Peter // Scared to Fly

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Europe was going to be a trip to remember. It costed each of them a large sum of money but it would be worth it to spend two weeks in beautiful European cities with her three best friends and fellow team mates. With bags packed and passports in their hands, the bus left the school at 5 in the morning for the airport.

As expected, the kids paired themselves up with their friends, most of them playing on their phones to pass the time. Mr. Harrington was taking this time to lecture the students on manners, always mentioning the last trip where Flash almost got the group kicked out of the zoo, but everyone tuned him out.

"Look at this! It's called Piazza San Marco! Doesn't it look so cool? We're going to it on day four I believe when we're in Venice." (Y/N) was the most excited out of everyone and was (unknowingly) babbling on to everyone in the bus about all the cool places she researched. Peter didn't mind but instead smiled as she talked on.

"That's cool, baby," he spoke mindlessly, eyes gazing at the girl who was dressed in comfy clothes for the long airplane ride.

As she looked up, she then realized what she was doing. "Oh sorry. Didn't mean to talk your ear off," she apologized and started folding up her pamphlets, papers and notebooks all with notes for the trip. Peter placed his hands over hers to stop her.

"You aren't. I'm happy to hear about Piazza San Marco," he repeated the place though completely butchering the name.

She giggled but still put away her things. Once she was finished, she sat correctly in her seat and rested her head onto his shoulder.

"Tell me more about the trip?" She smiled and agreed to his request. As (Y/N) started telling Peter about the castles they'll see in London, Peter pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, excited to spend this trip with the girl he loves.


Peter knew his girl really well. He knew when she was happy, sad, angry, and he even knew when it was her time of the month. That's why when she suddenly became silent, he knew something was wrong.

Going through airport security was easy (though Peter had to hold up the group a little when picking up his passport) but as soon as they all sat in front by the boarding gate, her entire demeanor changed. She wasn't smiling and talking to her would only result in one word answers or the nod of her head. It was like she was an entirely new person and nobody knew why.

"I'm gonna go get some snacks," Betty told to the group and half of them, including Ned and MJ, went to do the same. The only people left were busy doing their own things so it was easy for Peter to talk to her right now.

"Love?" He tried catching her attention in the sweetest way possible and it did work. She had been curled into herself in the seat, Peter's jacket draped over her entire body, and she answered by looking at him instead of the variety of airplanes sitting outside. She let out a tired hum.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Sitting just to her left, he placed his hand over where he thought hers was under the jacket.

She turned away. "Nothing. Just tired. It's early." This was how she answered him in the last half an hour, only small one worded answers. But he wasn't having it right now.

Peter was strong thanks to the spider bite, so he had no trouble at all lifting the girl from her seat and into his lap. She let out a small squeak, drawing the attention of a few of their classmates but they all turned away at the couple-this wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

"You're gonna tell me what's wrong, okay? It's my job as your boyfriend to make you feel better."

The kind words and the comfortable feeling of sitting in his lap broke her hard exterior. (Y/N) rested her head on his chest while letting out a long sigh. "I'm scared to fly."

Now it made sense to him. The little actions all made sense now and he had to cover up how mad he was at himself for not noticing; he was a superhero after all.

"Oh, love. Why didn't you just tell me?"

The girl shrugged in his arms. "I didn't want you to think I was stupid."

Peter shushed the girl gently and brought her towards him where he could press a chaste kiss to her forehead. "I would never think that. Planes can be scary. I'm even a little nervous."

(Y/N) sat up to look him in the eye. "Really?"

"Yeah, (Y/N). But there isn't anything to be afraid of. The pilots are all well trained and," he smirked, "this plane has its very own hero on board." The two laughed lightly, the air already feeling very different now that she confessed her fear. She was still nervous but she had Peter so there was no need to worry.

Just then, all of their friends returned from their snack run, Ned holding a large bag of goodies he planned to share with all of them. Ned and MJ looked down at (Y/N) who was being cradled in Peter's lap. "You good?"

She nodded, leaning over to kiss Peter's cheek.

More time passed before it was time to board. All the Midtown students collected their belongings, showed their tickets to the airline staff, and then walked onto the plane. Peter kept a firm grip on (Y/N)'s hand all the way until they got to their seats. She was placed in row D with MJ and Betty while Peter and Ned were assigned to row C just in front of the girls.

"I can go ask Mr. Harrington if I can switch with one of them, (Y/N). Don't worry." Peter was going to go and try to change his seat when (Y/N) stopped him.

"I'm okay," she assured him.

"Are you sure?" After how upset she just was, he didn't want to leave her alone when he could help it.

She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'm calm now. Plus, I know I have a superhero on the plane with me who won't let anything bad happen." Peter's cheeks blushed at the mention but he adored it nonetheless. He promised her that he would be just the seat ahead in case she needed him and all five of them took their seats.

(Y/N) was a little nervous once the plane started moving but she had her best friend to her right and her boyfriend in front of her with his arm poking through the seats to hold her hand so she felt calmer than she expected. Ten hours later, they would land in Europe where all of them would have the best times of their lives.

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