School Trip

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Last Time on Persona Railgun....

"Up here Makoto." Said Mikoto. Makoto look up to see Mikoto literally standing on the side of a building.

"How are you.. standing on the side of that building?" asked Makoto.

"Its my esper powers. I am Level 5 Electromaster. You seem to forget that I came from Academy City. A place home to Espers. Now then Makoto..." Said Mikoto before she jumps off the side of the building and lands right infront of Makoto. "Care to explain why you were following me?"

"I was just curious..... of why a bunch of trouble makers would be hanging out in a public area." Said Makoto as she brushed a piece of her hair back behind her ear.

"Right.... Look, we don't need permission from someone of where we can or can't hang out Makoto. I bet your really here because someone asked you too." asked Mikoto.

"Its the principle of Shujin Academy okay? He just... wants to make sure that everyone acting okay ever since what happened with Kamoshida." Said Makoto.

"I can that is a not a full truth Makoto. He sent you some on mission to find the Phantom Thieves didn't he?" asked Mikoto.

"Well.... I.. just.." Said Makoto as she can't respond back to that question.

"I will take your stuttering as a yes." Said Mikoto before she let out a sigh. "Makoto. You can't keep doing this. Something that is beyond you reach."

"What do you mean?" asked Makoto.

"You need to understand this Makoto. You can't let someone else decide what you should do or not. You can't let someone decide you future. YOU need to make your own choices in the future." Said Mikoto.

"My... own.. choices..." Makoto repeated those three words.

"You need to listen here." Said Mikoto as she pointed to her Makoto heart area it. "You need to listen to you heart. Only then can you be able to understand of making your own choices."

"My.. heart.." Said Makoto.

"Well.. better get going. See you later Makoto." Said Mikoto as she leaves a confused Makoto in the alley.

"What does she mean by... listen to my heart? I listen to my heart! I know what I am doing is right..... am I? I mean... I got to be listening to my heart already? Or... is she right? Have I not been listening to my own heart?" Makoto asked to herself as she slowly doesn't know anymore.

It has been done. Madarame has confessed his crimes to the public. Now he will be put behind bars now. Now the group has to lay low for a while so they don't draw attention to themselves. Makoto was following Mikoto, only to be discovered. Makoto was taught a lesson from Mikoto to listen to her own heart. Makoto is now confused of what she mean by that.


Principle Office....6/6....

It was just a regular day of school at Shujin Academy. Just classes , lectures and stuff. During the lunchtime period, Makoto was called to the principles office.

"How are things going in regard to that matter we spoke of earlier?" Asked Kobayakawa.

"I.. I have nothing to report yet..." Said Makoto.

"Nothing at all? How many students are there could provoke a teacher?" asked Kobayakawa.

"I have already narrowed it down. I just can't get any solid evidence...." Said Makoto.

Kobayakawa lets out a heavy sigh. Something that Makoto noticed. Makoto had a chance now to ask him something.

"You knew didn't you? About Mr. Kamoshida sexually harassing students." asked Makoto. Kobayakawa didn't answer her which made her more nervous for his answer. "Sir!"

"What will come of you asking that?" asked Kobayakawa as he asked a strong question to Makoto.

"This investigation is for a just cause, correct?" asked Makoto.

"I believe I understand how flustered this must be making you. I am sure it was truly shocking for you as a student council president to see a peer attempt suicide..." Said Kobayakawa

"Yes..." Makoto answered honestly.

"We must provide a school environment where all students can feel at ease. That is the most pressing issue we have to tackle at the moment." Said Kobayakawa

"So that is your reason behind this investigation on the Phantom Thieves of Hearts? We don't know if they truly exist. Why are you..." asked Makoto.

"You heard about the incident with that Madarame fellow I assume?" asked Kobayakawa

"..They said  there was a similar calling card to the one used in Mr. Kamoshida's case." Said Makoto.

"I wish to believe that this is unrelated to our students." said Kobayakawa.

"Yes..." Said Makoto as she just agrees with him.

"That is where I stand. I suggest you devote your energy to the task at hand, not unnecessary questions." said Kobayakawa.

Makoto didn't had a word to reply back to him. She just simple nods her head and left the room. Just as she left the room she placed her hand over her chest area.

"Mikoto.... am I... really... doing the right thing... Am I really listening to my heart?" Makoto quietly asked to herself.


Class Room.............

In the classroom, everyone was just enjoying their lunch or just taking a break from all the class lectures and stuff. In the back room chalkboard, someone had drawn a picture of Madarame crying.

Everyone in the classroom was talking about Madarame confession. About how it was just so sudden. And they are slowly starting to believe in the Phantom Thieves. Ryuji and Mason head it from they are and the gave each other a high five.

"How is it going? Have you found our next big target?" asked Ann as she and Mikoto walks up to them.

"Give him some credit Ann. He already tried yesterday." Said Mason.

"No way I am going to find one that quick." Said Ryuji.

"Oh yeah. I guess that is true." Said Ann.

"Told ya." Said Mikoto.

"By the way, I decided on the TV station. What about you four?" asked Ann.

"Huh?" asked Mikoto, Mason, Akira and Ryuji.

"Oh... crap... I forgot." Said Mason as he just remembered something.

"The Social Studies trip. Ugh I just wanna ditch it..." Said Ryuji.

Morgana poke out of his hiding spot in Akira desk. "You'd better go to your school activities. Didn't I tell you not to draw attention to yourselves?" Asked Morgana.

"Wouldn't me suddenly turned into a good student stand out more?" asked Ryuji.

"Ryuji.... don't try to weasel your way out of this." Said Mikoto.

"Quit bickering and go." Said Morgana.

"Then lets all chose the TV station. I heard we're gonna get to watch them tape a show! Maybe there'll be actresses there!" Said Ann.

"Oh well. Not like I got anything better to do than waiting for info to come in online." Said Ryuji with a smile on his face.

"Plus Morgana has a point. Going there will keep the teachers and the students from being suspicious of us." Said Mason.

"Alright, I am gonna head back. TV huh... maybe I should get a haircut." Said Ryuji before he walks back to his class room before the lunch break is over.

"That guy is such an idiot.... I hope nothing happens..." Said Morgana.

"Don't say stuff like that Morgana. You might jinx us." Said Akira.

"Sorry." Said Morgana.


6/9....... TV Studios.......Morning..

It was the day of their school field trip. The day before this, the Phantom Thieves took a quick tri to Mementos to show Yusuke about it. And they did some requests to change some hearts in there as well. And fight some shadows as well. And they discovered a new area in Mementos has opened up. It seems that the disappearance of Madarame Palace most likely has something to do with it.

Some students that decided to choice to go to the TV studios is hearing a lesson from a PR woman. At this very moment, she is explaining to the students how makings TV shows work.

"...And that is why we recruit sponsors to help make TV shows. I am sure you know about commercial breaks? Well, those are actually sponsor-related product placements. To sum things up, ratings are vitally important for a station's production funding and...." Said the PR Woman as she continues to explain.

"Huh..." Said Ryuji.

"Zzzz....." Said Akira as he was kind of getting tired form this.

"Uh-oh. Akira is falling asleep." Said Mikoto.

"So is Mason." Said Ann as she noticed how sleepy Mason is as well. They had just had to continue listing to this lesson from this woman.

"For example, soap opera reruns are shown in the day, whereas alluring newswoman are broadcast at night. Thus, the scheduling department is where we decide what time we broadcast which program. I suppose you could say it's the place where the scheduling is determined." Said the PR woman.

"Could this get more obvious?" Asked Ann.

"So.. sleepy." Said Akira and Mason.

"Those two are not even listening..." Said Ann.

"Can't blame them. I am just getting tired just by listening to all this." Said Mikoto as she rubs her eyes to keep herself awake.

"So the best parts are taken from the footage in order to cut down the program to the designed length. The place where this filmed footage is edited would be the editing room." Said the PR woman.

Morgana pokes his head a little bit out of Akira bag. "Hey. How much longer does this go?" Morgana whispered.

"I swear, I am not gonna last..." Ryuji yawns loudly.

Someone the bumped against Akira. Forcing Akira to take a few steps back away. Akira sees some kind of person with fancy clothes walks up to the PR woman.

"What's going on? I can't stand all this noise." Said a Famous Newscaster.

"Hey..." Ryuji mouth was quickly covered up by Mikoto.

"Shh! Don't get us in trouble Ryuji!" Mikoto whispered to him.

"My apologies! I will have them leave right away! Now then, it is time for a bit of hands-on experience." Said the PR woman. The students were then moved to where some other members of the Tv studios to learn more about what they do here.

"Dammit... Who does that jerk think he is?" Asked Ryuji as he watches that guy leave.

"Hey there...  Wanna be on TV?" asked a Bossy AD as he approaches Ann.

"Huh?" Asked Ann.

"Sorry dude but that is a big fat no. She is just a school student. And this a school field trip so... back off." Said Mikoto as she moved infront of Ann to protect her.

"Whoa whoa chill. I am just asking if she wants to have a little job. That is all. Just give me a call if you change your mind okay?" The Bossy AD asked Ann.

"Um... yeah..." said a nervous Ann.

"Oh please. He says he wants to give her a little job but I can see right through him. He is only interested in Ann because of her looks." Said Mason.

"Do these rotten adults care about anything other than looks?" asked Ryuji.

"Calm down you two. Can keep your voices down please. Remember, we are in a public place." Said Akira.

A person walks up to Ryuji, Mason and Akira. She has dark brown unkempt hair, dark brown eyes. She is wearing a yellow long-sleeved shirt striped with white and red horizontal lines, a blue denim skirt and white kitten heel pumps. It is Akira and Ann homeroom teacher. Sadayo Kawakami.

"I understand that you're bored but please don't cause any trouble. Okay?" Asked Sadayo as she directed those words at Ryuji.

"Well then uhh... Let's have you see what its like to be an AC. Oh, that stands for 'assistant camera.' When we are moving cameras, we need people who can keep the cables from getting tangled up... The blond and his friend will do. They seem like they got energy to spare. Another guy next to him, you can come too if you are feeling lonely. Come on, hurry up and grab the cables." Said the Bossy AD.

"Rats..." Said Mason.

"This sucks..." Said Ryuji.

"Good luck you three." Said Mikoto with a smile on her face.


TV Studious Hallway.......Afternoon...

Ryuji, Mason and Akira had to deal with some tangled cables. They had to fought against it but they were able to get them untangled. Right now, Ryuji, Mason, Mikoto and Akira are in a hallway filled with doors to another rooms.

"I'm so pissed off!" Said Ryuji.

"Ryuji please calm down." Said Mikoto.

"How can I be calm Mikoto? Aren't we suppose to be treated like guests? Why the hell do we hafta be doing manual labor? This is bullshit! Going to the bathroom didn't even make me feel better!" asked a still angered Ryuji.

".....You feeling better now?" Asked Akira.

"NO I DON'T!" said Ryuji.

"Quiet down will you?" asked Ann as she walks up to them. "I get how you feel though... That sucked for the both of us."

"And I am afraid this is just today we have to deal with. There is still tomorrow." Said Mason.

"We gotta do more of this tomorrow too?" asked Ryuji

"No flaking out, Ryuji." Said Morgana as he got out of Akira bag and leans over his shoulder to look at Ryuji.

"I know, I know. I gotta be a 'good boy' right?" asked Ryuji as he complains. "Being phantom thieves ain't easy...."

"That reminds me, we get to go home straight from here today. We don't spend much time in this area, so why don't we relax and check out some shops beforehand?" Said Ann.

"Ooh! I know a place! I wanna go to that huge pancake-looking place we passed on the way here. it looked delicious! What was that?" asked Morgana.

"Oh! I think I know what you are talking about Morgana!" Said Mason.

"You mean Dome Town? The round part is a baseball stadium, then along the outside they've got an amusement park." Asked Ryuji.

"It is right in the middle of a business area, but they have some pretty hardcore rides there too." Said Ann.

"Alright.. Lets go! I will show you just how courageous I am!" Said Morgana with a strong determination in his voice.

"I don't know going on scary rides will do anything for you Morgana just to prove how courageous you are." Said Akira.

"Not like cats can get on anyways." Said Ryuji.

"Really?" Asked Morgana.

"He has a point. You might be able to sneak in Akira bag but... if you try to stay in the bag while being on a scary ride... you might puke during the whole thing." Said Mikoto.

"But uh... Let's just go to Dome Town! I am really feeling it now!" Said Ryuji.

"Me too!" Said Ann.

"Me three." Said Mason.

"Ugh... I think I will pass." Said Mikoto.

"Me as well Lady Mikoto." Said Morgana.

Just then someone walked by them and stops to see them. This person has a shaggy, neck length brown hair with bangs and reddish-brown eyes. He is wearing a tan peacoat with black buttons, striped black and white tie, black pants, black gloves and black loafers.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice that some have school uniforms. Are you students of Shujin Academy?" Asked the Pleasant Boy. Everyone heard his voice and turned their attention to him.

"Yeah we are." Said Mason.

"Whaddya want?" Asked Ryuji.

"I happened to be passing by, so it seemed polite to greet you. We will be filming together, after all." Said the Pleasant Boy.

"Um.. who are you?" Asked Mikoto.

"Ah! Where are my manners? My name is Goro Akechi." Said Akechi.

"Akechi?" asked Ann.

"Filming?" asked Mikoto and Mason.

"What, you a celebrity?" Asked Ryuji.

"Hehe... Only to the extent of appearing on TV a couple times." Said Akechi.

"Oh!" Said Ann.

Akechi pulls out his phone to check something quick and then put it back into his pocket. "My apologies, I truly was just passing by. I must be going. There is a briefing for tomorrow's recording that I have to attend. " Said Akechi.

"Must be hard..." Mason quietly said to himself.

"So, you're going to go have cake now? I missed lunch, so I am quite hungry myself..." Said Akechi.

The Phantom Thieves members look at each other with a confused look on there faces. "Hm? Cake? What're you talking about?" Asked Ryuji.

"Oh am I mistaken? I thought I heard something about delicious pancakes...." Said Akechi.

"I think you hungry stomach might be tricking you Akechi." Said Mikoto.

"Heheh... Maybe... No matter. Welp, see you tomorrow." Said Akechi before he left the group, much to their confusion.

"Well... that was weird." Said Mikoto.

"I will say." Said Mason.

"That guy's gotta be some kind start-up entertainer or something. He's never going to get popular with that kind of hair though." Said Ryuji.

"Ryuji..." Said Mason.

"You don't get it...." Said Ann.

"Eh its fine. We will see him again tomorrow anyways. Come on. Lets get to Dome Town!" Said Ryuji. Akira pulls out his phone to navigate the route to Dome Town as they begin their walk their already.

"H....hey... can we skip the vomit machines and get cake instead?" asked a begging Morgana.


Dome Town.....

Once they got their, Ryuji wanted to go on the scary rides. Well... they did, except for Morgana. Right now, Ryuji is suffering the consequences of going on of one of those scary rides.

"I am feeling like I am gonna puke... For real, my stomach's churning..." Said Ryuji.

"Me.... too." Said Mason as he can feel his stomach doing the same thing as well.

"This is why I spoke against it." Said Morgana.

"Dude.... it is not fair..." Said Ryuji.

"Using your cathood as an excuse.... only at time like this." Said Mason.

"Here... some throw up bags." Said Mikoto as she hand those two some bags to throw up in, just in case.

"Anyway, are you guys feeling hungry? How about some pancakes?" Asked Ann.

"No thank you..." Said Mason.

"Let's go home. We have another full day ahead of us tomorrow." Said Morgana.

"Good plan... and it will make Ryuji and Mason feel better." Said Akira as he noticed how a little bit green their faces are turning.


6/10........TV Studios.....Afternoon......

It is another day in the TV Studios felid trip. This time, all the students were taking a seat in chairs. Having to be audience for this TV show this time.

"Mr. Akechi coming on!" Said the Veteran AD. The moment he said Akechi, all the girls saw him and begins to cheer and gossip for Akechi.

"Hey.. Ain't that the guy form yesterday." Said Ryuji.

"Now I know him who he is. He is called the Detective Prince." Said Mason. 

"Cutting back form commercial." Said the Veteran AD. Akechi and the two hosts for this show take a seat in the chairs. "Seven, six, five seconds till start, four, three..."

"And now, onto the 'Hottest Meet-and-Greet' segment of our show... After his last appearance was so well-received, we decided to bring this fine gentlemen back. Its the high school detective, Goro Akechi!" Said the Cute Announcer.

All the girl students begin to cheer happily for Goro Akechi. "Hello there." Said Akechi.

"Thank you for taking the time to join us today, Akechi-kun. Your popularity is stunning." Said the Cheerful Host.

"Even I've found it to be quite a surprise. It is a bit embarrassing though...." Said Akechi.

"Moving along, we have been told there's a case on your mind right now. Care to share detective?" asked the Cute Announcer.

"Ah yes. That would be the scandal involving the master artist Madarame." Said Akechi.

"There it is! All of this phantom thief excitement has caught your attention too, Akechi-kun! Allow me to be blunt for a second. What do you think of these justice-oriented Phantom Thieves?" Said the Cheerful Host.

"If they are truly are heroes of justice, I sincerely hope they exist." Said Akechi.

"Ohhh, so you don't deny the possibility that they're real?" asked the Cheerful Host.

"I may not seem like it, but I sometimes wish that Santa Claus actually existed. Although if he did, I'd have to arrest him for breaking and entering." Said Akechi. 

The moment he said that, everyone laughed at his little joke. Well.. everyone, except Akira, Mason, Mikoto and Ann. Ryuji especially didn't find that at least a bit funny.

"But hypothetically speaking, if these Phantom Thieves are real.... I believe they should be tried in a court of law. "Said Akechi. This made Mason, Mikoto, Akira and Ryuji nervous. Even Morgana who is hiding in Akira bag.

"That's quite the statement. Are they committing crimes? Some people even say that the Thieves are actually helping their victims abandon their evil ways." Said the Cheerful Host.

"What the artist Madarame did truly was an unforgivable crime. However they are taking the law into their own hands by judging him. It is far from justice. More importantly, you should never forcefully change a person's heart." Said Akechi.

"You have a point. These people calling themselves the Phantom Thieves, after all. Amazing as always, Akechi-kun! I could listen to you for day! You have the most radiant charisma!" Said the Cheerful Host.

"I have to say though, I would be embarrassed if it turns out these Phantom Thieves don't exist. If that were the case, I'd summarize it into a report as a school project." Said Akechi.

"Now then, let's try asking some students the same age as Akechi-kun about the Phantom Thieves! First, please press your button now if you think the Phantom Thieves exist!" Said the Cute Announcer.

"Who are those three trying to fool?" Asked Mason as he pressed the button that he was handed before this show started. The same as every other student in TV Studios.

"Of course they do." Said Ryuji quietly.

The points board right next to Akechi turns on. The numbers on it begins to scramble before they settle on a number. The number... 17.

"About 30% or so? What are your thoughts, Akechi-kun?" asked the Cheerful Host.

"I am a bit surprised. That's higher than I expecting. I'd love to hear some more detailed opinions on the Phantom Thieves actions." said Akechi with a shock look on his face.

The Cute Announcer stands up and begins to walk to the audience. She then stops at Akira who is surprised.

"Alright, lets try asking this student here. Hypothetically speaking, what are you thoughts on these Phantom Thieves, if they were real?" asked the Cute Announcer.

".... They do more than the cops could ever do. That is what I believe." Said Akira. This just made every other student and made Akechi laugh a tiny bit.

"This completely goes against the opinion you had about them being tried by law, Akechi-kun." Said The Cheerful host.

"Indeed. It's rather intriguing to hear such a strong acknowledgement. In that case, there's one more question I like to ask.... If someone close to you, for example, your friend next to you... If his heart suddenly changed.. wouldn't you think it was the work of the Phantom Thieves?" Akechi asked Akira.

"No. That is not how they work. They only go after criminals and no one else." Said Akira with no hesitation in his voice.

"Ah..... What a strong answer you just gave. Well, here is my opinion on the topic. Whether the Phantom Thieves' actions are good or not, I feel there is a more important issue at hand." Said Akechi.

"Hm? What do you mean?" asked the Cheerful Host just as the Cute Announcer sits back down next to him.

"The matter of how they change people's hearts. If they honestly possess that ability... it could be used for more than extracting confessions. It could be that what seem to be ordinary crimes are actually being perpetrated by these methods..." Said Akechi.

"You know you are absolutely right." Said The Cheerful Host.

"Oh, please don't misunderstand. This is all purely hypothetical... It is only if people who can use such a power truly exist. Either way though, this cannot be ignored. The existence of the Phantom Thieves would be nothing but a threat to our everyday lives. To be honest, I am already working alongside the police to help sort out this matter." Said Akechi. Some of the students clap for Akechi opinion.


A few minutes later..........

All the students begins to leave the building. The ones that stay behind at the moment at the Phantom Thieves members.

"Hey... Ann..." Said Mikoto.

"Yeah. It kinda seemed like what he was saying might be right...." Said Ann as she gets what Mikoto is feeling right now.

"He made it sound like we are the baddies. I don't like it." Said Ryuji.

"Neither do I Ryuji but, you have to admit he does make some good points. Are the actions we are doing.... going to affect everyone?" Said Mason.

"That stuff about the police. Do you think it is for real?" Asked Ann.

"I don't care what he says about the police. I am not scared." Said Akira.

"He can say all he wants. The justice of it all is something we can decide for ourselves." Said Morgana.

"Oh sorry, I am going to take a leak. Can you guys wait for me here? I will be right back." Said Ryuji as he runs to go find a near by restroom.

"Great... I better go help him find the restroom fast." Said Mason as he chases after Ryuji to go help him.

"Oh my god... I am gonna keep going, okay? "said Ann.

"Me too." Said Mikoto. She and Ann left to go get out of the building.

"Oh, its you!" Said Akechi as he walks up to him. Morgana quickly hides back into Akira bag.

"I'm glad I found you. I wanted to thank you in person. To paraphrase Hegel, advancement cannot occur without both thesis and antithesis...." Said Akechi.

"Um... you lost me of what you are trying to say." Said Akira.

"Haha. My apologies. What I mean is that our discussion was quite meaningful. Few people around me are so willing to speak their minds as freely as you did earlier. Adults are only interested in using the young, while they simply do as the adults say." Said Akechi.

"Yeah I noticed. I've.... had experience so far noticing that in certain adults." Said Akira.

"Thanks for understand that. There are too many irresponsible people in these modern times. I can understand why you'd support the Phantom Thieves. It is possible that this group is just as you believe and they are truly acting with good intentions" Said Akechi.

"Of course they are. They made so many people feel better of their actions. They made two rotten adults so far to confess their sins. And the people that were the victims of those rotten adults can at least feel a bit more at ease. And they will fight to the end if they have to." Said Akira.

"You really are intriguing. I bet you'd make for a worthwhile debate partner on the subject. If it is alright with you continue sharing your thoughts with me?" Said Akechi as he extending his left hand out to Akira.

"That's fine by me Akechi." Said Akira as he shakes Akechi hand with his left hand.

"Thank you, that's great news. I sense something in you that is quite different from other people. I guess you can call it my detective's intuition? Haha, kidding of course." Said Akechi with a smile.

The School Trip to TV Studios is very long one. The Phantom Thieves members that go to Shujin Academy had to suffer what it is like in that place. While on their school trip, they encountered a strange person named Akechi. Akechi had made some interesting facts of the Phantom Thieves actions. Some of those facts has hit really hard on Mikoto, Mason and Ryuji and Ann. Is their actions really justice or not? Will they be able to prove to the public that the Phantom Thieves actions are true justice?


To Be Continued.........

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