubye Mr. Husband.” She said and hung up the phone leaving Karthik thoughtful and smiling wide.

Karthik had been smiling wide as he entered the Singhania mansion for his engagement. The whole house was dressed in golden lights and it looked magical. He knew that his mother in law had put in a lot of effort for this to be perfect. He mentally noted to thank her for all this later.

“Karthik, look, Mrs. Singhania is coming to greet us. Take her blessings.” Keerti chachi said and touched Karthik’s hand.

He was gladfull to have atleast two blood relations with him. His chacha and chachi. They had flown down from New York specially for his wedding. They were the only family that he had.

Karthik nodded and stepped forward and bent down to take his mother in law’s blessings.

“Always stay happy, beta. Do you like the decorations ?!!” Naira’s mother asked him.

“It is amazing Ma !! I just love the way the room has been done.” Karthik said and side hugged his mother in law.

He then went onto meet people and greet the guests that had come to his engagement. As he was moving from one person to another, he saw Anika rushing somewhere. He went upto her and poked her on the side of her arm.

“ Is shivaay here or not yet ?!! I have a doubt if he would even come to the wedding.” Karthik said.

“Don’t worry, he would be here before you slid the ring on Naira’s finger.” Anika answered him and started to walk away, when Karthik caught her hand again.

“Where is Naira ?!!” He asked again.

“She’s still getting ready. I’m going to go and get her downstairs now.” She answered.

“You wait here. I’ll go and get her.” He said and anika just nodded her head, smiling all the while.

Naira sat in her bedroom, as she wore her bangles. There was a slight knock on the door when she paused in the middle of wearing her bangles and gazed up at the mirror in astonishment to look at Karthik smiling at her.

She almost shouted his name, but at the last minute remembered that she was supposedly angry with him and shut her mouth. They stood staring at each other.

Naira thought that Karthik in a dark blue sherwani with light gold designs looked more handsome than he had ever been. The gold designs seemed to bring out flecks of colour in his eyes that she had never seen before. She felt like she could drown in those eyes right at that moment.

Karthik on the other hand, couldn’t take his eyes off her as he drank in the sight of Naira in an ivory and silver lehenga. She looked like an angel even though she was not wearing any earrings or necklace yet. Her ankles chimed with the musical sound of ‘payal’ and her eyes, accentuated with kajal made her look exotic at the same time and elegantly beautiful. Karthik stepped forward and Naira looked at him silently.

“Wont you talk to me, babe.” Karthik said smoothly trying to lure her into speaking.

Naira said nothing, but turned her head the other side signifying a no. Karthik moved closer and caught both her hands in his and pulled her close to him. He slowly raised one of her arms and began helping her wear the bangles, never taking his eyes off hers.

Naira began to feel the familiar prickling sensation in her stomach, the one she always felt when he touched her. He took the other hand and did the same procedure. When he was done with making her wear the bangles, Instead of letting go of her, He twisted her around such that they were both facing the mirror, his arm still holding hers, around her such that they were touching each other.

Naira had now closed her eyes due to the brewing desires in her body. Karthik took the advantage of the situation and took out something that he had kept in his pocket and placed it around Naira’s neck. Naira slowly opened her eyes to see the same peacock pendant that he had once gifted her. She remembered throwing it on the floor on the night that they had fought. She looked at the mirror delighted and shocked.

“Now it has reached where it always belonged to.” Karthik whispered in her ears.

She smiled at him. Karthik took the silver jhumka’s that were placed on the table and helped her wear it. Naira longed to talk to him but she knew that she couldn’t. She was having way too much fun teasing him.

Karthik took the packet kept on the table. He held it out and placed a small silver bindi on her forehead. Naira almost melted and turned to hug him, but at the last moment stopped and just leaned onto him enjoying the way his arms felt around her. They stared at themselves in the mirror.

“You know, there is one good thing about you not speaking to me.” He whispered huskily.

Before Naira could glance at him or ask him. He planted two soft but intense kisses on both her cheeks making her blush and ran away before she could hit him.

“Come soon. I am waiting for you.” Karthik said and ran downstairs.

She stared at his retreating form and began laughing.

“ Karthik !! You’re so cute. I am not even angry with you, yet you’re trying your best to convince me that you’re sorry. I Love you so very much. But I too will see how long it takes for you to mollify me. I so love to tease you.” She whispered to herself.

She chuckled and looked at herself in the mirror. She touched the necklace around her neck and smiled, thinking of how he had put it on her. Anika came inside to call Naira downstairs only to find her standing and smiling needlessly at the mirror.

Anika cleared her throat to make Naira realize her presence. Naira whirled around embarrassed. While Anika just smiled knowingly. She was soo happy for her dii.

“You were thinking of Karthik, I know. Now come on, Everyone’s waiting for you downstairs. And the necklace that my jiju gave you makes your face glow even more.” Anika said and winked as Naira blushed.

They left the room to go downstairs. As they descended, the lights completely went out, Showing the magical decorations. Hundreds of small glow-in-the-dark shapes were lined in the ceiling providing the hall with a mystical air.

Karthik couldn’t take his eyes off her. The lighting along with the colour of the saree made her blend with the hall and made her look more mystical and beautiful. Naira outshone everyone. Naira and Anika came down and stood near Karthik and the other family members.

Naira bent down and took blessings from Karthik’s chacha and chachi. Naira feeling a hand tugging at her, turned around to see Karthik smiling at her.

“Hey !!” he said.

She raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously and looked at his arm pointedly which was still on her. His eyes followed hers and he removed his hand.

“Do you have any idea when you might forgive me ?!!” he asked her innocently.

She snorted at him and shook her head in a ‘no’. Soon rudra joined them.

“ Hey Rudy.” She said and waved at him.

“So you’ll talk to him, but not me ?!!” Karthik asked annoyed.

Just then, her mumma called Naira, so she smiled at Rudra, gave a withering glare at Karthik and excused herself. While Rudra just burst out laughing. Karthik scowled at him.

“Here, I am in tension. That my wife is not talking to me and you are laughing at me. Help me, man.” Karthik said to rudra.

“Try making her jealous. I am sure she would talk with you once she sees you with another girl. I know the perfect girl you can use to make her jealous.” Rudra said and pulled him towards a girl.

Naira had done with meeting all the guests. She was already tired with all the smiling and feet touching. She looked around but couldn’t find her so called husband anywhere.

Where the hell is he ?!! I can’t see him in his own engagement. Instead of mollifying me, this has made me even angrier. Perfect. She looked around the hall for the nth time hoping to see him. Suddenly as she was sweeping her gaze across the room, she saw, out of the corner of her eye, a couple laughing and flirting with each other shamelessly.

She turned to look at them, interested, and was shocked to see that the man was Karthik !! Her Karthik, who was supposed to get freaking engaged to her today was flirting with another woman minutes before his engagement ?!! How dare he ?!!

Karthik turned around and saw her fuming and smiled. He turned around to look at the girl standing in front of him.

“Thank you so much, Gayatri, for helping me today. I really needed someone.” He said softly.

“I understand, I’ll do anything for you. So don’t worry. Naira will definitely talk to you after our little drama.” Gayatri replied smiling at him.

“Come, We’ll go to her. She is staring at us.” He said.

They went, their arms linked together and stood in front of Naira. She looked at their arms intertwined together and glared at Karthik with a black expression. Karthik looked at her amused.

Precap:Naira crying!!! Engagement!!! Mehndi!! who is the strange woman introducing herself as an old friend of Akshara!!

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