Chapter 06 {Lady Ann Awakens}

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------Next Day: Class 2-D------

Scribbling notes down on his notebook, Ren couldn't help himself but feel a little bit preoccupied with the events that took place just the other day. The image of Ann's crying face and her desperate, yet pleading sound still lingered in his mind since the previous night. A frown made its way on his lips as his grip tightened around his pen, beginning to write a little bit more harshly than before. He had run into Shiho Suzui before in the hallways and from how softly and politely she talked, she truly seemed like a sweet girl who absolutely didn't deserve the treatment she got. Kamoshida was a piece of pure scum who used Shiho in order to make Ann do whatever the hell he wanted, that sick bastard. And that raised the question...

...was Ren willing to go to his Palace and face the risk of killing him?

"So, I assume all of you know the separation of powers? There are three branches in our government. The National Diet is legislative, and the Supreme Court is judiciary. This division of power provides checks and balances, which ensures no one branch becomes unstoppable." Mr. Uchimaru explained.

"Have you made up your mind?" Suddenly Morgana popped up under Ren's desk.


"No matter how much thinking you do, there's only one option. You'd be better off just listening to me."

"Why are you in there?"

"Hm? Did I just hear a cat just now?"

"Be quiet, Morgana."


"Could that rumored cat be somewhere nearby....? Settle down! We're in the middle of an important lecture!"

Ren sighed mentally in relief since Morgana wasn't directly exposed, and if he had, he'd be in deep trouble and was already dealing with enough. Still, Emiko's harsh words for him stood out from his latest encounter with her; was he really living in dreams thinking he can save everybody? Could it be that she was right?

And yet, Ryuji decided to pull him out of that inner struggle by texting him during the class of all time.

Ryuji: It's no use... I can't think of any other way...

Ren: Concentrate on class!

Ryuji: I can't deal with this shit right now. I mean, what're we gonna do about Kamoshida?

Ryuji: Do we just gotta go along with what that cat says?

Ryuji: Ugh, that dang furball.

"If he only knew that I'm reading this too..."

"Hey...! What's that...?!" A standing male student exclaimed.

"Enough! This is a classroom!" Mr. Ushimaru scolded.

"Wait... she's going to jump...!"

"Suzui...?" Mishima stood up quickly.

"Shiho...?" Ann stood up nervously, her face was all written with horror.

"Huh?!" Even Emiko was no exception.

"Hey! Stay in your seats! Do not step foot outside of this room!"

"Oh no..." Ann hurriedly ran outside of the class.

All of the students ran outside of the class as well to the hallways, watching the dark-haired girl standing on the edge of the roof. Ren wasted no time as he rushed out of class too, forcing his way into the crowds of students to get a better view of whatever they were gawking at. What was going on exactly? He needed to know. But still, why couldn't he stop that awful feeling in his chest like something bad was supposed to happen? He didn't like that feeling at all. And that was when it hit real hard... Shiho Suzui stood on the edge of the rooftop, allowing the wind to play with her dark locks and sway them along with it.

Her eyes were dull, tired, deprived of any sort of life like how they always were... as if something had stolen her soul away from her. Images of herself and Ann played in her mind back at times the two of them used to always laugh in joy, back when times were simpler, back at times when they didn't have to worry about anything, back at times when all that madness didn't happen. She shut her eyes tightly at the mere memory of Kamoshida's sly smirk and the way he licked his lips upon her entering his office. Gazing down at the ground that seemed far away from her, she couldn't help herself but have a cold sweat roll down her face... there was no turning back now. She glanced one last time at the windows to catch the glimpse of her beloved friend screaming her name, but she could only smile back at her sadly.

Closing her eyes, she gave herself the wind and left herself under its mercy as her body fell down from the roof onto the ground--the skies she once adored only grew further in her eyes.

"Ann, I'm sorry..."

"........!" Ann gasped loudly in shock while cupping her mouth.

The entire hallway filled with horrified gasps, yelps, and screams at the scene that just took place before their eyes--they had just witnessed a girl committing suicide. Ren wasn't any less from any person there; he backed away while covering his mouth and felt like his heartbeat increased crazily, sweat was also rolled down from his forehead, and felt like his knees were shaking. Dammit...! He just stood hopelessly there and watched another person die... again!

He couldn't help her even though he wanted that so badly.

"No... why...? Shiho...!" Ann barely mumbled these words before running away.

Ren couldn't take it anymore and immediately rushed behind Ann as he kept mentally chanting that Shiho didn't die and somehow survived the fall. His lips also chanted it quietly as he desperately ran to the courtyard, shutting his eyes close tightly... no, he couldn't accept that! He wouldn't accept it! Ren had enough with his past life and that damned incident that led to his criminal record... and that day six years ago. Vivid images from that day flashed in his mind, making him shake his head in denial as he hurried his pace, that wasn't the same! No, not today and not ever! On the way, he spotted Ryuji who wasn't any less shocked than him, given how his eyes were wide open and his skin was paler than normal--light pants escaped the blondie while looking at Ren.

"H-Hey, what's goin' on?! We should hurry to the courtyard too!


------The Courtyard------

With that, the two ran to the courtyard where there were too many students gathering and blocking the view in the process while taking pictures and footages with their phones like paparazzi running after the hot scoop, showing no remorse or manners whatsoever. All of them were pushing one another to get a better view of the scene, completely forgetting how many of them were terrified just a few moments ago... heh, so much for considering others. What a joke.

Just when did morality go away?

"There's no way we're going to pass all these people." Ren spoke.

"Hey, lemme through!"

"What?" A male student gasped.

"Outta the way, man! Please!"

When they finally made their way, they saw Shiho lying down on a stretcher whose face was brutally covered with bruises, injuries, wounds, and cuts everywhere. Even worse than before, a lot worse.

"Class is still in session!" A panicking teacher exclaimed.


"What the hell's wrong with these people?"

"We need someone to go with her. Are there any teachers around?" A paramedic asked.

"I-I'm not in charge of her class though..."

"We should leave this to Principal Kobayakawa..."

"I'll go!" Ann stood up.

"Please hurry!" The paramedic spoke quickly as Ann ran over to Shiho.

"Shiho... why...?"

"Ann...? I'm sorry... I-I can't take this... anymore..."

"Shiho...?" Ann questioned as leaning close to her ear, "...Huh? Kamoshida?!"

"Ngh..." Shiho struggled before she lost consciousness.

"No... Shiho?!"

Ann cried out on top of her lungs as the paramedics put Shiho in the ambulance car that drove away in the distance. The students remained standing in their spots exchanging all kinds of murmurs and whispers among themselves. Even Ren whose fingers reached his black blazer gripped his fingers tightly in its fabric had his jaw clenched tightly while breathing abnormally.

"Volleyball team..." Ryuji muttered.

"Return to your classrooms at once!"

"Ah... ah..." Mishima trembled before running away.

"That guy... hey, wasn't Mishima acting weird?"

"Definitely." Ren agreed.

"...We're gonna make him talk this time."

"Teachers, return to your classrooms for the time being! Please do not let any students go home yet!" Principal Kobayakawa showed up.


Emiko gagged at the sight that unfolded just a few moments ago. Like everyone, she witnessed everything, even the moment Shiho jumped down and that made her gag real bad. Unable to hold the urge that was swirling inside her anymore, she ran off away from the crowds to the nearest trash can. She held her stomach while throwing up everything that she ate earlier that morning. The smell and sight of her vomit didn't offer much help either.


After she finished emptying everything, she felt lightheaded and her knees were no longer able to support her weight. She collapsed down on the ground while panting heavily to the point of placing her hand over her chest.

"Ngh... S-Suzui..."

On the other hand, Ren and Ryuji followed Mishima after he suspiciously ran away from the scene and were able to catch up to him. Ryuji forcefully dragged him all the way down to the locker room, throwing him on it and making his back hit it harshly. But little did they know, Morgana was there watching it too while sitting on top of one of the lockers, his expression remained neutral all the time.

"It hurts!"

"Why'd you run like that?! Huh?!"

"I didn't run..."

"She jumped and tried to kill herself!" Ryuji punched the locker again.

"L-Leave me alone."

"Do you know something?" Ren asked while crossing his arms.

"He's right! We ain't tryin' to get you busted. We won't say that you talked either!"

"Suzui... she was called by Mr. Kamoshida!"

"Wait, what?!"

"I was called by him a number of times too... to the faculty room. It wasn't just me or Suzui either. He'd nominate someone when he was in a bad mood... and hit them."

"So the physical punishment thing was real..."

"But yesterday, he called Suzui out of the blue. She didn't make any mistakes or anything... Mr. Kamoshida seemed really irritated that day, so it must've been... worse than usual.."

"He didn't....! That son of a bitch...!"


With that yell, Ryuji vented his anger on the locker for the third time before rushing away to confront that abuser without much thinking. That made Ren and Mishima follow him to ensure that he won't do anything stupid and stealthily followed by Morgana as well.


------PE Faculty Office-------

"Huh?" Kamoshida raised an eyebrow as Ryuji barged into the room.

"You bastard! The hell did you do to that girl?!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" Ryuji kicked a chair real hard.

"That's enough!"

"What you did... wasn't coaching!" Mishima spoke.

"What did you say?" Kamoshida growled while standing up from his chair.

"You... you ordered me to call Suzui here! I can only imagine what you did to her!"

"You're going on and on about things you have no proof of. Basically, you're simply making these claims because you can't be regular on the team, right?"

"That's not what this is about...!"

"Even if it is exactly as you imagine it to be, hypothetically speaking, what can you do? We just received a call from the hospital. Suzui's in a coma, and her chances of recovery are slim. How would someone like that make a statement? There's no chance of her getting better, I hear... the poor girl."

Fake sympathy. O, very fake.

"That can't be..."

"You bastard!" Ryuji shouted.

"This again? Does this mean we need to have yet another case of 'self-defense'?"

"Shut your mouth, you son of a bitch!"

He was going to punch that stupid smirky face of his, he wanted to do that more than anything and didn't care anymore of what'll happen to him.

But someone cared.


He stopped Ryuji's fist from doing something he might regret for a very long time.

"Why're you stoppin' me?!"

"Don't let him get you."

"But still!"

"Oh? You're stopping him? What a surprise. There's no need to hold back, why not attacking me? ...Ohhh, you can't. Hahaha, but of course you can't!"

"........." Ren narrowed his eyes.

"Everyone present right now... will be expelled. I'm reporting all of you to the next board meeting."

"You can't make a decision like that...!" Mishima protested.

"Who would seriously consider what scum like you say? You threatened me too Mishima, so you're just as responsible."


"To think you didn't know why I kept someone as talentless as you on the team. You act like you're a victim, but you leaked Amamiya's criminal records, didn't you? It's all over the internet, correct? How terrible."

"I-Is that true?" Ren asked him.

"He told me to do it. I had no choice." Mishima collapsed on his knees.

"Now, are we finished here? You're all expelled! You're done for; your futures are mine to take. Now get out of my sight."

"I can't believe this asshole's gettin' away with this...!"

"He'll eat his words." Ren whispered firmly.

"Huh? ...Oh right. We have that!"

"Huh? Have you lost your minds? I don't understand what garbage like you are thinking, but go ahead and try. All you can do is wait for your disposal though..."


Unknown to the two boys, Emiko stood outside the room's door leaning her back on the wall. Her dark brown locks shadowed her face down to her nose, so no clear expression could be pinpointed from it. And before the two could exit the room, she left without saying anything. And un​be​knownst to the brown-haired girl, a very familiar green-haired boy passed right next to her who was on his way to a specific destination to confirm his suspicions. He had a blur idea of what might've happened to the poor senior of his... well, given the club she was in.

"Hm? Wasn't that...?" Konno trailed as he watched Emiko walk away.


------After School: The Courtyard------

"We can't waste any time. We gotta hurry up and go to that world and beat the shit outta that freak!" Ryuji punched the vending machine.

"...We're not beating him up. We're simply stealing his distorted desires." Morgana cleared.

"Right." Ren nodded.

"Can I assume that you've made up your minds about this--about go he might suffer a mental shutdown?"

"...I have. Someone almost died because of him! I don't give a rat's ass what happens to him anymore!"

"And you, Frizzy Hair?"

"This can't go on. We can't let others go through what Suzui-San did."

"...Then it's settled!"

"By the way, is getting rid of a Palace hard...? You've tried it before, right?" Ryuji asked.

"...When did I ever say that?"

"...Eh? WHAT?! Were you just pretendin' to know?!"

"Is it true that you're getting expelled? Everyone's talking about it." Ann approached the boys.

"That asshole's at it again...! So you came all this way to tell us that?"

"If you're going to deal with Kamoshida... let me in on it too. I can't just sit back and do nothing after what happened to Shiho!"

"But, Takamaki-San--" Ren tried to say.

"This has nothing to do with you... don't butt your head into this..."

"But it does! Shiho's my--"

"I said don't get in our way!"

"........." Ann gritted her teeth before running away.

"...That was harsh." Morgana commented.

"We can't take her somewhere like that..."

"I hope that she doesn't torment herself over this. When it comes down to it, women don't hesitate."

"We just gotta hurry up and deal with Kamoshida. Let's go already!"

Agreeing with Ryuji, Ren nodded in acknowledgment before leading the way out of the school grounds, heading to the alleyway he and Ryuji first walked into Kamoshida's castle. On the way, his mind was preoccupied with many scenarios running in his mind... the image of Shiho jumping down was the biggest one of them that still haunted him until now.

"The moment we cross over, we'll treat each other like Phantom Thieves, so I hope you're ready." Morgana said.

"Huh, Phantom Thieves?" Ryuji dumbfounded.

"Those who covertly sneak in and stylishly steal Treasure--that is what we become!"

"That sounds kinda cool! So we just gotta say the school, Kamoshida's name and.... castle? Then we end up in a bizarre world ...How the hell all this work? Someone make it?"

"It doesn't matter, Ryuji." Ren spoke.

"True. There's no point I thinkin' about that now. We'll show that effin' Kamoshida!"

"Let's go!" Morgana said as they gathered into a circle around Ren.

"They really are going to do something..." Ann mumbled while spying on them from afar, "They're doing something with their phones? A name... school...?"

And suddenly everything nearby and around Ann got distorted and turned to a dark purple vortex which caught her completely off guard and couldn't even gasp as her surroundings warped entirely.



------The Metaverse------

That was finally it, the moment of Kamoshida's downfall. The two teenagers stood outside of the castle's gates, both looking at it with confidant and determined faces as their eyes flamed with a renewed resolve. Ren adjusted his red glove on his hand while Ryuji bumped his fists together before they glanced at one another, lips curving to challenging smirks. They had set their minds on doing that and there was no way of turning back now... for Shiho's sake and everyone who suffered from that horrified man.

"All right! Time to bust on through!"

"What's this?!" Ann shouted.

"T-Takamaki-San?!" Ren looked at her with wide eyes.

"That voice... Sakamoto?! And the new kid?"

"Hello, I'm Amamiya."

"Wh-Wh-Why are you here?!" Ryuji stuttered from shock.

"How should I know?!"

"What's going on? Hey, where are we...?! Isn't this the school?!"

More whatsoever, Morgana was admiring Ann's beauty, his eyes never left her, and felt himself being lovestruck since his eyes turned to hurts and even hearts were floating around him. Ann was perfect in his eyes, in every way possible, and looked like everything a man could ever wish for.

"Um, Morgana?" Ren sweatdropped.

"I see. Perhaps she was dragged in because of that app thing. If multiple people can enter with the person who uses it, it stands to reason it'll pull anyone nearby."

"For real...?"

"Wait, so THIS is related to Kamoshida?!"

"Anyways, you gotta leave!"


"The Shadows are going to find us if you make a scene." Morgana warned.

"No way! It talked?!" Ann gasped, "Oh my God! It's a monster cat...!"

"Monster...? Gong!" Morgana's eyes turned comically white before lowering his head.

"Ain't you gonna say your 'I'm no cat' thing?"

"Shut up! Leave me alone, monkey!"

"Monkey?! You little--"

"You better explain what's going on! I won't leave until you do!" Ann raised her voice.

"Looks like we have to force her." Ren sighed hopelessly.

"But... how're we supposed to do that?"

"Just take her back to where we came in. That's how it worked last time, right?" Morgana asked.

"O-Oh yeah. Can you lend me a hand?"

"Got it." Ren nodded as they walked to Ann.

"What are you--?!"

"We'll explain after everything's over!"

"Hey! And just where are you touching?!"

"Whoa, sorry. I didn't mean--" Ryuji stopped his sentence, "...That's not important!"

"You guys seriously-- Ah?!" Ann cried out when they pushed her back into the hole they came from.

"We better be careful from now on when we use that app..." Ryuji sighed deeply.

"You should've checked the tools you used! Why do I--the one who was just watching--know more about it than you two?!"


"Sigh..." Ren placed a finger on his forehead.

"Geez, Takamaki found out right when we were startin' off... we gotta deal with this fast!"

"That girl's name is Ann Takamaki, right? Lady Ann..."

"Lady?" Ren repeated.

"The Shadows have noticed us. You better brace yourselves, got it? We're counting on you, Joker!"


"That a nickname?" Ryuji asked.

"Don't refer to it in such a lame way. It's a code name. What kind of stupid phantom thief would use their real name?! I'm not down for that! And there's no telling what kind of effect yelling our real names will have on the Palace... it's just a precaution."

"So, why's he Joker?"

"Because he's our trump card when it comes to fighting strength."

"Joker, huh? Not bad." Ren grinned.

"It's settled then! Next up is you, Ryuji. You'll be... let's see... 'Thug.'"

"Are you pickin' a fight with me?! I'll choose it myself! Hm... when it comes to me, it's gotta be this mask. Honestly, I actually kinda like it. What if we named me after this?"

"Fine... why not 'Skull' then?"

"Ooh! That sounds awesome! I'm Skull!"

"It's all right, I think..." Joker trailed.

"What do we do about this one's code name?" Skull pointed at the cat.

"What do you think?"

"...How 'bout 'Mona'?"

"Well, if Joker thinks it's easier to call me that, then I'll go with it. All right. From here on out, we're Joker, Skull, and Mona. We need to be absolutely thorough about using those code names from now on!"

"All right, let's go nab that Treasure thing!"

As the group rushed inside of the castle, Ann somehow was able to crawl out from the hole after the Meta-Nav app popped on her phone out of nowhere. She walked back toward the entrance of the castle, her blue eyes scanning her surroundings curiously and shockingly, finding a hard time to believe what stood before her. It was like something that came out of a fairytale or a dream than it being true... but it still felt so real to her.

"This is that place from earlier...! ...What's up with this app? I just said the words Sakamoto said, and I ended up--"

"Princess?!" A castle soldier called.


"Princess!" Three guards ran toward the girl.



Infiltrating the castle wasn't an easy task like Skull believed it would be... or nothing like how he envisioned it to be, much to his disappointment and crushed fantasies. There were guards and soldiers scattered everywhere even more than the last time making the mission of sneaking around almost impossible, thus, they hid in a room as they waited for the right opportunity to go out.

"Aren't there even more Shadows here than before? Just gettin' this far's been a real pain in my ass!"

"It's all because you guys provoked Kamoshida, you know. Still... he seems to be awfully on guard..."

"Anyways, how're we supposed to steal that Treasure thing?"

"Don't be so hasty. First, we'll need to secure an infiltration route."

"A what...?"

"A path to the Treasure's location."

"But, honestly, I think we'll need a little more manpower in order to accomplish this. At the very least, one more person would be nice..."

"Hey, you say you don't have your memories and all, but somehow you still know about that kinda stuff? Do you think this thing's really got amnesia?" Skull asked his partner.

"I believe in Mona. No questions asked."

"At least you are a step above that moron."

"Don't call me a moron!"

"Guys?" Joker called.

"You sure talk big, but what if it turns out you're just some stray cat in the end?"

"That can't be..."

"Still, why was the princess in such an odd place...?" A guard's voice spoke from not too far.

"Princess...?" Joker repeated, making Mona walk to the door to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"I could have sworn we were pursuing the readings of an intruder..."

"It doesn't matter now. We must take her back to King Kamoshida!"

"Who's this princess they're talkin' about...?" Skull asked.

"I should probably look into this!" Mona exited the room.

"And yet another question goes unanswered... stuff like the castle and that navigation app are mysterious... but Morgana's got 'em both beat."

"Remember, code names!"

"Crap, sorry! What was I again? ...Oh yeah, Skull!"

"This is bad!" Mona stepped into the room again.

"That was fast." Joker commented.

"Your friend... Lady Ann! She's been taken by Shadows...!"

"Wait, what? We sent her home earlier." Skull widened his eyes.

"If Lady Ann does indeed have the app, it could be possible."

"Oh no... don't tell me it got put on hers just like mine...?! Dammit! We let her out for her own safety, and she just came back in by herself...!"

With a blood-curdling scream, Skull dashed out of the room at full speed, completely ignoring the calls of Joker and Mona behind him before they ran after him. His injured leg acted up again due to the big amount of pressure and speed he put into it so he could run as fast as possible. That pain didn't matter to him anymore, nor the fact that he was barging in on full display for Shadows to witness as he became a vulnerable and easy prey for them--he only cared about one thing and one thing only.

Saving Ann.


After Ann was captured by the guards as they dragged her away into one of the main rooms despite her constant protests and struggles to set herself free. The guards forcefully pinned her to a wall, earning a painful yelp from her lips as they proceeded to cuff her arms with the chains that hung on the walls. The tight grip of those metallic cuffs was blocking the circulation in her wrists, thus causing a feeling of numbness and pain to grow in them. And no matter how hard she tried to break free from them, the pain only increased.

"What's this all about? Seriously, I'm gonna call the cops!"

"So, this is the intruder."

Shadow Kamoshida walked into the room along with the cognitive Ann who looked like a scantily clad version of her in a provocative, purple bikini with panther-like patterns on it, high heels, a pair of cat ears, and a pink crown on top of her head. Princess Ann clung tightly to Shadow Kamoshida's arm while giggling slyly at the sight of her real-life counterpart, cooing every now and then.

"Kamoshida?! Who's that? I don't know what's going on. More importantly, what is this place?! Why's the school turned into something like this?!"

"I can't believe you mistook my Ann for someone like her. Are you afraid?"

"What's that outfit? Have you lost your mind?"

"I do as I please here. After all, this is MY castle. The world of my desires."

"What the--?! Wait... is this some red-light district?"

"What a lively slave."

"This isn't funny! Enough of the bullshit, Kamoshida!"

"Tch... the girl's decided to tell me off. What do you think of that?"

"Talking back is like... totally unforgivable..." Princess Ann cooed in a seductive voice.

"In that case... she should be executed." Shadow Kamoshida pointed at Ann as the guards walked to her, pulling out their swords near her neck.


"Now then, how should I play with you?" Shadow Kamoshida smirked, "Shall I tear you into little pieces?"

"Are you kidding me...?" Ann widened her eyes.

Meanwhile and not too far away, what the Phantom Thieves were witnessing was something beyond imagination. It made them disgusted and angry at the same time seeing how lewd and messed up Kamoshida's desires were taking the form of the ugliest things imaginable.

Sex slaves.

"This is effed up... is that what he thinks of the girls in the volleyball team...?!" Skull gaged.

"This is horrible. This is really even worse than I thought." Joker admitted.

"Hey, that's...!" Mona exclaimed upon seeing Ann before running to her with the boys.

"Takamaki!" Skull called.

"Now, how shall I play with you? Maybe cut off one limb at a time?" Shadow Kamoshida pulled out a sword, dragging the zipper of Ann's white hoodie down with its edge.


"Maybe I'll start with your clothes..." He pulled the sword's edge closer to her black shirt, slowly tearing it down while licking his lips.

"You're such a perv.~" Princess Ann giggled.


"Sakamoto, help me..."

"Stop right there, you sick perv!" Skull shouted while running in.

"Just when I was about to start enjoying myself..."

"Don't you dare touch her!"

"Hold on, Lady Ann! We'll save you!" Mona announced.

"What's the deal with this guy...?!" Ann called.

"You little...!" Skull growled.

"...How many times are you gonna come back?"

"Kamoshida, you...!" Joker narrowed his eyes.

"I bet you're just like those thieves. You came because you're pissed at me, huh? But, ah... I forgot that chick's name, but It's your fault she jumped, you know."


"You were so reluctant to throw yourself onto me that I had her take your place."

"You bastard!" Ann shouted, making guards come closer to her, ".........!"

"No!" Skull protested.

"One more step and I'll kill her on the spot."

"Dammit...!" Skull backed a little.

"Just sit and enjoy the dismantlement." Shadow Kamoshida smirked.

"No! Don't!" Ann pleaded for her life.


"This is bad!" Mona exclaimed.

"H-Hey what're we gonna do now?!" Skull freaked out as the guards walked even closer to Ann, "Takamaki!"

"Is this... my punishment for what happened to Shiho...?"

"That's more like it. You should've looked like this from the start."

"Shiho... I'm so sorry..."

"You'll just give in? Without paying him back, for you or Suzui-San?" Joker asked firmly.


"She's your friend, right? Your only friend!"

"...You're right. Letting this piece of shit toy with me... what was I thinking...?!"

"It's like I always say. Slaves should just behave and--"

"...Shut up! I've had enough of this... you've pissed me off, you son of a bitch!"

"My... It's taken far too long."


"Tell me... who is going to avenge her if you don't?"

"Forgiving him was never the option..."

"Such is the scream of the other you that dwells within..."

"I am thou, thou art I..."

"We can finally forge a contract..."

"I hear you... Carmen."

Ann lifted her face up, her eyes turned from bright blue to gold in color--a wine red-colored panther mask appeared on her face.

"You're right. No more holding back...!"

"There you go... nothing can be solved by restraining yourself."

With her renewed and flaming resolve, Ann felt a massive power running through her body, allowing her to break free from the handcuffs with all of her might as everyone present became shocked at her sudden strength.

"Understand? Then I'll gladly lend you my strength..."

Ann ripped her mask off, blood dripping from her face like crazy, and out-of-control blue flames surrounded her in the shape of a tornado, creating a tremendous wave of wind. When everything calmed down, Ann's Persona came to life in the shape of a purple-skinned elegant lady who had dark hair tied into twin drills and smoked tobacco. The lady wore a long red dress that exposed her chest area with heart patterns on it along with red roses around the waist, long black gloves with heart patterns on them, long boots with heart patterns as a leather red strip crossed the middle, and a black panther mask. Ann's clothes changed to a skin-tight red latex catsuit worn with a cleavage cutout, zippers, pink gloves, dark red thigh-high boots that had a clipped tail in the back.

Then, Ann ran to one of the guards, knocking its sword off and grabbing it in mid-air as she angrily sliced her fake cognitive self that turned to a cloud of black smoke, making Kamoshida's Shadow step back in fear.

"You know what? I'm not some cheap girl you can toy with... you scumbag."


"You stole everything from Shiho... you destroyed her... now it's your turn! I will rob you of everything...!"

"How dare you? Enough of your insolence!" A guard went berserk into a demonic shadow.

"No, I've had enough of you. No one's gonna stop me now! Let's go, Carmen!"

"How dare you deny king Kamoshida's love, you selfish lass?! Pay for this insolence with your life!"

"That dirtbag just sees women as sexual outlets! Don't make me laugh with that 'love' bullshit! C'mon, Carmen! Let's give 'em hell!"

"We have to fight with her too!" Joker announced.

"Yeah!" Skull nodded.

"Let's do it, Joker!" Mona exclaimed.

"I'm done holding back! Now it's my turn!"

Ann spoke as Carmen turned back to a mask on her face before delicately jumping up and in the air, attacking one of the Shadows with her whip by swinging it with firm movements.

"Not enough whip for you? Dance, Carmen!"

Blue flames covered Ann's face as she called her Persona which took the form of Carmen who almost immediately knocked another Shadow down with a fire attack.

"Cry for me!" Another deadly swing came from her whip.

"Scary..." Skull had a cold sweat rolling on his face, "A cougar? Or maybe she's one of those..."

"Don't say cougar! And what do you mean by 'one of those!'" Ann scolded the blonde-haired.

"Don't let your guards down, rookies!" Mona warned before jumping and shooting his slingshot at a pixie.


Skull summoned Captain Kidd who cast electricity at the third Shadow and thus, knocked it down on sight. However, the first Shadow stood up again attempting to cast wind that nearly caused the rest to fly back, but they desperately struggled to hold themselves on the floor.


Joker knew exactly what must be done and summoned his initial Persona blocking the attack with its wings that repelled the wind until it calmed down.

"One more time!" Ann ordered Carmen who knocked the Shadow down with fire.

"Let's go, you guys!" Joker jumped backward.

"Let's wipe them out in style!"

Ann jumped next to Joker along with Skull before finishing the battle with a stylish All-Out Attack, giving everything they had by attacking it all together non-stop.

"A beautiful rose has its thorns!"

"To think... there would be a woman... who could stand up to king Kamoshida..."

"Pff, outside of school, that guy's nothing but a loser."

"Oh shit...!" Shadow Kamoshida gasped before running away.

"Wait..." Ann collapsed on her knees.

"Why'd you come here, man? And more importantly how?" Skull knelt to her level, concern written all over his face.

"Hey! Is that how you speak to a woman? Are you all right, Lady Ann?"

"Lady Ann...? Wait, what is this thing? Is it alive...? How can it talk? And... where in the world are we...?!"

"J-Just calm down, Takamaki-San." Joker tried saying.

"Everything's going to be okay; don't worry." Mona reassured.

"How am I supposed to calm down?!" She snapped while putting her hand on Mona's head to stand up, "H-Huh? Why am I dressed like this?! When did I-- ugh, what's with this?!"

"Well, I'm stumped... a search party will be coming for us soon. There's no time to explain! We don't have a choice. Let's retreat for now!"

"We were just gettin' fired up, and you had to go and get in the way... urgh... fine..." Skull growled.

"Ugh--" Ann collapsed again on her knees.

"Ooooooh~" Skull sang as he stared at her breasts.

"Don't look at me!"

"Here, gimme your arm. You take the other side." Skull offered his hand to Ann and was assisted by Joker after he activated the Nav.


------The Real World------

"Which one do you want?" Ryuji asked Ann while holding two cans of soda.

"Whichever's not carbonated."

"Uh, they're both actually."

"Then..." Ann trailed as she chose one.

"Here ya go." Ryuji gave the second soda to Ren.


"What about me?" Morgana popped out from Ren's bag

"Huh? But you're a cat." Ryuji pointed out.

"...Have you calmed down, Lady Ann?"

"Umm... Morgana, right? I really am talking to a cat... this feels so strange... oh sorry! You're not a cat, right?"

"It's only natural that you're confused. Demanding that you understand all of this right after what you went through is asking too much."

"Honestly, I still can't believe what happened... and that power... my Persona..."

"It's the will of rebellion, Lady Ann. With it, you'll be able to fight in that other world."

"So if what you told me is true, we can make Kamoshida have a change of heart, right? Is it really possible? Can we actually force him to confess his crimes?"

"The volleyball team's keepin' quiet about this, while teachers and parents turn a blind eye. Goin' all in this plan is the only choice we got."

"Then let me help too. I want to make him pay for what he did to Shiho. He just keeps going like nothing happened, even after what he did to her, I'll never forgive him. And not Shiho only, but for everyone who suffered from him."

"Wait, did you say 'let me help'? You mean, you want us to take you along?"

"Don't act like I'm going to drag you down. Weren't you watching? I can fight too."

"Hey, what should we do, Renren?"

"Well, Takamaki-San is very good at fighting. So, she'll be great."

"I agree as well. We are lacking in manpower, after all. Don't worry, I'll protect her." Morgana purred happily.

"Even if you say no, I'd just go in alone."

"Oh right, she can go by herself... I guess it'd be more dangerous turnin' her down... urgh... fine..."

"Then it's decided. Well, I hope we get along!" Ann smiled friendly.

"Welcome aboard." Ren nodded.

"I'm going to make Kamoshida atone for what he did. Not just for Shiho's sake... but for everything he's done. I won't let any more people suffer because of him. I'll do whatever it takes!"

"Whatever it takes..." Ren chanted mentally.

"Also, if it's the four of us, I feel like we can do it. No reason, just a feeling."

"The four of us..." Morgana repeated.

"A woman's intuition, huh? Fine, fine. Even if I voted no, I'm sure I'd be overruled." Ryuji grinned goofily.

"What the hell, Sakamoto?! I'm being serious here!"

"Okay, from today, the four of us are a team, with a common goal. And we will get there. I look forward to working together." Ren smiled.

"Thanks, Amamiya-Kun." Ann beamed.

"Looking forward to it, Lady Ann!"

"Yeah, likewise."

"I sense a strong fighting resolve from Ann..."

"I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast acquired a new vow.

It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.

With the birth of the Lovers Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power..." A mysterious feminine calm voice rang in Ren's head.

"What's that?"

"Just let me know when you're heading back in... oh wait! We don't have each other's info. Hey all of you, give me your numbers and chat IDs. And um..." Ann pulled her phone out along with the others, exchanging their contact info.

"I'm counting on you three, then. Same goes for you too, Morgana!"

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Ann."

"Well then, see ya!" Ann exclaimed before walking away.

"What a kind girl... such admirable consideration for others... and the innocence to cast herself into the jaws of death to achieve her goal... she cares about her friends, and she's beautiful to boot... what a girl! She captured my heart..."

"Dude. You know, it'd be better if this group could get together quick from now on..."

"True. Our best option would be to make a secret hideout where we could discuss these things."

"A hideout, huh...? I like the sound of that!"

"How about the school's rooftop? Nobody goes up there. That should be a perfect hideout." Ren suggested.

"Great idea, Ren!"

"Then it's decided!" Ryuji cheered.

"I can't contact you from inside a Palace, so I'll stay in this world. That being said, I'll need someone to take care of me. I'm personally nominating you, Ren. You should feel honored."

"Wait, what?!"

"...That's all you. There's no way I can at my place."

"Attention! The train will be arriving shortly! I repeat the train will be arriving shortly!" The speaker said.

"Well, we now have our hideout, so let's meet tomorrow!" Ryuji exclaimed before running off.

"Okay! Let's go look at my new residence for this world."


------Evening: Leblanc------

Exhausted, Ren didn't even know how he arrived home safely since the battle against Shadow Kamoshida took much of his stamina and Morgana forcing him to take care of him wasn't any better at all. On a brighter note, Ann was really amazing in combat and her resolve was very admirable too, so having her on the team was very reassuring. Her resolve to save her friend, the flames of anger that lit in her eyes during her awakening, it was all the same with him and Ryuji, and that was exactly what the three of them had in common, the will of rebellion.

"I'm back."

"The store's still open. Go upstairs."


Ren had a questioning look on his face upon seeing a shady-looking woman sitting in the café on one of the booths. The woman had dark blue hair in a messy bob-cut with blunt bangs and brown eyes. She had red nail polish on her fingernails and toenails and accessorized with a red grommet belt, a black studded necklace choker which connects to multiple necklaces, a bracelet, and strappy black platform high heels. She wore a short black jacket, a blue dress with a white spider web design, and black ripped leggings.

"...Yes?" The punk-rock woman seemed to notice how Ren was looking at her.

"Hey, lay off the customers. Sorry if he was rude, Doctor."

"Doctor? She DEFINITELY doesn't look like one."

"...I don't mind."

"Come on, you're getting in the way. Go on upstairs."



"...Thanks. I'll see you later."

"Come back again." Sojiro told the dark blue-haired woman before exiting the café.

"Phew... that's it for today." Sojiro sighed deeply.

"What was that all about?"

"Oh, that customer just now? She's the head doctor over at that clinic down the street. Rumor has it she gives pretty crappy examinations and sells some weird homemade medicines on top of that. At least, that's what I've heard. I haven't been there myself."

"I see..."

"They should really just leave her alone. It's not like she's getting in the way of their lives..."

"Hey, are we there yet?" Morgana asked from inside the bag.

"......." Sojiro had an alerted expression before saying, "Well, I've gotta go home and start making dinner..."

"All right then. Good night." Ren walked up the stairs towards the attic.

Reaching the room upstairs, Ren placed his bag on the table and opened it causing Morgana to jump out from it. His expression grew in shock upon seeing the state the attic was at. Ren surely figured out that Morgana didn't expect that his "new home" would be something more than that.

"What the...?! What is this place?! Is this some kind of abandoned house...?!"

"Be quiet, or else--

"Hey, are you--" Sojiro walked to Ren with an angered expression before noticing Morgana.

"...He'll come." Ren continued his sentence while sweatdropping.

"I was wondering why I heard meowing... what did you bring it here for?!"

"But it doesn't have a home." Ren picked Morgana up before stroking his head, "That's why I brought it here."

"Nowhere, huh...?"

"Yeah. I mean, look at the poor thing."

"Look, this place is a restaurant. Animals are a no-go..."


"Though I guess you might stay on good behavior if you've got a pet to take care of..." Sojiro pointed out before sighing, "Fine..."

"Thank you."

"But keep it quiet when we're open for business. And don't let it roam downstairs, or I'll toss it out. Oh, and I'm not gonna take care of it. That's all on you."

"Fair enough."

Ren nodded in agreement before Sojiro left the room, as he placed the cat back on his bed with a deep sigh of relief. Sojiro sure spoke and treated him roughly, but it seemed that he had wisdom of his own, it was a fair deal indeed.

"Wow, he might not be as a douche as I thought..."

"Was that the ruler of this place?" Morgana asked.

"I guess that's a way to describe it..."

"He seemed pretty understanding for someone who keeps you cramped up in this dump. Then again, I suppose to normal people I just sound like a meowing cat."

Morgana pointed out as Sojiro walked inside the room again, placing a dish of food in front of Morgana. The cat's eyes sparkled and lit in joy seeing the sight of the food as its delicious aroma filled his nose as well captivating his senses entirely.

"Seriously... it had to keep calling out in that cute little voice... make sure you wash that dish. By the way... have you decided on a name?"

"Eh? Um, Morgana."

"Morgana? Huh... I was hoping I'd get to name it..." Sojiro sighed before leaving the room.

"That was... unexpectedly nice of him."

"Looks like the chief likes me better than you."


"And to be honest, this place is heaven compared to Kamoshida's cells." Morgana pointed out before frowning, "...Remember how you guys asked me before what I am?"


"To be honest... I don't remember anything about my birth. I think the Metaverse's distortions made me lose both my memories and my true form."

"Is that form human...?"

"It has to be! I mean, why else would a cat be able to talk like this? There's no other possible explanation. There's no doubt that the distortions were what caused me to lose my real self. I'm sure that once they're purged, I'll finally be able to get that self back. And I have a pretty good idea of what to do too. That's why I was in the castle in the first place."


"Come to think of it, I didn't get hungry over in that world..."

Morgana told himself before starting to eat the food that Sojiro gave him. He dug in and began stuffing his mouth with big and massive bits. That open appetite left Ren awestruck and thought that Morgana looked like he hasn't eaten anything in days. It didn't take long until Morgana finished his plate wholly and purred in happiness after his stomach got full.

"Let me make myself clear: Your taking care of me won't be for nothing. It'll be give and take. Due to my knowledgeable and dexterous nature, I have a lot of intel on infiltration tools."

"What are those?"

"Whoa, I can't tell you more unless we settle on a deal. In exchange for you keeping me here, I'll teach you about these tools. How does that sound?"

"Sure. Let's do it."

"I like that answer. Hehehe... then it's a deal."

"Morgana seems rather happy..."

"I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast acquired a new vow.

It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.

With the birth of the Magician Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power..."

"This voice again...!"

"I'll lecture you about the infiltration tools over time."

"Fair enough."

"By the way, the power you used in the Palace was seriously amazing. The stronger that power gets, the more reliable it'll be as a trump card. All right, I'm gonna stick with you wherever you go from today on. Personas are the strength born from one's heart. Depending on what kind of life experience you gain, I bet it'll affect that power as well!"


"And if you become acquainted with capable people, you might learn various, useful skills too... this is all part of our deal, got it?"


"I expect great things from you. Don't let me down. Okay?"


------Time Skip: Late Night------

Several hours had passed since Ren brought Morgana to his new home and went to bed after such a tiring day in the Palace, especially that Ann awakened her Persona and battled Kamoshida's men. Everything was calm and dark. No voice could be heard in that utter and killing silence instead of Morgana's peaceful breathing as he curled himself next to Ren. While the noirest had his gaze fixed on the wooden ceiling above him since sleep had gone from his eyes.

"I can't sleep..." Ren thought to himself, "I know it's been a little while since I came here, but I already miss home. Despite what mom and dad did to me..."

"Even if I have Sakamoto and Takamaki-San by my side now, I still feel lonely... I bet we'll go our separate ways once this is over and forget we ever met..."

"I feel so lonely..."

Then, Ren turned his face to his right, his eyes meeting the sleeping figure of Morgana curling himself next to him, breathing calmly, and having a peaceful expression on his face. That cute scene caused Ren to grin to himself before reaching his hand and stroking Morgana's head gently so he doesn't wake him up. His black fur was soft and touching it like that sent genuine happiness over Ren.

"But maybe... having company won't be so bad, after all..."


Word count: 8346 words

A/N: Alrighty right, we're finally done with this chapter! It's basically almost the same as Infinity so far with some extra minor details added.

Just wait until Kamoshida's Arc is done so we can get to the GOOD stuff~

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! :D

Published on: Mon/Nov 2/2020

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