I am kidnapped by choice

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Percy woke up to some loud noises coming from outside the living room window, and since the apartment's walls were thin, he couldn't ignore it. He walked out his door and saw the arrogant metal dude from yesterday hovering outside and then landing on the fire escape, he almost crushed the moonlace growing there. The guy pressed the glowing blue light in the center of his suit and the suit disappeared into the glowy light.

The person Percy was looking at was a middle-aged man with dark hair and a goatee. Percy went over and opened the window, figuring that was the polite thing to do when someone is standing on your fire escape.

"Perseus Jackson?" the man asked.

"Who's asking?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Tony Stark," he replied.

"What's going on?" his mom had come in, probably woken up by this Tony guy. "Oh! Tony Stark, what brings you to our home?"

"I'd just like to talk to your son," those words were never a good sign.

"Only if I st-" her words were cut off by Estelle crying. "If you'll excuse me for a moment."

"Of course."

She hurried off and came back holding Estelle, who had stopped crying.

"Your daughter is adorable," Tony looked wistfully at Estelle.

"What do you want?" Percy brought them back to the topic at hand.

"I'd like to question you about some strange things that happened to you. Like the nationwide manhunt, and disappearing off the face of the Earth for six months," he said.

"Neither was my fault," he already knew this wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

"Whether it was, or it wasn't, I still want to investigate." This man had a spirit like Annabeth, he wouldn't rest until he figured out an answer to his questions.

"What are you going to need to do to investigate?" his mom asked.

"I'd just like to bring him to my tower for a couple of days, nothing extreme," he replied.

"If I go will you get off my back?" Percy raised one eyebrow.

"That depends on the results."

"What about my school?"

"I have heard that question one too many times," Tony says with a sigh. "You'll be excused from school for however long this takes."

"That in itself makes all of this worth it," the thought of not having to go to school made Percy happy. "Fine. I'll go."

"I'm glad you agreed," he said in a way that made Percy think that if he hadn't, his apartment would have been blown off the face of the planet. "Now if you'll come with me."

"Wait! I'm still in my pajamas!" yes, indeed. Percy had forgotten he was in bright blue fish PJs the whole conversation.

"Well then, hurry up."

Percy hurried to change, brush his teeth, and pack some supplies for the next few days. He remembered to bring a flask of nectar and some squares of ambrosia. Annabeth always chided him for forgetting nectar and ambrosia.

"I'm ready," he told Tony.

"Come on then." Tony walked toward the window that led to the fire escape and stepped out.

Percy followed and suddenly Tony was in the suit, "You'll want to hold on."

Tony grabbed him and shot off the ground, with Percy shrieking like a banshee until they landed on the top of Stark Tower.

"Never do that again." he glowered at the glowing eye slits in the mask.

"No promises, kid." he replied. "Anyways, you'll be staying in the highest level of the tower, where you can be monitored, and interrogated, without interruption."

"So am I going to meet the Aardvarks?" he asked.

"It's the Avengers. And yeah, probably," he replied.

"Cool, I guess."

Percy walked toward the only door, and came into a large living room. A brown-haired man was sitting in front of the huge flat-screen TV, playing what looked like Mario Kart 8. A redhead watched him lose to the NPCs and laughed when he spun on a banana peel. A dude with long blonde hair was rummaging through the cabinets in the kitchenette while a guy with short blonde hair tried to get him out of the area. Another guy was in the kitchenette, with medium-length brown hair, baking what smelled like cookies!

Percy ran toward the guy baking cookies and asked, excitedly, "Can I have some?"

"They're not done."

"How bout' when they are?"

"Uh, sure."

The short-haired blonde guy called to Tony, "Tony! Who is this kid."

"Why do people keep calling me kid?" Percy grumbled to himself.

"A kid I want to interrogate and watch," Tony told blondie.

"And you brought him to headquarters?" the redhead asked skeptically.

"Yep. Where you can watch him at all times, Nat," Tony replied.

She still looked suspicious, but accepted the explanation.

"Does everyone want to introduce themselves?" Tony asked.

"I'm Natasha," Natasha told him.


"My name is Steve."

"I am Thor of Asgard."

"Oh! I've heard of you. My girlfriend's cousin told me about you," Percy interrupted.

"What was his name? Oh yes, Marcus!"


"Clint," the guy playing Mario Kart called, his eyes still focused on the game.

"You're Hawkeye, right?" Percy asked.

"That's me."

"So you guys are the Avengers?" he asked them.

"Yeah," they responded.

I guess I will have to hang around the Avengers, he thought to himself. 

Sorry, this chapter was late. I hope you liked it :)

Have a good day/night!

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