Akira's Room

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Last Time on Persona Railgun.......

"Neither do I Ryuji but, you have to admit he does make some good points. Are the actions we are doing.... going to affect everyone?" Said Mason.

"That stuff about the police. Do you think it is for real?" Asked Ann.

"I don't care what he says about the police. I am not scared." Said Akira.

"He can say all he wants. The justice of it all is something we can decide for ourselves." Said Morgana.

"Oh sorry, I am going to take a leak. Can you guys wait for me here? I will be right back." Said Ryuji as he runs to go find a near by restroom.

"Great... I better go help him find the restroom fast." Said Mason as he chases after Ryuji to go help him.

"Oh my god... I am gonna keep going, okay? "said Ann.

"Me too." Said Mikoto. She and Ann left to go get out of the building.

"Oh, its you!" Said Akechi as he walks up to him. Morgana quickly hides back into Akira bag.

"I'm glad I found you. I wanted to thank you in person. To paraphrase Hegel, advancement cannot occur without both thesis and antithesis...." Said Akechi.

"Um... you lost me of what you are trying to say." Said Akira.

"Haha. My apologies. What I mean is that our discussion was quite meaningful. Few people around me are so willing to speak their minds as freely as you did earlier. Adults are only interested in using the young, while they simply do as the adults say." Said Akechi.

"Yeah I noticed. I've.... had experience so far noticing that in certain adults." Said Akira.

"Thanks for understand that. There are too many irresponsible people in these modern times. I can understand why you'd support the Phantom Thieves. It is possible that this group is just as you believe and they are truly acting with good intentions" Said Akechi.

"Of course they are. They made so many people feel better of their actions. They made two rotten adults so far to confess their sins. And the people that were the victims of those rotten adults can at least feel a bit more at ease. And they will fight to the end if they have to." Said Akira.

"You really are intriguing. I bet you'd make for a worthwhile debate partner on the subject. If it is alright with you continue sharing your thoughts with me?" Said Akechi as he extending his left hand out to Akira.

"That's fine by me Akechi." Said Akira as he shakes Akechi hand with his left hand.

"Thank you, that's great news. I sense something in you that is quite different from other people. I guess you can call it my detective's intuition? Haha, kidding of course." Said Akechi with a smile.

The School Trip to TV Studios is very long one. The Phantom Thieves members that go to Shujin Academy had to suffer what it is like in that place. While on their school trip, they encountered a strange person named Akechi. Akechi had made some interesting facts of the Phantom Thieves actions. Some of those facts has hit really hard on Mikoto, Mason and Ryuji and Ann. Is their actions really justice or not? Will they be able to prove to the public that the Phantom Thieves actions are true justice?


6/11...... Lunchtime........

It was the next day. The social school trip was over. Everyone is now heading to school to learn more stuff. Everyone now was talking about how Akechi might be right of his perspective on the Phantom Thieves. When it is lunch time, Mikoto, Mason, Ryuji and Akira are in the courtyard.

Ryuji taps his foot a couple of times before slamming his right fist on a vending machine. "...Man that detective from yesterday really pissed me off! We're some kinda threat?" asked Ryuji

"Calm down Ryuji. Akechi was only just sharing his opinion to everyone. Its not like he was trying to make us look like the bad guys." Said Akira.

"Let's see him do it then! If someone else could help them, we wouldn't be doing stuff as the Phantom Thieves to start with!" Said Ryuji.

"Quiet down Ryuji!" Said Mikoto.

Ann walks up to Ryuji from behind and smacks him on the head with a karate chop move. "Ow!" Said Ryuji.

"You're way too loud." Said Ann as she is eating some Pocky in a bag in her hand before leaning herself a little on the table.

"Who cares? Everybody's talking about this stuff anyways. It'd just be more suspicious if we were whispering." Said Ryuji.

"Hey Ann. Are you really going to keep eating and eating that stuff all on you own? At least share some with us." Said Mason.

"Sorry. Just ate the last one." Said Ann as she placed the bag on the table.

"Ugh.... you guys are getting too lay back." Said Mikoto.

"Lady Mikoto is right. The police are getting involved now, you know" said Morgana.

"So you think it is true? We will be okay if we keep doing this.. right?" Asked Ann.

"We can't let the cops scare us outta being phantom thieves." Said Ryuji.

"I am not scared of those police." Said Akira.

"What about that weird guy from Madarame Palace? Isn't there a lot we don't know" asked Ann.

"Yeah. There is still some big clues that we have yet to learn." Said Mason.

Suddenly, they heard a camera flash going off. Everyone looked to see it was Makoto who took a picture of them with her phone.

"The hell?" asked Ryuji just as Makoto puts her phone away in her pocket.

"Makoto? What are you doing here?" asked Mason.

"You three seemed to be having so much fun. I am a little jealous." Said Makoto.

"How long where you there?" asked Mikoto.

"Oh.... just for two seconds." Said Makoto.

"Are you snooping on us again?" asked Ryuji.

"We already told you like before Makoto. We don't know nothing." Said Mason.

"Why do you think I am here to question you? Could it be your hiding something?" asked Makoto.

"We aren't hiding anything." Said Mikoto.

"Hmm.... I don't know if you are telling the truth or not.  My ears are always open to the troubles of my peers, you know." Said Makoto.

Ann just shakes her head. "You're really that hungry for a good letter of recommendation? Of course you are. Nobody would take on your annoying job if they weren't" Said Ann.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Asked Makoto as she narrows her eyes at Ann.

"... Your the student council president, right? Wouldn't you have known about Kamoshida?" asked Ann.

"Of course not! He honestly was a good teacher until that day..." Said Makoto.

"Oh, but you always take the teacher's side. That's what a good council president does, right?" asked Ann with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Hey Ann...." Mikoto try to say something to her.

"Then.... how about you? what did you do for your friend? You were much closer to her than I was, so how did you help?" asked Makoto.

"There wasn't any way to help! By myself.... I couldn't do anything for her!" Said Ann.

"There's no need to shout." Said Makoto.

"If those Phantom Thieves are out there helping people.... I'd root for them, no questions asked. They gotta be more dependable than some people I know." Said Ryuji.

"It all just a matter of how you can help those in need. It is all about having the courage to help those that can't stand up for themselves." Said Akira.

".... Just mask sure that you show up to your classes, all right?" asked Makoto before she turns around slowly and walks away from the group.

"Makoto...." Said Mikoto. She might have been the only one to notice it but she could see that in Makoto eyes, she is just tired.

"You know what. I think it is a good idea to continue what we are doing." Said Mason.

"He is right. Me as well. I'd be ashamed to let it end now..." Said Ann.

"Hell yeah. It's about time we find our next target." Said Ryuji.

"And lets hope it won't be too difficult." Said Mason.


With Makoto........

She walked a good distance away from the group. She stopped for a second to replay of what they said to her in her head over and over again. 

"If only I could..." Said Makoto in a tired voice.


Afterschool......Train Station.......

After school was over, they head straight to the train station in Shibuya to meet up with Yusuke. At this very moment, Yusuke is checking the Phantom Site on his phone for any updates on it.

"Comments are coming in at an alarming rate. However, negative ones seem to be more prominent." Said Yusuke.

"I am almost afraid to ask but... what does one of those negative comments say?" asked Mason.

"Let's see here.... 'A criminal group with unknown goals that does whatever it wants in the name of justice.'" Said Yusuke.

"I knew it was going to happen like this." Said Mikoto as she shakes her head a few times.

"It's prolly because of Akechi... TV's got some crazy sway." Said Ryuji.

"Again not his fault guys." Said Akira.

"He is free to deny our actions, but being cursed by his influence is another thing entirely." Said Yusuke.

"Just when we were starting to get people to believe in us too...." Said Ann.

"All we gotta do is take down another hot shot right?" asked Ryuji.

"...Well, do you have any ideas who this next 'hot shot' could be?" asked Yusuke.

"Ryuji hasn't found even one big target yet...." Said Mason.

"Dammit, this is really irritating..." Said Ryuji.

"Oh! By the way Yusuke. What is up that luggage right next to you?" asked Mikoto as she noticed some of Yusuke belongs like clothes and the Sayuri.

"Oh, I decided to leave the school dorms. They were not only filthy, but too noisy as well...... No true art could come from such a place." Said Yusuke.

"Then.... where are you going to live now Yusuke?" asked Mason.

"You can't go back to that shack right?" asked Ryuji.

"I was planning on staying at Takamaki-san's... I mean Ann's house." Said Yusuke.

"Say what?!" asked Mikoto. She is not the only one surprised. Ann is surprised as well.

"I've even prepared a thank you gift. I hope it's to your parents' liking." Said Yusuke.

"WHAT!? There's no way that's gonna happen!" Said Ann.

"Impossible..." Said Yusuke as he took a single step back in shock.

"You're the impossible one!" Said Ryuji.

"Did you really think something that is going to work?" asked Mason.

"But I spent everything I had on these delectable Japanese sweets..." Said Yusuke.

"You seriously used all your money just to buy some sweets? Dude.... You got some money issue problems." said Mikoto.

"Seriously though.... what're we gonna do about Yusuke?" Said Ann.

"Maybe... he can stay over at your house for the night Ryuji?" asked Akira.

"Not gonna work. Its way too small. Plus my mom'd never agree to it." Said Ryuji.

"Well, seeing as Yusuke is an important member of our team... I'll lend a hand! Come stay at our place. It's dirty, but at least you'll have somewhere to sleep!" Said Morgana.

"Why are you the one calling the shots?" asked Ryuji.

"Don't you two life in a café? I have been wondering about that for a while." asked Ann.

"It is in Yongen right?" asked Mason.

"Yep. And the café is only a minute walk from the station." Said Morgana.

"Hmm... how about we all go there now?" asked Mikoto.

"We can have a party to celebrate Madarame's change of heart!" Said Ann.

"Oh good idea Ann!" Said Mason.

"We can make it a welcome party for Yusuke too!" said Ryuji.

"Sounds okay with me." Said Akira.

"All right its decided!" Said Ann. Just after she finished saying that, everyone begins to walk inside of the train station to head to the café where Akira stays at.



Everyone walking into the café after a painful trip on the subway trains. Those subway trains are always packed. Even on a slow day. 

Anyways... The café is a very small store with only three seats table areas to sit in. But the place itself looks classic at best.

"Ah, what a nice smell..." Said Ann.

"This place looks so outdated... I can't say I hate it though.." Said Ryuji.

"Um... Ryuji. There is a word that is better to describe that." Said Mason as narrows his eyes at Ryuji in disappointment.

"People refer to that as 'Retro'" asked Yusuke.

The man behind the counter turned around to see who just walked into his story. This man had a small bear on his chin and is wearing some glasses. He is currently wearing a apran over his pink shirt. Sojiro Sakura 

"Hmm? Who are they?" Sojiro asked Akira.

"These are my friends." Said Akira.

"Hello!" Said Ann.

"Nice to meet you." Said Mikoto.

"A girl too...?" asked Sojiro.

"Akira has really been helped us a lot lately." Said Ann.

"Heh. I bet you're the ones doing all the helping." Said Sojiro.

"Oh no no. You got it all wrong. He has been great with helping us out." Said Mikoto.

"Huh.... Sit down. This round will be on the house. You're helping though." Said Sojiro as he told Akira that.

"Yes sir." Said Akira.

A few minutes later, everyone was sitting near in the chairs next to wooden counter. Ann and Yusuke were drinking some coffee from some cups. Mikoto, Mason were drinking some water. Ryuji is drinking some soda. Akira at the moment is helping making more coffee.

"Wow.. its delicious." Said Ann with a smile.

"Indeed, there's great depth to its acidity." Said Yusuke.

"Oh yeah! I remember now! I think I've seen Leblanc in a magazine before...." Said Ann.

"That was a long time ago." Said Sojiro.

"For real? Gimme a taste." Said Ryuji as he took Ann cup to take a sip of it.

"Wait Ryuji don't....." Mason tried to warn him.

Too late. The moment just a drop of it touched Ryuji tasted buds, he quickly didn't like the taste. "Blech!" Said Ryuji as he puts Ann cub back and drinks a some soda from glass cub.

"I tried to warn you though...." Said Mason with a deadpan look.

"Ah! Its so bitter! This has gotta be cruel and unusual punishment!" said Ryuji.

"Or you just can't handle it Ryuji." Said Mikoto.

"Eh, I didn't drink coffee when I was a kid either. These are you friends, yeah? Go on and take them to your room. No need to stay down here." Said Sojiro.

"Ooh, I wanna see!" Said Ann.

"Its only an attic." Said Sojiro.

"Man, that bitter taste just won't leave my mouth..." Said Ryuji.

"Come on. Follow me to my room everyone." said Akira as he begins to head to his room in the attic.

"Thank you very much for the drink." Said Yusuke 

"Up these stairs? Oh, and thanks for the soda." Said Ryuji. He and Yusuke begins to walk upstairs to Akira room.

"Wait for us you two." Said Mikoto as she got up from her seat and went after them.

"Same here." Said Mason as he got up from his seat as well and followed them.

"So your uh..." asked Sojiro as he asked this question to Ann.

"Ann. Ann Takamaki." Said Ann.

"Ann-chan huh... That's a nice name. You got a boyfriend?" asked Sojiro.

"Nope. Never have, either." Said Ann.

"Hey, you gotta to get up here Ann!" Mason voice was heard from up the steps to the attic.

"This place's is freaking insane!" Said Ryuji called out to Ann.

"Go on." Said Sojiro.

"Oh, right. Thank you for the coffee." Said Ann. Just as she was about to go up stairs she noticed two school bags were left in one of the booth seats. One of them still has Morgana in them.

"Sheesh, they had to leave the Mona bag down here..." Ann said quietly to herself as she picks up her school bag and picked up the other one that had Morgana in it and then begins to walk up to the attic.

"Huh, sweet girl." Said Sojiro.


Akira Room.............

Akira room is in a attic of the café. Its.. has a small bed, a small sofa and a retro TV on a small desk so far. Their is also a workbench that Akira use to create some tools for any infiltrating into any new types of Palaces. And there is a healthy plant in the room as well.

"Whaddya you think about this room? I don't know where to begin?" asked Ryuji.

"It seems quite ordinary to me." Said Yusuke.

"For real?" asked Ryuji.

"Dude... Akira room is in a attic.... how can this be normal?" asked Mason.

Morgana, who hopped out of the bag by now, and Ann have reached the room. "Oh..." Said Ann as she is surprised by how Akira room looks.

"See? Ain't this crazy?" Asked Ryuji.

"Its cleaner that I thought it would be." Said Ann.

"What!?" Asked Mason and Ryuji.

"Well, sit wherever you like." Said Morgana.

Ann sits on the sofa, while Ryuji leans on the workbench. Akira sits on his own bed. Yusuke, Mikoto and Mason remains to stand up. Morgana just sits straight up on the floor.

"We are all over the news...." Said Mason as he looks at his phone for a second.

"Even though who previously believed in us have been influenced by the comments made on TV." said Yusuke as he is checking it from his phone.

"This is all that effing Akechi fault!" said Ryuji with a angry tone in his voice.

"Keep it down Ryuji!" Mikoto said to him.

"We don't want anyone hearing us." Said Yusuke as he puts his phone back into his pockets.

"At this rate we are just going to worry everyone instead of give them courage...." Said Ann.

"Ugh.... Just when were starting to give hope to some people, this had to happen." Said Mikoto as she rubs the back of her hair.

"We need to find a way to make our rightfulness known to society." Said Morgana.

"And how do you suppose we do that Morgana?" asked Mason.

"Its time we think about our next move. You were planning on discussing that today, right?" asked Morgana.

"Well first, we need to search for a good candidate to target." Said Akira.

"Its not like we're just gonna stumble upon some important target though." Said Ryuji.

"Well actually Ryuji... we did to that with the Madarame case. Maybe it might happen again." Said Mason.

"Maybe... but does anyone know someone that we can target?" asked Ryuji.

"Nope." Said Mikoto, Ann and Yusuke.

"Great.... *Sigh* What do you think Leader?" asked Ryuji as he sits down on the floor.

"What about Mishima's site Ryuji?" asked Akira.

"I have been looking. There hasn't been anything good out there lately though." Said Ryuji.

"And I doubt the internet will help either. Who knows if anything mention on the internet is real or not." Said Mikoto.

"Plus, its not like anyone ever talks about the big targets on there on Mishima's site or on the internet for that matter." Said Ann with a bit of disappointment in her voice tone.

"Great.... just peachy. Back to square one I guess." Said Mason.

"We are never going to prove Akechi wrong at this rate!" Said Ryuji.

Suddenly, they heard something that caught their attention. It was the sound of a stomach rumbling. And it was coming from.. Yusuke stomach.

"What the...." said Morgana.

"Yusuke... was that... your stomach?" Asked Mikoto.

"Sorry... I haven't eat anything since yesterday...." Said Yusuke.

"You kidding me?" Asked Mason

"And you spent all your money on that box of sweets!?" asked Ann

"Dude, how much did you have?" asked Ryuji

"Wow... just wow Yusuke. You surprise me." Said Akira.

"Don't encourage him Akira." Said Mason.

"Anyway, I guess we will just have to sit tight and wait for a while before we can find another target." Said Mikoto.

"So.... How about that welcome party?" asked Ann.

"Wow....." Said Mason.

"Someone's excited." Said Ryuji.

"*Giggle* I think I found something? Isn't that a portable stove?" asked Ann as she points to one of the items that is on the shelf's in this room.

"Huh... I think it is." Said Akira.

"Can't we make hot pot on it?" Asked Ann.

"That sounds great! I've heard that eating hop pot together brings people closer!" Said Morgana.

"Anything with meats sound fine by me!" Said Ryuji as he stands up in excitement.

"Me as well!" Said Mason.

"I only ask that we finished it off with porridge. Extra parsley, of course." Said Yusuke.

"So, what do you said Akira?" asked Ann.

"Sure. And we will finish it up with some udon!" Said Akira as he agreed in a enthusiastically way.

"Whattt?" asked Yusuke in disbelief.

"Whattt, my ass! You don't got any cash!" Said Ryuji.

"Now lets go by some ingredients for this." Said Mason.

"I'll will need gingko nuts, wonton wrappers and..." Yusuke begins to list off of what he needs for this.

"We will take care of the shopping. Could you borrow a pot from downstairs while we are out? We can spilt the cost later." Asked Ann.

"Sure." Said Akira.


A Few Minutes Later.............

After they were done were their food shopping, they return back to Akira room. Akira was able to find a big pot in the kitchen area in the café. They put in all the food ingredients that could find and mix it up all together. And once it was ready, they begin to eat and eat until couldn't eat any more.

"I can't eat another bite..." Said Ryuji as he can feel his stomach is super full right now.

"Me too.... I am so full right now." Said Mason.

"Though... it was so good." Said a happy Mikoto.

"That was delicious Lady Ann. I am sure you will make a wonderful bride some-" Morgana tried to complement Ann.

"*Yawns loudly* Sorry, I am gonna have to borrow the sofa." Said Ann as she lays down on the sofa to rest for a while.

Morgana hops on top of the table to look at Ann trying to go to sleep. He then noticed the expression on Yusuke face.

"Hey Yusuke..." asked Mason.

"What's wrong?" asked Morgana.

"...We haven't finished our meal. What about the porridge, or even udon?" asked Yusuke as he can still see remains in the large pot.

"Just leave it for next time man..." Said Ryuji.

The sound of Ann sleeping was then heard. "She is asleep already?" asked Morgana before he was picked up by Mikoto and placed in her lap.

"It would be weird if she wasn't tired." Said Ryuji.

"I say we should let her rest." said Mason.

"By the Ryuji and Mason.... how do you two know Ann?" asked Yusuke.

"Huh?" asked Ryuji.

"Oh that. We went to middle school together." Said Mason.

"What was Ann like back then?" Asked Mikoto as she gently rubs Morgana ears.

"Well..." Mason said.

"Not so different from now." Said Ryuji.

"Once we ended up in high school, we ended up taking different classes and after that, we never talked to each other again. That is... until we meet you Akira." Said Mason.

"I don't she had many friends." Said Ryuji.

"What Ryuji means that Ann grew up in a different country overseas. And their is her looks. The popular kids just hated her and the quiet ones just stay away from her. It was hard for her." Said Mason.

"I see.... So what about you four?" Asked Yusuke.

"Huh?" asked Akira, Mason, Mikoto and Ryuji.

"This is a great opportunity to get to know each other better. You know every detail of my past at this point. It's only fair that you all tell me every detail of yours." Said Yusuke.

"I guess that is... a logical." Said Mikoto.

"All right, I will tell you. It's just a normal story about a rotten kid though." Said Ryuji. "My dad left when I was young... Ever since then its just been me and my mom. I was actually trying to get a track scholarship so I could make things easier for her. In the end, I just screwed it all up. Turns out I am a pretty bad son, huh? Back when I was a first-year, my mom got called out to school for me raising my hand at Kamoshida. All the teachers kept hounding her for what I did, but she just stayed quiet through it all...... I will never forget the look she had on her face though.... One the way home she... she apologized to me. Fr being a single mom and all..... "

"I see so that is what happened." Said Yusuke.

"As for me..... Well.... I had a normal life with my mom and dad. My dad was a great adult detective and strong believe in true justice. He would always say to me 'Kid. One day I will show the world of what true justice really looks like. Where the criminals will be punished for their crimes and be sent to prison to make them reflect on their actions!' But about when this mental shutdown cases and psychotic breakdowns incidents started.... my dad disappeared from this world. No one knows what happened to him. SO my mom had to finished what my dad started. She had to take many jobs within the government in order to fulfill my dads goal. But even still, I still miss him. And when I meet Ryuji in middle school, I wanted to help achieve his dreams. But Kamoshida ruined that dream for Ryuji. And from there, I had to keep my head down low so I don't cause any more trouble for anyone." Said Mason.

"Wow... that must have been rough for you Mason." Said Akira.

"Thank you for saying that Akira." Said Mason.

"As for me. I was just a normal Level 5 Esper in Academy City. I didn't care about of what level my Esper was, I treated everyone like we are equals. But.. somewhere along the way, I... discovered something within the darkest parts of Academy City. A project that was already in the process of creating the first Level 6 esper. They created about 20,00 clones or Misaka Sisters of me that used from a sample of my DNA. They used my clones to fight against the first ranked Level 5 Esper in a fight to the death to help increase his power. I was so determined to stop this and save the remaining Sisters. Then out of know where, some strange boy showed up and help me without every asking for my help. Not only did he save me and my Sisters but he defeated the first Level 5 and stopped the project together. On that day, I learned that it is okay to ask people for help." Said Mikoto.

"Lady Mikoto...." asked Morgana as he feels sorry for Mikoto.

"Its fine. After I have meet Mason, Ryuji, and Akira, I got a chance to save more people with the power of our Personas." Said Mikoto with a smile.

"Now then Akira. You next." Said Mason.

Akira nodded. He retails his story that he told to Mason, Ryuji and Mikoto before, to Yusuke. It still doesn't get easy to retell it. About how he was framed for a crime he didn't commit all because of some drunk man who forced the woman to make a lie to the police just so he can get off scot free.

(Watch ONLY through 0:52 through 3:18 in this video below.)



(And please don't pay any attention to the video titles okay? Please just ignore that part please)

"Just listening to it pisses me off...." Said Ryuji.

"I still can't believe you got an assault on your record just for that?" asked Mason.

"The woman sounds quite horrible as well. She's stayed quiet this whole time..." Said Yusuke.

"Not only that, she was pressured by this man in order to lie to the police!" Said Mikoto.

"That man's heart is just the kind of person whose heart we should steal! Who is he, and where can we find him?!" asked Morgana.

"I am sorry guys but I don't know. I can't remember anything about that man." Said Akira.

"You can't remember huh?" asked Morgana.

"Well... it was during the night and I am pretty sure that you were in total shock during the whole thing Akira." Said Mason.

"I understand all too well the pain of not being able to remember important details of your life." Said Morgana with a sad expression on his face.

"The victim's personal information is always kept secret. Identifying that man will prove difficult..." Said Yusuke.

"Besides, the courts has already made their ruling, didn't they?" Asked Mikoto.

"Yeah. Even if we manage to get revenge, Akira's past record won't go away." Said Yusuke.

"I can't stand it.... This world is so messed up! The weak are left to fight for themselves, while rotten adults get away with whatever they want!" Said Ryuji.

"And those in power don't do anything to help the situation. Except Mason mom who is doing everything she can to help those in need." Said Morgana.

"Can't we fix it though? Nobody would even know.... We just need to show the world what true justice is. We will make them come to their senses." Said Yusuke.

"Hey... you might be on to something Yusuke..." Said Mason.

"That's gotta be what our powers are for!" Said Ryuji.

"Sounds good to me. The flashier our missions are, the cooler we end up looking!" Said Morgana.

"You all have taught me so much." Said Yusuke.

"...What are you guys getting excited about?" asked Ann as she sits straight up on the sofa.

"Oh sorry.... Did we wake you?" Asked Ryuji.

"Nah, not really. I have been up for a while now. Still this weird feeling came over me while I was listening to you guys... It almost feels like I've known you all forever... Do you think its' because our backgrounds are so similar?" asked Ann.

"Maybe...." Said Akira.

"Well... it sure ain't 'cause of anything good." Said Ryuji.

"Similar huh... I am the only one who doesn't fit in.." Said Morgana.

"What are you talking about Morgana?" Asked Mikoto.

"I don't have any past to look back on... No memories..." Said Morgana.

"Whaddya mean? We could search the whole world and we wouldn't find a bigger misfit than you." Said Ryuji with a smile.

"And the reason we are going into Mementos is to help get your memories back right?" Asked Mason.

"I am sure your past will be just as troubled as ours." Said Yusuke.

"No doubt." Said Mikoto as she gentle rubs Morgana head.

"Hmph! We will see about that." Said Morgana.

"I actually feel like I've known Morgana for a really long time too." Said Ann.

"Me too. It is so strange that I can't put it into words." Said Mason.

"Look! I am helping you guys out for my own sake! Don't get me wrong! If you all don't get stronger, investing Mementos won't be anything but a pipe dream!" Said Morgana.

"Now now. No need to act all tough Morgana." Said Mikoto as she rubs his cat ears which made him meow happily.

"We should go as far as we can with this... as the Phantom Thieves." Said Mason.

"I want to punish those corrupt adults and give courage to people in trouble... Only we can do that!" Said Ann.

"Ha! You can say that again." Said Ryuji and Mikoto.

"Being a member of the Phantom Thieves will surely help me grow, both as an artist and as a person." Said Yusuke.

"Of course. You're all under my tutelage after all. There's nothing we can't accomplish." Said Morgana.

"Well.. I hope we can keep this up. We should be alright with you as our leader Akira and as our sub leader Mason." Said Ann.

"Right. Just leave it to me. I won't let you all down." Said Akira with a smile.

"Same goes for me. We will take any distorted desires from all adults if we have to. Nothing will stop the Phantom Thieves." Said Mason.

Ryuji is still mad about from what that detective said at the TV Studios. And because of that, all the people that were starting to believe in the Phantom Thieves are slowly starting to agree with Akechi opinion. Everyone when to Akira room to have a welcome party for Yusuke and to celebrate of stealing the Treasure from Madarame's Palace. Everyone got closer to each other as they felt like they know each other for a long time. Now they are more determined to steal more distorted desires from any rotten adults' out there.


To be Continued...........

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