Spiderman // Countdown (Pt.1)

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Life for (Y/N) was extremely ordinary. She went to school, she ate dinner with her family, she did homework and then she went to bed where the process would repeat the next day. There was nothing exciting to make her giddy about the next day at school but she wanted more, she always wanted something more. And her dreams were finally about to be answered.

The timer on her skin ticked away, second by second, the number declined until all that would be left was four blue zeros. The soulmate timer on her wrist was always agony for her, the patience feeling like she was already fifty years old and waiting for that one special person. But today was finally the day; the clock read one hour, forty seven minutes and twelve seconds, and each second that number got lower.

Not wanting to make a big deal about it, she hid it from her mother but the sneaky woman caught her exposed wrist and announced to everyone that her little girl would be meeting her other half today. Though (Y/N) wanted it to remain a secret, inside she was bubbling with butterflies over that exact reason.

Being a hopeless romantic meant this day was going to be the best of her life. She dreamed of a hundred different places they could meet and a hundred different ways he'd tell her she was beautiful; she was even expecting to have her first kiss today. But with the limitless fantasy also came bitter reality, of which she would soon be aware.

The final class of the day proved to be the longest in history, the math lesson being taught was going in one ear and out the other where not a single formula or equation would stick. Today was pointless but it all led up to something wonderful.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the final bell rang and (Y/N) dashed out of the school. She did it out of sheer eagerness from being so close to her soulmate but also because she wanted to beat some of the traffic on the way to her favorite deli shop. The girl was certain Mr. Delmar would love to know about her timer.

Half an hour later and with a backpack full of her afternoon snack, (Y/N) made her way to her home. It was fairly close to the bodega but still a long enough walk that she hated living in a large city such as Queens.

Periodically she would glance down at her timer, hoping that in the ten seconds since she'd looked, five minutes would have passed instead. Sadly, time doesn't work that way and she was stuck groaning as the last three minutes and twenty two seconds would have to pass.

But it seemed things weren't that easy for her. As (Y/N) turned the corner into the shortcut to her apartment, she was met with an awful sight. In the middle of the alley stood a man with his gun pressed to an older man's head, obviously robbing the man of his money. She hoped that she could turn around unseen but the gasp her throat made alerted the man and the robber. She was caught.

"Where do you think you're going?" The robber didn't look like anything from a movie, right down to the missing ski mask, but the girl knew he still would kill her if she tried to run away again.

(Y/N)'s entire body shook, her heart racing and her lungs losing its air. For living in Queens she was pretty lucky when it came to never being robbed or even held at gunpoint like most people associate with this city. Apparently, all that luck had ran dry.

"I p-promise I won't tell anyone," she pleaded, throat shaking with fear. Never in her entire life had she been this scared.

The man's mouth curled in a devilish grin, yellow teeth on display as he shifted his target from the helpless man pressed against the wall to her. "No, I can't have any witnesses. Can't risk it."

With the gun aimed at her, (Y/N)'s blood ran cold. She was about to die and she hadn't even met her soulmate yet.

With a sudden flash in the corner of everyone's eyes, the gun in the robber's hand disappeared as it was swooped up into the air. Another flash came before something white stuck to the man's leg and was then pulled out from underneath him, sending him backwards onto his back. Three more flashes came and a giant quilt of webs stuck the robber to the ground.

Now that the man was taken down, the girl looked up to find Queen's own hero sitting on a balcony ledge. "That's no way to treat a lady, mister criminal." The voice was muffled by the mask covering his face but it definitely sounded like a kid. How old was this guy?

Spiderman flipped off the ledge, perfectly landing on his feet where the criminal had just been standing. He bent down to hand the man his bag back and as soon as he did, the old man took off running out of the alley.

"You're welcome!" Spiderman yelled to the man before grumbling something about never being thanked. The hero mumbled for a moment before realizing there was still someone there.

"Hey, are you alright, miss?" Spiderman walked towards her and she hadn't failed to hear the crack in his voice. Her first instinct was to find it adorable but then she wondered why she would think that after just almost dying.

She was still frozen in fear, her chest aching from how hard it pounded and with all the blood quickly moving throughout her body, she collapsed onto the hard concrete. Spiderman was there instantly to help her up and as soon as he held her arm, both of them felt a sharp pain on their wrist.

The shock drew them apart, each grabbing their arms to inspect the sudden pain. On her wrist sat her timer but the usual countdown she was used to had stopped. The numbers read 00:00 and were written in blue ink, the exact sign that she had met her soulmate.

She looked up at the hero though this time she was looking at him differently. He wasn't just the superhero that saved innocent people from criminals but instead was the man she was meant to spend the rest of her life with. He was the person who matched her better than any other human, someone who would be her other half and complete her. He was going to be the love of her life and he had just saved hers.


"I gotta go."

She was stopped dead in her tracks, unable to finish her sentence when the man spoke over her. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at him. Had to go? They had just found each other and the first thing he says to her is that he has to leave her.

"I'm sorry." With nothing else besides those two small sentences, the hero shot a web at the corner of the alley and was swiftly lifted off the ground to swing down the busy street, leaving her all alone. She had just met her soulmate-she counted the days, hours, seconds until they could meet-and he had left her.

Tears slipped out of her eyes as she finished her walk home feeling colder than ever in the chilly New York weather. This day was supposed to be the best of her life yet it felt like the worst. She had to go home now with the news that her soulmate didn't want her.

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