Chapter 03 {The Bad Boy Awakens}

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------Next Day: Train Station------

The hustle and bustle of the train station were the same as ever no matter where Ren was whether in Tokyo or back in his hometown... some things really don't change, huh? Being completely drowned by the whispers and murmurs from the students around him, Ren tried occupying himself by aimlessly scrolling through articles online until the train arrived--he wasn't going to be late on his second day too. It was until then that the previous day's events began catching up; the castle, Morgana, Kamoshida, the awakening of his power, and everything else... it was all so bizarre to be believable, yet he saw it all and experienced it all, so there was absolutely no way all of that was unreal or a simple dream. The pain he felt while he was getting beaten up wasn't a joke either, his back ached him a little from the smack of the shield that knocked him out before getting carried to the cell.

Speaking of which, he hoped that Sakamoto wasn't suffering like that too. He was getting beaten up real bad by Kamoshida too.

"Look, isn't that her?"

"You mean that one with the red ribbon? Uh, I guess so?"

"She's so thin... it's not far, I've got my hair in a ponytail too..."

"Okay, and what's that got to do with being thin?"

And that was the cue for the train to arrive since the sound of its engine was drawing nearer and nearer for a while now before it came to sight and finally ceased to halt. And due to the number of students that were standing on the platform, Ren was literally being squished by the crowd as it forced itself inside, a sea of bodies squeezed and crashed into him even before he had the chance to move his foot. The inside of the train wasn't any better either since Ren's body was being smashed from all corners by an endless crowd of people... absolutely brought a lot of memories from his hometown. However, there was a girl who stood out among everyone on the train and caught Ren's attention who had red long hair tied into a ponytail, with a red ribbon tied into a bow, red eyes, and pink lips. She wore a Shujin Academy winter uniform with black pantyhose and red loafers.

"Please, take my seat. My station's coming up" The student with ribbon in hair offered to an old lady after standing up.

"Are you sure? Then..."

But before the kind old lady could sit down, a man made his way through and sat down on the now-empty seat after the red-haired girl stepped away from it.

"Oh wow, what speed!" She muttered to herself, "I mean-- Excuse me, that seat was for this lady..."

But the man had his head lowered down, already fast asleep. How rude.

"Oh..." She trailed.

"Do you want me to wake him up?" Ren asked the girl.

"It's all right. I can understand his position as well." She smiled at Ren politely before looking back at the old lady, "I'm sorry I couldn't be any help."

"It's all right, dearie. Don't you worry."

"Please allow me to carry your luggage, at least." The red-haired carried the old lady's bag.

"Thank you! Ain't it heavy, though?"

"Not at all! I train plenty."

As if on cue with the girl's words, the train's speaker announced the arrival to the Aoyama-Itchome district, making Ren try to make his way through the crowd to exit the train before the doors closed off. Taking a long breath in and out, Ren could finally feel like he could be at ease after taking some fresh air in a less crowded area, and it was as if he held his breath the entire time. Taking a few steps forward while adjusting his bag on his shoulder, Ren's ears perked up at the sound of hurried footsteps coming his way quickly and someone calling for him, causing the dark-haired to stop his tracks and look behind him with curious eyes.

"Pardon me..." The red-haired girl from the train approached him.


"Thank you so much for earlier." She bowed to him.

"With what?"

"For speaking up when I offered my seat on the train."

"No, it was nothing." Ren shrugged it off with a wave and a faint smile.

"You're a second-year at Shujin Academy, correct? I'm a first-year there myself."

Ah, a junior then...

"Thanking you totally slipped my mind back on the train, and I didn't want to be rude to my senpai. Please, excuse me!" She bowed once more before walking away.

Huh, what a sweet and polite girl... she was probably the second Shujin student ever to approach Ren so casually after Sakamoto, and that caused Ren's lips to curve upward to the smallest smile ever. Although he shouldn't judge on appearances, he never felt the slightest or smallest ill intent from the red-haired girl; it felt like her overall aura was brimming with light and joy. The way she was so soft-spoken to him and even went out of her way to follow him and thank him since it slipped her mind earlier, even though he had hardly done anything. So maybe, just maybe... he might still have some faith in people around him regardless of the huge label he had to carry.

Thus, deep down Ren... was truly thankful for that kind and sweet red-haired even though he didn't know who she was.


-------Shujin Academy: Class 2-D------

A new day, a new school day for Ren, and yet another hellish day of students' endless gossip and chatter about him. He was undoubtedly uncomfortable with disapproving looks following him everywhere he went, murmurs and whispers never stopped whenever he passed someone. Even during class, he didn't survive from gossip and chatter, after all, he was the new hot topic of the school. He felt like the world had turned pitch black around him and could only hear the sounds of chatters, whispers, and murmurs all around him. When he felt like he was going to lose it, his fingers gripped his hair tightly while leaning his face down.

"Please, make them stop...!"

The only thing that saved Ren from completely losing his sanity was the sound of the bell ringing and the teacher ending the lecture. Ren's hands moved away from his head as he slowly got up from his desk, feeling dizzy all of a sudden. When he attempted to walk out, the mean brown-haired girl walked past him and intentionally bumped her shoulder into his. She didn't even bother to stop and apologize to him. As Ren stepped out of class, he saw Kamoshida walking towards the ash blonde-haired flashy girl with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Hey there, Takamaki." Kamoshida greeted with a wide grin on his face, "You looking for a ride home? Things have been pretty dangerous lately with all those accidents."

"Sorry, I have a photoshoot today. It's for the special summer issue, so I can't afford to miss it..." Takamaki replied.

"Hey, now... being a model's fine and dandy, but don't work your pretty little self to the bone. You mentioned you weren't feeling well, right? Something about appendicitis?"

"Yes, I keep planning to go to the hospital, but I've been too busy... sorry to worry you."

"You must be lonely too. I feel bad for keeping your best friend at practice so often. That's why I asked you out in the first place. Oh, and... be careful around that transfer student. He's got a criminal record, after all. If something were to happen to you..."

"...Thank you. Please excuse me." Takamaki bowed before walking away.

"Tch..." Kamoshida clicked his tongue angrily before he left the spot himself.

"........." Ren narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

The first time he ever saw Kamoshida in the car on his way to Shujin for his first day, he never thought he was, in reality, a despicable and awful man, and that made Ren feel sick. He was always so kind and naive that he never questioned the true nature of people behind the "innocent" and "friendly" masks they wore. But seeing Kamoshida's castle and his concealed colors with his own eyes taught him a very cruel lesson. Ren once experienced the bitter reality of society on the night of his false arrest, yet he was still such a gullible fool--easy prey for the dirty and evil individuals.

Humans... were indeed such cruel and dark creatures.


------Afternoon: Shujin's Gymnasium------

That... was the last place he ever wanted to be at, but it seemed like heavens hated Ren's guts that day for a reason or another. And yet, there he was with the most horrifying person ever in the same room practicing volleyball... yep, heavens hated Ren's every fiber alright. The moment Kamoshida called Ren's name, he felt like someone had poured ice on his back from behind his shirt that it caused his stomach to do a nasty flip. Murmurs and whispers soon filled the gymnasium upon the call of the transfer student as he made his way toward the court. Standing by the opposite side of the net, the young boy couldn't help but notice the glimmer of malice that shone in Kamoshida's eyes along with the wide grin that spread on his face.

"To you!" Kamoshida spiked a mighty volleyball toward Ren who failed to block it, hitting his shoulder.

The spike actually hurt Ren, as if Kamoshida was intending on harming him. It was a battle of beating or getting beaten after all, huh?

"Come on!" He spiked another ball that hit Ren's other shoulder, causing him to kneel down on a single knee.

Ren quietly winced under his breath at the impact of two powerful spikes aimed at his shoulders. If that damned teacher applied a little more force into them, he'd easily break the boy's bones... that was one of the times Ren actually cursed his thin and slender build.

"What's wrong? If you play like that at the rally tomorrow, the girls will laugh at you!" Kamoshida taunted the raven-haired.

Far outside of the court, Takamaki was leaning her back against the wall while fiddling her fingers with locks of her platinum blonde hair. She glanced at the teacher who looked back at her before turning the gaze of his eyes back at Ren who was eyeing him rather intensely. Kamoshida felt blood boiling inside of his veins at the sight of the boy who was clenching his shoulder, yet still managing to challenge him. That goddamn brat was making fun of him, wasn't he? He was Suguru Kamoshida, Shujin's idol, for God's sake, and no one... NO one dared to even look at him like that, especially not some no-good-for country kid!

"Quit slacking, newbie!" Kamoshida shouted before spiking a much stronger ball that hit Ren directly in his face, causing his glasses to fall from his face.

Surprised and shocked gasps filled the entire gym along with horrified eyes as Ren flew a few feet backward, but managed to remain standing somehow. His left cheek was bruised from the powerful and mighty spike, and what made Ren angrier was that he knew it was on purpose... not that he didn't expect it. Ren turned his face at Kamoshida, sending deadly glares at him that could pierce through his soul, feeling his heart, soul, and very being burning with anger at such a low and dirty move. Although it was merely a glare from his eyes, it was more than enough to deliver his message loud and clear to everyone present and watching, especially to Kamoshida himself.

"R-Right, next! Mishima!" Kamoshida called nervously after clearing his throat.

"O-Okay!" The boy named Mishima replied nervously before heading to the other side of the court.

Grunting to himself, Ren bent down and took his glasses from the floor walking away from the scene, and again between the endless murmurs of the other students. Right by the gym's door, the boy stopped his tracks to glance back at Kamoshida whose turn to glare angrily at Ren while gritting his teeth in pure frustration. Even so, Ren's gaze remained and as sharp and unwavering as ever since he also wasn't going down and be succumbed to him so easily before he quietly exited the gym with a sour feeling rushing through him. It was just getting more personal at that point and Ren already reached the no turning back point, not after entering Kamoshida's castle and seeing it all.

And that was only the beginning.


------The Courtyard------

Well... that sucked alright.

Grey and gloomy skies reflected on his dull and tired dark grey irises as the cool breeze blew over him, sending light goosebumps up his skin. The swish of tree leaves could be heard through the courtyard due to the air that was blowing over, some of them were dancing along on the ground swiftly. He had always loved rainy days even though some found them gloomy, but he founded a hidden charm and peace in them that only he understood and no one else. Ren sat all by himself on a bench, having a sandwich he bought earlier while rubbing the swollen area on his left cheek. Recently, loneliness wasn't a foreign companion of his and found himself getting quite accustomed to it whether he liked it or not, so the quietness of the courtyard felt nice for a change.

"Ouch...!" Ren flinched slightly when his fingers brushed against his cheek, feeling pain rush through his bones.

With a heavy and distressed sigh, he lifted his face up only to see a scene that caught his fullest attention that he didn't really expect to see. It was the mean dark brown-haired, who he didn't catch her name yet, sitting down across him and reading a book, her half-lidded eyes scanned the pages thoroughly while burying her face into her palm. It seemed like she was there before him since he came to the courtyard only a few minutes ago, yet he still didn't feel her presence sooner... perhaps it was due to him wandering aimlessly in his thoughts? He watched her fingers so delicately tucking some locks of her hair behind her ear before continuing to flip the pages of her book--for the first time, she looked so normal to him and almost at peace. Without much thinking, Ren got up from his place and approached the girl with a small and polite smile on his face, encouraged by her calm expression that he might have a normal conversation with her.

"Can I sit down?"

"I don't care." She replied without even having eye contact with him.

"What are you reading?" Ren asked as he sat down.

"It's a book called 'None of Your Business.'"

That statement caused Ren to sweatdrop since the sarcasm was very obvious in it. Then again, his curiosity got the better of him by leaning to his side to steal a peek at the book.

"Wait, I recognize this book. Isn't this Agatha Christie?" Ren pointed his finger.

"If you know, then why are you asking me?"

"I was just trying to start a conversation--"

"Well I don't want to talk to you, so how about you scram from here, new kid?"

Now that caught Ren off guard causing him to slightly widen his eyes. The girl's hostility and rudeness towards him were ultimately unexplainable and uncalled for since he didn't even know her, but that never stopped her from being so mean to him.

She must've heard the rumors about him too...

"I'm sorry to bother you." Feeling hurt, Ren attempted to leave.

"All right, let's cut through the bullshit." The mean girl slammed her book closed violently, "You're here to ask about the rumors, aren't you?"

"Rumors? What rumors?" Ren blinked in confusion.

"The rumors about me--" She paused after processing his question, "Wait, you don't know about the rumors?"


"That's weird... I'm surprised they haven't reached you yet. News moves around really quickly in this school. Then again, there are some shady rumors regarding you too." The girl stated blankly while standing up.


"You better bandage this bruise." The mean girl looked at him from the corner of her eye, "Or people might think that I punched you or something." Then she walked away.

"........" Ren watched the brown-haired walk away silently.

For some reason, there was a small glitter of... sympathy in her eyes when she looked at him?

"Oh, there you are!"

Looking up at the source of the sound, Ren's eyes were met with the same male student he encountered on his way to Shujin the previous day and fell on the rainy road. Well, he could never forget that green hair of his along with the set of diamond-patterned freckles on his face, and even now he almost tripped on his way toward Ren once more, causing the dark-haired to sweatdrop heavily. Once the green-haired boy approached Ren, he had the most worried look on his face when he studied Ren's expression and noticed the dark bruise on his cheek from Kamoshida's spike earlier.

"I was at the gym and I saw what happened... that was a real strong spike..." The plain-looking student looked down.

"No, it's fine. Really." Ren reassured him.

"And that bruise...! It really needs to be bandaged before it becomes swollen. Please, allow me to accompany you to the nurse's office! It's the least thing I can do to thank you for helping me yesterday."

"You really don't have to. I'm fine."

"Please, I insist." The green-haired looked at Ren eagerly.

"All right." He stood up.

"Wait, I just noticed... you're a second-year, right? Then that makes you my senpai, I'm actually a first-year."

Another junior?

"Nice to meet you." Ren nodded.

"The pleasure's all mine, Senpai! Come on, let's go now and get you fixed up."


------Time Skip: After School------

Finally, that hellish day came to an end with Kamoshida and everything, a white bandage was placed on his left cheek where the swollen area existed due to the spike. Although the injury got all patched up by the nurse, it still hurt him and itched that it felt like a taste of will not to take off the bandage to scratch it. His saving grace was that his glasses weren't broken since he couldn't afford a new one at the moment and asking his guardian was totally out of the question. Ren exited the school building while thinking about the girl's words to him; There were rumors about her too? How come he never heard anything about that? He thought that maybe it was due to him being the hot topic of the school, but that fact left him curious. As he was thinking hard about that while holding his chin, he spotted a familiar blonde-haired boy waving at him.

"Yo." Ryuji greeted with a friendly smile.

"Hey, what's up?" Ren greeted.

"I wanna talk about that castle from yesterday. I tried tellin' myself it was all just a dream... but I couldn't do it. I can't act as nothing happened. It's all connected to that bastard Kamoshida after, all. I wanna find out what's up with that place, no matter what. And y'know, you're the only person I can rely on for this stuff. So, you in?" Ryuji asked.

"I understand how you feel, I really am. So of course I'm in. What's next?" Ren replied.

"Ooh... looks like I managed to talk some sense into you. I think we should just try and retrace our steps from yesterday. In the meantime, you're walkin' to the station, right? Let's go together. Lemme know if you notice any other weird buildings on the way." Ryuji grinned widely.

"He doesn't seem like a bad guy at all. I should probably just go along with this..." Ren thought.

Walking side-by-side in silence with the blonde-haired boy away from the school building, Ren couldn't help but steal quick glances at Ryuji who had his arms crossed behind his head while whistling to himself. The dark-haired sweatdropped at the thought that Ryuji seemed to chill and relaxed for someone who was in a bizarre castle, saw a teacher as a king, witnessed armored men, and almost got himself killed. Even so, Ren agreed to help, the idea of returning to the castle got him a little bit concerned that it caused a cold sweat to roll down his forehead; the pain he felt when the guards hit him, the thought of dying, the feeling of being unable to save Ryuji at first, and how scared he was that his legs were shaking so much... it all came back to him.

But those thoughts were put at a halt for the moment.

"If a huge castle like that really exists, I'm sure we'll find it in no time." Ryuji paused his tracks and looked at Ren, "...When'd they build something like that though?"

"Don't ask me..." Ren shrugged his shoulders.

Ryuji took a quick glance at his surroundings before saying, "We walked that way from here, right?"

"Yeah, I remember that we walked into a small alley."

"...All right, this way. Lemme know if you notice something." Ryuji walked into the alley.

Retracing their old steps which they took yesterday as much as they could remember, the two boys reached the front of the school building, widening their eyes in shock upon seeing it in its normal self. It was truly something they didn't see coming at all.

"Huh...?! We're at school... there wasn't anything out of place along the way, right? I didn't see no castle either..." Ryuji trailed, "...We must've made a wrong turn somewhere. Let's try again."

"Again...? Will that really work?" Ren raised his eyebrow.

"Don't worry. I won't mess up this time. Let's go."

And of course much to Ryuji's enthusiasm and determination, they tried again, but with no result at all whatsoever... they stood in front of Shujin Academy once again.

"For real...?" Ryuji lowered his head.

"........." Ren grunted.

"Is it smaller than we think it is? What do you think?"

"Check on your phone." Ren suggested.

"I already did that. I didn't see anything like it around here..."

That was when it hit him.

"Huh? Phone..." Ryuji recalled, "Hey, that reminds me--didn't you have a navigation app thingy on back then?"

"Navigation app...?" Ren repeated.

"I dunno if it was or not, but I heard stuff that sounded like one comin' from your phone. Y'know, didn't it say stuff like 'returned to the real world' or something like that? Lemme see your phone for a bit."

"...Sure." Ren pulled his phone out as Ryuji quickly snatched it away from him.

"What's this eyeball-lookin' thing?" Ryuji tilted his head.

"I don't know. It just appeared out of nowhere, and I can't delete it..." Ren explained.

"Wait, what? What a weird app..." Ryuji hummed, "...Oh wait, this is it! I knew it--it IS a navigation app! There's even your search history!" He exclaimed while showing Ren the screen, "Oh man, I'm such a genius!"

"I'm not so sure about that though..." Ren sweatdropped.

"Let's try usin' it."

"But I don't know how to."

"Then I'll do it." Ryuji clicked.

"Kamoshida... Shujin Academy... Pervert... Castle... beginning navigation." The metaverse navigator spoke in a robotic voice.

"There we go!" Ryuji cheered, "...Then we went in a certain direction, and--"

".........!" Ren gasped softly as everything around them colored in dark purple velvet.

"Hey, what're you--" Ryuji paused, "...Huh? What the hell?!"

Ren's phone screen twitched and glitched like the screen of a broken TV with the eyeball symbol popping up and blinding their vision from seeing anything clearly anymore. Everything was colored in dark shades of reddish-black, taking the shape of a dark vortex that distorted the boy's surroundings entirely and reforming them to something else entirely. The boys felt as if an invisible force was dragging their numb bodies vigorously away from their reality and shove them into a whole different domain from the one they used to know.


------The Castle------

Rubbing his eyes to kick out the blurriness from his view, Ren was met once again with the sight of the obnoxious middle-ages themed castle for the second time in two days. Well, he did have the most pleasant memories there, so he couldn't say that he was glad to return there again... but that was something he needed to do nonetheless. Last time, he and Ryuji accidentally ended up there without having the slightest idea of what could possibly await them there, but that time was different; they knew exactly what they were getting themselves into. At that time, they had a clear idea of the creatures that lurked inside and what they were capable of in terms of strength and supernatural powers, so that should give them an advantage.

Or so they hoped.

"Look! It's the castle from yesterday!" Ryuji exclaimed before running toward the main entrance.

"H-Hey! Wait--" Ren cut his sentence while following the blonde-haired.

"We made it back... that means what happened yesterday was for real too..."

"You're right..."

"...Yeargh! Those clothes...!" Ryuji gasped at Ren's appearance.

"Hm?" Ren hummed in a questioning tone while staring at his gloved hand.

"That happened last time too, huh?! What's with that outfit?!"

"Not bad, huh?" Ren's lips curved into a smirk, "What? You jelly?"

"I-I ain't jealous!"


"What's goin' on here?! This makes no effin' sense at all..."

"Hey!" A familiar voice called.

Looking at the sound's source, the two boys were met with the weird cat Morgana who was rushing toward them.

"Stop making a commotion." Morgana whispered.

"Ah... you?!" Ryuji groaned.

"The Shadows started acting up, so I came here wondering what it could be..." Morgana stated, "...To think you guys would come back to the entrance when you barely managed to escape."

"What is this place? ...Is it the school?" Ryuji asked.

"That's right."

"But it's a castle!"

"This castle IS the school." Morgana reassured, "...But only to this castle's ruler."

"The castle's ruler...?" Ryuji scratched his hair.

"I think you called him Kamoshida? It's how his distorted heart views the school."

"Kamoshida... distorted..." Ryuji trailed while looking at Ren before snapping, "Explain it in a way that makes sense!"

"I shouldn't have expected a moron to get it..." Morgana trailed.

"What'd you say?!" Ryuji growled at the cat.

That was when they heard a blood-curdling scream that pierced right through their ears, sending shivers down their spines.

"What was that?!" Ren was alerted.

"It must be the slaves captive here." Morgana narrowed his eyes.

"For real?!" Ryuji widened his eyes before hearing another scream, "Oh shit... it's for real! We saw other guys held captive here yesterday... I'm pretty sure they're from our school."

"Most likely on Kamoshida's orders, it's nothing out of the ordinary. It's like that every day here. What's more, you two escaped yesterday. He must have lost his temper quite a bit." Morgana explained.

"That son of a bitch...!" Ryuji shouted.

"Ryuji...?" Morgana trailed.

"...This is bullshit!"

"Hey--" Ren's words were cut off.

The blonde-haired ran to the castle's door and banged it with his side while yelling, "You hear me, Kamoshida?!"

"Doing that isn't going to open it, you know... still, it seems you have your reasons." Morgana shook his head.

"Hey, Monamona." Ryuji approached the other two again.

"It's Morgana!" The cat growled.

"Do you know where those voices are comin' from...?"

"You want me to take you to them?" Morgana folded his hands "...Well, I guess I could guide you there. But only if he comes with us." He looked at Ren.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go." Ren nodded.

"It's settled then!"

"For real...?!" Ryuji grinned, "...Thanks, man."

"All right, let's do this. Follow me." Morgana called before heading away.

All three went into the exit where they escaped last time and began their mission of infiltrating the castle while staying away from the enemies in the shadows as much as possible. It was crucial to avoid any unnecessary combats so Ryuji's life wouldn't be in danger even if Morgana and Ren were able to use that Persona power. They reached an underground dungeon where they saw how the volleyball players were being tortured in some very unimaginable and inhumane methods. Their screams and desperate calls for help could only pierce into their ears, making the two boys taken over by guilt and anger for not being able to help them since they were only cognitive beings of their real-life counterparts. But there was where they found what they were looking for, true evidence for the rumors regarding that low life scum's physical abuse of his team... not that it surprised them anymore. Ryuji memorized the faces of some of these players before giving Ren a nod of acknowledgment that he was done with his task and decided to head back to the exit and away from that godforsaken place.

Only when the worst-case scenario kicked in...

"...You knaves again?" Shadow Kamoshida walked over the three with a troop of guards, "To think you'd make the same mistake again. You're hopeless!" He scoffed.

"The school ain't your castle! I've memorized their faces real good. You're goin' down!" Ryuji shouted at him.

"It seems it's true when they say 'barking dogs seldom bite'. How far the star runner of the track team has fallen."

"The hell are you gettin' at?!"

"I speak of the 'Track Traitor' who acted in violence, ending his teammates' dreams. Oh, I can only imagine the pain of the others who were dragged under with your... selfish act." Shadow Kamoshida snickered sickly.

"...Is that true?" Ren looked at Ryuji in utter shock.

"Ngh..." Ryuji groaned.

"Violence? 'Track Traitor'? What does he mean?" Ren asked again.

"What a surprise. So you're accompanying him without knowing anything at all? He betrayed his teammates and crushed their hopes, yet he still carries on as carefree as ever." Kamoshida smickered.

"That's not true!" Ryuji protested.

"You've come along with this fool and are now going to end up dead." Shadow Kamoshida chuckled darkly, "...How unlucky of you. Go, kill them all. Don't sully my castle with garbage." He ordered.

Two guards walked close to the three before going berserk, thus turning into two demonic monsters; Black horses with red eyes, white hair and tail, and big green horns.

"Goddammit..." Ryuji groaned.

"Ryuji, move--" Morgana tried to warn the blonde-haired.

However, Morgana got a powerful smack on the head which knocked him down instantly--he clearly couldn't stand a chance against such strength. Without giving the chance for Ren to react either, he was almost immediately thrown down on the floor while being stomped on his head, earning a painful groan from him.

"Rgh... you piece of--" Morgana hissed while his back was being stepped on by Kamoshida's foot.

"Ugh...!" Ren also tried to lift his face up but was apprehended down the same way.

"I bet you simply came here on a whim and ended up like this. Isn't that right?" Shadow Kamoshida asked darkly.

"No..." Ryuji shook his head after he collapsed on his knees.

"What a worthless piece of trash, getting emotional so quickly... how dare you raise your hand at me. Though it was only temporary, have you forgotten my kindness in supervising track practice?"

"Wasn't no practice--it was physical abuse! You just didn't like our team!" Ryuji hit the floor with his hands.

"It was nothing but an eyesore! The only one who needs to achieve results is me! That coach who got fired was hopeless too..." Shadow Kamoshida snickered, "Had he not opposed me with a second argument, I would've settled it with only breaking his star's leg."

"...What?" Ryuji gasped while lifting his face a bit.

"A broken leg...?" Ren trailed shockingly.

"Do you need me to deal with your other leg too? The school will call it self-defense anyway!" Shadow Kamoshida chuckled devilishly.

"Dammit... am I gonna lose again...? Not only can I not run anymore... the track team is gone too 'cause of this asshole...! And I lost a childhood friend too!" Ryuji hit the floor with his fists while crying sorrowfully.

"So that's why..." Morgana trailed before Kamoshida stepped with more force on his back.

"Once these two are dealt with, you're next. Hahahaha....!" Shadow Kamoshida laughed hysterically.

"Ryuji!" Morgana called in pain.

"You're gonna let him talk to you like that? You can't forgive him, right?" Ren spoke.

".......?!" Ryuji gasped in shock.

"Let's take back what's dear to you!" Ren lifted his face with a determined look on his face.

"...You're right. Everything that was important to me was taken by him... I'll never get 'em back...! I lost Mikki and I might not get her back also..." Ryuji mumbled.

"Stay there and watch. Look on as these hopeless scum die for nothing because they sided with trash like you." Shadow Kamoshida smirked again.

"No... that's what you are..." Ryuji stood up on his feet, "All you think about is using people... you're the real scumbag, Kamoshida!" He walked toward the Shadow.

"What are you doing? Silence him!"

"Stop lookin' down on me with that stupid smile on your face!" Ryuji yelled while pointing at Shadow Kamoshida with his finger.

"You made me wait quite a while."

That voice that rang inside Ryuji's head caused his eye color to turn from brown to golden while holding his head from the unimaginable pain.

"A-Aaaagh...!" Ryuji cried in pain as he dropped on his knees.

"You seek power, correct? Then let us form a pact."

"Since your name has been disgraced already, why not hoist the flag and wreak havoc...?"

"The 'other you' who exists within desires it thus..."

"I am thou, thou art I..."

"There is no turning back..."

"The skull of rebellion is your flag henceforth!"

Ryuji lifted his face to expose a metallic skull mask that appeared on his face as his golden eyes were literally burning with anger and rage as he glared at Shadow Kamoshida.

"Hmph. What can you do...? Cower in fear and watch!" The guards' captain who was apprehending Ren drew his sword out.

"Aah..." Ryuji struggled while trying to remove the mask from his face.

"Nnnngh... hraaaaaaaaaagh...!"

He yelled in a blood-curdling scream on top of his lungs as he ripped the mask off, causing blood to drip all over his face. A crazily strong wave of blue flames enveloped the entire room, creating a massive wave of wind as Ryuji's scream never stopped. When the blue flames settled down, it took the form of a skeletonic pirate riding a ship that wore a black cloak, an eyepatch on its right eye, a blue vest with two belts crossed like an X sign on the chest with chains dangling from them that resembled anchors, black leather pants, black leather boots, and had a cannon for its right hand. The boy's clothes were changed as well, and they consisted of a matching black jacket and pants with knee pads, a red ascot, combat boots, and a pair of yellow gloves. He lifted his face up to smirk in victory at Kamoshida's Shadow, feeling that new power took control over him which felt undeniably so damn good!

"Ugh... this one as well?!" Shadow Kamoshida gritted his teeth.

"Right on... wassup, Persona..." Ryuji looked at his gloved hands in awe.

"This effin' rocks! Now that I got this power, it's time for payback..." Ryuji knocked his knuckles against one another.

"We'll teach them a lesson for sure." Ren smiled while standing up.

"Yo, I'm ready..." Ryuji called, "Bring it!"

"Ngh... don't mock me, you brat!" The guard captain said while turning to a red armored knight riding on a black armored horse.

"Blast them away... Captain Kidd!"

"All right, let's do this!" Morgana pointed his sword firmly.

"Arsène!" Ren called after taking his mask off.

A pixie flew toward Arsène, casting thunder on him which hit him but blasted it off by opening his wings fully, thus neither the Persona nor its user was harmed. Two fireballs nearly hit the boys coming from a third Shadow and were about to fire at them once again.

"Show your might, Zorro!" Morgana summoned his Persona that blocked the Shadow's fire attack with a wind spell and sent it flying away.

"Sheesh. Total amateurs." Morgana smirked proudly.

"You're joining, too?!" Ryuji asked shockingly.

"Now! Attack as one!" Morgana pointed his sword as the boys drew their weapons out as well.

It was now or never.

"Follow me, rookies!" Morgana ran toward the three Shadows with the boys, ending them with a stylish All-Out Attack.

"...How 'bout that?!" Ryuji held his knees in exhaustion.

"Whoa... so Ryuji had the potential too..." Morgana was almost speechless.

"Even if you apologize now... I ain't forgivin' you...!"

"I told you that this is my castle. It seems you still don't understand..." Kamoshida smirked.

That moment, Takamaki walked into the room with the widest smile ever on her face and stood next to Kamoshida's Shadow. And yet, she wore a provocative, purple bikini with panther-like patterns on it, pink high heels, a pair of cat ears, and a pink crown on top of her head. Takamaki cooed happily at the sight of the two teenage boys as she clung to the Shadow's arm, giving the unexpected guest a wink along with an amused giggle.

"Huh...?!" Ren dumbfounded.

"Wh-- Takamaki?!" Ryuji gasped.

"Oh...! Wha... What a meow-velous and beautiful girl...!" Morgana exclaimed dreamily, his eyes turning to hearts.

"I'm jealous... no, no, no!" Ryuji shook his head.

"Exactly. No." Ren spoke confidently.

"Yeah, apparently..." Morgana trailed.

"What's going on...?!" Ryuji yelled, seeing Takamaki hug Shadow Kamoshida from the side.

"Something seems off. That's just not right." Ren narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, now that you mention it... but why is she even here?!" Ryuji knitted his eyebrows.

Then, Shadow Kamoshida caressed Takamaki's cheek, sending a wave of pure anger into Ryuji as his stomach made a nasty flip and acted up at such a disgusting view.

"Hey! Let go of her, you perv!" Ryuji snapped.

"How many times must I tell you until you understand? This is MY castle--a place in which I can do whatever I want. Everyone wishes to be loved by me." Shadow Kamoshida let go of Takamaki's cheek, "...That is, everyone besides slow-witted thieves like you."

"Takamaki! Say somethin'!" Ryuji called.

"Calm down, Ryuji! It seems that girl isn't the real one. She's the same as those slaves--a being made from Kamoshida's cognition of her!" Morgana explained.

"Are you jealous? Well, I'm not surprised. Women aren't drawn to problematic punks like you. Hayashi is no exception either." Shadow Kamoshida smirked.

"Dammit...!" Ryuji groaned.

"Who's Hayashi?" Morgana asked Ren.

"I... don't know." Ren replied.

"Clean them up this instant!" Shadow Kamoshida ordered as reinforcements appeared.

"We're outnumbered... let's scram before we get surrounded!" Morgana urged.

"We're not gonna do anything and just run?!" Ryuji argued.

"We can't die here!" Ren called.

"Thank god you've got a level head." Morgana agreed.

"Ngh... fine. We'll expose what you really are, no matter what! You better be ready for us...!" Ryuji threatened.

"Hahaha! I was beginning to get bored of torturing the ones here! Come at me whenever you want, if you don't care about your life. Haaaahahahaha!" Shadow Kamoshida laughed hysterically.

"Ignore him. Let's go!" Morgana called as he ran away with the two boys.

The group of the three all ran together as fast as they possibly could away from the guards to safety and that alone was a challenging task itself so they wouldn't get ambushed a second time. Along the way, Ryuji was wincing in pain as his once broken leg was acting up yet again, sending a nasty wave of pain from his leg bones up to his entire body. Ren glanced at him and noticed how Ryuji was literally going through a hellish pain, but the blonde-haired boy noticed the other's stares at him and gave him a toothy and goofy grin to tell him that he was fine. Finally, they reached the very same room where Ren and Ryuji returned to the real world the first time they came here the previous day, luckily unharmed so far. The raven-haired leaned his back to a wall, gripping his fingers into his chest while panting loudly, and Ryuji was no better than him, sweat was rolling down on their faces.

"Anyways! I don't remember changin' into this!" Ryuji held his knees while panting.

"But it looks good on you though." Ren gave him a thumbs-up.

"Uhh... should I be happy about that? ...Then again, it ain't as bad as yours." Ryuji admitted.

"Did you find them?" A pursuer's voice called.

"Quiet!" Morgana whispered.

"No. Search that way!" Another pursuer's voice ordered.

"So what's goin' on? I'm completely lost, man...!" Ryuji muttered angrily.

"I told you before. When a Persona-user opposes a Palace's ruler and becomes a threat to them, this happens. It's to prevent you from being affected by distortions." Morgana explained quietly.

"Is this... a skull?" Ryuji pointed on his mask.

"Your appearance reflects your inner self, it's the rebel that slumbers within... not that you'll get it."


"Then stop asking questions and accept what you see for what it is."

"Easy for you to say."

"Seriously..." Ren sighed while sweatdropping.

"Wait, we're in deep shit!" Ryuji gasped.

"I said to be quiet!" Morgana whisper-shouted.

"We might've gotten away here, but we're still screwed with Kamoshida at the real school..." Ryuji remembered.

"That's quite sharp of you... for being an idiot. Relax. The Kamoshida in reality can't possibly know about what happens here. A Shadow is the true self that is suppressed--a side of one's personality they don't want to see." Morgana explained.

"...So, we're okay?" Ryuji trailed.

"Did the Kamoshida in reality remember about the execution?" Morgana asked.

".........!" That was when it hit Ryuji.

"There you have it."

"All right! Now that we know that, all we gotta do is--" Ryuji got interrupted.

"Wait, I guided you as promised. It's your turn to cooperate with me. That's why I was super nice about teaching you idiots everything." Morgana spoke seriously.

"Huh? Cooperate?" Ryuji dumbfounded.

"Don't you remember? I originally came here for an investigation. I need to erase the distortion from my body and regain my true form! That's why we must delve deep into Mementos and--" Morgana's words were cut off.

"Whoa, hold up. What're you goin' on and on about?! We never said anything about helpin' you out." Ryuji argued.

"Huh? Don't tell me... are you not going to repay the hospitality I showed you? Especially you! You're going to up and leave, even though you're already part of my master plan?!" Morgana asked Ren shockingly.

"What plan are you talking about? I never promised you." Ren pointed out.

"Is it because I'm not human...? Because I'm like a cat...? Is that why you're making a fool of me?!"

"We're busy! Thanks for everything, cat. You've got guts, bein' a cat and all! See you around!" Ryuji said before running away with Ren.

"Hey! What the hell? Ugh, seriously! Why're you wrapping this up like everything's all hunky-dory?! Oh hell no! Get back here! ...Grr... GRAAGGGHHH!" Morgana yelled angrily.


------The Real World------

"You have returned to the real world. Welcome back." The Metaverse Navigator spoke.

"...Thank god. We're back." Ryuji sighed in relief, "I dragged you a lot around, huh? ...Sorry, man."

"Hey, no problem at all." Ren smiled tiredly. It was now that exhaustion was catching up to him.

"Ugh, I'm dead tired... how you holdin' up?"

"Eh, I'm fine."

"That's impressive. I'm exhausted even though I used to do track... but damn, if what we saw was for real, this is gonna get good! I totally remember the faces of the guys Kamoshida was treatin' like slaves. Once we make 'em face up to any physical abuse, Kamoshida will be done."

"I hope so... what we saw was really messed up and unforgettable."

"So... wanna help me look for those guys or any witnesses?"

"Of course I'll help. We're involved in this together now." Ren smiled.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Ryuji exclaimed happily.

Suddenly, Ryuji looked down and his entire mood changed 180 degrees which made Ren notice his change in demeanor and wanted to say something, however, he couldn't muster the right words to say, so he stayed quiet.

"Hey, so... if you're thinkin' of layin' low 'cause you got a record, I don't think that'll help... everyone already knows. They totally got you pegged as a criminal."

"........" Ren fell quiet before opening his mouth, "How'd that happen?"

"Kamoshida opened his damn mouth!" Ryuji growled.

"Seriously? A teacher did that...?"

"No one else besides a teacher could've leaked it that fast! It doesn't matter if it's a student or a club; that asshole just wrecks things he doesn't agree with. Just like he did with me...!"

"........" Ren looked down.

"No one'll take anything I say seriously. Still, those rumors about him gettin' physical might be real. And after seein' Kamoshida's distorted-heart thing in person, there's no way I can just sit back!" Ryuji stated in determination.

"Of course." Ren nodded before staring at his palm, "When I awakened my Persona, I made a vow to myself to help others in need, that's why I'll be with you in this. Until the end."

"Thanks, man. I'm countin' on you! Don't worry; I'm hyped about this too!"

"I can sense a bond of trust coming from him..." Ren thought.

"I am thou, thou art I... thou hast acquired a new vow.

It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.

With the birth of the Chariot Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessings that shall lead to freedom and new power..." These words rang inside Ren's head softly.

"Oh..." Ryuji trailed at the sound of his stomach growling, "Right, I haven't eaten anything since lunch. It'd be weird splittin' off now, so why don't we grab a bite somewhere?"

"Thanks, but I'm not--" Ren's words were cut off by the sound of his own stomach growling loudly.

"Haha, your stomach tells another story." Ryuji laughed, "Just follow me. I mean, I totally gotta hear about your past!"


------Ogikubo Ramen------

Ryuji took Ren to a ramen shop called Ogikubo which was a favorite spot of his where he used to hang out there quite often in the past during middle school days and his first year of high school. It looked normal, yet the atmosphere was lovely and simple inside, giving a sudden wave of relief to Ren that he was able to momentarily forget the tiredness he felt. And even though Ryuji was the one who awakened his Persona and drained his stamina mostly, he still looked as energetic and alive as always. They sat at a table and ordered two bowls of ramen before indulging in light conversations regarding various topics from video games, movies, and other stuff--they talked like old friends who knew one another all their lives. When their orders arrived, Ren told the blonde-haired his entire story in detail about his failed attempt at rescuing the woman from the drunk man; every word, every moment, every emotion he thought and felt back then, he never left out any of them and made sure to mention them.

It was painful.

"WHAT?! The hell, man! How much shittier can that asshole get?!" Ryuji shouted as he stopped eating.

"Calm down! You're making a commotion. Plus, it's all in the past now..." Ren whispered.

"Are you for real? If it was me, I wouldn't calm down until I punched that dick in the face."

"........" Ren grunted.

"So... you left your hometown, and you're livin' here now, huh?" Ryuji continued eating.

"Pretty much..." Ren replied while swirling his chopsticks in his ramen.

"You miss your home?"

"........" Ren paused from taking the bite as he placed the chopsticks down and lowered his face.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean...!" Ryuji said nervously.

"Don't worry about it. Actually, what would I miss in my hometown? My old classmates, who bullied me before I got expelled? Or the unexplainable looks of my parents before I came here? So no. I don't miss it at all."

"We might be more alike than I originally thought." Ryuji hummed to himself.

"What did you do?" Ren asked.

"I don't get a record like you do. I mean, that's not the point. I guess it's how we're treated like a pain in the ass by the people around us, like we don't belong."

"I know how that feels..." Ren trailed while burying his face in his palm.

"The verdict, one year of probation for the defendant, Ren Amamiya."

"........" Ren stayed quiet after recalling the awful memories of his trial.

"I did something stupid at school before, too." Ryuji blurred out while finishing his bowl in one go.

"Did something stupid too?" Ren thought.

"By the way in the castle, you mentioned that you lost a childhood friend. What do you mean by that?" Ren asked.

"........." Ryuji fell awfully quiet.

".........?" Ren tilted his head.

"Can we not talk about this...?" Ryuji asked, looking hurt.

"Sorry..." Ren stared at his lap.

"The place you're livin' now is in... Yongen, right? It's rush hour on the subways. I suggest you kill some time before headin' home."

"I think I'll do just that."

"But listen, you didn't even do anything wrong." Ryuji spoke before shoving the rice in his mouth.

"........?!" Ren looked at him shockingly.

"You can't just walk away when someone's in trouble, right? That's why you helped her. How is that wrong? It ain't at all!"

"........!" Ren widened his eyes again.

"What the hell, man. You barely touched your food." Ryuji grinned while placing ginger into Ren's food.

"I can do that myself, you know." Ren protested.

"Just lemme do it. I gotta thank you for helpin' me. Anyways, I got your back like you got mine from tomorrow on. As long as we do something about Kamoshida, I'm sure we'll both feel better about bein' at school."

"You got that right."

"Oh yeah! Tell me your number. Chat ID too." Ryuji pulled his phone out.

"Sure thing." Ren agreed as he pulled his own phone out, exchanging contact info.

"Just you wait, Kamoshida... we're gonna start right away tomorrow. First, let's hit up those guys that were kept as slaves." Ryuji muttered angrily, "The volleyball rally's tomorrow, huh? Shit's recommended by Kamoshida. Makes me wanna gag. But thanks to that, we got no classes in the afternoon, and we can walk around unnoticed. Well, I guess we can work out the details tomorrow..."

"All right then. Our investigation starts tomorrow."

"C'mon, you gotta eat more. There's tons of ginger here." Ryuji placed more ginger into Ren's food.

"Um..." Ren sweatdropped.

"Come to think of it, I never gave you my name yet. I'm Ryuji Sakamoto. Just call me Ryuji, Renren."

"Sure. Nice to meet you, Sakamoto."

"Asshole." Ryuji sweatdropped comically.


-------Meanwhile: Shujin Academy-------

Two girls were sitting next to each other on a bench at Shujin's courtyard and chatting together while laughing every now and then by their own words from the topics they were discussing. They chatted so casually and happily with one another, indulged in their own company and the quietness of the courtyard as the cool and gentle breeze blew over them and the trees around them. One of the two girls was Takamaki herself, and the other who sat next to her had brown eyes and dark black hair in a ponytail tied with a pink hairband. She wore her uniform without the black blazer: a beige sweater rolled up to her elbows and the standard uniform skirt. She had a black leg brace on her right leg. Around her elbows and under her skirt, she had black bandages of some sort that could be seen and wore white running shoes.

"I-I haven't been sleeping well lately... whenever I close my eyes, I keep thinking about so many things..." The downtrodden girl looked down.

"Shiho..." Takamaki trailed.

"Nationals are coming up soon, so I keep thinking... should someone like me really be on the starting lineup...?" The girl named Shiho asked herself.

"Don't worry. Just be confident in yourself! Your skills have been recognized! It's all because you work harder than anyone else!" Takamaki flashed a cheerful grin.

".........." Shiho fell quiet before talking, "Yeah... volleyball's all I have, after all..."

"More importantly, was that injury okay? It looked really swollen." Takamaki said worriedly.

"No, it's nothing. It's normal... especially since a meet's coming up..."


"Sorry to interrupt, Suzui." A quiet student approached the girls, "Um... Mr. Kamoshida told me to get you."

"Huh? What does he want...?" Shiho widened her eyes as a cold sweat rolled down her face.

"He didn't say..." The quiet student looked away.

".........." Shiho grunted, "Ann, I..."

".........." Ann looked troubled too before shaking her head, "It'll be fine! I bet it's a meeting about the starting lineup or something."

".........." Shiho looked at her friend while smiling weakly, "...Yeah. Well, I better go..." She stood up.

"Yep. Good luck!" Ann flashed another cheerful grin.

The dark-haired girl nodded at her friend's statement and left along with the quiet student to Kamoshida but in reality, she was scared to the bones and panicked mentally, trying her best not to show it. She stole a quick glance back at Ann who still maintained her cheerful and kind smile toward her best friend, causing the smallest wave of relief to overcome Shiho. Whenever she was scared or distressed, Ann somehow always found the perfect way to cheer her up and ease her worries even in the slightest bit which was more than enough to face whatever was waiting for her. So, she left the courtyard with those thoughts in mind, leaving Ann all alone behind with her own train of endless thoughts, her fingers dug into her red leggings as her breath hitched.

"Hang in there, Shiho...!" Ann mumbled.

"The truth is, I love your hair!"

"Huh? Seriously...!?"

"Idiot..." Ann mumbled to herself again while rubbing her arm after recalling that memory.

"Why are you making this so hard on me?"



Word count: 9218 words

A/N: I'll stop here! Man, the progress is going rather smoothly, huh?

I wonder about Ann's flashback though... I wonder about that...


With that aside, hope you'd wait for the next chapter patiently.

Published on: Sun/May 17/2020

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