Chapter 3

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Eva's POV:

Today was like any other day except instead of being out in the world with Kara fighting for justice, I'm back at the DEO with Winn, Alex, and J'onn. Clark and Kara have taken over patrol and I have been pushed aside to where I'm back up if anything major happens.

I guess I zoned out cause Alex taps my shoulder. "Hey, you ok?" She asks. "Yeah, I fine." I say, giving her a small smile. "No you're not. You want to be out there, helping. Why don't you just tell Kara? You're her partner, she'll listen to you." She tells me.

"Alex, fighting with Clark makes her happy. I can see it. Clark won't stay here for long and when he leaves everything will be normal again, but until then I'm just gonna have to sit things out." I say. "But you shouldn't have to." She says. "It's fine, really." I say.

She gives me a sympathetic look. "Something's not right. Kara and Clark haven't communicated anything since we sent them after the Kigori." Alex says. My eyes widen. "Suit up. You are coming with my team." Alex says. I nod. I quickly change into my uniform and Alex rallies up a team.

We're about to leave when Kara and Clark walk in all smily. "Supergirl. We haven't heard from you. We were on our way to catch the Kigori." Alex says. "Oh we just sit that little guy into containment." Clark says. "Yeah." Kara says. "Stand down guys." Alex says. The team disperses.

"We're sorry. Team Krypton was just having, #toomuchfun." Kara says. Team Krypton? Alex glances at me. "I mean, I have just been having so much fun I-" But she is cut off by J'onn walking up to us.

"Next time it would be nice if you followed protocol. And alerted us that an alien combatant was no longer a threat. Your cousin might not work for the DEO, but you still do." J'onn says. "Sorry, we were just having-" "#toomuchfun." J'onn copies.

"Yeah we know." Suddenly all the power goes out. "Uh, energy drain coming from the holding area. Again." Winn says. We all walk down to where pod guy is staying. "It started last night. All energy in the DEO suddenly reverted to him." I say.

"You're exposing him to Kryptonite? He's a surviver, not a prisoner." Clark says. "It's a precaution. We don't know anything about him." J'onn says. Then the power comes back on. "Whoa, power is back on at 100 percent." Winn says.

"His vitals have jumped again. The same rate as a power drain." Alex says, reading the guy's vitals. "He's repairing himself at a cellular level?" Clark asks. "It's like photosynthesis." Alex says, walking closer.

"You mean his cells are absorbing the electrical energy and converting them to chemical energy?" I ask Alex. She nods. "You should test his levels again now that he's-" "We've got this Superman." J'onn says. "I'm sure you do." Clark says. He then turns to Kara.

"I should go." He says. She nods. "Eva." Clark nods to me. I give him a small smile. "I know you two aren't the best of friends, but you promised you'd be nice to him while he's here." Kara says. "Actually he said he would try." Winn corrects.

"How is it hard to be nice to Superman? He's Superman." Kara says. "If it means so much to you, we will get along." J'onn says. "Thank you." She says as he walks away. "We still on fro sister-neighbor night? Veep and Chinese?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, of course. Did you know it's Clark's favorite show too?" Kara asks. "Is Clark coming to sister-neighbor night?" Alex asks. "Well, yeah. I mean he's family." Kara says. Alex scoffs as I chuckle a little. "The more the merrier." Alex says. I smile at the two sisters as they walk away.

After they leave I go over to the sleeping man and pull up my usual seat. I've been doing this ever since I woke up from searching his emotions. I feel drawn to him. Like there's some weird connection between us. I just don't know what though.

After sitting there for a few minutes I decide I had better head home and make something for sister-neighbor night. I always do. I quickly fly home and change into something less noticeable. A pink sweater, light wash skinny jeans, and short heeled boots.

I pin some pieces of my hair back and slip on my glasses. After I am ready I head to my kitchen and start making Alex and Kara's favorite, spinach artichoke dip. It's my mom's recipe. Once it's done I head over to Kara's. Alex is already there.

"Hey, what kind of wine does Clark like? Red or white?" Alex asks. "Hey EM. And Clark doesn't drink alcohol. It doesn't effect Kryptonians, but he still refuses to drink it. He's a huge nerd." Kara says. Then there's a knock on the door. "Hey." Kara says as Clark enters the home.

"Hey, uh, can you give Kara and me a minute alone please?" Clark asks. "Sure." I say, dragging Alex to my apartment. "I wonder what they have to talk about." I say. "Me too. I really hope J'onn hasn't done anything." Alex says. "Me too." Then I hear the sound of a door slamming.

We race back to Kara's loft to find it empty. "Oh God. Ok, you go to the DEO Alex, I'll find them." I say. She nods and I quickly change and fly off to where I see helicopters. Clark is on the ground and I look just in time to see Kara being shot with a green beam. Kryptonite. "HEY!" I yell.

The man turns towards me and I send a beam of energy at him, sending him far away. Clark get up. "Thank you Electress." Superman says. I nod. "Come on, let's get out of here. Grab her." I say. He nods and we fly back to the DEO.

When we walk in Kara can barely walk on her own so Clark has an arm around her. "Kara." Alex says. "I'm, I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy." Kara says. Clark hands her off to Alex. Clark walks over to J'onn.

"You told me that only the DEO had access to Kryptonite. So how would you like to explain what just happened out there. A Kryptonite charged cyborg almost killed Kara, almost killed me. Start talking J'onn" Clark says, angry.

"A shipment went missing four months ago. We've done all we can to find it." J'onn says. My eyes widen. "Four months ago?" Kara asks. "Went missing?" Clark asks. "Stolen." Alex says. I look at J'onn in shock. Why wasn't I told about this?

"We thought it was an inside job, but everyone on the transport came up clean." Alex says. "So you have a mole?" Clark asks J'onn. "We don't know that." J'onn says. "If you would have gotten rid of it when I told you to-"

"We would have been helpless when Non and Astra launched Myriad." J'onn says, cutting Clark off. "Or have you forgotten the force even the Man of Steele couldn't defeat?" J'onn asks. He goes to walk away, but Clark stops him.

"Oh, Superman and Martian Man Hunter are going to fight. This is terrible. This is awesome." Winn says. "We have given ur lives protecting the people of Earth. If you cared about Kara at all-" "Watch what you say." J'onn threatens. "OR WHAT?" Clark yells.

Before things could escalate further something pops onto the all computer screens. "People of National City. The Earth has been stolen from us. And you all call these guys heroes. They say they come in peace, that they are going to protect us from ourselves."

"How long will it be before these guys will rule instead of serve? We are the scientists that will show them what humans are capable of. Those who have sided with the invaders will not be spared. You cannot stop us, we are everywhere. We are Cadmas." Then everything shuts off.

"Cadmas. Announcing themselves to the world." Winn says. "Declaring open war." J'onn says. "They wanna kill us. All of us." Kara says. "Cadmas has my father. If they've turned John Corbin into Metalo then what do you think they've done with him?" Alex asks.

"We'll find him." Kara says. "And stop him." Clark adds. "How?" Winn asks. "Metalo isn't juts flesh and blood anymore. Cadmas has given him a metal endoskeleton. I can analyze the metal alloid in the Fortress of Solitude." Clark says.

"Mr. Schott. Get Non's anti-kryptonite suit and see if you can make it work for our two friends." J'onn says. "What about Eva?" Winn asks. "She's not Kryptonian, she doesn't need it." J'onn says. "I get to make Superman's new suit?" Winn asks in awe.

"No pressure." Clark says before walking away with J'onn. Kara turns to me. "Eva?" She asks. I whip my head around to look at her. "Thank you." She says. I nod, but remain silent. I then head out of the main area and go down to where pod guy is.

I sit down in my usual seat and move to his head. "Maybe if I can tap into the peace you feel from slumber then I can find some peace of mind about all of this." I whisper to myself. I place my hands on either side of his head and dive into his emotions.

I barley go in though so I don't waste too much energy. I let out a sigh of relief as I feel the feeling of peace wash over me.

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