Peter // Peter Tingle

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As a superhero, Peter was very organized. He had a system and/or plan for every action he made, which included letting his teachers know days in advance if he was to miss class to make it easier on everyone involved. But with all that had changed since the snap back in 2018, he had changed too.

He waited until the day before his weeklong, European trip to begin packing. Luckily, he had the most wonderful girlfriend he could imagine to help him pack for said trip, although her help was limited.

"I wish I could be going with you," (Y/N) commented while flipping through the yearbook from their freshman year. Her family had suffered a lot more financially than it seemed the Parker's did so when she begged her mother to allow her to go on the trip of a lifetime, she regretfully had to say no. It broke her heart as well as the heart of her young boyfriend but it was out of their hands.

Peter stopped smelling his old socks to look up at her from his kneeling position on the floor, sympathetic eyes meeting hers. "Me too, love."

The couple had been planning this trip ever since Mr. Harrington brought it up that previous year in a side comment while they were in Washington. They imagined nights walking down the most romantic streets in all the world, days exploring the breathtaking sights and wonders that New York would never be able to offer—a new experience that would simply bring them one step further on their quote "relationship pole". They wanted to go to Europe together but it seemed fate was against them.

"But think of it this way," he continued, reaching up to grab her hand, "I'm traveling overseas to find new places I want to take you. Imagine if I booked this whole trip to Venice only for it to be as fun as the subway." (Y/N) giggled at that and went on to look at the yearbook. Though he had a point, she still wanted to go with them.

Peter stood from the floor to reach into his closet for a jacket he had just remembered he wanted to pack and in doing so, he revealed the infamous Spider-suit hanging inside. He ignored it all together to fold his jacket into the suitcase rested on top of (Y/N)'s stretched out legs, deciding to tease her a little by tickling her toes.

"You gonna bring your suit?"

The question was entirely innocent but it flooded his brain with a tsunami of memories he had pushed to the furthest parts of his mind. Mr. Stark was in every one of his nightmares and even thinking of putting the suit back on made his stomach turn. He just wanted to forget.

"No, no I'm not, love," he answered, however his eyes remained frozen on the red and blue fabric. Peter was in such a deep trance in his gaze that he didn't notice May standing in his doorway, nor the banana that hurtled its way towards him. The fruit smacked him right on the cheek, sending the two girls in the room into a fit of giggles.

"Oh sorry! I thought that you could sense these things with your um... your," May fumbled around for the word she was looking for before snapping her fingers. "Peter tingle."

(Y/N) practically fell over from laughing and the superhero used that as his advantage to lift the banana off the ground with a web and swing it over at her. She grabbed it before it could hit her in the chest.

"Do not start calling it my Peter tingle," he warned, eyes closed and already aggravated.

May waved off his anger and picked up a few of the discarded items of clothing scattered across his once clean floor. "Are you all packed?" She listed a few necessary items he'd need for the trip before finally asking the one thing Peter knew was coming. "Did you pack your suit?"

With a giant sigh, Peter took a seat on the front part of the bed where there was little space left beside his girlfriend and the suitcase. He knew she was going to ask this, just as (Y/N) had done only a few minutes prior, but that didn't mean it still didn't hurt.

"No, May. I just want to go on my trip with Ned, take loads of pictures for (Y/N) and then come home. Europe doesn't need a friendly neighborhood Spiderman," he argued as he picked at the dirt buried under his fingernails. His girlfriend's hand on his back helped calm his heavy heart a bit.

May nodded. "Okay, if you're sure." Just like before, her words said one thing and her eyes said another when she winked at the girl on the bed. "Just make sure you're safe and listen to your Peter tingle." She smiled at the pair and left them alone.

Peter called out before she made it too far away, "Please stop saying tingle, May!" He turned to his girlfriend once she was gone, seeing a smirk curling her lips.

She sat up and wrapped her arms delicately around his neck, eyes narrowed and glancing between his eyes and his lips. "Why don't you move that suitcase and I can test your Peter tingle, yeah?"

The poor boy gulped at what she was implying but raced to move the suitcase, climbing back onto the bed and filing himself between her legs. He'd be gone in Europe for a week; he needed this to remember her by.

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