Infiltrating The Museum Take Two

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Last Time on Persona Railgun.......

"Nope. He did mention that he was complaining to the security on how they couldn't catch one high school girl. However, he is still furious about it, and he said that he is going to take legal action against everyone." Said Yusuke.

"Oh great....." Said Mikoto.

"Talk about being completely on guard." Said Ryuji.

"Legal action... he is acting way to desperate." Said Ann. "Maybe he is hiding more secrets."

"But still this is a problem...." Said Mason.

"If he were to act, it would be the day after the exhibit is over. Any sandal during his show will be his loss." Said Yusuke.

"Right when I think the talk about the nude modeling is over, this happens?" Says a disappointed Ann.

"Looks like we will have to change his heart before that." Said Mason.

"Before he could take any legal actions to get us in trouble." Said Morgana.

"Meaning.......... our plan must happen before the day the exhibit ends." Said Akira.

Everyone nods their heads to that opinion. "By the way.... what is this?" asked Yusuke was he was looking at Morgana.

"Huh? Oh.... He is a cat." Said Ryuji.

"But he is talking." Said Yusuke.

"You have a problem with that?" asked Morgana.

"No not really." Said Yusuke.

"Huh, why not?" Asked Ryuji as he was shocked that Yusuke is not making a big reaction out of this.

"He is just on a different wavelength than other people." Said Ann.

"We came to the conclusion is that if you hear him in the Metaverse, you can hear him here as well. Everyone else that hasn't been to the Metaverse can only here meows coming from him." Said Mikoto.

"I see." Said Yusuke as he reaches his out towards him.

"Hey don't touch me like........" Said Morgana. What Yusuke was really reach out for was the button right next to Morgana. Yusuke pressed the button as it begins to signal one of the waiters in the dinner to their table.

"I was thinking about ordering some black bean jelly." Said Yusuke.

"I bet he got the idea from 'black cat'." Said Ryuji.

"Ryuji....... stop teasing." Said Mason.

"Do you have the money to order something like that Yusuke?" asked Akira.

"Oh! I forgot to bring money." Said Yusuke.

"........Never mind......He is just weird." Said Ann.

"I will say....." Said Mikoto.

The Phantom Thieves plan worked..... Almost. What they didn't expect that Ann would bring Yusuke with her when escaping back to Madarame Palace. From their they encounter the Shadow Self of Madarame. They learned of how he really views his pupils. Yusuke has awaken to his Persona and is now a member of the Phantom Thieves.


5/20....... Hideout..........

Just like before, when school was over, everyone has gathered at their little hideout at Teikyu Building Accessway. Getting ready for the infiltration at the Palace.

"Yusuke, we still need to explain the basic to you, don't we?" asked Morgana.

"He means about the Metaverse and the Meta Nav app." Said Mason.

"Oh yeah. Those are pretty important to know about." Said Ann.

"Please elaborate." Said Yusuke.

"Okay then. Where should we start?" said Mikoto.

"First, the Metaverse spots where we act as Phantom Thieves are called Palaces." Said Morgana.

"To make it easier for you to understand Yusuke, Palaces are the manifestation of a person distorted desires." Said Akira.

"Another way to put it, is how they view their perspective of the world from their eyes." Said Mikoto.

"So do we each hold Palaces within ourselfs as well?" asked Yusuke.

"No, not just anyone will have one. It is primarily those with strong distorted desires." Said Morgana.

"They basically gotta be criminals. Real bastards like Kamoshida or Madarame." Said Ryuji.

"Also, it is impossible for a person to a Persona and a Palace at the same time. After all, a Persona is the true self after you accepted your Shadow self." Said Mason.

"S-So that is how it works...." Said Ann.

"O-Obviously I know that." Said Ryuji.

"From the stutter in your voice Ryuji says other wise." Morgana teased Ryuji.

"Can it cat!" Said Ryuji.

"NOT A CAT!" Said Morgana.

"Would you two knock it off already?! You two are giving me a headache......." Said Mikoto.

"Sorry......" Said Ryuji and Morgana.

"To get to these Palaces, we used a app to get there. You just put a person full name, the location and what they think place real is in their eyes." Said Mason.

"So like, Madarame would think his 'shack' as a museum as his distortion. As we seen before, he thinks himself all high and mighty their in that Palace." Said Akira.

"Anything else you want to know Yusuke?" Asked Ann.

"Yes. It is Akira and Mason. You all mention that they have multiple Persona's in them. But a person can only have one Persona. How is that possible?" Asked Yusuke.

"Oh.... that.... we um.... don't know." Said Mikoto.

"Huh?" asked Yusuke as he was confused.

"Frankly, we are still wondering how those two are lucky to have multiple Persona's." Said Ryuji.

"Just when we think they can't surprise us anymore, they have to call forth powerful Persona's we never seen before." Said Mikoto.

"To be honest, I am wondering if we will never stop getting surprised at this point." Said Ann.

"Is that bad?" Asked Mason.

"Of course it is! Just when we though you can't surprise us anymore, you two have to do it again and again. Honestly, I wonder if you two enjoy always surpassing us." Said Ryuji.

"Oh sorry......" Said Mason.

"So are we ready?" Asked Akira.

"Yes!" Said everyone.

"Well then, lets get going." Said Akira as they used the app to get back to Madarame Palace.


Madarame Palace........ Outside.........

Everyone was gathered at the parking area near the museum. "Oh yeah. we haven't come up with a codename for our new recruit." Said Mona as he realized they need to give Yusuke a code name.

"Panther...... what ever you are thinking for his new code name, it is denied." Said Atomic.

"What? I thought 'Kitsune' would be the right one for him. With his whole mask and everything." Said Panther.

"Please take this seriously Panther. His code name shouldn't be too obvious." Said Valkyrie.

"Are you talking about me?" Asked Yusuke.

"What do you think your code name should be?" Asked Panther.

Yusuke crossed his arms as he begins to think. "I say 'Da Vinci' " Said Yusuke.

"Nope." Said Skull.

"Not gonna happen." Said Atomic.

"Why?" asked Yusuke.

"It is way to cool for you. And I didn't mean that as a pun." Said Atomic.

"Lets see....... You got that mask and you have that weird tail........ I got it! Alright, you are Abura-age!" Said Skull.

"Snrk....!" Said Mona as he covers his mouth to prevent a laugh from escaping his lips. 

"Hehehe...." Valkyrie try to cover her mouth as a small giggle escaped her lips.

"Very well." Said Abura-age

"He's agreed to it!?" asked Mona and Valkyrie.

"Its decide. You are Abura-age." Said Skull.

"No! No way you are you going with that codename. Try something else." Said Atomic.

"Everyone will just laugh at him from just hearing that. So that codename is unacceptable." Said Panther. 

"Do you have any ideas Joker?" Asked Panther.

Joker looked at Yusuke again and look carefully at design and mask Yusuke has. After about a few minutes, Joker has comes up with a perfect codename. "Fox." Said Joker.

"OHHH.... I see." Said Atomic.

"Nice." Said Valkyrie.

"Ohhh, just keep it literal, huh? Sounds good to me." Said Skull.

"What do you think Fox?" Asked Mona.

"Its acceptable." Said Fox.

"Its set then. Lets go!" Said Skull.


Madarame Palace.......Somewhere in the Treasure Building hallways........

After sneaking through a bunch of Shadows and somehow jumping into paintings to get to the next hallway or so. Inside of those  massive paintings, they learn the hiding thoughts of Madarame and how he views others and his pupils and how he tricked everyone into thinking he lived at the shack, where he really lives in secret.

"You okay Fox?" asked Valkyrie as they continue to sneak around the museum. "It must be hard for you to hear the true thoughts of Madarame."

"I am fine. To be honest, it just gives me more reason to get justice on him and for all the people he has robed the dreams of pupils." Said Fox.

"That is the spirit man. Don't lose sight of the true justice. We are going to prove everyone that we can those who can't do anything against powerful rotten adults." Said Skull.

"Mona. Can you sense of how close we are to the Treasure?" Asked Joker.

"I can sense it. We are almost there. Just a couple of more hallways and possible more traps to avoid." Said Mona.

"Well, well, well........." Said a voice behind them. They turned around to see a Shadow that has appeared behind them. 

The Shadow bend backwards and turned into a red and back puddle. The puddle then exploded and turned into a different fairy like being.

"I won't let you....... miserable thieves go any further! I shall burn you all to ashes!!!!" Said the Shadow as she creates a powerful fire beam at the team.

"Scatter!" Said Joker. Everyone dodges out of the way in time to avoid it. Where the fire beam hits was the wall behind them. That part of the wall was completely covered in fire and was burning the walls a little.

"Careful guys. One wrong move and we could become burned alive." Said Joker.

"I know! Persona!" Said Panther as she summons Carmen behind her. Carmen shots out two fire balls at the Shadow. However, the Shadow didn't even more as it the fire balls were just..... absorbed into her.

"HAHAHAHA! Why thank you for the refreshment stupid girl!" Said the Shadow.

"What just happened!? Why didn't it get damaged!!!!????" Asked Panther.

"Mona! Explain please!" Said Joker.

"I was afraid this might happen some day........Their are some Shadows that can absorb a certain element attack. When that happens, all injuries it got before will heal away, undoing the damage we done to it in the first place." Said Mona.

"So in other words............ no attacking it with a element that it can just absorb it and heal itself. So fire based attacks is out for this type of Shadow. Sorry Panther." Said Atomic.

"Oh man........." Said Panther as she knows that she can't attack it with fire based attacks.

"Here it comes again! Dodge!" Said Valkyrie.

Everyone dodge as she released some kind of mist at the group. They were able to dodge it........ sorry correction. Almost everyone dodge it.

"Zzzzzzzz........." Said Skull as he was laying on the floor sleeping.

"Oh my! Looks like you got a idiot who can't dodge right! HAHAHA!" Said the Shadow.

"Dude! This is no time to be sleeping! Wake up!" Said Atomic as he rushed over to Skull and begin to shake him gently.

"Skull was hit by a sleep spell. He will be out for a while, unless someone knows how to wake him up." Said Mona.

"Sleep spell?" Asked Fox.

"Their are some attacks that used for status affects. Like a confused spell, sleep spell and a forget spell. This one puts its target to sleep. And Skull was unfortunate to become a victim of this status affect." Said Mona.

"Then we need to wake him up now! I don't have a medicine that will cure that." Said Atomic as he looks through the bag for the medicine in hopes to wake up Skull.

"Wake up Skull!" Said Valkyrie as she points her finger at Skull. A small batch of lighting launched out of her fingers and landed on Skull forehead. Skull was then standing on his feet again.

"Wow..... talk about a shock wakeup call." Said Skull.

"Had a nice nap?" Asked Mona.

"To be honest..... no." Said Skull.

"I am thou........ Come Persona!" Said Fox as he summons his Persona behind him. 

"Uh-oh........" Said the Shadow.

Goemon points his pipe at the Shadow and released a wave of ice. The Shadow let out of a sound of pain as it was getting attack by its weakness.

"All-Out-Attack!" Said Fox. Everyone jumped in and begin to slash and damage the Shadow in a super duper fast speed.

"It was fun while it lasted, goodbye." Said Fox as he did a stylish pose as the Shadow behind him leak out black goo like blood. The Shadow turned into a black puddle and faded away.

"And that takes care of that. Another Shadow defeated." Said Joker.

"That was a amazing style pose Fox." Said Atomic.

"Yes. It shows true elegance and beauty doesn't it." Said Fox.

"It always has to be related to art doesn't it?" Skull talked to himself quietly.


Main Treasure Hall........................

After a bit of more searching and sneaking in the museum, they were able to reach the main room that hold the Treasure. However, there was one problem...... make that two problems. One Madarame, two the Treasure is surrounded by a laser grid.

The group peaked around the corner to see the Treasure. Sure enough, this is going to be a challenge.

"There it is." Said Mona.

"Finally, we were able to make it here." Said Valkyrie.

"Doesn't it look a little bit hazy?" asked Panther.

"Doesn't the Treasure always look like that before it materializes?" Asked Atomic.

"For the time being. Once we send the card and make Madarame aware of it will be stolen, it'' materialize like 'Yoo-hoo!'." Said Mona.

"I wonder what form it will take........" Said Fox.

"Who knows......" Said Skull.

"Well Kamoshida Treasure was a crown. And this is a museum, so it might be art related." Said Joker.

"The source of what distorted Madarame reality this much......" Said Fox.

"Okay....... We have found the Treasure. Problem, how are we suppose to get it without getting caught?" asked Atomic.

"Lets split up and find something that might be helpful in stealing that Treasure." Said Joker. 

"Okay then. Me and Valkyrie will check the upper floors. You all can possible check the rooms down here." Said Atomic.


Upper Floor Room................

Atomic open up the room to find some kind of room that has a lever and tons of wires near by. And a little opening that goes to a maintenance walkway wood planks. Used for fixing the lights.

Valkyrie walked on the wood planks and look down. She noticed a opening in the laser grid from above.

"A little opening from above huh?" Said Valkyrie.

She then noticed a hook slowly lowering down by a few inches. She looked back to see Atomic was testing out the lever. She walked back over to where he is in the room.

"Well we got our way to get the Treasure, but how we can we get it without old man down there seeing us? And I am pretty sure that hook can't handle my weight." Said Atomic.

"Hmmmm......... This is a problem........" Said Valkyrie.

Suddenly the lights went out for a few seconds. They can hear the sounds of Madarame getting angry. The lights came back on after about a few seconds.

"What was that?" asked Valkyrie.

"Possibly the others. They must have been messing around with the lights switches." Said Atomic.

The door suddenly open up and the rest of the gang came in there. They were breathing very hard like they just a hard battle against a powerful Shadow.

"What happened down there?" Asked Atomic.

"We were hoping to find a button to deactivate the laser grid. Unfortunately, only Madarame has that kind of access." Said Joker.

"And may I ask who was the one that turned off the lights?" Asked Valkyrie. Everyone begin to point at Panther and Skull. Valkyrie let out a disappointment sigh.

"What? I want to see what it will do." Said Skull.

"And I try to stop him but I accidently helped him pressed the button as well." Said Panther.

"Oka then. We found out that their is a opening in the laser grid from above. And that their is a hook that can be lowered down to it. "Said Atomic.

"Hmmm...... That could be useful." Said Mona.

"Do you plan on descending on that hook? Would they not notice you the moment you were lowered down?" asked Fox.

"I don't think so Fox. There is something that will help prevent that from happening." Said Valkyrie.

"Use the darkness." Said Joker.

"Exactly. That is our Joker!" Said a happy Mona.

"Oh right...... we were able to turn off the lights in that control room." Said Panther.

"And we would only have a few seconds before the lights turn back on." Said Joker.

"So we would need to be fast on this one." Atomic.

"I am pretty sure that Madarame isn't going to allow anyone back into that room again. He would now have a security guard protecting it the day we send him that calling card." Said Atomic.

"Then someone will have to distract the guard away long enough for one of us to get into that room and turn off the lights." Said Joker.

"Panther, Skull. You two will be in charge of that task." Said Joker and Atomic.

"Yes sir!" Said Skull and Panther.

"The rest of us will take care of the preparations for when it is time to lower the hook with Mona on it." Said Atomic.

"Just like a real phantom thief's would do." Said Skull.

"I think we have our plan work out. Lets head back." Said Joker. Everyone nodded their head to that plan as they begin to head back to their real reality for their big plan for when they send that calling card.

The group had some trouble finding a codename for Yusuke. They ran into a powerful Shadow that nearly burned them alive and put one of them to sleep. The Phantom Thieves have created a plan of how they will steal Madarame Treasure. Will it work or not?


To Be Continued..........

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