17| Flower market

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Flower market

"I just want to hold your hand and wander the streets with you"

Warning • Smut
• Inara •

He looks so peaceful asleep
I suppose everyone does
But Kane looks less... scary
Less stressed. He looks so calm

I didn't dare to move when I had woke up, I was scared to wake him
To lose his arms around me and his warmth
To address what happened in case he thought it was a mistake
In case he rushed out of here

So I stayed silent. And still
And I took every minute I could get of him. Here with me. Calm.

"Morning" he mumbled, shifting in place
"Morning" I said hesitantly, waiting for him to move
But he didn't, he merely looked at me, arms still around me
Warmth still around me.

Both of us... naked
"I... did you sleep well?" I asked, grasping for something to say
"Yeah. I slept really fucking well" he said, looking over me, making me nervous

I moved slightly, pulling my arm back and raising my leg higher
Until he grabbed my thigh
"Don't" he said simply
"What?" I asked confused

"Just... don't" he said, his grip tight
"Okay" I said, moving it back
He closed his eyes briefly
"Um... yesterday. I mean... last night" I tried to approach it lightly

But I had no clue where it was going
"Yeah?" He said
"It... it was..."

• Kane •

It was what?
Don't say it was a mistake
Please don't fucking sa-
"Do you regret it?" She asked instead

"No" I said honestly
"Okay... good" she muttered under her breath
"Do you?" I asked
She shook her head, nerves clear in her face

I pulled her closer, running my hand up her back as I kissed her again
She seemed surprised, before her hands grasped my jaw, kissing me back
"I don't regret it at all" I admitted against her lips

She hesitated for a moment, before leaning in to kiss me back again
A kiss that turned heavier as her body pressed against mine
As I felt her tits against my chest, her leg running up mine as her hand slowly fell down my body

Surprising me as she wrapped her hand around my cock.
"Inar-" she cut me off with a kiss to my neck
"Do you want me to stop?" She asked, breathing heavy as she slowly stroked me.

"No" I breathed out
I felt her smile against me, running her dainty little hand over my cock before she began to move
I was confused before she straddled me
Looking down at me nervously before she leant back

And her hand reached for me, pulling me to her as she slowly lowered herself onto me.
And I felt the self restraint testing me all over again as I felt the need to cum far too quickly.

She began to ride me, slowly... torturously
"Inara" I let out, grabbing her hips, watching her tits softly bounce

"Kane" she moaned, her head falling back
God... this was too much.
She was too much to be able to watch.
Her body. Her moans. The fucking feeling of her.

"Kane... ah"

• Inara •

I nervously made my way downstairs, having gotten out of the shower to an empty room
I wasn't sure if he was waiting down here for me or if he'd left.
I hoped he hadn't left
After last night... after this morning

• Inara's Outfit •

I trailed into the kitchen, where Kane was cooking
To my surprise
"Sit" he said, seeing me
I did so. He placed a plate of breakfast in front of me, joining me soon after

"You can cook" I stated
"Yeah" he said, watching me
"Even I can't cook" I chuckled, trying to ease the tension
Whether it was real or only in my head.
He shrugged

"My dad is useless. Kind of needed to figure it out if I wanted to live" he half joked
And I only half smiled
Because it was real. Real pain he was hiding underneath humour. And I hated it
I hated that he was going through such a hard time with his dad.

"And if you can't cook, then I guess you need me" he said
"Yeah, I guess I do" I repeated

"What are you doing today?" He asked
"Not much... why?" I asked
"Thought we could do something?" He suggested, lifting my nerves
He still wanted to spend time with me.

This is something more.

"Well, I did have a look at the flower market" I pitched
"Flowers?" He said, uninterested
"Yeah, it's on every month" I said, deflating

He thought for a while
"Fine. But I'm not carrying anything" he said
I scoffed
"What?" He asked
"You're my fake boyfriend remember? It's your duty to carry things I buy and don't need" I said, crossing my arms.

"Yes but we're not so fake anymore" he pointed out
I didn't know what to say
"About that... we didn't use-"
"It's okay. I'm... I'm on the pill" I explained awkwardly

He nodded slowly
And part of me inside begged for the tension to lighten
"Right, well if we're not so fake anymore. Then you should want to impress me" I smiled, joking
"I do" he said, no humour in his voice
"Then you'll just have to look after me won't you?" I said, keeping it light hearted

"Yeah. I will" he said, making my heart stop.
And I'm sure making my cheeks warm.

I got some tulips, some lilies, roses and peonies
And Kane ended up carrying them for me
Like he said he wouldn't...

"How much longer?" He asked
"It's okay, we can go" I assured him, I didn't want to force him to spend time with me
"Why don't I buy us an ice cream?" He suggested

"Really?" I asked
"You need to decide whether you're committed to football or not Vallow. One week it's ice cream, the next you won't touch a piece of cake" I teased
"Yeah well... it's like I said, you're a bad influence Petal" he smiled, taking my hand in his free one as we walked along

I looked down, smiling to myself

• Kane •

She sat quietly, happily, licking her ice cream
As we sat by the river beside the market
"Todays been really nice" she said
"Yeah, especially this morning" I commented, earning a surprised look from her

"Kane" she scolded
"What?" I asked
"I... nothing" she mumbled, looking away shyly
"So, after school... are you still going to speak to me?" She asked

"Of course" I answered
"Why wouldn't I?" I asked
She shrugged
"College is coming. I know we're going to the same place but... it changes people, and both of us are going for very time consuming courses" she explained

I didn't care.
I really like her. No course would keep me from spending time with her now
From her texts and our car rides
"I'll still give you the time of day" I said jokingly, making her face light up

"I guess I'll have to make time for you too then" she teased, leaning in closer
I leant in too, thinking I'd get to kiss her again
But all she did was hit my nose lightly with her ice cream, bursting into laughter

"That's not funny" I grumbled, wiping my face
"It was very funny" she laughed, leaning back
I left my ice cream in the grass, climbing over her before she could get back up
And she stopped, looking up at me... nervously? Expectantly?

"It wasn't" I repeated
"Sorry" she mumbled
"I don't want apologies" I said, taking her ice cream from her
"I want justice" I said, wiping it along her cheek

She groaned in annoyance, wiping her face
"Kane" she whined
And I couldn't help but laugh at her
Because she was cute.
Too fucking cute
Her ice cream ended up in the grass with mine, melting quickly in the sun whilst she stared up at me

Bright eyes shining and face red
Face... gorgeous.

"What?" She asked, I leant down, kissing her gently
A sweet kiss as she would put it
Because I wanted to be sweet for her
I wanted her to crave kissing me

I wanted her to want me as much as I want her
She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer and kissing me back.

• Inara •

"You need to watch out Petal, people might talk" Kane joked, pulling his shirt off as he got into my bed
"Let them" I said seriously, watching him
I didn't want him to go home if it wasn't safe
And I like him being here.

I like sleeping beside him.

I got in next to him, a tee and shorts barricaded us from... a repeat of this morning
He slid his arm underneath me, pulling me into his side, my head resting on his chest.

He sighed, looking up at the ceiling
"You make me happy Petal" he said out of nowhere
I turned my head to look up at him
"I want you to be happy Kane" I said honestly
"I am. With you"

"I am with you" I replied
He scoffed
"That's the one thing I still can't figure out about you" he said
"What?" I asked confused
"Why the fuck do you want to spent time with me?" He asked

"I'm a fuck up Petal" he said
"No you're not. Your home life doesn't make you who you are Kane. You're intelligent despite how much you try and hide it, you're amazing at football, you'll definitely get into college. You have friends despite your efforts not to. I hate to break it to you Vallow, but you're an average kid" I said.

"Average eh?" He said after a while
"Fine. Above average" I corrected
He said nothing
"Way above average" I settled for, earning a kiss to the forehead

"You make me feel better than I normally do" he admitted
"You make me feel happier than I ever have" I admitted back.

Secrets told to the darkness and each other
And that's where they stayed.
As we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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