Peter// February 14th

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February 14, a day of love for some but for others it's a day of pure annoyance. Those happily paired with a significant other adored the holiday as it was a day for showering their loved one with beautiful gifts but the single people were left bitter. Peter Parker was somewhere in the middle.

For all of his life, Peter watched his parents and then Ben and May celebrate the holiday with utmost joy, houses always being decorated with red and pink hearts. He was brought up to love the holiday but that didn't stop his heart from feeling hostile towards it.

He had to watch his friends and classmates all find someone to love on that one special day and sadly, he was always alone. No one wanted to date the quiet nerd who knew every answer to every question on every test. That was until last summer.

A girl came into his life and showed him what it meant to love someone. The girl, just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside, flipped Peter's world entirely upside down. So shouldn't he love this holiday?

No. This was the first year he had a girlfriend and that brought up a whole new list of insecurities and negative feelings towards Valentine's Day. What if he bought (Y/N) roses but she was deadly allergic? What if he bought her a stuffed bear and it reminded her of a pet she used to have that ran away? What if he messed up a day that was supposed to be nothing but love? He couldn't have that so he avoided it all together.

"You're being ridiculous," MJ chastised the boy while the two of them plus Ned waited for the girl in mention. Peter was used to her mindless taunting but today it really got to him.

"I don't want to mess it up. I can't do that to her," Peter replied, head lowered in shame. No matter how many times he heard Michelle, Ned and even May tell him his hatred towards Valentine's Day was wrong, he couldn't believe it. That was until she came over.

(Y/N) announced her presence with a knock at the door before entering Peter's apartment. Being his girlfriend of 9 months and his best friends for over two years before that meant she could walk right in whenever she wanted, an action she took advantage of quite often.

She greeted her friends with a bright smile and her boyfriend with a kiss to his cheek just before taking a seat on the loveseat Peter was sitting on, ironic wasn't it?

"What's with the bag, (Y/Nickname)?" Ned pointed to the plastic bag poking out of her purse. (Y/N) quickly grabbed the bag to zip it up completely so none of them could see its contents.

"I can't tell you until tomorrow," she grinned, left eye falling into a wink.

Peter's throat closed. "Y-you bought us stuff?"

(Y/N) nodded, grinning at her boyfriend. "I always do but this will be our first Valentine's Day together so I wanted to go a little extra. Hope you don't mind." Her rosy cheeks told him everything he needed to know. She had put so much time and thought into tomorrow while he spent all of his time wallowing about it. Boy did he hate himself now.

"Let me choose what we watch!" Michelle tossed the girl the remote and allowed (Y/N) to choose what they would watch for the next hour. As (Y/N) selected her favorite comedy show, Peter's mind dashed with ideas on how to make tomorrow the best Valentine's Day (Y/N) has ever had.


(Y/N) woke up to texts blowing up her phone. A few were from her friends and family but majority of them were from a fluffy-haired boy. Peter sent her at least a dozen texts, each with their own little touch of Peter saying I love you. Her favorite had to be the pictures of them on their trip to MOMA.

She made sure that once she was ready for the school day, she could call him and confess her love through words rather than texts. They both enjoyed the conversation but realized that they would be seeing each other at the front doors of Midtown in less than twenty minutes.

Walking up to school, (Y/N) was surrounded by couples. Boys were giving girls stuffed teddy bears, girls were crying over them as expected and the single kids groveled at everyone they passed. (Y/N) was just happy to see her boyfriend and celebrate with him.

Peter wasn't in their normal meeting place when she walked into school which was odd but in the spirit of a holiday, she didn't mind as much. She instead worried not and made her way to the classroom where they shared first period.

The girl was stopped just before she entered the room, one of her fellow students holding out a beautifully colored rose for her to take. She did so with a kind 'thank you' and went to finally enter. She was stopped for a second time and just like before, she was handed a red rose. This repeated until she was holding a bouquet of 9 red roses.

"Do you like them?"

Peter's voice had her spinning around, eyes practically watering at all the trouble he went to so she could feel loved by him. She threw her arms around his neck while whispering, "I love them, Pete."

The kids—who she realized were all her friends from their Decathlon team—left just a minute after they hugged to get to their own classes. She made a point to thank all of them later.

"Peter, this is amazing," she cried as they sat in their assigned seats, thankfully right next to each other's.

Peter shrugged but felt his heart swell at how touched she was by the first part of her best Valentine's Day ever. "You deserve the whole world and I'm just giving you as much as I can." Those kind words earned him a soft kiss and her arms wrapped tight around his waist. One gift down, a dozen more to go.


Peter had really gone all out and he didn't realize it until the end of that day. He filled her locker with sweets that she naturally shared with him and their friends, he handed her a handwritten letter at the beginning of every class that almost brought her to tears on more than one occasion and he promised her a thousand kisses by the end of the day (he hadn't been counting but who cares?). The boy had outdone himself but he wasn't quite done yet.

A quick swing through the city by New York's very own Spiderman had them standing on the rooftop of a lavish apartment building in the upper side of town. It was no easy feat getting up there but with the help of his mentor, the roof was there's and there's alone for the night.

He decorated the venue with warm fairy lights that contrasted beautifully against the setting sun, pinks and purples setting as the most beautiful backdrop either of them could imagine. Peter brought a large platter of all their favorite foods that the two of them could snack on while they watched the sun set. Even the hammock that was already owned by the building had an added "Peter" touch as it was draped in the fluffiest blankets from his home. He had absolutely taken her breath away.

Now as they sway gently in the hammock, food already been eaten, and the sun just below the horizon, Peter knew it was time.


As (Y/N) watched him reach into his pocket to pull out yet another gift, she had to stop him. "My love, you've given me too much today. I can't accept anything else."

Peter shushed her gently and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I know I went a little overboard but this is what I've been wanting to give you for a long time." He pulled out a small box and for a split second, (Y/N) thought he was going to propose. She shook off that idea as he flipped open the lid. The ring was in the shape of a Claddagh but the heart in the center was a shining emerald, the stone for his birth month. On the inside it was engraved saying: P + (Y/Initial). This gift finally let the tears spill.

"I love you, (Y/N). I know I did in the first month that we started dating. I can't imagine myself ever being with someone else and I don't ever want to," his hands came up to cup her cheeks, "This is my promise that one day I'll get you a new ring with a stronger meaning. I promise to be faithful and loving, and that I'll marry you one day."

He pulled her face gently towards his so their lips could meet, smiling so wide that the kiss broke. Their foreheads rested together and her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth. "I love you so much Peter Parker."

He kissed her again before laying back down on the hammock, her left hand now dolled up with the sparkling ring. Peter thought he hated Valentine's Day but it turned out he just hated not being with her. 

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