Chapter 04 {Unspoken Mystery}

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(A/N: The fourth chapter is all up and here! Please, go on and have fun!)


------Evening: Leblanc ------

The cool night wind blew over Ren's face, causing a few strands of his hair to fall upon his face. He brushed them away with his fingers as he made his way into the familiar alley. A deep and distressed sigh escaped his lips feeling exhaustion rushing through his body as he reached the entrance of Leblanc. Slowly, Ren opened the door to get greeted by the warmth of the café along with the sight of Sojiro sitting by the counter and reading a newspaper.

"...You're home." Sojiro spoke, "I take it you actually went to school today?"

"Of course." Ren nodded.

"I guess you learned your lesson after what happened yesterday. Eh, as long as you're not getting into trouble, it's fine by me." Sojiro swung his arm in the air.


"What's the story of this bandage anyway?" Sojiro pointed at a bandage on Ren's left cheek.


"I don't know what you've been up to, but trust me, you'll be gone if you start causing problems. In case you forget, your life is not a free one right now."

"I know."




"Hm...?" Ren picked his phone up to see that he received an IM from the person he just shared his contact info with earlier that day.

Ryuji: Hey, I decided to go ahead and message you.

Ryuji: Can you see this?

Ren: Yep.

Ryuji: I'm gonna be counting on you tomorrow, okay?

Ren: Got it.

Ryuji: You're a bro, man...

Ryuji: Welp, seeya tomorrow!

Ryuji: Let's save those guys who've been getting abused. You and me.

"...Sheesh, are you even listening to me?" Sojiro sighed impatiently.

"Ah, yes." Ren put his phone back into his pocket.

"Just stay away from bad influences, okay?"

Nodding to his guardian, Ren walked up the stairs to his room to get some sleep. He heard the door's bell jingling and a locking sound which could only mean that Sojiro left home and locked up behind him. Unable to stand anymore, Ren threw his body on the bed feeling the strong urge to sleep, however, Ryuji decided to text him yet again.

Ryuji: That thingy on your phone was some red eyeball icon, right?

Ren: Right.

Ryuji: We ended up at that weird place we used this nav app, right?

Ryuji: I found it on my phone too...

Ryuji: I don't even remember installing it!

Ren: That's creepy.

Ryuji: For real. What is this thing...?

Ryuji: I think it's being downloaded on its own somehow?

Ryuji: It's dangerous to use something without knowing what it is...

Ryuji: But with it, we can go to that weird place, right?

Ren: Seems like it.

Ryuji: Basically, it's gonna depend on how we use it.

Ryuji: But first, we gotta find evidence on the beating.

Ryuji: I'm counting on you, all right? Don't go ditching school on me.

Ren didn't even have the chance to put his phone away since his arm almost immediately fell down on the bed with the phone in it. His eyelids felt heavy and slowly began closing to envelop the world around him in black and drift away to dreamland.


------Velvet Room------

The sound of chains clanking together echoed in his ears, but it wasn't a strange voice to him anymore. He grew used to it. Ren's eyes fluttered open as he woke up noticing himself in a locked cell. He remembered that place as "The Velvet Room," thus he walked towards the cell's door seeing Igor waiting for him and the twin wardens standing as guards in front of it.

"Welcome to the Velvet Room. I thought about resuming our previous conversation tonight. That is why I have summoned you." Igor explained, "What are your thoughts? Are you becoming accustomed to this place?"

"Yeah, I guess I am..." Ren trailed.

"Ah, glad to hear it. It seems you have nerves of steel. Your rehabilitation determines if ruin can be stopped. Yet, such a feat cannot be done by you alone. But today, you entered a partnership with someone who awoke to the same power, haven't you?"

"A partnership? You mean Sakamoto?"

"Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery. You've done well. That said, I am not advising the formation of superficial relationships. It must not be of frivolity, but a ring of those who would, by morals of faith, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who have been robbed of their places to belong. The expansion of said ring will, in return, help you mature as well."

"Personas are the strength of heart... the stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Personas will gain." Justine added calmly.

"There are countless people in the city who have talents that a weakling like you doesn't. You better rack that noggin of yours and get them on your side. We'll change that into power." Caroline stated with an attitude.

"Indeed. You should be prepared to use even myself, or your ambitions will not come to fruition. We have a deal then." Igor chuckled.

"It feels like Igor has high expectations of me..." Ren thought.

"Well, you will understand it all in due time... continue devoting yourself to your rehabilitation."

"Very well..."

"Ah, before I forget. There's something I'd like to mention as well. During your rehabilitation, you'll come to encounter a person in which your heart will get tied to."

"Hm? My heart tied to that person? Who's that?" Ren asked.

"That is an answer you will find by yourself." Igor replied.

"Now, this conversation's over! Get lost, Inmate!" Caroline shouted impatiently.


------Time Skip: The Next Day------

On the way to school, Ren had a troubled look on his face as he made his way between the crowd of students. He pulled his phone out to stare at the Metaverse Navigator app recalling the events that happened in the castle once more. His awakening, the tortured and enslaved students, Ryuji's awakening, and everything... even the screams and calls for help of the beaten students still pierced through his ears. And yet, he was walking right behind two first-year students, thus he was able to listen to the whole conversation.

"How annoying--we've barely started high school, and already they're making us play at a volleyball rally? And why are they putting us against the Teacher Team? Kamoshida's gonna crush us."

"We get to see his technique live and in person, though. We should totally get spiked on!"

"Yeah, okay. You're gonna get your face smashed in. Just look at how bandaged up the volleyball team is. What the hell goes on during their practices?"

Indeed... what the hell was going on with those practices? Ren didn't even want to imagine it.


-------Shujin Academy: Gymnasium------

The volleyball rally began in the gym between the team of students and the team of teachers. The cheering voices of enthusiastic students standing around the court were filling the entire room. And most of them were cheering on the same name which is none other than Kamoshida. The volleyball coach spiked a ball that caused the dark-haired quiet student to fall down on the waxed floor.

"Nice toss!"

"Man, you've still got it, Coach!" A male teacher gave Kamoshida a high five.

"Thanks. Let's go for one more!" Kamoshida exclaimed.

The match resumed as the cheering voices went higher than before, then the dark-haired quiet student looked down while taking a few steps backward as if he was feeling ashamed of himself. Ann was sitting on a chair outside the court twirling her hair. She was quiet and still on the exact opposite of all the students who were standing and cheering on loudly and lively. On the floor, there sat Ryuji and Ren distancing themselves away from the others watching the match going on.

"Still sticks out... hasn't changed a bit." Ryuji mumbled to himself while stealing glances at Ann.

"Pretty boring. Right?" The blonde-haired stretched his arms and pretended to be sleepy while looking at his friend playfully who just chuckled.

Ren looked once again at Ann in awe who was sitting there in the distance and her fingers playing with her ash blonde locks before looking back at his friend who already closed his eyes in boredom. However, what caught his attention was the sight of the mean brown-haired girl who was nothing but hostile to him since day one sitting on the floor across him and looking away from the entire match as if nothing of what's been happening around her meant something at all.

"Why're you starin' at Mikki like that?" Ryuji seemed to notice Ren stares.

"You know her?"

"........." Ryuji sighed to himself deeply, "Her name is Emiko Hayashi, but I call her Mikki. You see, we were... childhood friends."


"...I dunno why, but she stopped talking to me three years ago after her dad died. I keep askin' myself, what did I do wrong?"

"That's what you meant by you lost a childhood friend back at the castle?" Ren questioned.

"Yeah... but why you wanna know?"

"Well..." Ren hesitated, "She was really rude to me with no reason ever since I transferred here."

".........." Ryuji looked over at Emiko's direction with eyes filled with sorrow, "Mikki, what's gotten into you...?"

However, a powerful sound caught back the attention of both the boys. They looked at its source to see that Kamoshida spiked a powerful ball towards the side of the students' team, too powerful for a friendly match. The ball flew at an inhuman speed towards the students' team and forcefully hit the face of the dark-haired quiet student which caused him to fall down on the floor knocked out. Surprised gasps began arousing as the poor boy laid down without moving a single inch of his slender body.

"Sorry! Hey, are you alright?!" Kamoshida ran to him, "Someone! Take him to the nurse's office!"

And yet, while they were picking the knocked boy up, Emiko's blank facial expression changed entirely to a whole different one. She sent deadly glares at the teacher before taking the boy away. Chills ran through Ren's spine again as he remembered the same look on her face she gave to Ann on his way to school during his first day. It was exactly the same devilish and monstrous glare in her eyes as if she was a predator ready to hunt down her prey.

"He'll pay soon enough..." Ryuji mumbled while tossing a volleyball away from him.

"All right, let's resume the match!" Kamoshida exclaimed while Ann was looking at him blankly.


------The Courtyard------

Standing with Ryuji in the courtyard, Ren recalled the events of the rally and how Kamoshida powerfully spiked the boy's face. He also remembered the so-called Emiko Hayashi and wondered what could've happened to her three years ago to the point of stopping to talk with her childhood friend. Ren felt like those answers were far from reach, but one thing was for sure to him. Ryuji has been suffering a lot ever since. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it must be like to lose a very close friend whom he must've spent most of his life with.

"Emiko Hayashi..."

"That asshole's actin' like a king over here too..." Ryuji was cursing under his breath, "Get to know each other better, my ass. It was only a one-sided match for him to stroke his ego. And how he acted like he was worried about Mishima? What an abusive d-bag...!"

"That was a very strong spike for only a friendly match, though." Ren added.

"...Well, anyways. Now's our chance to go look for the guys we saw were slaves yesterday. Let's look for the faces we saw at the castle. All the members of the team should be here today. I'll be sure to find someone to spill about Kamoshida's physical abuse. Just you wait, asshole."

"All right, see you later."

"You're comin' with me too!"

"Who we'll question first?"

"...The first one that popped out was a guy in Class D, so let's start from there. That's your class. Hopefully you can talk to him without any issues. People have been avoidin' me lately, so... okay, but you're kinda in the same boat, huh."

"All right then."


------Class 2-D-------

Ren's mind kept asking him endless questions as he and Ryuji walked together towards the wanted classroom. So many things were happening with Ren, and yet he couldn't even find a single answer to his questions. And after knowing who the mean girl was, Ren's questions increased even more. He was brought back to reality by the voice of the door opening by Ryuji where they found one of the volleyball team members injured and bruised like the others too.

"What...? Oh! Are you skipping out on the volleyball rally? I guess I can expect it from you, transfer." A scared volleyball player stated.

"Hey, that's the guy who was over at the castle." Ryuji whispered.

"You too, Sakamoto?! What do you guys want...?"

"How did you get injured?" Ren asked.

"It's from practice! What does that have to do with anything?"

"Kamoshida did it to you, right? Look, I ain't gonna tell anyone you squealed. Just tell us about how Kamoshida's abusin' you." Ryuji said.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Are you afraid?" Ren asked.

"I'm not! You guys are talking complete nonsense!"

"Don't try n' hide it! We already know!" Ryuji insisted.

"You... You know? You have proof?"

"Well, uh... I..." Ryuji stuttered.

"This is ridiculous. Please leave me alone. You're really bothering me!"

"Wait--" Ren got interrupted.

"...All right, that's enough. C'mon, let's go." Ryuji walked out.

That result was pretty much expected; Ren saw it coming. He knew then, and he knows better now. The storm of the unsettling rumors regarding him was getting the better of him. At first, he thought that he didn't mind, but he began having a second thought about this whole mess. Who started the rumor? It was a question that never left Ren's head since the previous day. He doubted it was Kamoshida's doing, but wasn't too sure about such an accusation without concrete evidence to support that thesis. Then he remembered another thing.

Emiko accidentally slipped her tongue saying that there were rumors regarding her too. What were those rumors as well?

"That injury ain't normal! And he still won't fess up... crap, if we keep goin' at this pace, the ball's game gonna end..." Ryuji knitted his eyebrows.

"Let's split up. That should make things faster." Ren suggested.

"Guess that'd be faster. I'll check the Practice Building for people before clubs start. You handle the Classroom Building. There's a third-year on the volleyball team that I remember. I think he's in... 3-C? He might be around his classroom. The third-years classes are on the first floor. He was gettin' beaten pretty badly at the castle. He might have some injuries here too..."

"Leave it to me."

"Anyways, I'll hit you up if I find anything. Seeya!"

"Oh, Senpai!"

The two boys whipped their heads to the side to see the very same green-haired plain-looking male student whom Ren encountered twice already; on his way to his first day at Shujin under the rain and after Kamoshida spiked his face the other day. The first-year walked toward the two in his gym uniform with a polite smile on his face while giving them a small wave, earning a confused look and a raised eyebrow from Ryuji who glanced back at Ren.

"Who's that?" Ryuji whispered.

"He's a first-year who I met only twice." Ren replied.

"Hey, there, Senpai. How are you doing today?" The green-haired boy approached them.

"I'm fine, thanks." Ren nodded.

"I see that you no longer need your bandage and the bruise is almost gone. Oh, thank goodness... I'm really glad." The first-year smiled delightfully.

"So, uh... you're a first-year, right?" Ryuji asked the boy.

"That's right."

"Mind if we ask you somethin'?"

"Um, sure. What is it?"

"Have you heard anythin' 'bout Kamoshida physically abusin' the volleyball team around you?"

"Mr. Kamoshida...? You mean the P.E teacher?! But... he really seemed like a nice teacher to me..." The boy trailed shockingly.

"Yeah... real nice." Ryuji growled under his breath.

"Now that you mention it, I always see my classmates who are members of the team with pretty bad injuries... but to imagine a teacher would harm his students like that... then again, he pretty much did spike two students powerfully in a row." The green-haired shook his head, "Sorry, my thoughts are kinda a mess now."

"Nah, it's fine. We'll just ask around more." Ryuji shrugged it off.

"I'm sorry for not being much of a help, Senpai..."

"No, not at all. Don't worry about it." Ren gave him a friendly smile.

"I'll make sure to tell you if I heard anything."

"Really?! Oh thanks, man! That'd be amazin'!" Ryuji exclaimed happily, "Well, guess we'll see you later or somethin'."

"Sure, take care."

With that said, both Ryuji and Ren walked away from the nice green-haired first year who was waving at them as they left. That kid looked genuinely kind and was the first one who never showed any signs of discomfort around Ren and Ryuji since they currently were the center of attention, after all. Ren was secretly glad to see someone who treated him differently from others, but he couldn't but feel a little bit concerned about what might happen after the boy found out the rumors about him. He'd mostly begin treating Ren like others, so he didn't have high hopes regarding that at all.

"Hey, you're Konno from our class, right?" Two male students approached the green-haired boy.

"Yeah, that's me. Is something wrong?" Konno asked worriedly.

"Why were you talking with Sakamoto and that transfer student? Don't you know who they are?" A lazy student asked.

"Excuse me?" Konno looked rather confused.

"Huh? You don't know them? The blondie's Sakamoto who's nothing but a troublemaker and has a reputation waaay ahead of him." An athletic student explained.

"And that guy with the glasses is a second-year who transferred here a few days ago and has a criminal record. He's been charged with assault." The lazy student added.

"What...?!" Konno took a step backward, "But he looked like a real nice guy."

"Looks can be deceiving, Konno. Just be careful from now on, okay?" The athletic student spoke before walking away with his friend.

Konno was left behind them all alone with a dumbfounded expression on his face, mostly looking like a complete idiot from how his eyes were wide open and mouth agape from the shock of the words that were just told to him.

"Mr. Kamoshida... physical abuse... criminal record... assault... him...?! What is going on in this school?" Konno shook his head as he mumbled to himself.

The frizzy-haired boy walked down to the first floor in the quest of searching for the member of the volleyball team in class 3-C. This was supposed to be an easy task for him, what bad things could happen to him asking a student about his injuries all alone? He was just walking inside the classroom with the good and pure intention of simply asking him about his injuries and waiting for him to slip a useful clue. It shouldn't be that hard, right?


"Eh? Whaddya want?" The aggressive player asked, "You got something to say?"

"How did you get hurt?" Ren asked straight to the point.

"...It's from practice."

"Hey! I know who this guy is." A glaring third-year exclaimed, "He's the transfer student who's been hanging out with Sakamoto..."

"Oh, I get it. You're trying to snoop on Mr. Kamoshida, right?" The aggressive volleyball player asked.

"What if I am?" Ren raised his eyebrow.

"Look, our volleyball team performs at the national level. Of course our practices are gonna be tough. Mr. Kamoshida is just dedicated to train us. Don't believe everything Sakamoto says." The aggressive volleyball player stated.

"You sure It's not abuse?"

"A-As if."

"Hey, we should stop talking to him. What if he loses it and starts attacking us?" The third-year eyed Ren, "I heard he even carries a knife around. Who knows what he's capable of."

With a disappointed face, Ren left deeper to the hallways leaning against a wall. His dark raven bangs shadowed his eyes entirely and thus, no clear expression could be pinpointed out of his face. His fists turned to balls and his teeth clenched against each other as tight as possible. The student's words kept lingering inside his head which was killing him from inside.

"I'm carrying a knife around...? Give me a break." Ren muttered darkly to himself.

"No, I said I didn't do it!"

".......?" That voice caught Ren's attention.

He followed where that feminine cry came from to a corner and saw a surprising sight folding in front of him. Emiko stood across Ann with an irritated and threatening look in her eyes. It seemed like a heated conversation between the two, especially how it was obvious that Emiko was confronting the ash blonde-haired about something serious.

"Oh really? I find it really difficult to believe you without proof." Emiko raised her eyebrow.

"Why would I even do that?! What makes you say that?!" Ann raised her voice.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe to shift the spotlight away from you by directing it to me?" She folded her arms, "You're the one who started the rumor about me, aren't you?"

"No! Hayashi, what is wrong with you?!"

"I should be the one asking you this question, you know."

"Ugh, you're unbelievable! I can't believe I considered you a friend before!" Ann yelled angrily.

"Yeah, me too..." Emiko knitted her eyebrows, "But be sure that I'll make you pay for this, dearly."

"Arrrgh...!" Impatiently and angrily, Ann left the area leaving the doubting Emiko standing behind.

The dark brown-haired took off her oval-lensed glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose. A long, tired sigh escaped her rosy lips while shaking her head left and right. It was plainly obvious that she was stressed out by the so-called "mysterious rumors about her" and thus, with hesitation, Ren decided to approach her and kindly ask her about this, and hopefully, she'd be more polite with him this time.

But it was a bad idea. A very bad one.

"Um, Hayashi-San?"

"WHAT?!" Emiko gave Ren even a more evil, deadly, and angry look.


"Wait, my name. How did you--" Emiko paused her sentence before shaking her head, "Ryuji, huh? That idiot..."

She adjusted herself before looking at Ren dangerously.

"Look Amamiya, I'm really not in the mood to talk to anyone. Especially not with you."

"Your conversation with Takamaki-San just now." Ren stated.

"What does it have to do with you?"

"I just want to ask you about the rumors regarding you--"

"Or what? You're going to assault me?" Emiko furrowed her eyebrows while glaring at the raven-haired.


That was it.

"That's what I thought. Get off my way!" Emiko violently pushed Ren away from her and walked away at a fast pace.

He was just glued at his spot shocked and disbelieved as he watched that girl disappearing into the distance.


The sound of splashing echoed through the walls of the boys' bathroom as the water was running from the tap. Then, it was followed by the squeaky voice of its closure before an utter and killing silence enveloped the bathroom wholly, accomplished by a single voice.



Water trickled down from Ren's hair and face down into the porcelain sink. His hands gripped tightly on the sides of the sink as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Ren's grey eyes were dull and tired and the frown never escaped his lips recalling everything that was said to him by the students.

"But he might slug us if we look him in the eye..."

"He seems quiet... but I bet when he loses it..."

"I mean, he was arrested for assault, right...?"

"I heard he even carries a knife around. Who knows what he's capable of."

"Or what? You're going to assault me?"

The last sentence really struck a very sensitive nerve within him. He was innocent and he knew it better than anyone else, but no one would believe him or even bother themselves to hear the story from his words. Ever since day one, he was judged by everyone whenever and wherever he walked in the school unjustly and unfairly. The grip of his fingers around the sink tightened as he lowered his face down, allowing water to drip down faster. His arms and hands began shaking, his breath hitched, and his heart beating pace quickened. It was close to arrhythmia.

"D-Damn it..." Soft sobs slipped from Ren.

He hated it. He hated every single moment of it; this helplessness and hopelessness. He wished if it could just stop; all the rumors and stares following him around. His classmates, schoolmates, guardian... they all gave him the same look of disapproval or fear like he was a time bomb ready to explode at any minute. Why should he suffer like that only because he wanted to help a woman in need? But Emiko Hayashi? She was a whole different story. He never hated someone in his whole life the way he did to her that moment. Her rudeness and hostility were just unjustified. He didn't understand what he did to her to act in such a way.

He hated her. So much.

"No, I can't think like that." Ren told himself while wiping the mix of tears and water away from his face.

He took a deep breath in and out to maintain his sanity as well as slapping both of his cheeks softly to stay focused. He had a task in hand and needed to uncover the truth of Kamoshida's abuse, so he couldn't allow such negative emotions to take over him like that so easily. Plus, that wasn't his nature, he never learned to hate anyone in his life. What interrupted Ren's long train of thought was the soft vibrating sound of his phone. He already had a good idea of what that could be, and so he quickly dried his face and hands, put his glasses back again before pulling the phone out of his pocket.

And his hunch was true.

Ryuji: How's it going?

Sorry, I can't do this anymore, is what Ren wanted to type so badly, but he remembered that Ryuji stated multiple times that he counted on him. Instead, his lips curved upwards forming a smile after remembering Ryuji's words and the silly nickname he came up with and began typing on his keyboard.

Ren: He refused.

Ryuji: Him too?! Man... everyone's too freaked out about Kamoshida.

Ryuji: But I still got a lead. A first-year, new member.

Ryuji: He just joined, so might not be wrapped up in Kamoshida's web of bullshit yet.

Ryuji: Pretty sure he's in class 1-B.

Ryuji: Try the first-year classrooms. They're up on the third floor.

Ren: Got it.

Ryuji: You're the best, Renren!

The same nickname caused a light chuckle to escape Ren as he rolled his eyes. He placed the phone back in the pocket of his gym uniform before taking a deep breath and moving his hand to grab the doorknob. A wave of hesitation came over Ren but decided to shake it off and opened the door to continue the investigation.

He had to do it.

For Ryuji at least.

Yeah, he had to.


------Class 1-B------

Those looks still followed Ren as he made his way up the stairs to the third floor, but thought it'd be better and less troublesome to just ignore them and continue walking. On the way, he stumbled upon Emiko who was walking down the stairs, and gave him her signature icy cold and fiery glare before walking away again. Ren narrowed his eyes at her attitude which was in his opinion even worse than Caroline's. The more he thought of the reason behind her action, the less logical it became. Shaking his head, Ren decided not to tire himself by thinking about it as he reached the door of the classroom.

"Excuse me, but are you on the volleyball team?" Ren stepped in.

"H-Huh? Y-Yeah I'm on the volleyball team." The first-year said while bruises covering his face, "Whaddya want?"

"I need information."

"What's that supposed to mean? Look, don't wrap me up in whatever weird stuff you're getting yourself into. Besides, Mr. Kamoshida doesn't want us to talk to sketchy people like you. If he saw me here he'd totally give me his 'special coaching' just like he did with Mishima-Senpai..."

"What? Special coaching? What kind of coaching is that?"

"O-Oh, uh... never mind! Forget I said anything." The first-year shook his head nervously.


"P-Please.... just stop talking to me..." The first-year went pale, "Ask someone else if you wanna know anything more."

"Attention! Attention!" The school broadcast said from the microphones scattered around the school hallways, "All matches have concluded. Please get ready to go home for today..."

This was the kiss of goodbye for this investigation. They ran out of time, and Ren definitely didn't see it coming since he long lost his track of time. Or perhaps not exactly the goodbye kiss. An actual lead finally came up. Ren's phone buzzed again to receive another text message from the blondie.

Ryuji: Dammit, we're outta time! How'd it go?

Ren: Take a wild guess.

Ryuji: So you didn't have any luck either...

Ryuji: Mkay, let's regroup for now. See you in the courtyard?

"Looks like regrouping is our best strategy for now..." Ren sighed to himself.


------The Courtyard------

The raven-haired arrived at the courtyard before his friend which was pretty expected of him. As he waited for Ryuji to arrive, he decided to occupy himself by quickly surfing the internet. His finger scrolled down many articles and pages online, and his eyes wandered aimlessly for anything to catch his attention. That was when he stumbled upon an article titled "A Thirteen-Year-Old Girl Shot Her Own Father." Now, such a catchy title like that really did pique both Ren's attention and curiosity. He attempted to open and read what was written in that article when unexpectedly Ann Takamaki approached him.

"Can I talk to you for a sec...?"

"What is it?"

"It'll be quick. Anyway, what's with you? Like, how you were late the other day was a lie and all." Ann folded her arms, "...There's that weird rumor about you too."

"Whaddya want with him?" Ryuji arrived with an angry look on his face.

"Right back at you. You're not even in our class." Ann replied angrily.

"...We just happened to get to know each other." Ryuji spoke with an uncertain tone in his voice.

"What are you planning on doing to Mr. Kamoshida?" Ann asked angrily, crossing her arms.

"Huh?!" Ryuji dumbfounded, "...I see. I getcha. You're all buddy-buddy with Kamoshida after all."

"This has nothing to do with you, Sakamoto!"

"If you found out what he's been doin' behind your back, you'd dump him right away."

"Behind my back...? What's that supposed to mean...?"

"You wouldn't get it."

"Anyway, people are already talking about you two. I don't know what you're trying to pull, but no one's gonna help you."

"If someone is in trouble I'll be there to help with no questions asked." Ren spoke firmly.

"Renren..." Ryuji trailed.

"I'm warning you, just in case. That's all." Ann regained her calmness before walking away.

"Why's she gotta be so aggressive all the time...?" Ryuji asked himself angrily.

"You know her?" Ren questioned.

"We just went to the middle school." Ryuji replied, "Anyways, that's not what we're here to talk about. I had no luck at my end. What about you? Did anything like someone's name turn up?"

"It's Mishima." Ren sighed.

"Huh?" Ryuji was dumbfounded, "...Special 'coaching' huh? True. I always see the guy covered in bruises. Let's go talk to him before he leaves then."

"Let's do it!" Ren exclaimed before they both walked away.


The group of the two teenagers Ren and Ryuji walked together in the quest of looking for the dark-haired volleyball player Yuuki Mishima; his classmate. He was inhumanly and brutally bruised and all bandaged up. Ren wanted to ask him about the reason behind that on his first day, but well... luckily, they saw him just about to leave the school's building with his bag hanging on his shoulder. He kept looking around him left and right while walking carefully towards the exit as if he was scared of something particular.

Or running away from someone.

"Hey, got a second?" Ryuji called him.

"Sakamoto...?" Mishima widened his eyes when he spotted Ren, "And you too, Amamiya...!?"

"C'mon, we just wanna chat. Kamoshida's been 'coaching' you, huh? You sure It's not just physical abuse?" Ryuji asked.

"Certainly not!"

"What're you talkin' all polite for? Anyways... we saw him spike you today. Right in the face."

"That was just because I'm not good at the sport..."

"...Still, that doesn't explain all the other bruises you've got." Ren fixed the position of his glasses.

"They're from practice...!"

"Is he forcing you to keep quiet?"


"What's going on here?" Kamoshida suddenly showed up.

The timing was just so perfect.

"Mishima, isn't it time for practice?"

"I-I'm not feeling well today..."

"What? Maybe you're better off quitting then. You're never going to improve that crappy form unless you show up for practice."

"Didn't you hear? He ain't feelin' well!" Ryuji glared at the PE teacher deadly.

"Calm down." Ren whispered quietly.

"Well, Mishima? Are you coming to practice or not?"

"...I'll go."

"But, Mishima--" Ren got interrupted.

"As for you, any more troubles and you'll be gone from this school for sure," Kamoshida warned the blonde-haired while glaring at them.

"Bastard..." Ryuji mumbled angrily as his blood was boiling within him.

"Same goes for you. Didn't the principal tell you to keep in line?" Kamoshida asked Ren while the frizzy-haired kept quiet while glaring at him angrily.

"You have an amazing spike, Mr. Kamoshida." In mere seconds, Ren flashed a fake smile, yet looked so real.

"Hmph. Just don't get in the way of my practice. All these unsettling rumors are making the students anxious after all." Kamoshida scoffed.

"That's your own goddamn fault!" Ryuji kept glaring at him.

"Tch, this won't get us anywhere." Kamoshida clicked his tongue annoyingly, "Let's go, Mishima."

As Kamoshida took a few steps away, he paused saying, "Shujin Academy is a place where those with aspirations come to learn. Unworthy students like yourselves don't have any right to be here." Then told Mishima, "Get with the program!"

"Yes, sir." Mishima replied obediently as Kamoshida walked away.

"That asshole... he's gonna pay for this...!" Ryuji muttered angrily.

"...There's no point." Mishima said sadly while shaking his head.

"Huh?" Ren questioned.

"Proving that he's physically abusing us... is meaningless..." Mishima looked down, "Everybody knows... the principal, our parents... they all know, and they all keep quiet about it."

"This is gotta be a joke!" Ryuji widened his eyes while backing away a bit.

"No... I don't think that's a joke." Ren folded his arms.

"...Don't be a pain. You don't understand what I'm going through. Shouldn't you of all people know that nothing's going to help...?! Nothing's going to help!" Mishima cried out as he ran away.

"Dammit..." Ryuji clenched his fists.

"This is even worse than I thought..." Ren trailed, "What now?"

"I'll try one more time to persuade the other guys. That's... all I can do." Ryuji punched the wall, "Dammit Why?!"

"........" Ren stayed quiet.

"I'll go home now..." Ryuji turned his back, "Well, seeya."

Ren watched Ryuji's figure disappear in the distance as he stood still in his spot. Both of his fists balled as he lowered his face down. It was all coming together to him, the pieces of the puzzle started falling in place, but it was brutal and cruel. None of those innocent students deserved what was happening to them from physical abuse and everyone keeping quiet about it from school to their parents.

He didn't want anyone to suffer the same injustice as he did.

"What... what am I supposed to do?"


------Meanwhile: Shujin's Hallways------

The abusive coach was making his way down the hallways to the gym to start yet another day of unbearable sessions of beating up. It was the same nightmare repeating itself for the volleyball team over and over and over again like an endless loop of pain, bruises, injuries, and unanswered cries of help.

It was despair taking its purest form.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kamoshida?" Emiko walked towards him.

Bad idea.

"Hm, Hayashi? You haven't gone home yet?"

"I was hoping I can talk with you for a bit. In private if possible."

"Of course. I have a few minutes to spare before practice." Kamoshida gave her his signature grin, "Would you like to talk in the PE faculty office?"


Agreeing to his suggestion, Emiko walked behind Kamoshida towards the office, and yet she kept her guard up and sent him her glares behind his back. She was especially cautious around him despite his kind and energetic grins because she heard the rumors about him and had her own suspicions. They reached the office and Kamoshida closed the door behind them.


Unbeknownst to the teacher and the female student, Konno was passing by that very same hallway with a trash can in hand since it was his class's turn to clean the school after classes ended. He spotted Kamoshida and Emiko talking, though he wasn't able to distinguish what they were talking about due to the distance between them, thus he felt suspicious and ended up following them from behind. They reached the office and Kamoshida closed the door behind them, completely unaware of the presence of a third party, Konno, who stood right outside the closed door to listen carefully to their conversation.

Of course.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Hayashi?" Kamoshida sat on a chair.

"I'll go straight to the point. You heard the rumors about me, haven't you?"

"...Sigh, I did. I was very shocked when I first heard it, but don't worry. I didn't believe it. You're not the type of person to do that."

"Did you force Takamaki to start it? Or started it yourself?"

"What? What makes you say that?"

"I have my reasons."

"Look, Hayashi, you can't just throw baseless accusations on people without a proof--"

"But I do have proof."


"What do you think will happen to your career once I show my evidence to the principal and the faculty? Oh, I can totally imagine it right now!"

"I don't know what you're talking about--"

"Save it. You just gave me the classic look of shame and guilt which'll only back up my proof."

"Listen here, you bitch." Kamoshida kicked the chair behind as he stood up.


"I stayed quiet while you kept disrespecting me. How dare you come here and act like you're someone important or higher than me?!" He squeezed her arm tightly.

"Ow...!" A cry of pain came from Emiko.

His grip was crazily strong since he was an athlete of course.

"If you dare to open your mouth..." He whispered closely to her ear, "I'll take your innocence away."


"You don't have any evidence, do you? You only wanted to see what my reaction will be."

"........." Emiko narrowed her eyes.

"I promise you, Hayashi, that not only Takamaki will suffer, but your dear Sakamoto too. I know you two were childhood friends."

"You... you son of a--"


Emiko fell down on the floor from the power of the slap and laid down. She struggled to stand up and lift her face exposing the fresh red mark on her cheek. Her calm and cool attitude was completely wiped away as horror and fear aroused on her face.

"There's more waiting for you if you don't behave yourself. Don't say I didn't warn you."

He grabbed and lifted her by the hair while muttering that threat, and that said, Kamoshida threw the girl back on the floor before leaving the office and slammed the door behind him. Konno had already fled the scene and hid behind a corner before Kamoshida could go out of the room and spot him but not before the teacher taking a look of suspicion around him as he disappeared into the hallways. Tears rolled down from Emiko's face on the floor while covering her mouth so that her sobs and hiccups wouldn't come out. She surrendered to crying by burying her face into both of her hands while kneeling down.

She had never felt so helpless before.

"Senpai!" Konno rushed inside of the office.

".........?!" Emiko looked at him with a panicked expression.

"Oh god... are you okay?! Here, let me help you--"

Before Konno could offer his hand to Emiko, she slammed it away harshly.

"Wha--" Konno was purely shocked.

"No...! Don't touch me! Stay away from me!" She screamed in terror.

"But, Senpai--"

"Leave me alone!" She cried before standing up and running out of the room.

Konno stood behind alone inside the P.E faculty office with his hand extended toward the entrance before he brought it down again with a hurt expression on his face. That girl looked in serious pain after that slap... and that threat of taking away her innocence, rumors about her-- he heard it all from outside the door. He was shocked... no, he was beyond simply being shocked or confused since there were no words that could possibly describe the rush of the emotions he felt at that moment. Konno had just indirectly discovered the true colors of a teacher who masked his face with wide smiles and turned to be none of what he showed at all.

"What should I do...? I don't understand anything anymore!" Konno cried out in desperation.


Word count: 7142 words

A/N: Nuuuuuuuu, ma three babies are suffering so much! ;-;

I just hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter and hopefully, you'd wait for the next update patiently.

Published on: Sun/May 31/2020

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