Part 6

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Naira had just called Keerti, to inform her that the New York plan was cancelled as she was getting married. Keerti had made her hear a earfull of things and then had cut the call.

She sat on her bed thinking about her dreams going away from her. How close had she reached to fulfilling her goals and ambitions but then all of a sudden everything was taken away from her. Her freedom. Her ambition. Her dreams. Her goals. Her existance.

Her train of thoughts got disturbed when her phone started ringing. His number. She frowned, after the day of the ring shopping, he had taken her phone, punched his number into her contacts and gave a ring with her phone to his. She never got a call though in these two days, but why was he calling her now ?!!

Naira got up and lifted the call.

“Hello, is anyone there on the line ?!!”The male voice cut a little but continued on.

”A person is injured here badly and bleeding, this number was on the speed dial over the guy’s phone.” The unknown voice continued.

Listening to that Naira gasped out, her ears started to ring, as the phone fell down from her hand.

Injured.Badly. Bleeding.Were the only words that swam around her mind.

Naira hurriedly slid down and took the phone from the ground and dialled back his number,but it came as switched off. What should she do now ?!! Her mind went into panic drive.

She didn’t know anyone of his relations or friends. God, how little did she knew about him. How ironic that she is getting married to him.

For the next to two hours Naira kept frantically dialing hospital, asking and describing about an injured patient, but nothing helped, and she became desperate with each passing hour. She knew that he had no one. He was all alone, but she couldn’t think of him getting injured. He was indestructible.Invincible.

She sat on her bed, helpless for about a minute, an idea came into her mind then. Naira opened her WiFi network on the phone and searched his name on Google. Immediately a fourteen page length information about him came into view. About his works, his business across the world, his net worth and many of his images.

Several images later, her finger tip clicked on a Bunglow’s picture. His father’s place in Udaipur.Naira kept wondering and wondering.She knew he had been staying at a hotel but then maybe, he was shifted home after the accident. An image of him lying unconscious on the ground with his head bleeding out came to her mind,and she winced and closed her eyes. No, that can’t happen. She got up, and moved out of her house and called out a cab.

It stopped right near where she stood, Naira hurriedly opened the door, got in and gave the address to the driver.

She sat perched in the cab with various images hay firing in her mind, making her more worried by the minute. She pulled at her Sari’s end and knotted and unknotted it in extreme nervousness.

Due to her mothers insistance, Naira had worn a saree today as the neibouring aunties were going to come to Singhania sadan to congrajulate her for the wedding.

The cab stopped abruptly, the driver turned in his seat.

“It just stops here, mam.”He said, and Naira looked around.

She could see a more far distant house. The cab stopped at the gate.

“Alright.” Naira mumbled and nodded.

She got out of the cab and paid the driver.

Naira kept looking, staring down the concrete road, and the thick shrubbery on either side of it. She took a deep breath in and stepped forward.

He couldn’t be hurt. That’s not possible, her heart told.

She didn’t know when she started running but she did.

Karthik after a very hectic schedule and near miss of a big accident, felt his mind and body knackered for the day. His face looked tired, as he slid his hands over his face. The other car, lost its control and almost drove in and collided with his.

Except a big cut over his arm and hand, which he had been seen by the doctor immediately putting bandages of white all over, he was fine. But the other driver of the car had got hurt really bad. He had called the ambulance and it was pretty bad with all the blood, and in the hurry of that he had lost his phone.

Swayam had then asked him to shift to his father’s house in Udaipur and leave the hotel. The media had gathered all around the hotel creating a bizzaire. They wanted to know about his accident as well as his marraige details.He had just shifted with his luggage to his fathers house when the house phone buzzed in the hall and Karthik cursing heavily,got into the room and took the call.

“What is it ?!!” He barked.

“She is not at her house. We don’t know how did she disappear !!” Swayam,informed firmly through the line.

Karthik’s back straightened up immediately.

“What do you mean she isn’t at her house. Only hours ago you informed me that.”He started barking more.

“She is here.” Swayam, informed him again.

Karthik’s mind went crazy at that.

“What ?!!” Karthik asked.

“Look into the security cameras, Sir.” The phone clipped off after that.

He dropped the phone, fumbled on his way over a bean bag and reached a corner room. He burst open the door, and stood frozen.

There she was, in all thirty two angles of the cameras, a vision in white and rosy pink saree,the shiny, silky long tresses flying in the air, with the face of the angel, she kept running towards his Mansion.

“What the hell !!” Karthik muttered under his breath, standing there thoroughly surprised.

Karthik jerked out of the shock from seeing and reached the buzzer.

“Open the damn gates.”He bit out, glanced at the screens once again, and turned around to the door.

He ran fast down the stairs, three, two and one, finally reaching the ground floor, he thudded all the way and to the front door. He ripped it open and ran towards the gate, his gaze wild all over.

The bronzed large gate clang opened with a cring, moving slowly out of his way and he waited cursing under his breath more stronger than ever.

His eyes finally locked,glided, caressed all over her running form. He panted, with the force of his earlier movements. Her eyes finally caught his, and the hair of his back raised up seeing her teary face. His stance got harder, as she did not stop running but increased her speed.

He braced for it, and it came as a warm softest blow on his body, yet a powerful one when he staggered back a little with the force of the hit, but he stayed glued to the ground.

His arms automatically surrounded her body and caught her up. His face buried itself into her soft and sweet smelling hair and into her neck.

“What happened ?!!”He murmured into her neck, breathing in heavily her scent and feeling completely winded.

” You.” Naira said breathlessly with all the running.

Naira’s face sure must have resembled a beet root shade as a deep raising mortification coursed through her every vein.

She sat stirring in discomfort, in the cushioned sofa chair, him staring at her continuously, without an eye blink. His arm and hand had a white bandage except that he wasn’t in a bed totally unconscious with his head bleeding or anything, as the melodramatic mind of hers had thought.

After all that drama, he lead her into the house, and after, in broken tone and language she told him everything about what happened, then he made her drink a glass of cold water, to settle her shaken nerves, and kept gazing at her making her feel extremely uncomfortable and aware of him in the silence and emptiness of the room.

“So, you got this call about me being injured, is that right ?!!” He drawled, looking all over her face and leaned back in his chair.

Naira avoided his intense stare and looked away across the hall.

“I need to leave.” She mumbled, got up and turned to go.

He caught her hand and pulled, Naira turned very reluctantly.

His eyes played mischievously, and an unseeing smile played at his lips.

“What’s the hurry ?!!” He drawled more leisurely.

“It’s getting dark and pretty late.”She breathed out, and her eyes widened when he stood up slowly, all the while his eyes never straying away from hers.

He took two step forwards and Naira moved two steps backward.

“You should have thought about it before coming here, before coming to me.”He leaned down, and whispered slowly.

He moved forward more and cornered her to the wall. His body hit hers.

Naira pushed at his shoulders, and ran away, but she gasped, as he tugged at her Sari end. She looked back a new feeling taking over, to see his face lose the smile as he stared at her with such intensity.

He tugged once again very hard. Naira’s body twirled around and landed in his arms. It had turned to be her most favourite place recently, his arms !!

“I like this. Very much on you.”His voice turned a notch down.

He said scanning her from top to bottom. Naira also registered that this was the first direct compliement that he had given her. She now mentally thanked her mother because of whom she had worn a saree today. So he likes Indian attire on her. She noted the fact for a better future.

“Look we are not even married yet !!”She whispered in a tremor, as his hand grabbed her waist.

But, his body froze, as his heated stare on her lips travelled to her eyes in surprised wonder.

Then, her eyes locked in surprise at his face when something wonderful happened. She observed in slow motion as he threw back his head and roared up in a rumbling of laughter, his whole tired face lighted up as he laughed. He knows how to laugh ?!!

His body vibrated with it, travelling and creating a rumble into her skin, blood and body since they were completely attached to each other physically.

He shook his head, still chuckling.His manner turned playful.

“You are the first girl who has made me laugh !!”He leaned down and stared into her eyes.

”So, you’re saying that, there is a chance of us doing it after marriage. Is that what you were hinting at ?!! ”His tone took a mischievous and a teasing turn.

Naira stared at him, letting the words take in, and after a second of understanding it, her face heated up and her blood boiled at his patronising tone and words.

She glared and scowled at him, and he chuckled more and planted a warm kiss on her forehead.

“Don’t worry, you’re safe from me. Until our wedding but after that I can’t promise much.”He whispered huskily into her ear, sliding his lips softly and warmly all over her neck.

He moved back after muttering those scandalous words into her ears,and sauntered away. Dazed, Naira set the Saree right taking in a minute, and trailed after him. He again slid on the Sofa chair, and pointed his eyes for her to take a seat opposite to him.

She ignored the look with a shrug.

“I’m going home.” She declared in the silence.

He leaned front, took hold of the newspaper and leaned back.

“Your parents aren’t home.”He stated,his voice all practical now.

Naira blinked, how did he know that ?!!

He folded the newspaper. His eyes still on it rather than on her.

“You stay here for the night.”He decided in a drawly tone.

What ?!! Come again ?!! Since when did he take over her decisions. She gaped now at his too cool attitude.

“You must be crazy.”She whispered, shaking her head a little.

His head jerked up and his eyes narrowed at her tone, but he stayed silent and went back to his newspaper.

Naira folded her hands under her chest. So, it was like that. He would order around and expect her to agree in meek silence. That wasn’t going to happen. If he was expecting her to live like that ?!! Well, then he was in for a whole lot of a painful ride in this so called marriage journey.

“I’m leaving.”She declared more firmly than before now.

“Feel free.”He muttered.

I will, Naira thought, tilting her chin in the air, and turned around. She walked all the way out of the hall, and reached to the front door. She turned the gleaming steel handle, but it didn’t budge. Naira jerked it hard with both of her hands now.Still it didn’t turn. She frowned. Was it locked from outside ?!! But how ?!!

Her frowning eyes, strayed to the side and her forehead cleared. A rectangular security code box of an electronic device was carved in the wall. Naira moved towards it. Now what ?!!

Well, it doesn’t hurt to try, she thought. Her fingers moved over the numbers. After a while of thinking, she shook off the uncertain thoughts from her mind and punched in a random four number on the red lit keys. It started buzzing.

“Wrong Code number.”A robotic tone of a male voice made her jump.

Two more tries, it showed on the narrow screen.

She moved her fingers over it and punched in a number again. The same thing happened. Naira scowled at the rejecting robotic tone. If Karthik was a robot, then he would be this idiot of a box.

She determined her will and tried again. This time the robotic voice didn’t sat anything but a loud siren started ringing. The noise almost deafened Naira’s ears. It rang for almost 2 mins and then there was complete silence.

Naira heard lazy heard foot step sound coming from the hallway. She turned. He was standing there, his hands in the track pant pockets, he moved forward.

“Help me with the code.”She ordered, rather than pleaded.

“Sure.”He whispered.

Naira stared at him slack jawed. He would help her ?!! That easily ?!! No catch and nothing ?!! Her eyes searched his face and eyes, but except an empty stare all around her face, she got nothing.

He moved past her and Naira followed finally relieved.

His hand reached the wall, and stayed up in the air unmoving. Naira blinked confused and her eyes travelled to his.

His eyes locked in on hers. The brown around his pupils swirled, shining playfully. His raised hand pulled back and moved closer to her. Naira stepped back. He got into her space, his head dipped down.

“I would help.But suddenly I don’t remember the password.”He whispered, his voice low ,as his breath hit her lips.

The sides of his lips quirked up. His body moved more closer and Naira’s back hit the wall. She flinched when the wall’s hard surface touched her skin.

His hands on either side of the wall, beside to her head slackened, and fell on her shoulders. Her back straightened, due to the warm touch.

Her breath stuttered,as his lips hovered lightly in a whisper on hers. Her body betrayed and started remembering there earlier kiss. His eyes gleamed now in understanding and anticipation. Naira’s head leaned back, as he loomed over her and locked up her body with his toned muscles.

Just as she thought he would kiss her, he moved away abruptly and her body reeled forward in a stagger. She blinked and her mind bewildered, on how much she had been leaning on him. Her eyes strained and stared at the empty space.

A frown appeared on her face looking at his disappearing back. The devil, he was playing with her again.

She moved her feet reluctantly.

He was again back in the chair. His lanky body in a lean back posture. What’s with the damn newspaper, she wondered. Was the newspaper more important than her ?!!

She marched forward and opened her mouth, but stopped and frowned when he raised the coffee cup and offered it to her.

“No thanks.”She said.

“Warm it up.”He said, his eyes still on the newspaper.

Her mouth opened a little. He wasn’t offering it to her ?!!

“What ?!!”She asked.

He sighed and looked up.

“Left corner of the hall, turn to the right. You’ll find the kitchen. Take this cup, empty the coffee in a container and put it on the burner.”He explained on in a slow drawl of words, as if explaining to a child.

Naira’s face burned bright red.

“I know how to warm up a coffee.”She intervened.

He stared at her with a deadpan expression, as he raised the cup towards her hand. Naira stared dumbfound, and she took hold of the cup a second later.

His head snapped back to paper. Naira waited, but he seem to dismiss her presence altogether.

She turned around and walked towards the direction of the said kitchen in rising frustrated anger.

Precap : The dinner and some fun.The escaping Naira and a shock !! The Attack!!Who is the master mind of the attack!!!

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