Shadow Madarame Fight!

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Last Time on Persona Railgun.........

Suddenly the lights went out for a few seconds. They can hear the sounds of Madarame getting angry. The lights came back on after about a few seconds.

"What was that?" asked Valkyrie.

"Possibly the others. They must have been messing around with the lights switches." Said Atomic.

The door suddenly open up and the rest of the gang came in there. They were breathing very hard like they just a hard battle against a powerful Shadow.

"What happened down there?" Asked Atomic.

"We were hoping to find a button to deactivate the laser grid. Unfortunately, only Madarame has that kind of access." Said Joker.

"And may I ask who was the one that turned off the lights?" Asked Valkyrie. Everyone begin to point at Panther and Skull. Valkyrie let out a disappointment sigh.

"What? I want to see what it will do." Said Skull.

"And I try to stop him but I accidently helped him pressed the button as well." Said Panther.

"Oka then. We found out that their is a opening in the laser grid from above. And that their is a hook that can be lowered down to it. "Said Atomic.

"Hmmm...... That could be useful." Said Mona.

"Do you plan on descending on that hook? Would they not notice you the moment you were lowered down?" asked Fox.

"I don't think so Fox. There is something that will help prevent that from happening." Said Valkyrie.

"Use the darkness." Said Joker.

"Exactly. That is our Joker!" Said a happy Mona.

"Oh right...... we were able to turn off the lights in that control room." Said Panther.

"And we would only have a few seconds before the lights turn back on." Said Joker.

"So we would need to be fast on this one." Atomic.

"I am pretty sure that Madarame isn't going to allow anyone back into that room again. He would now have a security guard protecting it the day we send him that calling card." Said Atomic.

"Then someone will have to distract the guard away long enough for one of us to get into that room and turn off the lights." Said Joker.

"Panther, Skull. You two will be in charge of that task." Said Joker and Atomic.

"Yes sir!" Said Skull and Panther.

"The rest of us will take care of the preparations for when it is time to lower the hook with Mona on it." Said Atomic.

"Just like a real phantom thief's would do." Said Skull.

"I think we have our plan work out. Lets head back." Said Joker. Everyone nodded their head to that plan as they begin to head back to their real reality for their big plan for when they send that calling card.

The group had some trouble finding a codename for Yusuke. They ran into a powerful Shadow that nearly burned them alive and put one of them to sleep. The Phantom Thieves have created a plan of how they will steal Madarame Treasure. Will it work or not?


Next Day......5/21.....Hideout....

"A calling card, hm? Will he take it seriously?" asked Yusuke. The Phantom Thieves were gathered at their hideout talking about their next move.

"I will have to agree with you there Yusuke. He is pretty famous after all. He is properly receiving tons of slanderous letters in the past." Said Mikoto.

"He'll know best whether the crime written on it is real or not." Said Ryuji.

"Yeah. Even when he claims to any bystanders that its all fake, deep down, his Shadow self will react and know that we will come after his Treasure." Said Mason.

"Wait. Are you going to write it again Ryuji? The last one was questionable at best." Said Morgana.

"You should do it then Yusuke! Oh! Make it really artistic and stuff." Said Ann.

"Not a good idea Ann." Said both Akira and Mason.

"Huh? Why not?" asked Ann.

"They are right. It will end with Madarame figuring it out. He knows my drawing and writing styles all to well." Said Yusuke.

"See what we mean Ann? It will backfire on us if Madarame figures out who wrote the calling card." Said Mason.

"Oh... I see." Said Ann.

"Oh, then I'll think it up, and you make it cooler!" Said Ryuji.

"Oh... I see. Mixing it up. That way, Madarame won't know who wrote the calling card. Nice." Said Mikoto.

"Designing a calling card, hm.. Interesting. It shall become proof that the Phantom Thieves do exist." Said Yusuke with a smile on his face.

"Its decided then." Said Ryuji and Mason.

"Great! All that is left is to make the Treasure ours! You guys better come fully prepared." Said Mona. The Phantom Thieves nodded their head in agreement.


5/22 .....Museum.........

It is the after noon at this very moment. Right now, Madarame is having a little discussion with some people that are wanting to have a conversation with him. Yusuke is standing right behind Madarame.

"Pardon me sir. There's a matter we need to notify you about." Said the Exhibit staff who walked up to him.

"Please excuse me for a moment." Said Madarame. He moved somewhere place a little bit more quiet to talk to the Exhibit staff member. "What is it?"

"We found this outside." Said the Exhibit staff. He hands Madarame a red card. Madarame picks the card to look to see a strange logo on the front of it. It was the Phantom Thieves new logo for their calling card.

Madarame flips the card over to see something. It was a bunch of words written on the back of the card.

"Sir Ichiryusai Madarame, a great sinner of vanity whose talent has been exhausted. You are an artist who uses his authority to shamelessly steal the ideas of his pupils. We have decided to make you confess all your crimes with your own mouth. We will take your distorted desires without fail. From, The Phantom Thieves" The Exhibit Staff read to him.

Madarame begins to crumple the calling card up. "Whose doing is this?" asked Madarame in anger.

"We don't know! The same letter has been posted everywhere..." Said the Exhibit Staff.

"What about the Security Cameras!?" Asked Madarame

"There were no signs of the culprit.... All we saw was a cat in the recordings..." Said the Exhibit Staff.

"Remove these at once!" Said Madarame.

"Yes sir! Um...." Said the Exhibit Staff.

".....What now?" Asked Madarame as he just about enough bad news today already.

"It is about this affecting the exhibit.... We believe that it is a prank, but what of the mass media?" asked the Exhibit Staff.

"Are you insinuating that this slander is true!?" Asked Madarame.

"Of course not!" Said the Exhibit Staff.

Unknown to Madarame, Yusuke was watching this little scene the entire time. The reality begins to glitch for a moment before the Shadow Self of Madarame was in place of where the real one was.

"Its those damn brats doing isn't it?" asked Shadow Madarame as he questions to himself. "Well it means nothing... They will only be able do as they please until the exhibit is over.." 

After the Shadow Self said that, the area glitched again and it was back to normal. Yusuke simply turned around. He begins to walk over to where the others were waiting, hiding from Madarame eyes.

"Will that do?" asked Yusuke.

"You bet it does Yusuke." Said Mason with a smile on his face.

"It was perfect too. The composition was way cooler too!" Said Ann with a smile on her face.

"The Treasure should appear right about now." Said Morgana.

"Hehe. This is going to be great." Said Mikoto with a smirk on her face.

"You better enjoy the air of freedom while you can old man." Said Ryuji.

"Yeah. Just long enough before he goes to jail." Said Mason.

"Anyways, did you guys check online? People are already talking about that calling card. We will show them... We are gonna surprise them all!" Said Ryuji.

"I am sure you know this but we only get one shot to pull this off!" Said Morgana.

"Alright lets do this." Said Akira with a rebellious smirk on his face.

"Yeah. Its time to steal Madarame twisted desires." Said Mason with the same kind of smirk on his face as well.

"You don't got any reservations about this either, right, Yusuke?" asked Mikoto.

"Of course not. We will do this." Said Yusuke. After he said that, they begin to head to Madarame Palace.


Madarame Palace........Main Treasure Hall........ Security Room..

Just as they entered the Metaverse, everyone was getting into positions. Just before that though, they saw the the Treasure manifested but is being covered by a purple cloth. And just like before, it is still being covered by a laser grid and the Shadow Madarame is standing right infront of the laser security grid. 

They only got one chance of getting this Treasure and they can't afford any kinds of slipups. At the moment, Panther and Skull were just outside the door that leads into the security room.

"There is an enemy inside, just as expected as much..." Said Panther as she noticed the Shadow guard in that room.

"I mean, we have done a ton in here. It ain't surprising. Anyway, I am going to try and draw that Shadow out, so I will leave the rest to you." Said Skull.

"Will you be okay? What if it catches up to you?" asked Panther.

"Heh, don't underestimate an ex-runner. I am definitely going to shake that Shadow off!" Said Skull. Panther nodded her head. She then hides behind a plant pot.

Skull then knocks on the door loudly. "Hey! There is some weird people over here! Hey, I need some help!" Said Skull as he deepen his voice to fool the Shadow before running off into the hallway.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Asked the Shadow Guard as it steps out of the room to chase after who is calling for help.

"You better make it Skull....." Said Panther as she comes out of hiding and heads into the security room to get ready for her part of the plan to steal the Treasure.


Upper Room Floor..........

At the exact time, Fox and Valkyrie where finishing tying Mona on the large hook. Since Mona is the smallest in the Phantom Thieves, he is just perfect for this job.

"How is that Mona?" asked Valkyrie.

"Is this good?" Asked Fox.

"Yeah it is perfect." Said Mona.

"You enjoying this a lot are you Mona?" asked Valkyrie.

"Hehe. Only the best can appreciate these critical moments. Plus, this feels like we are really Phantom Thieves." Said Mona with a smile.

"Okay. Time to send the signal. DO it Fox." Said Valkyrie.

"Right." Fox. He begins to move his right arm up in down. Ann can see it from the windows in the security room.

"That is Fox signal. Here we go!" said Panther as she pushed a big button. In that moment, the lights turned off.

In the room that controls the hook that Mona is tied to, Atomic noticed the lights going off. It is time.

"Now Joker!" Said Atomic.

Joker quickly acted and pull down the lever. As the lever was lowering down to the Treasure, Mona was getting ready to grab it. The moment he got it, he felt the hook slowly raising back up. 

A few seconds had passed and the lights were turned back on Shadow Madarame noticed that the Treasure is no longer where it is. This is making him mad.

The others were able to get to the room just in time. Skull had to take longer to shake off the Shadow that following him. They walk on the suspended platforms to reach were Mona is waiting for them, still on the hook with something in his hands.

"Hehe! How is that for a skilled plan?" Asked Mona as he got the Treasure in his hand.

"Excellent job there Mona." Said Joker as he helps Mona get off the hook. Mona begins to tie the cloth around his body to carry it.

"Good. Now lets get out of here before someone notice us." Said Atomic.

"There! On the suspended platforms! They got the Treasure!" Said a Shadow guard from the ground level spotting them.

"After them!" Shadow Madarame ordered.

"Too late. They spotted us." Said Joker.

"Now what?" asked Valkyrie.

"Um... "Said Mona. He then noticed that some of the suspended platforms lead to a window that leads outside. "Through that window quick!" 

Everyone noticed the square shaped window. They begin to hop from suspended platforms to suspended platforms to reach it. Just when they got outside, they soon begin to find a way to head back to ground level.


Central Garden................

They were able to find a secret passage that lead them back to the Central Garden area. Just as they reach their, they begin to take some deep breaths.

"It seems that we manage to escape their siege." Said Fox.

"Yeah. Just barely though. That was way too close for comfort." Said Valkyrie.

"Mrrr... Meowwww..." Said Mona.

"Oh no. Not now..." Said Atomic.

"Dude..... Why is Mona getting excited now of all times?" asked Skull.

"I just can't take it anymore! Let's take a look at this Treasure!" Said Mona. He then placed the wrapped up Treasure on the ground and unwrapped the cloth around it. Just as he unwrapped it, everyone was taking a good look at this Treasure.

"Treasure!" Said Mona as he hugged it happily. 

"Um... Mona. You might need to relook at this... Treasure you are hugging." Said Valkyrie.

"Huh?" Asked Mona as he took a closer look at it.

She is right though. The Treasure is weird. It nothing but a painting. Just a simple painting of a doodle face.

"What the hell is this!?" asked Mona.

"THIS is the Treasure!?" asked Skull.

"How can this be!? And why is it a paining of only a doodle face?" asked Valkyrie.

Joker and Atomic gasped as they finally noticed something. Something that was not right here. "Because it is a original." Said Atomic.

"Huh?" asked everyone as they are confused.

"THIS is the only thing that is original to Madarame. In other words.... this isn't the Treasure at all!" Said Joker.

"Its a fake Treasure!" Said Atomic

Fox then noticed some metal electric fences slowly coming out of the ground. And they were slowly coming online.

"Get back!" Said Fox.

Everyone had to jump or do a backflip to get away in time. The electric fences formed a triangle shaped fence around the fake Treasure.

"Meddlesome vermin." A voice that belong to all too familiar Shadow Self. Everyone turned around to see Shadow Madarame with two Shadow guards right next to him. One of the Shadow Guards is holding the real Treasure its arms.

"Is this what you are looking for." asked Shadow Madarame as he looks at the real Treasure in the Shadow Guards hands.

"How dare you try to trap me like some kind of mouse." Said Mona.

"So you had a fake prepped huh?" asked Skull.

"Should have known you would do something like that." Said Joker.

"Counterfeits are accepted in the world of Japanese art." Said Shadow Madarame.

"Maybe from you twisted view of the world." Said Atomic.

"What made you change like this!? Is it because you became famous!? Can't you understand how much it pains me to inquire about the crimes of my foster father!?" asked Fox.

"... Now that I think back, the only reason why I took you in was due to my ties with your mother. That woman never lost her passion for painting, even after her husband died. Her skills and talents were quite astonishing..... That is why I decided to look after her." Said Shadow Madarame.

"What are you saying?" Asked Atomic.

"Yusuke mother and the artwork she created.... they are all MY works of art! I suppose I can grant you a gift before you die... A glimpse of the genuine 'Sayuri'" Said Shadow Madarame.

"Genuine...?" asked Fox.

The Shadow Guard that hold the real Treasure lifted it up for everyone to see it. It was the Sayuri. But it was different from how the others saw it. Their was no mist or anything below the painting. Instead... it showed that the woman was looking at a baby in her arms.

"That's.... the real 'Sayuri'? This can't be! Mom..." Said Fox as he finally knows who that woman in the painting is right now.

"Huh?" asked Skull.

"Did you just say.... mom?" asked Valkyrie.

"You mean to say that...." Said Atomic.

"Indeed it is. This was painted by your mother Yusuke. It is a portrait of herself. A woman who knew her death was coming painted her last wishes, for the son she would leave behind. That is the truth behind the mystery Sayuri's expression!" Said Shadow Madarame.

"You stole it something that personal!?" asked Skull.

"How could you do that!? It was suppose to be a gift for Yusuke!" said Joker.

"I knew it at first glance. I knew  it'd be a huge success if I added a touch to the painting and announced it under my name!" Said Shadow Madarame.

"But the baby in the picture.... Why did you paint over it?" asked Fox.

"Yeah! Explain that you jerk!" Said Valkyrie.

"...It was all to stage it. If the baby is erased, the reason behind for the woman expression will become a mystery! That is what the general public is drawn to! Each of those parasitic critics wrote the same thing!" Said Shadow Madarame.

"I knew was something was wrong when I first your name in Mementos.... now... this confirms it." Said Atomic.

"I always felt something was off about all this...Now I know what it is. If you really treasured that painting, you wouldn't even think about replicating it for profit!" Said Panther.

"She is right. Your nothing but a man that is only in it for money!" Said Valkyrie.

"You don't love art at all!" Said both Panther and Valkyrie.

"Though you have a real Treasure, your true skills are nothing more than those scribbles on that fake!" Said Mona.

"It makes me laugh asshole!" Said Skull.

"So you will defy me no matter what... Well then, since you are work of art Yusuke, I am going to reap you for the sake of my future.... Along with those insolent friends of yours there." Said Shadow Madarame.

"I can't believe you would treat people like this! You treat a mother and her son like... like they are nothing but objects. It is inhuman!" Said Valkyrie.

Mona then noticed that Fox has been quiet for a while. "Fox?" Asked Mona.

"I have heard that you destroy your 'art' once they outlive their usefulness.... Did that include my mother as well?" asked Fox. 

The moment Yusuke asked that question, everyone eyes widen in shock. Everyone slowly turn their attention to the Shadow Madarame, waiting for his response.

"She just so happened to have a seizure in front of me. That is when a thought crossed my mind.... If I don't call for help and leave her be, I could obtain her painting without any strings attached." Said Shadow Madarame with a evil smile on his face.

"No..." Said Atomic.

"You just... let her die!?" Asked Panther.

"How could you!?" asked Valkyrie.

"She was physically weak. No one would doubt if she just dropped dead because of a seizure. Above all Yusuke, didn't you think it was odd that I discovered your talent when you were only three? The reason why I kept you around was to keep you from realizing the truth behind Sayuri." asked Shadow Madarame.

"You....." Said Joker and Atomic in a angry tone.

"The artistic talents you inherited from your mother were a delightful miscalculation though. If I am to steal ideas, it's much easer robbing the future of brats who won't fight back than adults. Its thanks to you that I came up with the idea. You have my gratitude." Said Shadow Madarame.

"*Chuckle*" Said Yusuke as he is giggling a little.

"Um... Yusuke?" asked Panther.

"You.. okay?" asked Atomic and Valkyrie.

" I thank you Madarame! Every reason for me to forgive you has disappeared without a trace at this very moment! You aren't some rotten artist... You are a despicable fiend who wears the skin of an artist!" Said Fox

"All you good nothings..! Barging into my museum and doing whatever the hell you want...." Said Shadow Madarame as a dark aura slowly begins to rise around him.

"Uh-oh." Said Joker.

"Those who have connections make the rules; those who don't follow them. Not to mention, the value of art is all subjective! I make the rules in the art scene! I am the supreme being! I am the god of the art world!" Said Shadow Madarame.

"This isn't good. Get back!" Said Mona as everyone begins to slowly take a few steps back of what is about to happen.

Madarame begins to laugh out evilly. As he is laughing evilly, his entire face slowly begins to change and morph into something else. In the process, the two Shadow Guards were forced to fuse with him in this transformation. He then slowly changed into flying portraits that two are his eyes, one his nose, and the last on his mouth. Azazel.

"I will paint all over you!" Said Shadow Madarame as he gets ready for a fight.

"Everyone get ready!" Said Joker.

"Right!" Said the other Phantom Thieves members.

"Mine is a world the mediocre cannot understand. Now lets begin your vermin" Said Shadow Madarame as the fight begins now.

"You used others for your own despicable desires Madarame.... You aren't even worth the art you 'create'!"  Said Fox as he had his weapon ready.

"Take this!" Said Atomic as he charged at the mouth portrait. He did a few slashes at it. But instead of taking damage, the mouth piece just absorbed the attack.

"Hmm! Thanks for the meal!" Said Shadow Madarame before he tried to bite Atomic with its large mouth.

"Yikes!" Said Atomic as he jumped back to avoid the attack.

"What just happened!? Did he just.... absorbed that attack?" asked Mona.

"Watch out! He is about to attack!" Said Valkyrie.

The nose portrait begins to shake. At that same time, it summoned a powerful lightning attack on Mona.

"AHHHH!" Said Mona as he screams out in pain.

"Mona!" Said Joker.

"Um.. okay. Might someone explain to me what is going on?" asked Skull as he jumps to the side to avoid a powerful wind attack

"It would appear that Madarame has some powerful moves in those portraits. And I am guessing that each portrait is weak against something else." Said Atomic.

"Panther! Use fire attacks on the nose portrait!" Joker order.

"Right! Carmen!" Said Panther as she summons her Persona. Carmen summons a large fireball at the nose portrait. Instead of absorbing it, the nose took massive damage.

"Oh... I see what you are doing Joker." Said Skull. He then jumped and wacked the nose portrait with his metal pipe. The nose portrait then stop floating in the air and fall to the ground.

"Wh...What the!? Damn you vermin!" said Shadow Madarame.

"Okay everyone listen up! No physical attacks or gun attacks on the mouth portrait. Use any other moves you got on that one. Atomic! Can I leave it to you to handle the two eye portraits?" Asked Joker.

"You got it Joker!" Said Atomic.

"Ready everyone go!" Said Joker.

"Come! Persona!" Said Fox as he summons his persona behind him. Goemon summons a powerful ice attack on the mouth piece.

"Persona!" Said Mona. Moan persona summons a powerful wind spell on the mouth piece.

"Persona!" Said Skull as he ordered his persona to create a powerful lighting attack on the mouth piece.

"Persona!" Said Valkyrie as she summons her persona and ordered Thor to let lightning strike the mouth piece.

"Persona!" Said Panther as she summons her persona to create a powerful fire attack on the mouth piece.

"Come forth! Shiki-Ouji!" Said Joker as he summons a new Persona behind him. A being that looks it is made out of paper with a star shaped symbol on its forehead. Shiki-Ouji.

Shiki-Ouji used a Psychokinesis skill on the mouth piece where two glowing purple orbs striked at it hard. Taking enough damage from the attacks, the mouth piece fell to the ground.

"Persona!" Said Atomic as he summoned his personal Persona. Godzilla fired a Atomic breath at the two eye pieces. Causing them both to fall to the ground. With all the portraits on the ground, all of the portraits turn back into Shadow Madarame normal form.

"Madarame is out!" Said Mona. Everyone gathered around Shadow Madarame and points their guns at him.

"Dammit... I'm the great Madarame... The Madarame who gathers a full crowd every time he opens an exhibit! I'm not someone that worthless brats like you are allowed to defy...!" Said Shadow Madarame.

"Ugh... is this guy still going on about that?" asked Atomic.

"You still have the nerve to say such things!? You will fully taste the wrath of those who were preyed upon by you!" Said Fox

"All Out Attack!" Said Joker. 

"Right!" Said The Phantom Thieves members. They took a step back before doing a bunch of super fast attacks on Shadow Madarame form.

Shadow Madarame felt each every attack. He was having enough of this. Shadow Madarame then turn back into his Azazel form.

"Oh great. Not this again." Said Valkyrie.

"Grrr.... impertinent brats...! It seems you need a good whipping to make you understand!" Said Shadow Madarame.

"Oh yeah!? And how do you plan to do that?" asked Atomic.

"Like this!" Said Shadow Madarame. The mouth piece spits out something from there and it was heading straight for Atomic.

"Ah! What the... what is this?" asked Atomic as he was now covered in some kind of... black ink.

"Hehe! Take this!" Said Shadow Madarame as he summons a power lightning attack at Atomic. Atomic screams out in pain before falling to the ground on his back.

"Atomic! Are you okay?" Said Panther as she runs up to him.

"No.... I suddenly felt... weak when he attacked me just a second ago.... And I don't remember being weak against wind attacks..." Said Atomic.

"Shoot.... anyone that gets covered by that ink will be vulnerable to anything!" Said Joker.

"What should we do!?" asked Mona.

"Take cover!" Said Joker. Everyone then begins to take cover behind something. Panther had to carry Atomic to safety since he is weak at the moment.

"HAHAHAHA! Here! There's plenty to go around!" Said Shadow Madarame as he begins to shoot out more black ink everyone, hoping to hit one of the Phantom Thieves that are hiding.

"That was too close.." Said Atomic as he can feel the black ink on his slowly going away and his strength is returning as well.

"What do we do now! Grr.... This sucks..... We can't risk getting hit by one of this." Said Skull.

"Mona... any ideas?" asked Joker.

"Hmmm..." Said Mona. He then noticed a bucket of black inky and a paint brush right next to Fox where he is hiding.

"Fox! How about we give Madarame a taste of his own medicine?" asked Mona.

"Huh?" Asked Fox. He then noticed the bucket of paint right next to him. "Oh!" 

"Go for it Fox." Said Joker.

Fox grabs the bucket of paint and the paint brush. He charges at Shadow Madarame. He used the paint brush to paint all over the floating pieces. He then splashed the remaining paint on Madarame.

"N-Nghhhhhh...!? Wh-What the...!? My powers... They're suddenly draining..." Said Shadow Madarame as he can feels his strength leaving him.

"Now everyone! Attack!" Said Joker. Everyone charges at Madarame and they used their weapons to strike all the floating pieces. All the floating pieces fall the ground and Shadow Madarame was back to his normal form.

"Damnit!... Damnit!" Said Shadow Madarame as he can feel his strength failing at this moment and that he is about to lose.

"Lets end this..... ready Atomic?" asked Joker.

"Ready!" Said Atomic.

"Nuclear...... Curse Beam!" Said Joker and Atomic as they combined they attacks into a powerful beam. The powerful beams strikes Madarame and it knocked him down onto the floor. The Treasure then appeared in his arms as he is holding onto it for dear life now. It is over. Madarame lost this fight.

"Eek!" Shadow Madarame tries to crawl away when Fox slowly walks over to him. "No one cares for true art... All they want  are easily recognizable brands! I am a victim in this too! Wouldn't you agree!?"

"Oh geez..." Said Atomic and Valkyrie

"Excuses now?" Asked Skull.

"The art world revolves around money after all.... You can't rise up without any money... Yusuke, you understand, don't you!? Being a poor artist is truly miserable! I just didn't want to return to that life!" Said Shadow Madarame.

"Of give it a rest already..." Said Atomic as he is getting sick of this Shadow trying to weasel his way out of this.

Atomic walks over to the Shadow Madarame and takes the Treasure from his hands. Fox then grabs Shadow Madarame by his clothes.

"A fiend like you has no right to speak about the world of art! You're done for... along with this whole wretched world!" Said Fox

"No, please! Don't kill me!" Shadow Madarame begs Fox for mercy. Fox simple lets go of Shadow Madarame clothes.

"Return to yourself in reality and confess your crimes... all of them!" Said Fox.

"Your not... going to kill me?" asked Shadow Madarame.

"We don't kill Madarame. That is not how we do things as the Phantom Thieves." Said Atomic.

"Now swear it! Swear that you will confess all of your crimes!!" Said Fox.

"All right... All right.. What... what about the other one though? The one in the black mask?" asked Shadow Madarame.

"Huh?" asked Fox.

"Say... what?" asked Atomic.

"Who are you talking about?" asked Joker

"A black mask?" Asked Panther.

"Wait... who is he talking about?" asked Valkyrie.

"It can't be... There was another intruder besides us within this Palace?" asked Mona. Suddenly, the entire Palace begins to shake a ton.

"There is no time! Hurry!" Said Skull.

"Mona! Turn into your car form! Quickly!" Said Joker. Moan nodded as he jumped into the air and turned into his car form.

"Get on!" Said Mona. Everyone begins to rush into the vehicle to get away as soon as possible.

"Here Fox. You hold this." Said Atomic as he hands the Treasure to Fox before runing to get into the vehicle.

"Hey Yusuke.... what should I do?" asked Shadow Madarame as he watches Fox walk away from him.

"...Put an end to all this and use your own artwork for once." Said Fox.

"Yusuke!" Said Panther as she call out to him. Fox then walks into the vehicle and Joker begins to drive everyone out of here. Leaving a crying Shadow self behind to reflect on his actions.


Real World...........

"The destination has been deleted." Said the Metaverse Navigator as Akira checked his phone before putting it back into his pocket.

"It would be bad if people started getting suspicious of us. We should leave at once." Said Mona.

"Yusuke, come on." Said Ryuji.

"Right.... Goodbye Senesi..." Said Yusuke as he still had the Treasure in his hands.

"You okay Yusuke?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah.... I am." Said Yusuke.



"I guess the mission was a success. All that is left is to see if he had a change of heart or not." Said Ryuji as he drinks a soda. "Ugh... so bitter... Why did you get it black?"

"Sorry. It was the only thing in those blasted vending machines." Said Mason.

"The Sayuri..." Said Yusuke.

"Your not gonna get all teary-eyed and say stuff like 'Mom!' are you?" asked Ryuji.

"Ryuji! Have some respect!" Said Mikoto as she slams her fist on top of his head.

"Ow... what did I do?" asked Ryuji.

"To think that this painting was the source of Madarame distorted desires. The only saving grace is that my mother won't know of what transpired." Said Yusuke.

"The genuine painting at his atelier has been altered after all... Ironic as it may be, this one here is her true self-portrait now." Said Morgana.

"..It is a wonderful painting." Said Ann.

"And... although it took some time Yusuke, it belongs to you now Yusuke." Said Mason.

"I am thankful for it. However, it's impossible for this painting to be acknowledge by society anymore." Said Yusuke.

"Was Sayuri your mom's name?" asked Akira.

"No. I doubt it's the name of any woman in particular. I bet it was to make it more mysterious.... just a part of Madarame's foolish staging." Said Yusuke.

"Well it would have been obvious that he plagiarized it if he had used the real name." Said Mona.

"So this is my mother.... There is no way that I would remember her face clearly..... But I was right about the rush of emotion I felt when I saw this painting." Said Yusuke.

Ryuji left for a second to go get another soda to drink. He comes back and drinks it before letting out a burp.

"Ryuji!" Said Mikoto.

"Stop that!" Said Ann.

"You're so vulgar Ryuji." Said Morgana.

"So what are we going to do now? We're gonna keep targeting big shots?" Said Ryuji.

"..Why do you do such things?" asked Yusuke.

"It is to get back at scumbags and like... society in general?" Said Ryuji.

"We also wanna give courage to the people that're suffering because of selfish adults." Said Mason.

"Courage hmm.... What good does that do? You mean the courage to stand up for themselves, correct? Will acquiring that make them happy?" asked Yusuke.

"Yeah..... Probably." Said Akira.

"Yeah... we don't know if it will work for everyone but you just gotta hope for the best." Said Mason.

"But we won't know unless we give it a try." Said Ryuji.

"In other words it depends on the person?" asked Yusuke.

"Yes." Said Akira.

"Don't worry. We will help you every step of the way. Investing each Palace might help explain your artistic perspective." Said Mikoto.

"Thanks." Said Yusuke.

"Still... what Madarame said back there in the Palace... he talked about someone with the black mask... I just can't stop thinking about it." Said Mason.

"Yeah me too. And that is our only clue about this mysterious being." Said Akira.

"Yeah... its got me curious as well.... Another intruder besides us huh?" asked Mona.

"But all we know that it is just one person." Said Ann.

"But we can't go back their now. The Palace is gone." Said Ryuji.

"I will try propping Madarame.  I may be able to learn something from him." Said Yusuke.

"Are you sure?" asked Ann.

"I will contact you all if anything turns up." said Yusuke.

"Why don't we exchange phone numbers when you got something okay?" asked Mason as he pulled out his phone. Everyone then shared their contact info to Yusuke so he can call them if he discovered something.

"Great. Now then... lets all go back home... I am wiped from today." Said Mason.

"Me too." Said Mikoto.

"Same." Said Everyone else.

The calling card to sent to Madarame has worked. But the Shadow Self had created a fake Treasure to lure the Phantom Thieves into a trap that failed to capture them. They discovered the true reason of why Madarame took Yusuke in as a child. They had a huge fight. In the end, the learned something. Someone was already here in the Palace before them. Who is this man in the black mask?


To Be Continued..........

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