There's another kid

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The Percy kid really liked Bucky's cookies, Steve's guess was the kid's favorite food was cookies. Bucky looked so happy watching Percy devour the cookies, and Bucky looked amazing when he was happy. Basically everyone could tell Steve was head over heels for Bucky, well, except for Bucky. Even the kids he and Bucky had met earlier could tell.

Peter swung by, he didn't mean that literally, though sometimes he did actually swing by the windows of the tower.

"Clint! I bet you ten dollars I can beat you in Mario Kart." Peter always won that bet.

"Later," Tony interrupted, "I want you to meet a teenager around your age, that's going to be staying here for a few days."

"Sure, Mr. Stark," Peter still sounded cheerful.

"If you guys don't mind, I'd like to talk to Percy too," Steve asked.

"Course', Cap," Tony replied.

The two men (and the kid) walked into the room Percy was staying in.

"Hi! My name's Peter," Peter said with a smile.

"Percy," then he turned to Steve, "You're Steve Rogers, right? Captain America?"


"Oh! Nico's always talking about you, and that other guy, from earlier with the cookies, named Bucky," he told Steve.

"Nico... Di Angelo?"

"That would be him. He's always saying you and Bucky totally like each other."

Steve goes red, "Why do people keep saying that?"

"Cause' it's true," Peter interrupts the conversation.

"Not you too," he complains.

Peter sticks his tongue out, and then laughs at the super-soldier's expense.

"So when can leave this room?" Percy asks.

"Whenever you want. You're here so we can watch your interactions, and judge your morals."

"Hopefully my morals are good," he laughed. "Well, I'm gonna take you up on that offer."

Pulling open the door, Peter says (in a sing-song voice), "Into the unknown."

"Frozen reference?" Percy asks.


"Wait!" Tony announces. "Capsicle hasn't seen Frozen or Frozen II. Who wants to torture Cap?"

"Me!" everyone shouts (including the people in the living room).

"All of you are evil," he mutters under his breath.

"What was that Cap? Scared of a little movie?" Tony taunts.

"No. I'm scared of you people."

"And rightly so," Nat appears in the doorway.

"Can we watch The Little Mermaid after?" Percy asks.

"Uh, sure," Tony seems to be confused as to why anyone would want to watch this 'Little Mermaid'. It's hard being from the 1940s, Steve didn't know any of these movies, but at least Bucky would have to suffer with him.

"C'mon, c'mon," Peter pulls everyone onto the couch and turns on the giant TV, "Prepare for a giant Disney movie marathon!"

Hi! I'm alive, probably need more sleep and just ate an entire bag of Blue (Cool Ranch) Doritos. Hope all y'all's lives are going well. 

btw I made blue cookies and they're delicious. :)

Peace out

P.S. thank you so much! I have over 100 reads, I never expected that many. Thank you @MatteaMay24 for being the first person to comment and vote. Your support means so much to me. 

Bye (again)

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