Chapter 4

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Eva's POV:

I don't know how long I stayed in his emotions, but I am suddenly pulled out when I hear Alex yelling my name. "There you are. You need to go. Clark and Kara went o fight Metalo without Winn's suits." She says. My eyes widen. I race out of the room and then fly out of the DEO.

I'm almost to Kara and Clark's location when Kara's voice comes over the coms. "Electress, head for Metropolis now." Kara says. "On my way Supergirl." I say. I then speedily fly in the direction of Metropolis. When I get there Kara and Clark have just landed. Metropolis Square is destroyed.

"I should have been here." Clark says. "Hey, it's not your fault." I say. He gives me a sad smile. "Come on Electress. We'll go back to National City. Superman you stay here." Kara says. He nods and we take off for home. We quickly race into DEO HQ. "Winn! Have you seen Alex?" Kara asks.

"Alex? Alex Danvers. Why?" Winn asks. I narrow my eyes at him. Something is up with him. "Uh, yeah, we need to talk to her. I haven't been very fair to her lately." Kara says. "Well, she is not here." Winn says. "Where is she?" I ask, pressing closer to him.

"Winn, where is Alex?" Kara asks, coming around to stand next to him so his desk isn't in the way. Finally he spills on what him and Alex have been doing. "You go get Alex, I'll stay here and wait for news from Clark or Hank. Go." I say.

When Kara and Alex get back Kara calls everyone together for team planning. First order of business, the anti-Kryptonite things that Winn made. "Ok, this is a bit of a rushed job, but I think they'll keep you alive. What do you think?" Winn asks. "Nice job Mr. Schott, it should be-"

"Not you." Winn says, cutting J'onn off. "I love it." Clark says. "Are you crying Winn?" I tease. "What? No." He says sheepishly. I hold back a chuckle at this. "So what's the plan?" Alex asks Kara.

"Well Cadmas thinks that we are above the rest of the world. That we will retreat to our own cities and wait for them to come get us. What they won't be expecting is for us to have backup." Kara says. "We're listening." Clark says.

"Ok, Hank, you're with Clark, Eva, you're with me. Stay out of sight until absolutely necessary." Kara says. We all nod. Kara and I fly to the location of John Corbin in Nation City while Clark and J'onn go to Metropolis to head off the other guy. I hide while Kara goes in for an attack.

I see her suddenly get knocked to the ground with her chest plate broken a little. He is about to attack when and fly in and kick him hard, a ways away from her. We fix her plate then walk up to him. "You may work better alone. But we don't." Kara says. We race forward in an attack.

He gets me into bad position and starts beating me. Kara tackles him outside and I follow just in time to see him rip off her plate and blast her with Kryptonite. I grab a dumpster and chuck it at him breaking his focus. Kara holds him down. "Electress, NOW!" Kara yells.

I send volts of electricity straight into his Kryptonite heart, effectively killing him. He falls to the ground and we hover over him. "Supergirl, look." I say, pointing to his eyes. They're flickering like a damaged camera. She picks up his head.

"Can you see me? Can you hear me? This is not over. We will find you." She says. Then the feed goes dead. I smile at my friend. "Come on, let's go home." I say. "Yeah, I think home is good." She says. We smile at each other and then take to the skies.

We soon reach the DEO. J'onn and Clark are on their way back. "Hey, I'll be back I have a few things I need to do." Kara says. I nod as she takes off again. Sighing I decide to head to pod guy's room to see how he's doing.

When I get in there he's the same as he has been since we brought him in. I wonder if he'll ever wake up. I sit by his side on my chair. I grab his hand again. I don't know why I keep coming back. I shouldn't care about him till he's awake and we know if he's a threat or not.

"Hey. I don't know if you can actually hear me, but today was a win. And I hope whenever you wake up, no matter how long it takes, that you'll be a hero too." I say, smiling at him. I roll my chair over to his head and dive into his peacefulness.

Smiling in content I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I pull out and look to my right to see Alex. "Hey." I say. "Hey. Clark's leaving and Hank rounded up all the Kryptonite on Earth. We're about to say goodbye." She says. I smile and nod, standing from my seat.

As we walk out I take another glance at the handsome stranger. "You'll be ok, I know it." I whisper before going to the main area. "There, all the Kryptonite on Earth incased in lead. You know what to do with it." J'onn says.

"Thank you. Good to meet you Winn." Clark says, reaching for a handshake, but Winn pulls him into a hug. "Uh, next time we should really hang out." Winn says. "Alex." Clark moves on, hugging the oldest Danvers sister. "I will do everything I can to find Jeremiah. I promise." He says.

"Thank you." "Eva." He says. I smile and hug him. "You have a lot of power, I can't wait to see what you do with it in the future." He says. I smile and nod. Kara and him exchange a smile. Kara then says something in Kryptonian. "What does that mean?" Winn asks.

"There really isn't a meaning for it in your language. I guess the closest thing to it would be... to be continued." Clark says. Then him and Kara hug. "I love you Kara." "I love you too Cal." Kara says. Clark then grabs the Kryptonite and fly out of the DEO.

I smile at him before heading back down to pod guy's room. I sit down next to him, this time I keep my hands to myself. "I know what it's like to feel alienated and alone on this planet. I promise, when you wake up. I will be there for you." I tell him.

Suddenly I hear beeping and he gasps awake. He sees me and, scared, he reaches out a hand and tries to choke me. "Pl-ple." I gasp, but before I can say anything I am thrown through glass and as soon as my head hit the hard ground, everything goes black.

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