11| Sweet

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"Kiss me until I forget how terrified I am of everything wrong with my life"     - Beau Taplin

• Inara •

I stood at the window, watching
Waiting for him.
Until his car showed up and I practically skipped out of my house to him.

• Inara's Outfit •

"Good morning" I smiled, getting into the car
But when I looked at him, I couldn't breathe
"Wha... are you okay? What happened?" I asked horrified, looking at his bruised face

"It's nothing" he said
"It's not nothing, what happened?" I asked, my hand falling to his arm
"Just leave it" he said coldly, pulling away to drive

"Fine. I'm sorry" I said, looking out of the window
"I'm sorry I don't... fuck Petal. I just don't want to talk about it" he said
I nodded

"Sure" I agreed.

"What the fuck?" Koen asked, seeing Kane
Who merely shook his head, and Koen seemed to understand as he didn't ask on it any further
"Wow, hope the other guy looks worse" Ivy said warily as she walked up to us

"Yeah" Kane mumbled, looking down
"You still coming home with me today? I thought we cou-"
Ivy began to ramble about getting ready tonight
Whilst I tuned in to Koen's voice, low and mumbling

"Will you be alright for the game tonight?" He asked
Kane nodded, arms crossed, head down, leaning on his car
Before the bell rang, knocking Ivy off of her own train of thought.

"Come on, I'll explain during class" Ivy said, dragging me away by the arm
"Okay, I'll see you later?" I said to Kane
"Yeah" he said, not looking up
I was beginning to read him better these days
It was a simple word, yet he meant it in a sincere way, not a cold way.

"I think I'm going to wear blue and put my hai-"
"You know what? Let's talk next class, I'm going to nip into town quickly" I said, stopping her in the hallway
"What? Why?" She asked
"I want to cheer Kane up" I said

"Oh yeah, what's with the face?" She asked in a hushed tone
"I don't know, I just... I want to help him, just cover me yeah?" I said
"Are you insane? I'm going to ditch with you" She said, already walking towards the door.

At lunch time, Kane and Keon were already sat with Ivy
And I couldn't contain the smile on my face as I neared them
I just hoped Kane would like it.

"Hey, there she is, where have you been Petal?" Keon asked teasingly
"I have been to the shop" I said, pulling out the bag and placing it in front of Kane

I sat down opposite him, waiting
"What is it?" Kane asked
"Open it" I said
He did so, his eyes flickering up to mine

"Sweets" he said
"Mhm" I nodded
"Pink... sweets" he said slowly
"To cheer you up" I explained

"When did you get these?" He asked
"First period" I said
"I think I'm a bad influence on you. Skipping class now" he joked, eating one
"Maybe I'm a good influence on you, ever thought of it that way?" I smiled back

Earning a half smile out of him
"You two are adorable" Ivy said
"Just the cutest" Koen agreed
"Shut up" Kane grumbled, eating his sweets, glancing up at me

And I smiled back at him.
Kane was... cute.

"Ready?" Ivy asked, opening her car door
"Yeah" I nodded, putting my books in her car
"Inara" Kane said, walking over to us
He held out his jacket
"I uh... I don't wear it. But uh... well girlfriends wear their boyfriends jackets don't they?" He fumbled over an explanation

"You want me to wear it?" I asked
"If you want to" he said quickly
"Sure" I said, taking it from him
"Okay, good, I'll see you at the game then" he said
I nodded
Ivy cleared her throat, nodding over to Tommy and his friends a few cars over

"Oh" I mumbled, looking to Kane
Who leaned in and kissed me
But they didn't feel so... false anymore
It felt real
And as he walked away from me, I clutched his jacket in my hands tightly, as Ivy began to squeal at me

"Vallow's varsity. You really have made it babe" she laughed
"Stop" I said, getting into the car

• Mallory •

"Carden is so hot" Libby sighed, leaning on the barrier as we watched the guys warm up
"Kane is hotter" Dea said, head in her hand as she stared after him.

"Kane is available" I laughed
"No he's not. He's dating that little bunny you stole Tommy from" Dea said
"I have it on good authority that they're faking" I said.

"I told you what I heard the other day, it's not real. At least it doesn't sound real" I said
"You might have heard wrong" Libby argued
"Oh come on, Kane Vallow? Self inflicted social outcast and the first person he lets in is Inara Knightly? I don't think so, it doesn't add up" I said.

• Inara •

I showed up with Ivy. Which I think was expected
Kane was already here to warm up
As was the cheerleaders
But we seated ourselves near the front
I wore Kane's jacket
That was too big as I rolled the sleeves up to get it on.

I looked for him in a sea of guys
Until his eyes found mine. And he smiled.
He actually fully smiled at me
And I smiled back.

Before the game kicked off
And Koen tried to lead his team to a win.
"They better not lose. They've been doing so well lately, it always looks so shit when we have to write about them losing" Ivy complained, camera out as she took shot after shot of the team.

Whilst my eyes remained solely on Kane
On how he played, how he moved
Watching his towering figure running around the pitch like it was easy
Like he wasn't between my legs a few nights ago.

And to Ivy's delight, they won.
They thankfully won and Ivy screamed her head off beside me as the team dispersed in victory
Kane nearing us before he grabbed me, pulling me towards him and kissing me over the barrier

I was taken aback. That he would kiss me so... deeply, so publicly
Normally it was pecks to show we were 'serious'
Now it was serious and we had no clue what we actually meant.

I kissed him back, winding my arms round his neck
"Well done" I smiled up at him

"You look good in my jacket" he said, looking down
"Suits you" he said

"Thank you" I said, catching sight of Koen, talking to two cheerleaders
"He's happy with the win then" I said
Kane looked at him
"He's happy he's a big shot for another week" he corrected.

"Are you... free after this? My uh... my parents still aren't back yet, do you want t-"
"Knightly, cut the public affection would you? You're breaking my heart" Tommy shouted, walking over to us
I pulled away from Kane, unsettled by Tommy's presence

"Just leave me alone Tommy" I said
"I told you before, she isn't your business anymore" Kane said
"No, but like I've said before. I still care deeply for my exes, and what I've heard isn't very pretty" he said, leaning on the barrier

"And what's that?" I asked
"Mallory seems to think you two are pretending to date. That the whole thing is one big scam" he said
Before he laughed
"And if she's right... well then I'm flattered, honestly, all that just to get at me" he grinned

"She must have heard wrong" I said
"Maybe. But she heard something along the lines of Inara meaning nothing to you?" He asked innocently, looking at Kane
Did he actually say that?

"She must be mistaken" Kane said
"Of course" Tommy smiled
"Well... enjoy the win, hm? You did good out there man. Knightly" he nodded to me before leaving

"Did you say that?" I asked quietly
"What?" He asked, grasping my arms
"Did you say that?" I asked
"I... yeah but not in the way she's took it" he said

I stepped back
After what we did. After getting to know each other and kissing each other, he... I was nothing to him?

"You should go back to the team" I said, all of them on the field, jumping around and laughing together
"No, Inara I-"
"Go back down Kane" I said, holding his eyes for a moment before he complied and left.

"That sounded... rough" Ivy said
"Let's go" I said
"Already?" She asked
"Games over isn't it?" I said simply, beginning to walk up the steps as I pulled his jacket off.

• Kane •

When I looked back up to the stands, she was gone.
Gone from my sight at least whilst Koen ran around screaming over how we won and how he got Jade's number from his science class
But my eyes roamed over and over the people leaving
Trying to find her and getting nothing

"You coming mine?" Koen asked
"No, it's late enough, hopefully he'll be passed out" I said, walking past Koen's car to mine
Where my jacket lay on the bonnet
"Trouble in paradise?" Koen asked
"I think I fucked up" I said

He shrugged
"Then unfuck it up. Buy her flowers or something" he advised

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