Peter // Electricity *REQUEST*

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* This imagine was requested by @Creative_Writer_1998

I'm so sorry this took so long! Life got crazy. I hope this is what you had in mind! *

How could Peter Parker get any cuter? That was the question (Y/N) asked herself as she and the guy in mention silently rode the elevator up to their separate apartments, which conveniently happened to be right beside each other. She had known the boy for years seeing as his aunt and uncle were close friends to her parents, but as they grew up, they unfortunately grew apart. Now the only time they were ever together was when May and her parents set up their monthly dinner or in accidents such as this one.

"How did you um-how did you think that S-spanish test was?" Peter was no genius when it came to talking to girls, especially ones he had crushes on, but with her, he wanted to be better. He wanted to learn how to talk to her in the event that she was the girl he was meant to be with-his soulmate.

In a world where soulmates existed, dating was practically unheard-of. Each child was taught to be patient in waiting for their other half and once they found them, a relationship blossomed into something beautiful. It was rare that any two people who were not soulmates, were to engage in any sort of romance. It just wasn't how life worked.

But Peter was becoming restless. He was a fifteen year old boy with superpowers and a billionaire mentor; he didn't want to wait. So he tried figuring out if the pretty girl from down the hall was meant to be his or if he had to get over her before he did find his one and only.

(Y/N) glanced over at him. "It was good. I got an A."

"That's great!" Peter cursed himself for being way too loud in the stuffy elevator but when she didn't make any sort of notion towards it, he calmed down.

The pair were able to make small conversation when it was possible but nothing ever digging deeper than how their days were. It pained him to act like such a stranger to her when in fact, she practically was.

Once they got to their separate doors, they ironically moved in sync to slip the key into the locks and turn them until each door opened with a click. (Y/N) sent a smile his way before she disappeared into her apartment. "Night, Peter."

She was already inside when his brain finally allowed him to call out, "Night!" only for her not to hear it. Another hit to his ego sent him into his apartment and shutting the door behind him.


Spiderman was a friendly neighborhood hero who wanted nothing more than to be an Avenger. He was as strong as Captain America, more agile than Black Widow and was just as smart as Dr. Banner; he knew he would fit in. The only thing standing in his way was Electra.

She called herself Electra after the Goddess of Electricity and Thunder and it worked perfectly seeing as she could control electricity with only the tips of her fingers. With a swipe of her hand, an entire tristate area would fade into a sea of black at her will. She was an Avenger brought in by the Captain himself when he noticed a string of blackouts all somehow relating to one teenage girl. He rescued her and taught her with the help of Wanda how to control her powers, thereby making her an honorary member of the team.

As great as she was, she unfortunately was the obstacle keeping a certain crime-fighting spider from joining as well. The team already had one teenager and they weren't excited to add in another. Sadly, Peter would have to wait until another opening needed filling before he got his chance to prove himself and that day might have come earlier than expected.

Electra was taking care of what she thought was a small robbery, something that was well above the Avengers but just happened to fall right into her hands. She was walking home when she noticed a suspicious man enter the little bodega down her street. The girl being the hero she was, saw the man as no threat and decided this job could easily be handled by (Y/N) rather than Electra.

"Alright, let's get this over with," she spoke, which caught the attention of the shop owner and the robber. The gun that was previously aimed at Mr. Delmar was now aimed at her, though not a lick of fear passed anywhere in her body. She was an Avenger; she had nothing to be afraid of.

But Electra let that go to her head more than it should have. While (Y/N) was intelligent and somewhat nervous of all things, Electra had the confidence (Y/N) could only dream of having, and right now, it would be a flaw.

"Did you really think you were gonna get what you came for?" The hero rolled her eyes, tired already and just wanting to get home and crawl into her nice, warm bed.

But a noise behind her changed the calm she was feeling-a gun switching off safety.

"Yeah, we did."

The sound of gun fire hit her ears before her body could react, a piercing pain landing right in her shoulder that lit her entire body into flames, a pain so unbearable that she almost didn't believe she was alive. The hero fell to the ground, awaiting another bullet to hit her from the gunman to take her out for good but it never came. Instead, familiar thwips sounded in the small room but her brain was still having a hard time processing all the information it was given. That was until everything became silent.

A hand came to wrap around her body and pulling her into a chest. Her initial reaction was to push whoever was touching her away, fear creeping into her chest, but her arm was useless with the bullet lodged into it.

"Oh my gosh." The voice was familiar, groaning and whimpering in pain. She immediately recognized him as her next door neighbor. "Don't worry. I'll get us out of here."

Peter greatly struggled to get him and (Y/N) onto his feet but once he did, he staggered his way out of the bodega, the owner of said shop calling out that he could call an ambulance for the girl, though Peter ignored it. He kept on walking down the street, his cell phone dialing one Tony Stark to let him know two patients were about to swing by in desperate need of medical attention.

(Y/N) let out a squeal at a sudden trip in their walk and her hand came up to grab Peter's shoulder from the pain. She was surprised when he let out a similar squeal, shifting her hand so that it touched his lower arm instead of his shoulder. As he moved her hand, she felt a warm liquid dampening her fingers and when she pulled it back, she noticed the color was crimson red-blood.

Peter had the same bullet wound in his shoulder from where she got shot.

"Pete, you're-" He shushed her before she could finish her epiphany. She needed rest and he was certain of it when the girl fell asleep in his arms a second later.

They were soulmates and that meant that he would need to stitch up her arm before both of them would die from blood loss.

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