This is going to take a while

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They sat down in a coffee shop down the street from where they had been talking before. They grabbed a booth and ordered some drinks. Steve got a cold brew, Will got an iced vanilla latte, Bucky got an americano, and Nico got an iced espresso, though Will didn't let him get a big cup.

"On with the questions," Nico sighed.

"How are you 14 now when you were 10 in 1974?" Bucky asked for the second time that day.

"So the Lotus Hotel and Casino actually traps you in time. I've been 10 since 1942, well... up until four years ago." Nico continued, "I'm guessing you were in there for a few years, but you didn't notice, cause, you know. Mind control," he waved around his hands at the last part.

"Honestly, not the weirdest thing I've heard of," it was funny how Steve accepted the explanation, just like that.

"How are you related to all this," Bucky turned to Will.

"Well, first of all, I'm his boyfriend-" Steve cut him off, "So gays are allowed to live openly now?"

"Yeah. It's crazy, isn't it," Nico responded, tapping the pride flag on his arm for good measure.

"Can I finish?" Will asked.

"Course, Sunshine," Nico let a small smile slip out.

"Thank you. Now, as I was saying, we go to this summer camp that's super cool and we met there," Nico knew Will was lying, but he didn't think the two Avengers did.

"Oh," Steve said.

"I guess that makes sense," though it didn't seem that Bucky believed that himself.

"Can you sign my t-shirt and Nico's jacket?" Will asked excitedly.

"Honestly, Solace. Don't you think that it's embarrassing for them to be asked that question?" Nico asked him.

Steve answered, "It's no problem. You got a Sharpie?"

Will handed over the black Sharpie, then Steve and Bucky signed Will's shirt next to the Camp logo and Nico's jacket on the pocket in the inside part of the jacket.

"I am going to frame this," Will whispered in awe.

As the two demi-gods got up to leave, Bucky tapped Nico on the shoulder and handed him a piece of paper with a phone number written on it, "Call me if you ever need help."

Nico hoped he would never have to use it, though he promised Bucky he would.

Sorry that this chapter is so short, I figured a short chapter is better than no chapter. Also, I'm probably going to post once a week (hopefully sometime every Sunday) yay! Let's try to get me on a schedule. 

Hope you have a nice day :)

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