Will-o'-Wisp - For Readers

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Will-o'-Wisp is an LGBT+ friendly, Wattpad Teen Fiction with a slow-burning romance that you'll be hardpressed to find elsewhere. With an amazingly eye-pleasing and engaging format, readers will love to dive into the story of Cherrie and Drav as they navigate not only their own relationship but their relationship with themselves and the world around them. Written by eunjoobak , this story is a binge-worthy addition to your library!

Want an in-depth analysis? Check out my review below!

Title: Will-o'-Wisp is an eye-catching title, but I have yet to find how it plays into the story!

Cover: The cover gives off very calm tones, but the title is difficult to see, as is the center image. I think the hand-drawn photos draw more attention, but the photo in the center seems to hold importance, so I think some changes should be made to really show the focus of the story and the title in bigger font as well.

Plot: While I was hesitant about the premise of the book at first, I actually found myself scrolling through the chapters with increased interest. The plot was moving at the perfect speed to keep me wanting more, and the plot wasn't one-dimensional. The story moved beyond the immediate and more pressing plotline to focus on the individual characters, their backgrounds, and how they are changing as a result of their conflict. The second plotline introduces great characters (which we'll get to later) and great atmospheres (I never knew I needed music production stories in my life?). Told from varying perspectives and flashbacks, the author keeps you reading as they tie more and more characters into an increasingly complex plot.

Characters: The characters created by the author interacted with more than one person throughout the beginning of the story and, because of that, readers like us are able to see them in more than one light. While we are first presented with two characters with one trait each, we soon learn that they hold much more. As characters are introduced and the plot thickens, we see our beloved characters grow in more than one way. I would be lying if I said that Moon wasn't my favorite character so far. The earrings? The outfits? The caring and laidback nature? Sign me up.

Another interesting part of Will-o'-Wisp is that each of the characters is named after a gemstone of sorts, which you can research to learn more about their properties and traits which can often be reflected in the characters themselves!

Writing Style: This author does one thing just right. (They do more than one thing just right but this sounded good!) The chapters are short and sweet, perfect for anyone looking for something to binge, and are very focused on the internal thoughts of each character the story is being told through. The story isn't bogged down my excessive worldbuilding or unnecessary dialogue. Each word is clearly carefully chosen to get the point across, and the writing style was the strongest win, for me, personally, in Will-o'-Wisp but I'll leave you to be the judge of that yourself!


Overall, Will-o'-Wisp has earned a rating of Lightly Toasted! The issues I found with this story are very superficial, and I encourage any Wattpad readers to dive deeper to find this amazing plot.

For the author: If you would like the notes I took for your review (chapter notes, grading), please DM me.

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