Chapter 05 {Seeking Help}

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(A/N: Hello, world! I'm back with a new update! Horaaay! :D
So if you guys are cool with that, sit down, relax, and enjoy~)


------Evening: Leblanc's Attic-------

That night was calm for Ren and felt a tinge of peace from the cozy atmosphere of his room. It felt so welcoming, nostalgic, and kind at the same time; another sensation of home. His tired grey eyes were fixed on a single point on the wooden ceiling above him staring into space. Moonlight crept out from the dark clouds and made its way from the small window of the attic to illuminate Ren's pale face. With that, Ren sat on the bed to look at the window unable to explain the feeling that was swirling in his chest.

Sadness perhaps?

He didn't know why, but the image of his parents crossed his mind and how he'd stand by the frame of his bedroom's window as a kid making wishes to the stars and let the moon be the witness of his innocent and pure words. His mother would assure him that all of his dreams will come true one day. That memory drew a sad smile over Ren's lips as he stared at the starry and clear sky with his dull eyes.

But then...

Ryuji: Hey, this don't make any damn sense.

Ryuji: The principal and even the parents know about the abuse.

Ryuji: Why ain't anybody speaking up?!

Ren: Probably because they're afraid of him.

Ren: But even though...

Ryuji: That can't be the only thing keeping both the principal and the parents quiet though...

Ren: True.

Ryuji: It's basically because Kamoshida made the volleyball team famous, yeah?

Ryuji: Even so, that don't give him the right to do whatever he wants.

Ryuji: He's beating kids up, and all they're allowed to do is endure.

Ryuji: And that follower of his doesn't give one single shit...

Ren: What follower?

Ryuji: Ann Takamaki. You met her in the courtyard, remember?

Ryuji: You should know her. I mean, she's in your class, dude.

Ren: Oh yeah, Takamaki-San.

Ryuji: Ugh! What a load of bull!

Ryuji: I can't let it end like this.

Ryuji: I'm gonna try to find someone who knows about what's going on with Kamoshida during break tomorrow.

Ryuji: Just you watch, I ain't givin' up!

With an unreadable look on his face, Ren placed the phone down on his bed before getting up from it. He walked towards the small window that was right across him and had his hands open it fully. The cool air played softly with his dark locks and felt it slightly tickling his skin as well. With another smile, he buried his face into his hands as he stared up to the heavens. He had the same look in his eyes as a child; the same innocence and longing for the beauty of the stars. It was very peaceful and joyful to him.

"Please..." His lips muttered, "Please give me the strength until the end of this."


------Next Day: Class 2-D------

The following day was different for Ren since that time he was actually able to concentrate and listen to the lecture wholly and thoroughly. He knew it was thanks to last night when he lost himself in the furthest galaxies. Ren mentally chuckled at the thought that sometimes the most childish things could be most helpful during a person's worst times of despair.

And yet, he stole a glance behind him at the short brown-haired girl who was staring out at the window blankly. Emiko Hayashi raised many questions inside Ren's head since the moment he first saw her. The most important one would be the mysterious rumors about her, the other was the reason behind her unexplained hostility towards him, and the third one was what happened between her and Ryuji 3 years ago so they stopped being childhood friends.

Ren figured out that the more he knew about Emiko, the more questions he'd get. An interruption came to Ren's train of thoughts causing him to stop glancing at Emiko before she could notice him. His phone slightly buzzed in his pocket and made him carefully get it out and text Ryuji underneath the desk.

Ryuji: So about our witness...

Ryuji: I was wondering if we could get something outta Takamaki.

Ren: Since she's with Kamoshida?

Ryuji: No, that ain't why.

Ryuji: Just hear me out.

Ryuji: You know how we didn't get a thing outta the volleyball team?

Ryuji: I figured it'd be a good idea to talk to someone who knows them.

Ryuji: Takamaki's BFF's with a starter. A girl named Suzui.

Ren: Suzui-San...

Ryuji: I tried to talk to that girl during break, but I got nothing.

Ryuji: If not, we should have Takamaki talk to her.

Ryuji: Then again, I guess it'll be hard getting her to help us...

Ryuji: Sorry. Lemme see what else I can come up with.


------After School: The Courtyard-------

No words could explain the scene that was unfolding. Shiho Suzui was sitting on a bench in the courtyard while lowering her face down and not moving a single muscle of her body. Her wrists were bandaged up with new and clean white bandages and a terrible yet swollen bruise was visible above her left eye as proof of the physical abuse she had to endure every day. One after another endlessly; it was like a nightmare that kept repeating itself non-stop.

Her dark eyes were dull and tired. Almost shallow and empty with no sign of life or light left in them. She never stopped frowning while staring blankly at her lap, fiddling with her fingers silently while glancing at her bandaged wrists. She was broken both mentally and physically and felt herself at the peak of despair. Luckily, Ann had her back towards Shiho's face while drinking a bottle of dehydrated water so she couldn't see her state.

"Everyone's saying a lot of bad stuff about that transfer student in your class, Ann..." Shiho began talking to forget the pain she was feeling.

"I know. I hate rumors already, but they're only getting more and more complex as time goes on." Ann stated while throwing the now-empty bottle in the trash can.

"I wonder if he's all right... I hope he's not letting it get to him too much."

"That's just like you, Shiho. Always worrying about other people before yourself. Kinda like when you were there for me..."

Ann muttered that last sentence quietly, but still loud enough for Shiho to hear. With a sad smile on her face, Ann recalled her times back at middle school. She was lonely with no friends whatsoever, but Shiho was always there for her as a friend, a sister, and a shoulder she could lean against. Ann was greatly grateful for Shiho because thanks to her she no longer felt lonely at the time she most needed someone to be with her.

"Shouldn't you be heading to volleyball?"


"That bruise above your eye... is that from practice, too?"


"Are you sure you're not pushing yourself too hard?"

"I'm okay... volleyball's the only thing I can do right..."

That sentence left Ann hanging with her thoughts. It was true that Shiho had a talent in volleyball, but that bruise wasn't normal for volleyball practice. Ann noticed that those injuries were increasing over her friend's body recently, especially that Nationals were approaching fast, and yet every time she asked her about that, Shiho's reply would always remain the same. Something was wrong, very wrong... Ann wanted to know that very badly, but couldn't grasp the truth behind that. Shiho's state worried her greatly given it was plainly obvious that she was hiding something from her, something extremely dangerous.




The platinum blonde-haired's phone rang in her pocket at the worst time which caused her to cut her line of thoughts. A visible frown printed on her lips while seeing the number on the screen as a distressed sigh escaped her. She was already dealing with enough problems on her end, and now that?

"Shouldn't you take that?" A curious look was in Shiho's eyes.

"It's probably just my part-time job... I think."

"I... should get going."

"Shiho... are you sure you're okay?"


The dark-haired made her way out of the courtyard as fast as possible to her daily session of an unmerciful and cruel beating before Ann could see the look of fear that aroused on her face. While walking away, Shiho grabbed her shaky arms as she tried her best to hold back her tears and not let them out. She knew that Ann was going through a lot herself and didn't want to add even more burdens on her shoulder. Not more of Kamoshida, and definitely not her burden.

Ann watched her friend walking away from her in silence and disappearing from sight. She was still feeling unsatisfied with Shiho's answers and noticed her unusual behavior with her today. She looked extremely scared and depressed which didn't make her feel comfortable or secure at all. Nonetheless, she answered the phone call before the ringing would end.

"...Yes? Today won't work... I'm... I'm not feeling so good... sorry... bye..."

Again with another sad sigh, Ann made her own way out of the courtyard as her mind was still preoccupied with Shiho and her drowsy mood. She needed to get to the bottom of this but didn't know how to do that exactly. The only way possible was completely out of the picture since it involved that wicked teacher himself. But what she hadn't noticed was that two that male students who passed by her observed her as she left.

"Hey, wasn't that Takamaki?" A bored male student asked.

"Rumor has it she's dating Kamoshida." A disheveled male student added.


"I heard people saw them in his car together."

"You know... she seems pretty easy, huh? You think I'd have a chance, too?"

"C'mon dude, you can't go after Kamoshida's bitch!"



Still nothing.

Ren felt kinda disappointed that he was still empty-handed and was going to report that to Ryuji. No new leads came up in their investigation whatsoever which meant that they still couldn't build a solid case against Kamoshida. That was when a thought crossed Ren's head: what if they never were able to expose Kamoshida's abuses? He couldn't bring himself to imagine what the volleyball team was suffering every single day because of him; a monster hiding under the crust of a fake façade.

Ren shook his head to keep those negative thoughts out of his head. He still didn't lose hope yet and knew for a fact that even if all the doors close in his face, one will open for him. It was true that the solution looked out of reach, but that gave more reasons to Ren to pursue this case and grasp the truth. While on his way, he spotted a similar-looking dark-haired girl standing by the door that led outside to the courtyard. She was looking at her phone in awkward silence. The scene of the bandages and the fresh bruise above her eye caught his attention entirely.

"Isn't that Suzui-San?"

"...What? Oh... I'm in the way, aren't I? Sorry..."

"Don't worry about it. Are you hurt?"

"Huh...? Umm... well..."

Shiho seemed at a loss for words fiddling with her fingers nervously. It was clear that Ren's question caught her off guard and was creating multiple scenarios in her head to avoid that question.

"Hm, you don't look familiar. Could you be that transfer student from Class D?"

"Yes, I am."

"Um, this might not be any of my business, but don't let the rumors get to you, okay...?"

"They don't bother me."

Wrong. Very wrong.

"I'm glad to hear that... my best friend is often misunderstood too, all because of her looks..."


"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to drag on like that. Anyway, I have to go to practice... I'll see you around."


Ren wasn't quite satisfied with Shiho's answer and noticed how she avoided his question which made him stare in the direction where she went with a suspicious look that covered his face. He didn't need much intelligence to piece it all together and know that those injuries made were caused by Kamoshida himself. So, he carried on his way to the courtyard worried and his mind occupied at Shiho's physical and possibly mental condition.

Undergoing so many abuses every day would surely break a person's mentality, and that even gave him more and more reasons to help them at any cost. With those thoughts in mind, he spotted Ryuji tapping his foot impatiently on the grass with an extremely annoyed and irritated look on his face. Ren figured out immediately that luck wasn't on his end either, but decided to ask anyway.

"Dammit. What the hell..."

"Did you find someone?"

"Is that what it looks like?"


"All of 'em kept sayin' the same shit Mishima was talkin' about...! Kamoshida had to have told 'em something!" Ryuji groaned angrily while punching the vending machine next to him.

"There must be some way..."

A short pause, then...

"Wait...! I think I know someone who might help us!" Ryuji nearly jumped.


"Just follow me. I know where to find her."

Curiosity took over Ren as he followed Ryuji behind. He mentioned a her, and that made him wonder: Could it be Emiko Hayashi? He highly doubted that since he stated that she stopped talking to him three years ago after the death of her father. She couldn't possibly be willing to help them, but Ryuji was her childhood friend so there was still a VERY small possibility. However, his doubts were denied when Ryuji stopped his tracks and pointed at a girl who was positioning her camera at a table to take a picture of a white butterfly that stood on it. She was a petite girl with shoulder-length black hair, shiny emerald green eyes, and a small beauty mark right under the corner of her right eye.

"Perfect." The petite girl mumbled that word.

"Yooo!" Ryuji approached her with the biggest grin ever.

"Ah...!" The girl flinched at the loud voice which made the butterfly fly away.

"It flew away... hey, what the hell--"

The girl turned her back, looking pushed beyond angriness, but her expression almost immediately softened and turned into a shocked and surprised one when she saw Ryuji walking towards her while waving his hand at her.


The petite girl blinked her eyes a few times to make sure that her eyes weren't playing tricks before her lips curved to a huge grin that was equal to Ryuji's.

"Oh. My. God! It's really you!"

With a blink of an eye, she threw herself into Ryuji's arms hugging him tightly to the point of squeezing him and almost breaking his bones. Ryuji struggled to breathe between the tight grip of her arms. She was petite but was really strong. That sudden action caused Ren to tilt his head comically as question marks rose from his head.

But there was something that caught Ren's attention about her...

Bandages. Everywhere on her face and arms. She was no different from Shiho.

"Gah! You almost broke my bones, Shinohara!"

"Sorry, I'm just really happy to see you again after all this time."

"I can see that!" Sarcasm was obvious in Ryuji's scream.

"Look at what you've done to your hair! Wow... I actually like it this way. Blonde suits you more than your old black hair."

"Are you for real?!"

"Um, who is she?" Ren trailed from confusion.

"Oh, yeah sorry. That's Mayu Shinohara. I've known her before and she's Mikki's neighbor. She lives right next door to her."

"Hmm..." Mayu leaned her face close to Ren's to observe him which made him uncomfortable.


"Oh, you're that rumored transfer student, aren't you? Ren Amamiya-Kun, was it?"


"You know, I never believed those rumors about you from the get-go. You definitely don't look like a person who'd assault someone, so don't worry about that!"


Was Ren dreaming? Were his ears tricking him? Or was Mayu just bluffing?

"How's Takamaki? Still the same since last year?"

"Well..." Ryuji trailed.

"Come on, Sakamoto-Kun. You still haven't apologized to her yet? Grow up and be a man!"

"I know, I know..."

"You see, Amamiya-Kun, Sakamoto-Kun, and Takamaki were really close to each other in middle school and even used to call each other by their first names. Well, until last year..."

"What happened?" Ren asked.

"That effin' Kamoshida. After he... broke my leg, I was so depressed and angry knowin' that I can't run anymore, and Takamaki just wanted to help me, but I acted like a total dick with her and pushed her away..."

".........." Ren was at a total loss for words.

"And speaking of Hayashi, are you two still... you know, not talking?"


"Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you of that."


"Not only her dad died three years ago, but know there are those rumors about her too..."

"They're bullshit! Mikki'd never hurt a fly!"

"What are those rumors?" Ren just had to know.

"Sorry Amamiya-Kun, but it's best if you don't know."

"Yeah, man she's right. You really don't wanna know."

"I see..." But Ren was unsatisfied with that.

"So, how can I help you, gentlemen? I can see you haven't come here for idle chit-chat."

"Yeah, we wanna ask you somethin'."


"Is it true? Is Kamoshida beatin' you up?"


So, it WAS true. Mayu was a member of the volleyball team.

"...I-I'm sorry, Sakamoto-Kun, I want to help you but I can't answer that. Please, understand my situation... volleyball is everything I got, and I don't want anyone to take it away from me."

"Yeah... I know."

"I'm really sorry. I wish I could help you."

Mayu bowed before the two boys before hurriedly walking away. Even though she was one of Ryuji's acquaintances, she still couldn't help them, but her words made them even more and surer. Ren felt sad for the poor girl. She seemed to be really nice and polite and even confirmed that she never believed the rumors about him and that made her the second after Ryuji.

"What now?" Ren started.

"At this rate... it looks like we'll have to go to him directly..."

"We should've started with that."

"I know..."

"But?" Ren sensed that there was a but coming.

"But seriously, isn't there something we can do? No way I'm gonna give in like this! Can you think of anything?"

"How about a sneak attack?"

"That'd be fine if we could do it without getting caught, but... if we did we'd be seriously done for. Got any other ideas...?"

"We should call the cops?"

"So you wanna tell 'em about the castle? They'd never believe us... have any other ideas...? What do we do...?"

"Let's punish the king."

"The king...? You mean that other world's Kamoshida?"

"I didn't think of that, but... is there any meaning to--" Ryuji shut his mouth when he looked at the distance and widened his eyes fully.

"What's wrong?"

"Holy shit! Mikki?!"

Ryuji ran as fast as he could away from Ren despite his injured leg which made the raven-haired look behind to see Emiko passing by that area with something really eye-catching about her appearance.

A bandage on her right cheek.

"That wasn't on her face yesterday." Ren thought to himself.

"Wh-What is this bandage? What happened?!"

"That doesn't concern you."

"It's Kamoshida, isn't he?"

"........!" Her face went pale.


"I knew it was him! That son of a--"

"I stopped being your friend for a good reason, you know. Or did you forget that, Sakamoto?"


Calling Ryuji by his last name was like a bomb that's been thrown on him. His childhood friend whom he considered a sister in the past had just... officially and powerfully cut all of her ties with him.

"Why am I even wasting my time with you?"

Emiko walked away from the scene, and Ryuji didn't even bother himself to follow her. He was glued in his place like a statue as his blonde bangs shadowed his face. At that moment, he was deeply broken and devastated by someone who was very dear to him. He felt like his heart had split in half.

"Wait, Hayashi-San!" Unable to see his friend hurt that much, Ren followed the girl himself.

"What do you want, Amamiya? I was VERY clear that I don't want to talk to you."

"Why are you doing this to him? Wasn't he your childhood friend?"

"That's none of your business."

"It is. He's my friend."

"Oh, so you and Sakamoto are all buddy-buddy with each other. Well, good for you."

Sarcasm, again.

"I know that your father died three years ago and stopped talking to him after that, but that doesn't--"

"You don't know ANYTHING about me, Amamiya."

"But I'm just trying to help you."

"Help me?" She scoffed nervously.

"I see... I understand now. You're that kind of a person."

"What do you mean?"

"You're that kind of people who think they 'can change the world' or 'make a difference' and help everyone to change them for the best."


"Well, new fact, big shot: Not everyone can be saved."


"Wake up from your dreams, Amamiya. This isn't some shounen drama where you can make everything perfect and dandy. This is the real world, and it's very dark and cruel."

After those heavy words, Emiko walked away from Ren and left him at loss for words. She had just given him an extra reason to hate her even more than before due to her behavior with Ryuji a few moments ago. Just why was she acting like this, and with the boy she had probably spent most of her childhood with?

"Mikki, why...? I don't understand you anymore..." Ryuji's voice was broken like he was trying to hold back his tears.


"I finally found you..."

An unknown voice suddenly called the two boys as a black cat with shiny blue eyes came to them. They both looked around them to see who just talked to them, but it was only the two of them around.

"...You say something?" Ryuji asked Ren.


"Don't think you can get away with not paying me back for helping you." The black cat literally spoke while jumping on the table.

"That voice... is that you, Morgana?!" Ryuji asked shockingly.

"How dare you, up and leaving me the other day!"

"The cat's talkin'?!"

"I am NOT a cat! This is just what happened when I came to this world! It was a lot of trouble finding you two."

"Wait... you came to our world?! Does that mean you've got a phone?!"

"You don't need a one when you're at my level. I did get pretty lost making my escape though..."

"That aside, why can you talk?! You're a cat!"

"How should I know?!"

"You hearin' this too...?"

"Of course I do." Ren replied

"Then it really is Morgana..."

"You guys are having a rough time of this, hm? I heard you mention something about witnesses."

"Oh shuddup."

"You know, I could tell you a thing or two about what to do with Kamoshida. You were pretty close just a moment ago." Morgana shifted his gaze to Ren.

"How so?" Ren asked.

"God, that condescendin' attitude! This thing's gotta be Morgana!"

"Were you still doubting me?!"

"Ack...! Quiet down!"

"We really have to be looking for a cat in a busy time like this...?" A disciplinary committee teacher spoke from a distance.

"I just heard a meow somewhere near here. Didn't you hear it?"

"Make sure you check every nook and cranny around."

"Meow...? Does that mean only us two can understand what you're sayin'?" Ryuji asked.

"Looks like it." Morgana replied.

"What in the world is goin' on?" Ryuji scratched the back of his head, "Anyways, what you were talkin' about earlier... is it for real?"

"You're quite the skeptic for being an idiot."

"Hey, tell us more. Then again, this probably ain't the best place..."

"How about the rooftop?" Ren suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Morgana purred happily.

"Here, stick it in your bag for now! It should be just small enough to fit!" Ryuji told Ren while grabbing Morgana from his yellow collar.

"Hey! How dare you to treat me like--"

Not giving him the chance to continue his statement, Ryuji forcefully stuffed Morgana into his friend's bag from his head earning a cry of pain from him in the process. Ren felt sorry for the cat and opened his mouth to speak, but Ryuji was already walking away from him. He knew it was hopeless so followed him with a sweatdrop on his forehead.


------The Rooftop------

"...Don't be so rough with me!" Morgana snapped.

"Enough of that!" Ryuji raised his voice, "You said that you know how we can do something about Kamoshida, right?"

"It has to do with what Ren was talking about earlier. You'll need to attack his castle."

"What do you mean...?"

"That castle is how Kamoshida views the school. He doesn't realize what happens in there, but It's deeply connected to the depths of his heart."

"Since the castle basically existed because of Kamoshida's distorted desires." Ren added.

"Correct. Thus, if the castle disappears, it would naturally impact the real Kamoshida."

"What'd happen?" Ryuji asked.

"A Palace is a manifestation of a person's distorted desires so, if that castle were no more..."

"His desires would go too." Ren continued the sentence.

"Precisely! You sure do pick up things fast!"

"For real?! H-He's gonna turn good?! But... is that really gettin' back at him?"

"Erasing a palace essentially means forcing the owner to have a change of heart. However, even though their warped wants disappear, the crimes they committed remain. Kamoshida will become unable to bear the weight of those crimes, and he'll confess them himself!"

"You for real?! That's possible?!"

"And since the Palace will no longer exist, he'll forget what we did there as well. Not only we'll be able to bring Kamoshida down, but there won't even be a trace of our involvement."

"That's amazing! You're a one incredible cat!"

"True, except for the cat part."

"So how do we get rid of the Palace?"

"By stealing the treasure held within."


"I'll tell you more once you agree to go ahead with this. It's my most secret valuable, secret plan after all. If you want to help me out, I'd gladly teach you. What's your call?"

"Our luck's runnin' dry lookin' for witnesses. Guess we have no choice but to go along..."

"You're right..." Ren agreed.

"Good. Oh right. There's one more thing I should tell you. If we erase a Palace, there's no doubt that the person's distorted desires will be erased as well. But desires are what all need in order to survive. The will to sleep, eat, fall in love--those sorts of things"

"What are you gettin' at?"

"If all those yearnings were to vanish, they'd be no different than someone who has shut down entirely. They may even die if they're not given proper care. So..."

"They might die?" Ryuji widened his eyes.

"Will you listen to everything I have to say first?"

"Would their deaths be our fault?"

"Aren't you determined enough to face those kinds of risks?"

"Hey... what do you think?" Ryuji sought an answer from Ren.

"We'll have to risk it..."

"For real?!"

"Sheesh... I come all this way, and this is what I get. It's not like anyone will ever find out."

"That's not the point! If we just go around secretly doin' whatever we want, we'd be no better than that effin' Kamoshida."

"Isn't this your only option?" Morgana asked.

"...I'll come back later. Make sure you'd make your decision by then. I won't force you to decide right now."

And with that said, Morgana left the rooftop and the two boys behind him at a total loss.

"Man... we're gettin' all worked up for nothin'... dammit!"

"I... don't even know what to do anymore..." Ren scratched his hair.

"I'll try to see if I can figure out another way. C'mon, let's get outta here."

Walking to the school's gate, Ren never stopped thinking about the words that Morgana had told them. Erasing Kamoshida's Palace by stealing his treasure would make him confess all of his crimes, but there was a high risk of him dying... so at that point, even Ren didn't know what was the right thing to do. Sure Kamoshida was an asshole for abusing and beating his team so monstrously like a wild animal torturing its prey. He deserved a very powerful punishment, but killing him won't do any good. Ren really wanted to help those players and their luck was running out, so he had to think of an alternative, and the vibrating sound of his phone wasn't giving much help either.

Ryuji: Hey! I heard something that got my attention.

Ryuji: About that Suzui girl... looks like rumors are going around her and Kamoshida.

Ryuji: If they're true, then it's no wonder why I couldn't get her to talk.

Ryuji: Still, something about that doesn't seem right...

Ren: What do you mean? Do you know something?

Ryuji: It's just impossible.

Ryuji: I've known Takamaki and Suzui since middle school.

Ryuji: There's just no way Kamoshida's their type, y'know?

Ryuji: So... I gotta wonder where those rumors came from.

Ryuji: Well, whatever. I'll try asking around some more.

"This seems troublesome..." Ren sighed while placing his phone in his pocket.

"Huh? What are you doing here?!"


Caught by surprise by that sudden voice, Ren's footsteps came to a halt near the school's gate where his eyes caught the figure of that green-haired first-year he encountered a few times... he'd recognize that green hair anywhere. However, in front of him stood a small girl, roughly at the elementary age, with bluish, off-white hair, straight and combed which was parted in the middle of her forehead, almost reaching down to her waist. She had very wide, innocent-looking eyes that were bright red in color. Her uniform consisted of a white shirt worn beneath a blue blazer with a pink bow on top, a navy-blue skirt, white leggings, and red Mary Jane shoes. Could she be someone related to him? A sister perhaps? Well, that seemed like the most obvious answer anyway.

"I... came to get you." The shy-looking girl replied timidly, barely audible for Ren to hear.

"D-Did you come here on your own?! How?!" Konno was in a state of panic.

"...By the train."

"That's not..." Konno rubbed his temples before sighing deeply and kneeling down to the girl's level, "What I told you about riding public transport on your own? What if something happened to you along the way? Did you forget that subway incident that happened just recently?"

"No, It's just... you promised we'd walk home together and I was scared you'd forget me..." The small girl looked down, voice filled with regret.

"Hey..." Konno patted her head lovingly, "I could never forget about you. Have some faith in me, okay?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Can you promise me that you'll wait for me next time? Pretty please...?"


"All right." Konno stood up, offering his hand to the child, "Let's go home now. How about some ice cream on the way? Your favorite, mint chocolate chip?"

The girl's red eyes lit up as her previous frown was almost immediately wiped away and replaced with the biggest and happiest grin ever as she took Konno's hand. Their joint giggles could still be heard as they walked away from Shujin's gate, completely ignoring the confused glances from the students who were passing by them. For some reason, the voice of their joint laughs drew a serene smile on Ren's face as he felt something warm bubbling up in his chest. The way those two were acting... that was a pure familial love with how much Konno was worried about his little sister--he indeed had such a big, kind heart.

Family... was truly the sweetest thing ever.

If only... the same was for him, that is.


------Aoyama-Itchome Station------

Finally, Ren arrived at Aoyama-Itchome station to take the train home while his mind was still preoccupied with Morgana's words. It WAS possible to make Kamoshida stop all his evil actions, but with a very huge price, so his mind felt like it was swinging backward and forward between those two options.

His morality, or the lives of the victims?

Feeling like his head was going to explode from thinking too much about it, Ren held his head whilst heading to the platform. He really longed to sleep deeply at that moment and a nice and warm plate of delicious and tempting curry. And yet, the voice of a girl talking on her phone forced Ren to get out of those daydreams, thus he lifted his eyes up to see the familiar flashy ash blonde-haired girl from his class. She seemed really angry and frustrated while talking too, so Ren knew that it was serious.

"Will you please give it a rest?! I told you, I'm not feeling up to it... wait, what...?! That's not what you promised! And you call yourself a teacher?! This has nothing to do with Shiho!"


The line was hung up in her face.

"Shiho's... starting position..."

Ann crouched on the ground burying her face into her hands and gave in to crying. Her sobs told the fact that she was holding them for too long and that made Ren start feeling sorry for her and angry at himself for not being able to solve that case so far.

Yeah, he knew it was Kamoshida on the other line.

"Wait... were you listening Haven't you heard of privacy?"

"No, I..." Ren tried to defend himself.

"...No, I was out of line. Sorry. So how much did you hear...?" She wiped her tears away.

"Something about a friend of yours."

"Shiho... It's nothing at all. Nothing..."

She wanted to run away at that moment so badly, just to run away so far from everything. She attempted to flee away from Ren, but he was smart and knew she'd do that, so he grabbed her wrist tightly before she could run anywhere. Yet, his dark hair was covering her eyes so nobody could read a clear expression on his face.

"Just leave me alone!"


"Why...? Why do you keep worrying about me?"

"Let's go somewhere safe and talk about this."

"What in the world...?! I really don't get you."


-------Big Bang Burger------

All the way, the two teenagers were awkwardly silent and none of them talked to the other, and that continued until they reached a restaurant called Big Bang Burger. Ren recognized it immediately since there was a branch of it in his hometown but didn't visit it that much. They were welcomed by the cozy atmosphere and the dusky sunlight illuminating their surroundings with multiple hues of gorgeous orange and yellow. They sat on a vacant table to figure all of this out before the waitress came. They ordered two drinks for themselves before she left to serve them. Ren was looking at Ann sternly who was trying her best not to break down again in front of a stranger.

"I don't have anything to talk about with you. It was just an argument."

"With Kamoshida, right?"


"Thank you very much!" The waitress served them their drinks.

"You've heard the rumors... haven't you? About Mr. Kamoshida." Ann said while playing with the napkin in front of her, "Everyone says we're getting it on. But... that's so not true...!"

"........." Ren grunted.

"That was him on the other line. I avoided giving him my number... for the longest time... he told me to go to his place after this... you know what it means." Ann gripped her nails into the napkin, "If I turn him down, he said that he'd take my friend off as a regular on the team... I've been telling myself that this is all for Shiho's sake... I can't take it anymore..." She rested her back on the seat and seemed on the edge of tears.

"........." Ren wanted to say something, but words wouldn't come out from his mouth.

"I've had enough of this... I hate him! But still... Shiho's my best friend. She's all I have left at that sorry excuse of a school! Tell me... what should I do...?" Ann looked at Ren hopelessly. Her eyes were drenched and drowned in tears.


Ren gripped his fingers into his pants under the table in pure frustration. It hurt and cut him deeply to see Ann in such a vulnerable and fragile state. It hurt him so much to the bones.

"I'm sorry..." He managed to say.

"Huh? What are you apologizing for?"

"I'm sorry... because you had to go through all of this. I can't imagine all the pain you're experiencing."

"Sorry... I shouldn't have asked. It's not your problem." Ann wiped her eyes, "What am I saying? I've barely even talked to you before..."

"It's fine."

"Huh? You're so weird. Usually, everyone just ignores me. Are you really a bad person as the rumor says? You just don't seem like it."

"I'm bad to the bone."

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" Ann chuckled.

"Is it?" Ren chuckled back.

"I kinda had a feeling they were all just exaggerations. You seemed lonely--almost like you didn't belong anywhere... we're the same in that regard. Maybe that's why it was so easy for me to talk to you."

"Belong, huh..."

"Is there really no way for me to help Shiho? I wish he'd just change his mind... like forget about me, and everything... as if something like that would ever happen."

"It could happen."

"I wasn't asking for a serious response. But I do feel a bit better now." Ann smiled sadly, "...I'm gonna head home now. Don't tell anyone what I told you, okay?"

"Of course not."

"I'll try and think of a way to persuade Kamoshida. Well... thanks."

Ann grabbed her drink with her before heading away but before she could walk out of the restaurant, she stole a final glance at Ren who remained in his sitting position. Even though she didn't know him well, something about him made her feel a little reassured and that she could trust him. It was a sensation that she couldn't quite explain or get a grasp of it. With a calm smile on her lips, Ann pushed the glass door open and made her way home.

"It could happen..." She repeated his words in her mind.


------Meanwhile: Shujin Academy------

The school day was done long ago so any lingering students had to leave immediately. Shiho wasn't feeling very well and yearned to leave the school grounds and head home. She was extremely tired to the point of not wanting to see the school's scene in front of her any longer.

"Suzui..." Mishima approached her, "Are you leaving?"

"What is it?"

"Mr. Kamoshida is asking for you. He's in the PE faculty office."

"What did he say?"

"I don't know. Well... I have to go."

And with that, said the dark-haired volleyball player left her alone with the thought of Kamoshida asking for her swirling in her mind. Shiho stood still about to cry out loudly from all the conflicted emotions and thoughts that swirled inside of her. She didn't know what Kamoshida wanted, but she knew that it can't be any good when it's about him. Her phone rang which forced her to get out of her state of despair and misery, thus she pulled it out to look at the caller ID, but seeing the name alone made her want to cry even more.


She rejected the call because she didn't want her best friend to hear her crying. Ann was dealing with enough already and never wanted her to worry about her sake more than she did already. Wiping her tears away, Shiho walked down the hallways to see what that wicked teacher could possibly want from her.


------Evening: Leblanc------

He never stopped thinking about her.

Ann's image lingered in his mind; her cries, tears, calls for help. It broke Ren from inside out remembering the hopelessness and helplessness she must've been experiencing. He finally knew the truth about her and the rumors regarding her too; it was all so her best and only friend Shiho could be a regular on the time; she was sacrificing her reputation for her. Ren opened the café's door with that issue in mind, and was greeted by the angry was of Sojiro who was reading a newspaper.

"You're late, where have you been?"

"Some thug was bothering me."

Sojiro sighed.

"Just don't come running to me when you get arrested. That'll be it for you, remember? By the way, you haven't been hanging around any bad influences, have you?"

"I actually made a friend."

"Huh. They've gotta be pretty strange to want to spend time with you."


"Just make sure you're careful who your friends are, if you don't want them ruining your life. Look at the time. Seriously, think about how I feel having to stay up here waiting for you. Hey, I'm leaving. In the future, try not to come back so damn late. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

Ren nodded obediently in reply, making Sojiro stand up and lock the shop's door behind him. He climbed up the stairs to the attic where he stayed before tossing his bag on the table. He threw himself on his comfy bed as well and felt exhaustion rising up in him. His body ached and his head hurt him from all the events that occurred today and the thinking he did. Mayu Shinohara, Shiho Suzui, Emiko Hayashi, Ann Takamaki, the truth behind Ann, Morgana's words, Kamoshida, and everything. His eyelids were heavy and were about to close by themselves, but...

Ryuji texted him and cut his sleep.

Great, just great.

Ryuji: So, whaddya think about what Morgana told us?

Ryuji: I dunno if I get all that stuff about stealing desires...

Ryuji: And Kamoshida's gonna turn like, brain dead if we mess up, right?

Ryuji: I mean, sure I'm pissed at him...

Ryuji: But I dunno if I really wanna kill the guy...

Ren: Yeah, that's too much.

Ryuji: For sure.

Ryuji: I mean, maybe I'm just freaking out, but I don't wanna end up as a murderer cause of this shit.

Ryuji: Oh well...

Ryuji: I'll try and see if I can come up with some other way tonight.


Word count: 7225 words

A/N: God! I feel awful for Ann, you know. TT^TT

For those who played Persona 5, you KNOW what's going to happen next.

Hooooooo boy!

Published on: Fri/Oct 6/2020

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