Part 5

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Naira was in a kid’s dance work shop. She had come to unwind here, away from the reality of her life. She was going to get married soon with or without her consent and this was the best way she could spend her leftover freedom. The kids were ever charming, laughing, smiling and playing. She forgot herself in their joyous zeal.

The youngest of them all was sitting in her lap, the kid was a two years old. He had tagged along with his seven year old sister. Attached to her foot in a tight grip of arms. He wouldn’t let go even with his mother’s reprimands and dragging. The mother finally gave up trying. Naira assured the mother that, she would look after her baby.

The mother trusting her, gave the baby’s necessity bag to her. Reminding her of all the things in it.Milk, warm water, diapers and everything.

Right now, he forgot his sister and got attached to Naira.He was all cute with dazzling dimples and smiles. He was really small but he walked so fast. Here and there. Round and round in circle.

The kid’s name was Aaryan.

Little Aaryan now pulled at her dress. It was a half sleeved floral patterned one. A peach floral dress, which reached up to her knees, leaving her legs bare. She had straightened her tresses in a smooth shiny lines,Naira had let it fall all around her shoulders in waves.

There were lot of other volunteers like her, helping the kids with the dancing or babysitting the little ones. The hall vibrated with it. Her smiling eyes moved all along, moving and gliding.

Naira’s eyes widened a little, spotting and recognising.As her heart went into an overdrive, her breath shortened, her gaze went back to the black suited man, leaning his back on the wall, his eyes observing her through the distance of the little crowd.

It was five days, four nights, six hours, twenty five minutes and a whole lot of fifty seconds passed since she last saw him. Her mind reflected immediately a picture as a graphic video of their kiss.

Right now, he moved away from the wall and sauntered forward. Towards her. The throng of little crowd moved away from his space giving him way to walk. Even the people around him melted away, that was something mystical about him.

Naira was clutching Aaryan so tight over his waist that he started squirming and pulling at her hand. She looked down at him and loosened her hold, and hurried up, putting him on her right hip.

Aaryan stopped at his mumblings and stared at the approaching stranger in a fix of a gaze.

She saw him step forward into her space.

Naira was finding it hard to figure him out.

That’s when he said something which made her head jerk back.

“We need to grab our rings.”He whispered down at her, his gaze sliding all over her face, and travelled to look at Aaryan in her arms.

Grab what ?!! Rings, what ?!!

“What rings ?!!” She asked confused, her both eyebrows raised up.

He tilted his head to the side.

“Our engagement rings.”He muttered down at her, a little amused.

A little gasp escaped her lips. Engagement rings ?!! Their engagement rings.

No, hello. No,hi. No, how are you.No, enquiry about her well being. No, telling her that she looked nice. No, smile. No, endearing word. Just straight out say what you want and get out.But what else could she expect from him.

His brows furrowed as his lips moved. He was saying something. Naira shook her mind and came back to consciousness.

“What ?!!”She asked stupidly.

He sighed down at her.

“We need to leave. Right now.”He muttered, annoyed.

“But I can’t come.”She let out the words more dumbly.

His brows furrowed again.

“Why ?!!” He asked.

”I’m baby sitting him.”She mumbled.

Her gaze went back to his, but her eyes sharpened and frowned when she saw Karthik , her soon to be a fiancé stare at Aaryan.

“You are coming with me. Right now.”He clipped, his gaze sharpening on Aaryan again.

Naira sighed heavily. Of course he would order her around. If she wouldn’t agree with him, a huge scene he would create.

“Fine.”She fumed, and moved Aaryan towards him from her arms.

”Hold him a second. I will grab his bag.”She muttered annoyed.

Aaryan, the little intelligent fellow already knowing that there is some connection between them, trustingly spread his arms around Karthik, waiting for him to hold him.

Naira would have laughed at Karthik’s comical frozen figure looking at Aaryan in a kind of a horror.

“What do I do with it ?!!”He asked, looking bewildered.

Naira’s anger rose up.

“Just hold him.”She thrust Aaryan in his arms.

”And his name is Aaryan and not an ‘it’.”She muttered on fuming and turned around.

She walked to the table and grabbed his bag, and just as she turned around, her gaze froze on the two of them. Karthik was staring at Aaryan in a stance, and Aaryan was looking back at him just as curious, in a wide eyed stare.

God knows how was she going to deal with two adorable but head strong boys at a same time.

Naira along with Karthik and now a little sleeping Aaryan in her arms, all three of them entered into a pishposh looking jewelry store. Naira stared up wide eyed at the large golden chandeliers, each gracing an aisle.

Gold. Silver. Planitnum. And all kinds of pieces. Necklaces. Ear hangings. Rings. Bracelets.

“I’ll be right back.” Karthik whispered to her, turned around and left.

Naira stared at his disappearing back.

Weren’t they selecting the rings together ?!! She frowned and sighed still looking his way.

She turned when a tall grinning middle aged man lead her to a counter.

“Are you looking for anniversary jewelry, mam ?!!”He went on happily in a chatty mood, and putting boxes and boxes on the counter.

Naira stared surprised and completely out of depth here.

Anniversary jewellery ?!! What ?!! Her confused gaze slid on the sleeping Aaryan in her arms. Oh, he thinks they are married.

“Oh, we aren’t even married yet.”She smiled and looked up.

The man’s frowning gaze fell on Aaryan.

“He is not our kid. I’m baby sitting him.”She babbled on at the now bewildered looking blue suited man.

“Just show us the engagement rings. Simple ones.”She breathed flushed.

“Certainly, mam.”He agreed on right away, and went walking.

Naira sighed. God, how embarrassing. This was all bizzare. Her selecting rings of her engagement when only days ago, she was smiling about her freedom.

The man came back, bringing along three velvet boxes. He put them on the glass counter. Many rings brightened up at her face. Sparkling. Shining. Gleaming into her eyes.

Naira stared at the rings. A minute passed. Her eyes watered. What dreams did she see. Of how she would find a perfect person. A man who would understand her.A person she would understand about.Of having a cheesy dreamy proposal. All this now, the rings and her situation mocked and sneered up at her, reminding her of the cold hard business going on in her life…….

Karthik was over the phone, he had to take an urgent business call, his other hand in his pant pocket stared around, but his gaze stopped, as he looked inside from outside the swinging door of the store.

His gaze stayed locked on her figure. The porcelain skin of her shinned out. Her hair so long slid around in waves. The beautiful body of hers curved in that skin tight dress. Her arms holding the kid brought a picture to his mind. An image of the future. Her being pregnant, carrying their child and later in her arms, just like she is holding the kid, smiling up at him endearingly.

The picture was so vivid that he reeled back with the affect of it. Karthik shook his head, smiling at himself….

Naira was looking down at the rings in confusion, but she jumped as an arm slid around her waist, pulling her back into a hard warmth. He put his head on her shoulder and sighed. His body attaching to hers from behind as his arms circled her waist, as she held Aaryan up in her arms.

His breath falling on her neck,warm and hot. It affected her senses and crazed up her hormones.

“Did you select any ?!!”He whispered into her ear, his breath cool on her heated cheeks. His minty breath spreading all over her skin.

“I’m confused.”She stuttered looking down at the large box, and at a row of rings.

“Hmm, let me see.” His voice rumbled on her back.

He slid his hand on the counter from around her waist totally locking her up.

He took out a Topaz ring. It was a very beautiful one. A flower pattern. A large cut rectangular topaz in the centre, surrounded by small petal shaped little rubies. Encased in a platinum band.

It was not so grand but beautiful and elegant nonetheless.It was surprising, Naira’s choice was the same. She was surprised more,that he didn’t go for more pompous and heavy jewelry, showing off his wealth in an arrogant display. It was thoughtful. Like he was really thinking about her and her choice. Her heart melted a little at his concern.

With wild beating of her heart, she saw him remove her left hand from holding Aaryan. She caught him in another arm. Karthik spread her hand, and slid the ring in the second last finger. It sat on her finger, like it belonged there all the time.

The vein of the finger, connecting to her heart, skipped a beat, stuttering it in a repeat.

Naira stared up at his face. She blinked. He was looking down, caressing her finger with his.

“I chose yours too.”She hesitated, but muttered out strongly, gulping hard.

His body strung out alert at that. His eyes snapped to hers.

“You chose mine ?!!” He whispered asked, huskily.

Naira nodded her head and stared up at his face fascinated by the change of expression.

“Before selecting yours ?!! ”He asked, his voice turning into a deep hoarse.

She gulped, nodding again.

“Show me.” He whispered fiercely, his arms tightening on her waist.

“It’s nothing spectacular. Just a simple platinum band. Not like the heavy one you chose for me. I don’t know what your choice is.”She mumbled on insane.

Completely flustered and more out of depth, she took out a ring from a velvet pouch. Karthik snatched it from her hands and observed it closely for a breathless second.

“It’s fantastic.”He whispered down at her with feeling,his body vibrated with it.

“Put it on me.”He said, his voice a deep husky and still hoarse.

Naira took the ring. With a little shake in her hands, she slid ring on his ring finger. Spectacularly, it slid down into his finger just as amazingly. Her fingers moved away a little, but he grabbed her left hand and entwined his fingers with hers.

Hers pale and puny. His hand large and manly. Both of their new rings gleamed and shined out. Naira blinked down awestruck. For the first time in days, a slow smile creeped on her lips. Her back now leaned back into his arms.

She had started to like this place now. His arms !!

After the ring selection, Karthik had dragged Naira to a small boutique of sorts. It wasn’t necessary shopping for clothes, but he was ever persistent. Her arms had tired out carrying Aaryan, so he took him in his arms.

As it was, Aaryan comfortably slept on Karthik’s shoulder. His small figure looked so puny in Karthik’s huge bear like hand. Naira fought a smile, as she observed how adorable they cut a figure. If she said that to the brooding man, he would distastefully wash off his arms of the kid.

Karthik took out a red, tiny sleeveless dress from a hanger and flung it at her face.

“Try this on.”He clipped, arrogantly, his face all flat looking.

What the hell ?!! Does she look like a tramp to him ?!!

“Brute”, she mumbled under her breath.

“I’m not trying it on. Never. As in ever.”She scowled and cried out.

Naira removed it from her face and threw it aside on the counter in disgust.

His gaze narrowed at her mouth. His stance got straight.

He walked towards an hovering sales lady. He slid Aaryan into her arms.

“Hold him a while. Don’t stray away from here.”He warned her.

The elderly lady only smiled at his patronising tone and Naira’s eyes rolled at his rude behaviour. He would order around everyone wouldn’t he.

He turned around and marched towards her. He grabbed the dress,caught hold of her arm and lead her to the changing room. He thrust the dress in her hands.

“Go change and come out. I want to see it on you.”He whispered down at her.

Geez,he was serious. Naira glared at him. She got into the changing room

She slid out of the floral dress, and got into the red dress, muttering under her breath lots of words. The dress came up to her chest, but she couldn’t reach the zipper on her back. Minutes passed many, as she tried hard to zip it up. She panted quite heavily now.

Ugh !!! Stupid Karthik for throwing her in this mess of a dress.

“How long is it going to take ?!!” An impatient voice,travelled into the room from outside.

Naira sighed. God, help me in getting rid of this impossible man.

“I can’t reach the zipper of the dress.”She yelled finally, giving up, all her hair fell over her face in a mess.

Just as immediately she said it, the door burst open and a gasp escaped her lips, whipping her around, clutching the dress tightly to her front.

She didn’t lock the door !!

“Hey !! What are you doing here ?!! Get out !!” Naira cried out.

His body froze in a lock, as his stare slid from down of her bare feet, to her legs, her waist and then all the way upto her face.

His gaze slid back to hers in an instant jerk of head. She gulped looking at his now warming desire filled stare.

He walked towards her, slowly.

He stood before her now, towering over her. Looking down at her. All over her. His body got more closer. Not possibly an ounce of space remained between them. Naira stared up at him. Her hands clutching tightly the dress on her front. Her back exposed all over.

“Turn around.”He whispered.

“No.”She whispered, shaking all over.

His eyes flashed at that. His jaw ticked, he caught her arms and turned her around.

His front attached to her back again. The rough cloth of his suit rubbed on her bare skin. He caught hold of the zipper.

He planted a warm kiss on her bare shoulder.

“Please, stop it.”She moaned, and tried to move away, but he caught her more tighter. He kissed a trail again.

“Say that you’ll marry me.” Karthik growled once again.

“No,”She whispered.

His eyes turned brutal. His teeth now nipped and bit into her flesh. An immense pleasured pain coursed through her blood.

“Naira, say that you will marry me.”He growled more fiercer than before, coercing her to bend to his will.

He lead a brutal trial, kissing,liking, biting into the skin of her neck more deeply now.

His thumbs now rubbing on her skin. A red haze entered into her eyes, threatening to wipeout her existence completely as he caught her ear shell between his lips and bit it hard.

“Oh, god, yes, I’ll marry you !!”She cried out or more than it, she yelled.

And instantly, he stepped back and she turned around.

He grinned a second later. Naira’s melted out mind grabbed to it and pushed it back as memory. Her mouth opened a little looking at it. It wasn’t a sneery smile. Nor a slow one. Nor a half smile. But it was a full on big boyish grin. It was very real. As the smile light up his eyes and the endearing laughter lines around his eyes appeared out of nowhere.

He leaned down, and kissed a hard one on her lips. All warm. Then his lips moved up and planted a kiss on her forehead. His arms slid around her back, pulling her into his arms.

Then, he let go, and moved away,with blinking eyes she looked up at him.

“Change into the floral one and come out. I will be waiting outside.”He said, his voice still gruff, and affected. He turned and walked off,but not before he flung the final words over his shoulder. His voice,a more low seductive husky.

“And hurry up, I can’t promise if something more will not happen in this room, but I’m sure it will,if you don’t get out fast.” He said.

Naira shook her head staring at the empty space. She turned around and gasped looking at the mirror.

Her hand slid onto her neck. A deep crimson bite appeared on her pale skin. All red in its glory.

A hickey !!

Her first love bite !!

Karthik had marked her. As his.

Precap : An accident !!Is he ohkay ?!!Naira worried!!Some teasing !!

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